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Posts posted by PTS

  1. Sharing the wealth. Cool catchphrase!


    What kind of numbers would you like to see right now?




    That's a terrible way to run a business. You would think you would hire based off of sales numbers or increased demand...

    Obviously businesses with solid sales forecasts and demand are going to hire no matter what, but there are too many business that could hire now that simply won't because they want to know the direction the country is going in.


    Additionally, the real unemployment rate would be 10.6% if the workforce population was the same as it was the day Obama took over. What happened to that 2.7%? I'm sure only a tiny percentage of them are actually retired.

  2. Is this a joke? Good news for Obama? As a small business owner whose client base is 90% small businesses, I can tell you that the companies that are hiring -- which are still way too few -- are a bit more positive because they believe President Obama's time is up.


    If Obama wins re-election, those numbers won't change and I wouldn't be surprised if they go back into the 8s. If Romney wins, you'll see a surge of optimism. But I'm sure liberals will say it was Obama's policies that worked and Romney's going to benefit from them.


    Businesses hire based on their feelings about who is running (or going to run) government at federal, state and local levels. Ultimately, for small businesses, it's about the government staying out of the way.

  3. Here's a couple of other things you may not have known (that I think)... :nana:


    1. The election polls number were massaged for months to make it seem like this was a race Obama was winning.


    2. As the end nears, the sampling of the polls has to balance out to save face if Romney "somehow" won in November. So Romney was going to gain poll numbers no matter what but his perfect debate performance only exacerbated the trend in his direction and now it's a runaway train independents are jumping on that Team Obama can't stop.


    3. FL, NC, VA, MS and CO are red again. OH, NV, IA, NH and now PA are toss ups. A few more traditional blue states (WI, MN and MI) that very likely could change hands as well, especially if there are more Obama blunders.


    4. If I had to guess today, I'd say 305-233 for Romney. Obama wins HI, CA, OR, WA, NV and NM out west; MN, WI, MI and IL in the central states (barely winning the first three). DC, MD, DE, NJ, NY, VT, CT, MA and ME in the northeast. Romney's winning share will include NH, PA, OH and IA.


    5. My guess is that more states will fall into the red corner (WI, NV) making the closest election ever anything but.

  4. i used to be really, REALLY into this line of thinking.


    i would open up a map of america in microsoft paint, and put a star where every nfl team was, then draw different colored circles around teams that should be in the same division, based on a US atlas of how far each city was from each other, in actual miles.


    but now, im going in the exact opposite direction--the nfl needs to have NO divisions-in my opinion.


    basically, expand the league by 2 more teams, both in LA.


    in the American Football Conference are 17 teams, in the National Football Conference, there are 17 teams.


    You play every team in your conference once a year--rotating homefield advantage on a yearly basis.


    top 6 make the playoffs (i have always loved that the NFL is the only sport where teams get a bye.)


    This way, everyone has the same schedule, and the Super Bowl becomes a unique event where the two teams that are playing NEVER face each other.

    Love it, probably because I love European "football" and that's how they do things. Everyone plays everyone.


    I'd say let AFC vs NFC games take place in the pre-season and then the Superbowl.


    That said, it will never happen.

  5. 9-7 or 8-8 will win the division this year. Pats have too many holes. Jets are tough on defense but will self destruct, Bills are thin at CB and no QB. Fins are tough on defense and can run but no QB. We all play the NFC West and they are looking tough as AZ, Seattle and SF make major upgrades. Long year but we might sneak in.

    Don't get my wrong, I'm not saying Fitz is the best we can have, but the dude is leading the NFL in touchdowns. I think saying we have no QB is a huge embellishment.


    He got rattled early against the Jets. Had he not, we might be 3-0 right now. He recovered well and I think his performances should trend upward going forward.

  6. I posted on Facebook a second after Obama spoke that I felt like he "mailed it in". To me it seemed like he was going through the motions. Like he knows the ride is coming to an end. I got blasted by some of my liberal friends but within 30 minutes pundits on both sides were saying the same thing: Obama mailed it in.


