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Posts posted by loadofmularkey

  1. That was almost unwatchable. It could have been very exciting - but there were moments of dead air, players just standing around, and boring commentary. This is where the NHL needs to put on a SHOW and not just something akin to events at a trackmeet.


    I don't know if it was because I was younger or because it used to be on ESPN, but I always remembered the past skills competitions as a cool, entertaining thing. Last night's presentation was terrible. Emrick got the score wrong several times, we had to wait nearly 15 minutes between the first and second competitions (and it was obvious Vs. was not prepared to fill), the production was off, and the four of them (Emrick, Messier, Clement, and Olyczk) were doing a lot of talking over each other and were suprisingly unpolished. I know they weren't exactly covering the Super Bowl, but still. I was totally unimpressed with Vs. last night but I'm not sure why that's a shock...

  2. Again, I asked this question 150 times last night and got no good answers to it:


    What the hell does this have to do with the Bills? Does it somehow validate the team that choked the chicken 4 years in a row? Does it make this current team that hasn't made the PLAYOFFS in seven seasons any better?


    Before we start gloating, howsabout we MAKE IT to the playoffs for a change?


    JSP, I think it's pretty comparable to the 2004 ALCS.


    Yankee haters everywhere--even if they weren't Red Sox fans--were feeling the love the morning after because the big, bad Yanks finally crashed and burned like they never had before. And to make it even sweeter, it happened at the hands of their annual whipping boys. Just like yesterday.


    What should we, as Bills fans, be feeling today? Constant misery and reflection because our team didn't make the playoffs? Why can't we participate in another team's schadenfreude for a few days?

  3. WHATEVER! Most on this board were happy to label them as OVER RATED and we got all the mileage out of them as almost every player we have who leaves is labeled as such.


    I won't argue that there were some who thought Ruben was overrated and maybe didn't deserve an annual trip to Hawaii...but who ever thought that Big Pat or Winfield was overrated? :thumbsup:

  4. Per Fox Sports


    an offer was made and accepted.


    looks like Grimm isnt the guy. this whole thing went down so weird. the guys on sportscenter last night were literally saying "we got news for you, mike tomlin, youre getting a new job."


    they knew before he did?!?!?


    I believe it will ultimately be Tomlin, but that's pretty poor wording by Fox Sports.


    "It's official: Tomlin is Steelers' new coach


    The Steelers have finally informed Vikings defensive coordinator Mike Tomlin that they have in fact chosen him as their next head coach, FOXSports.com has learned."


    Huh. So it's still not technically official.

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