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Posts posted by loadofmularkey

  1. So far, the best thing I've seen during a commercial break has not been a commercial, but the Late Show promo with Dave in a Peyton Manning jersey...and Oprah in an orange Urlacher jersey, with Dave's arm around her.


    "Honey, don't talk with your mouth full." :D


    Agree. Hands-down the best ad (promo) of the night.

  2. I have to agree with Simon. I lost alot of, if not all, respect for him when he went to Miami. He could of went anywheres else and I would be thrilled to see him in the Hall. When he tried to stick it to Ralph he overlooked that he was also sticking it to us the fans. My enthusiasm today has been toned way down for such a big honor.


    Are you rays of sunshine buoyed at all by the fact that the Miami Dolphins were brought up approximately zero times during Thurman's speech today?


    I believe going to Miami is a move that Thurman now regrets. He was obviously frustrated and hurt at the time (as were Bruce and Andre...that was not an easy day) and was looking for a quick way to slap Butler and the rest of the Buffalo front office across the face. He didn't have to come back and sign that symbolic one-day contract so he could "retire" as a member of the Bills. But he did, and so did Andre (it bears noting that Bruce did not).


    Thurman's name proudly sits front and center on the Bills' Wall of Fame, and now his bust will be enshrined in Canton's Hall alongside Kelly and Levy and I couldn't be happier to see both Thurman, and those great teams, honored like this.

  3. The 200 foot tall glass embodied structure that is planned as the new downtown Buffalo courthouse has been allocated in the new budget. It is the #1 construction priority for US courthouses and construction is now virtually guaranteed to begin in the next year.




    Artist's rendering in Buffalo News = Aint never gonna happen


    I know the funding is there and it's the "#1 construction priority for courthouses", but I don't know how or why it won't get built...all I know is that the artist's sketch in the paper is the absolute kiss of death for prospective projects/buildings/structures in WNY.

  4. Does it bother you that the term "jumped the shark" actually jumped the shark 7.3 years ago, or will you continue to use it?


    No, I'll keep using it...but only when I'm talking to a girl at a bar, or maybe during a job interview.


    I still can't believe that lucky bastard Jon Hein sold that website to TV Guide for over a million bucks last year.

  5. Listen, I would love to see some of the defunct teams like Quebec, Hartford, and Winnipeg make a return to the NHL...and I know people have a hard time dealing with the fact there are teams in the South/SouthWest...but you know what folks...we can sit here and B word about it all day...but it will not change anything.


    IMO there are many reasons why it is so difficult to sell hockey in non-traditional hockey markets. Here are some reasons I believe it is harder now then ever:


    1. National Sports Media/Talk Shows- Let's run down a small list of the major shows around the country and comment on that person(s) interest in the NHL:


    A. Mike and Mike- Greenburg will look for any reason to trash the NHL, I am not sure if Golic even knows 10 current NHL players.


    B. Colin Cowherd (aka Cownerd)- Hates hockey, this holier then thou host think his opinion makes the sports world go around. Memo to Colin: It does'nt.


    C. Dan Patrick- I do not recall in my limited time listening to Dan hearing his comments about the NHL...and I doubt Dan is reall interested in talking about Crosby or Ovechkin.


    So let's face it: If these boneheads are not talking about the NHL, and so many sports fans listen to these guys and are greatly influenced by what they say....do you think some guy in Georgia is going to really take interest in the NHL if he does not hear about it?


    What if he did?? Would it change things? I bet it would...


    Before the sports radio explosion, there were teams around the NFL in 'non traditional' NFL cities that struggled with attendence, etc...now look at them...Seattle...Atlanta...etc...they are doing great right now. Granted winning changes things...but I believe the influence of sports media has greatly impacted the boom of the NFL in places where it struggled.


    I agree 100%. ESPN tells us both directly (e.g., Cowherd and company) and indirectly (lack of coverage on SC) that hockey sucks and "nobody" cares about it, and the country believes it. Talk about Pavlonian.


    There are so many people who have never even been to a game who routinely send hilarious e-mails to people like Jim Rome and Colin Cowherd (as soon as a hockey-bashing segment is over) that say things like, "The lockout's over?" and "What is this hockey you speak of?" and "Jim, we'll be watching the All-Star Game tonight. Signed, crickets"


    I know there's more to it than this, but if the national media threw the NHL a bone every once in a while the way it does the NFL and NBA, you'd probably see people's perspectives about hockey change.

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