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Posts posted by loadofmularkey

  1. NOT LOOKING GOOD FOR BUFFALO RIGHT NOW. They better get their act together.


    If heading into the All-Star break getting five out of a possible eight points is a slump, I guess I'll take it.


    I know they all haven't been pretty lately but it's a long season LSI. Chill out captain.


    By the way, exactly one year ago this weekend the Sabres dropped an ugly 4-1 game to Calgary capping off a stretch that saw them lose four of six games. Remember how much that mattered in May?

  2. I noticed that you didn't mention what these four former did provide and that is some Super Bowl appearances. It's much easier to accept the bad with the good, I'm just wondering where the good is with MaGahee.


    I think that was the point of the post. We tend to ignore the off-field escapades of the players we like.

  3. I like how, a few weeks ago, when it was pushing 70 in the Northeast people were screaming about global warming. Now that it's 20 degrees I'm confused.


    Weirdly enough, on this date in 1951, it was 60 degrees in the city of Boston. I wonder if global warming was to blame.

  4. To all the people who want Willis out of town, did you also want the guys who formed the core of the 1990s teams gone too?


    Jim Kelly-Claimed to have cried when the Bills drafted him, had run-ins in bars (One example:the time he trew a drink at a woman), didn't originally sign with the team, complained in public to the media about his RT after a 1989 injury, his 1st child was born prior to his marriage.


    Bruce Smith-Suspended 4 games in 1988 for drug violation (presumed to be cocaine), fell asleep in his car because of "sleep apnea", almost never participated in any voluntary drills & did his best to avoid camp whenever possible, signed with Denver forcing the Bills to match that contract or lose him.


    Darryl Talley-Arrested for DWI while a Bill (I heard that the cop was going to let him go, but when the cop told him he would help get Darryl home, Darryl replied that instead he wanted to go to the policeman's house and have sex with the cop's wife, the cop then arrested him)


    Corneilius Bennett-Convicted of forceable sex with a woman after he left the Bills.


    Eric Moulds-Numerous children, allegedly attacked girlfriend including lifting her by the neck in the 1990s.


    and of course, a Bill from an earlier era: O.J. Simpson-did cocaine numerous times while an active member of the team and you all know what happened later.


    So, before you demand that Willis be banished because he isn't high enough character for Marv & the Bills, you better look at what the Bills have accepted in the past. The character Marv is looking for is in the lockerroom & on the field. Under your character standards, we wouldn't have fielded a competitive team in the 1990s. Players like Reich, Kelso & Tasker are the exception, not the rule.


    But...but...Willis sucks!

  5. "After the parents sent a letter to the Krafts last week, team president Jonathan Kraft called to apologize. He shipped a package that included an autographed football, a sweat shirt, and a Tom Brady jersey."


    Holy sh--, if this happened to my kid at a Bills game and this is what Marv and Ralph did, I'd tell them to shove their !@#$ing memorabilia up their asses! The kid's BACK was broken!


    That's what I couldn't believe. If I'm the parents, my thought process isn't exactly, "Well Jimmy got a Tom Brady jersey out of it so I think we're all pretty happy with that."


    If I'm the parents, I'm looking for serious action to be taken. It's completely unacceptable for someone to get so wasted that they inexplicably end up crushing my kid.


    I love this part:


    Of the identity, James said, "It's not something we have." The seats, he said, weren't season tickets, and when I asked why the team wasn't matching them to credit card records, he replied, "I could ask."


    Good idea. If the only retribution to come out of this is some POS Patsies crap (a sweatshirt? really??) the Krafts should be embarrased.

  6. This is unbelievably pathetic.




    Roughing the spectator

    By Brian McGrory, Globe Columnist | January 19, 2007


    Ends up, the most serious injury in the Patriots phenomenal playoff run hasn't been sustained by a player, but by a boy in the stands.


    And from the way it happened to the way it was handled, the incident is an unmitigated disgrace.


    We'll take it from the beginning. A Cohasset father named Jay successfully bid at an auction on four tickets for the Jan. 7 playoff game against the Jets. The family has already gone through enough grief for one season, so I'll leave their last name out.


    On game day, Jay, his wife Mary Jo, their 10-year-old son Charlie, and their 7-year-old daughter Sara got to Foxborough early to take in the sights.


    When the game started, the guys in the row behind them were getting out of hand. At one point in the second quarter, one of them fell onto Mary Jo. Jay blocked the fall and told the guys to knock it off.


    Flash ahead to the fourth quarter. The Patriots were moving down the field when Mary Jo and Jay heard Charlie let out a scream.


    They looked over and saw a 200-pound man from the row behind them sprawled on top of their son. Jay pulled him off. Charlie remained jammed in his seat, his face by his knees.


    "We're trying to assess what's wrong with Charlie, and people are screaming at us to sit down," Mary Jo recalled this week. "I stood up and called to the police for help."


    A police officer beckoned them to come into the aisle, but Charlie couldn't move. People yelled at them to sit down. Charlie cried in agony.


    "My husband was asking the officer to look at our son and see how hurt he was and get some help," Mary Jo said. "The officer kept saying, 'Get your son and come out.' And they weren't saying anything to the guys."


    Charlie eventually stood up and, doubled over, hobbled to the concourse. Paramedics were finally summoned, put Charlie in a brace and on a backboard, and rushed him to South Shore Hospital. Meantime, Jay kept pressing cops, security officials, and a man who said he was a stadium insurance representative, to get the guys in the row behind him. No one did.


    Charlie was diagnosed with compression breaks of two vertebrae, and ordered to wear a hard vest that prevents him from moving his chin and neck for the next 10 weeks. It's brutal.


