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Posts posted by Sound_n_Fury

  1. Mario Williams measures up well to Julius Peppers:  he's 6-7, 285 and is very quick.  They say he also has around 6% body fat, so he's a big athlete, much like Peppers was coming out of North Carolina.  Not to mention, the guy gets it done on the field as well, as he's a feared pass rusher who is also no slouch against the run.



    Sounds good. I'll have to do some research on him.


    And I agree with you about the need to upgrade the DE position. Kelsay's not getting it done and our SS blitz packages didn't work all season. Having a pressure defense could go a long way to helping this team turn around quickly.


    I wasn't too impressed with that DE from Penn State last night, so I look forward to checking out Williams some more.

  2. That sounds like a wishy-washy way to approach a problem...


    No b*lls, no glory.



    Sounds reasonable to me, unless you've got a superstar GM candidate sitting on the shelf somewhere who'd want to work in Buffalo.

  3. To prevent stuff like the first report. Get the facts first...then release the information to the families and media.



    Agreed. It sounds like the Governor jumped the gun in releasing the initial PR, trying to look good:


    "All of a sudden we heard the families in a euphoric state, and all the shouting and screaming and joyfulness, and I asked my detachments, I said, 'Do you know what's happening?' Because we were wired in and we didn't know," Manchin said.

  4. Yes Ralpie does pay out some cash for signing bonuses etc but he gets a huge load from the Network TV contracts every year!!  He's not losing money!


    As for Marv, do you honestly think that Marv (at his age) would be able to take on the duties of an every day NFL GM?  I don't and I think he will be in Buffalo only to oversee things not to be the GM.  An every day GM has 12 to 16 hour days at times and I don't see any 77 year old being able to take on those duties (unless his last name is Kent - as in Clark).



    Why do you keep saying "everyday GM?" That's not how the position is going to be structured. Think "Team President" not GM in the traditional Polian/Butler mode.

  5. remember History repeats itself



    Yep. So let's hold off on enshrining Saban and see what he does next year with a tougher schedule / higher expectations. He might pull a MM and there goes your whole argument... :pirate:


    And Marv's "everyday duties" will be to ensure that his management team works together...not so taxing, IMO.

  6. Who says there has to be a consensus? Do you think that men such as Krumrie or McNally were in favor of drafting Parrish?

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I am thinking that the GM (or perhaps a meddling owner) has the final say on draft day.



    I'm thinking that the HC, the GM and the player perssonel guy have to be on the same page, with the position coaches making the case for the guys they want. That's how it worked in the Polian/Butler era and appears to have not been the case in the TD era.

  7. OK OK OK Settle down folks  ( I do like the AARP stadium idea), This might not be too bad, Marv is not going to run the football operations he is going to be Ralphs eyes and ears, he is the guy Ralph trust, and knows will give him the straight poop.  Marv will help Modrak and Mularky in selcting new coaches, free agents and retention of some current Bills.  Modrak is going to run the player side, Overdorf is going to run the cap, Brandon is going to run the "business",  Mularky is going to coach and Marv will provide the glue or denture grip if you will. 



    Exactly. The big key is Modrak, not Marv. Marv will make sure the trains run on time and Modrak will, hopefully, repeat the success he had in Philly in building the team through the draft.

  8. and now he is going to run the draft in 3 months? Ouch.



    How is Marv "running the draft," other than to make sure all the work gets done and consensus is reached between the coaching and scouting departments on the guys they're targeting?

  9. I wouldn't sweat it. It appears that Marv will be functioning as team president, although after TD, I doubt Ralph will ever give that title out again. I don't see it as a negative for Modrak either, who I don't believe has ever had responsibilities on the administrative/business side and prefers handling the player personnel role.

  10. He's been more explosive in other games. He has drawn a couple flags and registered a couple pressures but hasn't been as disruptive as he's been earlier in the season.

    The hesitation could be a couple things; hasn't played in a while and is still finding his legs, FSU did stall him out with the count a couple times, but I'd guess that most of it is the PSU staff told him to expect a lot of screens tonight and he's trying to stay in as many plays as he can. The 'Noles have also run almost their entire offense away from him so he's not getting near the ball much.

    If he makes a couple big plays in the 2nd half it won't be the first time he's turned a tight game late.




    He's certainly being accounted for in the FSU game plan. He's having a pretty good game, but nothing that screams Top 5 pick [yet].


    His dad is more attractive than Brady Quinn's sister, however....

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