    If I give our President credit for anything it's that he can deliver a phenomenal speech. What I heard last night was empty, void of substance and well below his level of delivery.


    This election will be a landslide for Romney. I don't care what the polls say.

  7. What? GM is going down the tubes again? No way, Obama saved it, right?




    President Obama is proud of his bailout of General Motors. That’s good, because, if he wins a second term, he is probably going to have to bail GM out again. The company is once again losing market share, and it seems unable to develop products that are truly competitive in the U.S. market.



    Right now, the federal government owns 500,000,000 shares of GM, or about 26% of the company. It would need to get about $53.00/share for these to break even on the bailout, but the stock closed at only $20.21/share on Tuesday. This left the government holding $10.1 billion worth of stock, and sitting on an unrealized loss of $16.4 billion.

  8. It took about 75 years but the USMNT finally got their big win in Mexico City last night at Azteca. Michael Orozco-Fiscal tapped in the winner in the 80th minute after a great run by Brek Shea and nice backheel by Terrance Boyd.




    It was a friendly game but it was a huge monkey off their back and they did it without the likes of Dempsey, Altidore and Bradley. US started five of their "regular" starters from the last WC qualifier in June while Mexico started eight of their "regular" starters.


    The other story of the game was the great play at CB by Geoff Cameron who was recently signed by Stoke City in the EPL. He did a marvelous job in shutting down Chicharito.


    Next Four WC Qualifiers:


    9/7 @ Jamaica

    9/11 vs. Jamaica

    10/12 @ Antiqua & Barbuda

    10/16 vs. Guatemala

  9. I went to St. Francis High School in Athol Springs and had a blast. Most of my best memories were sports related. In my time there, my hockey and soccer teams each won three out of four championships.


    My best memory came in my senior year when I scored a golden goal to win our soccer championship with less than one minute left in overtime. Took a throw in from the sideline, chested it down and fire a shot from just outside the far left corner of the 18-yard box. As soon as I hit it, I knew. Seconds later my teammates and classmates were storming the field at me.


    I have a VHS tape of the goal. Channel Four was there that night and did a story on the game. I've been meaning to get it converted into a digitial format before it goes bad.


    That said I'm going to tell you what I tell everyone I know that goes to high school. Don't get too caught up in it. High school makes some kids feel like every little thing is life or death. It's not. The best part of your life comes after high school. Don't be stupid, choose your friends wisely and put in honest work because it will make what comes next in life much easier.

  10. Fred Jackson to me was a shoe-in to be an MVP candidate last year if not for his injury. He constantly gets overlooked by the outside media and sometimes even by Bills fans. It's a joke he's not in the top 50, let alone top 100 players.


    If you look at his position on a "what can you do for me this season" basis, I'm not sure I'd be able to find 2-3 better RBs.

  11. I worked at Wegmans from my junior year of high school until last may when I got my first real job post college. Hated the place with a fiery passion for the nearly 7 years I worked there. Now as a civilian, I see what everybody else does as far as the shopping experience. And you can't beat their subs. Soooo good.

    I moved to Charlotte last year and the number requested store in the area is Wegmans. No surprise since it seems like one out of every 10 people here are originally from Buffalo.


    I literally have 10 grocery stores within two square miles of my community. None of them compare to Wegmans. That said a Publix is coming this fall just one mile away. Excited to see what they're all about.


    The movie is by Dinesh D'Souza and it looks like it will be a hit.


    I'm just glad that we might finally get some insight into the guy we elected (not me) as the most powerful man in the world.


    We know Mitt Romney bullied some kid in preschool but Obama's entire history from birth to politics is a complete mystery.


    I was shocked a few months ago when I heard Obama talk about a sister. I had no idea he had one. He also has a half-brother that lives in the slums of Kenya.


    Interesting quote from this review of the movie: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/07/controversial-obama-documentary-is-a-hit-in-texas/


    Obama has only met his half-brother twice, once when George was 5 or 6 years old and again when Obama visited Kenya in 2006. But even with his powerful family ties, George Obama said he isn’t looking to his half-brother for help.


    We got the wrong Obama!

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