    He's a polite, athletic kid who speaks in full sentences, and remains an adamant fan.


    "It's very annoying," Charlie said. "We got a new pool table, and I can't play. I can't play any sports. I can't go to school."


    After the parents sent a letter to the Krafts last week, team president Jonathan Kraft called to apologize. He shipped a package that included an autographed football, a sweat shirt, and a Tom Brady jersey.


    It was appreciated, but what the parents wanted was a name. By yesterday, they had received no progress report in the promised investigation, mostly because there was no progress, and there doesn't seem to be an investigation.


    Team spokesman Stacey James said that since Foxborough police were the first to respond, it was a police issue.


    Of the identity, James said, "It's not something we have." The seats, he said, weren't season tickets, and when I asked why the team wasn't matching them to credit card records, he replied, "I could ask."


    Foxborough Police Chief Edward O'Leary said he had neither a report nor an identity, though he planned to talk to the officers.


    The parents are, how to put this, frustrated. "We want this guy to know what he did to Charlie and at the very least to apologize," Jay said.


    A 10-year-old boy went to a playoff game thinking it was going to be one of the best days of his life. He left in an ambulance with a broken back caused by some unsteady -- read, drunken -- fan. And the parents have been left on their own.


    The Patriots, the Krafts, the fans are better than this.

  7. Can someone remind me when it starts up again. Was supposed to be this month, but Gandolfini got hurt.


    According to Wikipedia, it's supposed to start up again on Sunday April 8th. The first episode is titled "A Few Kind Words".




    Anyway, I agree, last season was absolutely brutal. I defended the show during Seasons 4 & 5 when the violence and action of the first three was scaled back, but last season...oh man...there were so few memorable moments I'm having a hard time even remembering what happened. Except for Tony's coma dream of course.


    I can live without the violence as long as there is a compelling story and plotline, but that wasn't even the case last year. I really hope they were just "setting the table" for a great final eight episodes. It would be a shame to see the greatest TV drama of all-time go out with a whimper.


    As far as Seinfeld's finale goes, I remember reading once that Larry David, upon retrospect, wishes today that he had written it differently. I'll try to find a link...and speaking of Larry David, production on a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm began last October. So new episodes of that should be starting soon as well.

  8. I can't believe anyone's defending Shawn Merriman. The guy's a cheater, a classless junkie and a total arsehole. He DESERVES to be mocked. He acts like an epileptic retard after making a tackle.


    What I can't believe is how long this thread about classlessness has gone on without someone mentioning that it's creator wished death upon the Bills' owner a few short weeks ago and casually tosses out verbiage such as "retard".

  9. Here's a thought....what if they just broadcasted the game?


    I think that's been tried before. I can't remember which network did it, but I know there was a football game with no announcers not too long ago. It didn't go well. You need something, no matter how brutal the announcers may be. Besides, what would everybody B word about??

  10. Complete disgrace...and a reflection of how mediocre the NFL really is.


    But of course, most here will just suck the ass of the NFL because they worship the damn ground it walks on.


    The NFL, yes, a league driven bu gambling, steroids, beer, tailgating, more illegal drugs and fantasy football. A league who's product is getting worse every year.


    But dont put it down....because I have Chad Johnson in my 5th Fantasy Football team!! What a joke


    But oh baseball sucks because the Yankees buy players, but every year now lately there are different World Series Champions.


    The Pats will win their 4th Super Bowl in what, 7 years in the watered down NFL??? Yeah, parity is great! :thumbsup:


    Keep fooling yourself and watch these games believing the New England will lose...they wont, the Tin Man will choke and ho hum, New England wins again...


    Bills will NEVER EVER win anything, I PROMISE you that....COMPLETE LOST CAUSE...


    NFL fans are getting more obnoxious every year too...who loves going to games and sitting around stupid ass drunks who make fools of themselves????


    Bye Bye NFL


    Really? Bye Bye NFL? I'll be curious to see if you stick with this just like all the Sabres fans who vowed never to attend another game after the lockout.


    The reason the Chargers lost today has nothing to do with parity or the supposed mediocrity of the league. It has to do with the fact that San Diego took several undisciplined penalties at inopportune times...and that fumble after the interception in the 4th quarter didn't help either. The Chargers were sloppy and undisciplined today. Anytime Brady throws 3 picks and Tomlinson runs for 100 yards and a couple of scores, San Diego should win. They didn't. It has nothing to do with the league.


    If the Patriots will beat the Colts next week (which I believe they will) either the Saints or Bears are no match for them in the Super Bowl. That would make four Super Bowls in six years.


    What a mediocre league.

  11. This game has been painful to watch and not just because of the lack of touchdowns. Gumbel and Dierdorf have been absolutely brutal. Gumbel has gotten several calls wrong, including a catch by Harrison that he thought Manning threw away. Dierdorf has referred to about 53 different things as "special". (e.g., that is a "special, special catch).


    I tried to sync up my Tivo with the radio but gave up...

  12. March 2, Friday

    Free Agency period begins (see p. 96 for explanation of free agent categories).

    Trading period begins for 2007



    At TSW, also known as, "Why haven't we signed anybody yet? We're doomed!/Get off your ass Marv and do something!/Look at those names the Redskins are signing. Why can't we have a GM like that?" day.

  13. Personally, I think Darien Lake is an overpriced joke and I has hoping that somehow it would be bought by the company that operates Cedar Point and other parks. Other than a couple of new waterslides, what has been upgraded in the last several years?


    No idea, like I said I haven't been there since '99 I think. The last major thing I can remember them putting in there is the Superman ride. Has there been anything else since then?

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