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Posts posted by PTS

  1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/06/28/the-political-genius-of-john-roberts/


    After Chief Justice Charles Evan Hughes deftly beat back Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s court-packing proposal, FDR said, with grudging admiration, that Hughes was the best politician in the country. “That was hardly the way Hughes would have chosen to be remembered,” writes James Simon in “FDR and Chief Justice Hughes,” “though there was much truth in the president’s remark.”


    I doubt Roberts wants to be known for his political skills, either. But in today’s decision, he showed that, like Hughes before him, he’s got those skills in spades.


    The decision today is being reported as 5-4, with Roberts voting with the liberals. Akhil Reid Amar, a constitutional scholar at Yale Law, sees it differently. “The decision was 4-1-4,” he said.




    Roberts is looking across the table at us now. He has to trust that the electorate and Congress will look at the cards and play correctly to win the hand and ultimately the game. He can’t signal us with a kick under the table or tap out a strategy with his pen or convey in any fashion what he meant by his play.


    Play now moves to us. He has given us clarity: Obama lies, taxes rise. Repeat that loudly.


    Two very interesting ways of looking at what Roberts did.

  2. OP represents a political ideology that will go no where. 2010 was a midterm and now is now.


    If people think that 10 and 12 will track 06 and 08 "just cause," they're mistaken. The hypothetical democratic candidate was conistently beating McCain (after he secured the nomination) by 5-7 points.


    That is not so this time around. Obama is trending up in battleground states. It sucks to watch. And people want to talk about the tea party! You think some signs showing people with funny mustaches and politicans in effigy carried around by a couple hundred thousand people wearing teabags like curtains around their head is going to adjust those trend lines?


    People need to realize that wearing stupid hats, and carrying around black powder muskets isn't gonna do anything but alientate the white, Toyota Sequoia driving women, in Sterling, VA.


    Romney can win if people don't make a big deal of this ACA issue and instead refocus their attention on their pockets and the shortcomings of this administration with respect to that. Economy. Economy. Economy.


    Romney can win if he presents a strong national defense character (which includes immigration awareness). Defense. Defense. Defense.


    ACA is subterfuge and the spinning of it is gonna lead to incoherence. At the end of the day it is just more media time to discuss reasons for the same end result - Obama won. It just means more instances of the dispositive issue not being addressed - the econonomy is hurting.


    The election is in 4 months.

    By your comments, I'm pretty sure you've never been to a Tea Party event. Or at least your impressions of them come from MSNBC.


    Obamacare is a big deal because it directly affects the economy.


    The Tea Party movement immediate goals will be to remove Obama and democrats from office this November but ultimately, the goal is to restore the republican Party.


    Neither party is good but one of them is flat out dangerous to the well being of our nation.

  3. Don't think so. I think it was pretty well-known Democrats were losing the house.


    Polls trending wrong way for Romney though. We'll see if this ruling has an effect. I'm sure he is hoping for a rough jobs report in July!

    Polls? Have we not learned anything?


    I'm not saying all conservatives do this but if I get a call from a pollster, I hang up. I don't have time for nonsense.

  4. Romney is just a white Obama, not any different at all

    Not really but I get your point. He's not the candidate of the Tea Party but he will get the full support of the Tea Party.


    Well, the Taxed Enough Party has been just as strong as always, substituting grassroot campaigning for rallies, but your point is true enough.


    First, those who dislike the mandate — which includes a majority of U.S. voters — will now have no recourse but to vote for Mitt Romney to repeal it.


    Second, the only way the administration prevailed was to have Obama’s main legislative accomplishment redefined as one of the largest middle-class tax increases in the history of the country.


    Does that really sound like a good political outcome to you?

    I didn't mean to imply the TEA Party wasn't strong just that many on the left want to believe that. The Tea Party was going to be a force come November regardless of today's SCOTUS decision.

  5. I'm not sure if Justice Roberts is a goat or hero?


    The winner today is the Tea Party. Some in the left thought the Tea Party has become irrelevant over the past six months.


    Well, watch this "irrelevant" movement swell to levels never seen before and Romney -- even though he's not our ideal candidate -- will benefit.


    You don't stir a hornet's nest that already stung you hard two years ago.

  6. Are the Russian hooligans the new British hooligans ?

    And to think the 2018 World Cup is scheduled for Russia.

    I think FIFA needs to re-evaluate that decision.

    But FIFA won't as they are a corrupt, inept organization IMHO.

    It's not just your opinion. Pretty much everyone that is not in the board of governors of FIFA thinks they are corrupt.


    It's a shame too.

  7. How come you guys hi jacked that word? Your ideology is anything but progressive. Progressive to me suggests improvement. New idea's and so on. Socialism and a all powerful centralized government that views its citizens as subjects is certainly nothing new. From this moment on please use Regressive instead. The Constitutional republic is still the freshest idea.

    Because they are masters at marketing to the uneducated or naive. Look who they got elected as President.

  8. Some great news. USA will host the 2016 Pan-American Cup featuring all 10 teams from South America and six best teams from North America. For now it's scheduled as a one-time only tournament but it will be hard not to continue it based on how much money both confederations will make from TV and tickets. According to previous rumors, ESPN has been pushing for a major tournament that involved the USMNT in between World Cup cycles.



  9. Actually, if you're placing a market order, it entirely holds up. There's no "But ScottTrade was showing a price of $38 on their web site when I placed the order!" exemption. If you don't like it, place limit orders. Or better yet: don't trade in fast markets through a company like ScottTrade - anyone who does that deserves their fate.


    And that includes cancelling the order, too. There's no guarantee that an order gets cancelled before it gets filled - or, for that matter, that you get a notice that the order was filled before you try to cancel it. That's not foul play. That's the risk you take trying to play a fast market through an online broker. If you don't understand that risk, you have no business trying to trade.

    I think you are missing the point. People placed an order on Friday, were notified it was cancelled and then were notified six days later the order did in fact go through. That would not be acceptable in 1912 let alone 2012.


    Looks like NASDAQ is already setting up a fund to deal with these claims but so far they only put in $13 million. Something tells me that won't suffice. For everyone's sake, hopefully FB's stock goes up.

  10. It was all on NASDAQ. I have friends at several brokerage houses that had to deal with calling customers like that. And no, it's not illegal. All clients have to agree to these things. It's all in the fine print.


    The worst I ever had it was when an ECN once gave us hard outs on a couple hundred open orders we had so we could manually cancel them on our side. 4 hours later, I got a message that a ton of 'orphaned' messages were hitting our servers. Yup, fills on all of those orders. The ECN wouldn't acknowledge they had given us the outs. Fortunately, after we ate the fills then flattened the position the P/L was basically a push (might have been a bit of a gain).


    Any system would have had this problem. NYSE is just as bad because it's the same system for the most part. If the stock was at $52, no one would be complaining about their delayed fill.

    Just because it's in the fine print doesn't mean it holds up in court. And whether the stock went up or down doesn't matter.


    There is a clear dereliction of duty by NASDAQ, Scottrade or both. It screams of foul play. Their systems failed and now they are trying to punish the little guy. Reading through comments from Scottrade users, it looks like all references to their Facebook trades were removed from their accounts so they can no longer see the details of their trade and cancellation requests. Why do that?


    It's one thing if the trade is delayed an hour or two and another if an investor believes their trade was cancelled only to get a call seven days later saying your original trade went through for $42 -- and oh by the way, sorry you took a 25% hit without even having the chance to sell or limit your losses.

  11. Heard on the radio FB was at $33. Hopefully dude didn't buy 10K worth on Friday.

    I'm that dude and thankfully I didn't! I had an order ready to go but as IPO kept getting delayed I backed out.


    Good thing because I heard some brokers were so overwhelmed that their investors didn't know if they had purchased the stock until later that day and in some cases up until yesterday. Scottrade was a joke. They were calling people yesterday telling them their purchase of the stock went through at $42 a share after their orders were cancelled on Friday. I don't know how that is legal? They basically gave investors a $32 stock but charged them $42.


    From what I heard in the news, NASDAQ had a huge hiccup and when it sent all the delayed confirmations to Scottrade, their system simply couldn't process the data because of conflicting buy/sell/cancel orders.


    If I'm Facebook, I'm leaving NASDAQ. Way too many issues that I'm sure had a lot to do with their stock having a terrible IPO.

  12. Careful, I noticed that GM pulling ads from fb


    Earlier news this year that Gap, J.C. Penney, Nordstrom and GameStop have all opened and closed shops on Facebook within the past year:

    Bloomberg report on fb closings


    Just FYI for due diligence.

    Thanks, I've been following the news for a while. As crazy as it sounds, my push to buy the stock has little to do with Facebook the company and a lot to do with the hype. I think a lot of people will buy because they think Facebook will be the next Google or Apple. Maybe some day but they've got a long way to go.


    As I mentioned, I plan to buy right away (if the price makes sense) and sell it right away when it spikes.

  13. So what is everyone's take on the big Facebook IPO? Right now it's anticipated to be at the $34-$38 range. Who knows what it will be once it gets to the general public.


    I recently made some money on the sale of my old home so I will be sinking in $10k. I was on the fence last year about getting in on LinkedIn when it came out and I'm sorry everyday I didn't.


    The IPO is tentatively scheduled for Friday. One of my good friends and former colleagues works for Adobe in NYC. They were notified today that Facebook might go up as early as tomorrow.


    My plan is to buy ASAP, sell it at it's initial spike and re-buy it when it comes back down to Earth. Assuming it follows that path.

  14. Fair enough. Maybe there's just not another player who really fits in the comparison, but everything with how Perreault was the first draft pick and the building block that the entire franchise was based on, that just can't be matched. I don't think anyone in this modern era of sports can ever be that kind of guy.

    I completely agree with what you said. There is and will only be one #11 in Sabres history. I believe that Danny would have surpassed all others including LaFontaine. He was a generational player that was beloved and I still harbor ill feelings toward the organization because of it. I -- like many others -- want to move on but every time Danny lights it up in the playoffs, it's like a dagger to the back.

  15. This generation's Gilbert Perreault? Seriously?

    Seriously. He was already the most popular player on the team. If he stayed and remained a Sabre for the rest of his career, I have no doubt he would have been this generation's Perreault. He loved Buffalo, did so much in the community and he was a superstar on the ice. I also have no doubt that the Sabres wouldn't have missed the playoffs as much as they did since he left. #48 would have been in the rafters the day he retired. So again, yes I'm serious.


    So in a moment of stupidity, you dump your hot girlfriend only to watch her immediatley hook up with your worst enemy, and now you root for your worst enemy because he's tapping her?


    NFW. I'd rather root for the Pats* than the Flyers.

    It's not like that at all. After the Flyers got smoked by the Sabres in the playoffs back in 2006, they hired Don Luce as director of player development from Buffalo and proceeded to model their team after those great Sabres post-lockout teams. The Flyers added skilled guys that were tough while the Sabres subtracted both skill and toughness. They'll lite you up on the scoreboard and they'll light you up physically.


    The Flyers have the team I wish we did.

  16. We live in a corrupt world that will only get worse as governments and world-governing bodies grow out of control.


    This is another example of why the UN is pointless and should be bounced from NYC ASAP. How much of our tax dollars go to this joke of an organization that does nothing? Isn't this the exact type of situation they should be stopping?

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