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Posts posted by cgang

  1. good luck guys. this board sucks. won't be back anytime soon. have fun arguing mute points.


    Considering how you basically got pwned, I would not expect anything less.


    And by the way, it is "moot," not "mute." (not to argue any moot points or anything...). Good luck!

  2. Wow, so Titan's owner flips off the Bills. That's like a tortoise flipping off a turtle after passing him down the highway.


    A comment from a Titan's fan that I agree with:


    "Until the Titans actually win something, its unclear what Bud Adams is proving. Other than the obvious, which is money and class are often mutually exclusive or that even the richest man in Tennessee is still white trash. For goodness sakes, Bud, you beat the Bills."

  3. That quote is bad. This quote from Trent is tiring:


    “Looking at it on film it’s just little things and that’s what has kind of been the theme of the past couple of games. We’ve got to fix those things and try to take care of it on third down and try to keep our defense off the field.”'


    Really, Trent? The last couple of games? All the press needs to do is take whatever quotes they got from you or your teammates last year and insert them into the columns for this year. The press has the easiest job on the planet covering the Bills... nothing ever changes. except, of course, the no huddle this year. Just insert the quote, update the article about the Bills downward trend, add some more "Fire Dick" lines and speculations on new coaching staff and front office changes, and boom! You've got a story that you can use and resuse over and over again.

  4. Thanks man. I'm glad to see a number of us agree. I do not make a trip to Buffalo without the obligatory 3 hour stop at the Bar Bill for weck, wings, and multiple pitchers.


    Absolutely agree. The good news for me is that I am going to EA in two weeks for reunion weekend! We hit the Bill every night that we are home for the holidays or events like this. And we always get the weck and wings each night. If I still lived in EA, I would be about 300 pounds by now.

  5. On ESPN Mel Kiper has said the Bills had the best draft. :rolleyes:



    He is online right now (chat on espn.com) and had this to say:


    James ( Avalon NJ ): If the season were to start tomarrow what team drafted the largest group of instant impact players?


    Mel Kiper: (12:17 PM ET ) I think the Green Bay Packers have five guys who could be starters. I think the Buffalo Bills did a good job. They didn't get the OT, but they got a lot of guys that could make an impact and play. I think the Bears, for not having a first day pick did a good job. I really like Jarron Gilbert, DJ Moore, Johnny Knox. I think the Bears for getting out of the first day did a pretty good job overall.

  6. I am happy that there is some resolution to this so that the Bills can move on and not deal with a holdout. I am disappointed in the compensation package given the importance of Peter's position and his skill level, but then again I didn't have to negotiate it. Peters showed no heart at all in this long ordeal and I think it really hurt efforts to get more for him.


    At least it's all been done before the draft. What we do with those picks will be a big factor in judging whether this trade was a good one.

  7. QUOTE (damj @ Jan 9 2009, 08:20 AM)

    Exactly ... Read Pierre Burton's Book "Niagara" ... though it's written more about the canadian side, it shows how we developed more on the industrial side and canada focused more on tourism.


    Now that the industry dried up, we need to take stock of what is left and redevelop for tourism. Unfortunately, the (unelected) powers that be that run the city and the out-of-state land developers sitting on prime property waiting to make a killing if non-indian gambling ever happens have killed any chance to capitalize on anything. For crying out loud, the poor guy who used to own the ice cream shop by the Rainbow Bridge had to fought the city for years to build a hot dog stand.


    A stadium in Niagara Falls, while it would be GREAT, will NEVER happen.


    thats why it needs to be east of the city on the REZ. OF COURSE NF could never handle a project like that in the city.As you say only NF NY could turn one of the worlds biggest tourist attractions into a bombed out slum.


    I know this is completely off topic, but thanks for the book reference. When my wife and I come home to WNY to visit my mom, we often go to Niagara on the Lake and some of the vineyards around there (there is a cool English pub that we always eat at- great food, can't remember the name). It is like night and day compared to the U.S. side and we always wonder- why? I think the area, like a lot of WNY, has a ton of potential that just hasn't been tapped- the area just seems to have taken a severe pounding over the heavy industrial "boom" years.

  8. If true, this extension thing sucks beyond measure. I think Ralph is too old to want to go through a new head coach and front office makeover. We're stuck with what we have for the rest of time Ralph owns the team. And then who knows what we'll have (if anything) after that. . .


    So I guess we should all get used to the idea of Jauron et al. being here for the next 3 yrs. The Bills could lose out the rest of their games and I still believe we would have Jauron as HC.

  9. Of all the heart-breaking losses the Bills have suffered through the years, this one ranks right up there for me at the top with the Super Bowl loss to the Giants.


    I agree. I was 10 years old at the time and crying like a little b@!ch when we lost. From the fog of my childhood, I remember being more pissed at the defense in that game. And I remember the feeling of dread when Fergy's injury got worse- it seemed like the game was really tight as it went on and could go either way. Ironically, the Chargers game was really the start of me being hooked as a Bills fan. When we missed the FG to the Giants, I immediately started thinking of the Chargers game.


    God I hope we win the SB soon. We've had a lot of things to cheer about since 1980 but so many big letdowns too.

  10. I'm not one to anoint TE as the next Jim Kelly, but I prefer to look at his efficiency this season when judging offensive effectiveness- 25 for 30, a 114 passer rating this game and in the top 5 for the season, NO INTERCEPTIONS this week (unlike Rivers' 3 pics, one a very bad one at the Bills' 9), only 2 pics total for the season, and a good field general with a good command of the offense.


    An intangible- I think someone from San Diego said that they were getting frustrated by TE as he kept completing throw after throw. That's pretty demoralizing and I credit TE and some great hands by Evans and others for that.


    He is in his second year and if you look at his numbers on a game by game basis he is trending somewhat up (he had a great game at Jacksonville and, of course, was in la la land at Arizona). He is improving as opposed to being flat or regressing. That's pretty impressive if you look at it from a realistic view. It's ok to be a little negative and wanting more, but as for me, I am satisfied with the way he has played thus far.


    On the other hand, the part of the game I would like to see improved is rushing yardage.

  11. The HP would be used heavily if the cooler was filled with ice and liquid plus a person sitting on top of it.


    There is absolutely no clearance underneath it whatsoever.  Don't dare drive it on anything except perfectly level pavement.




    The HP probably got a great work out at the attached conference. Talk about low clearance-- http://www.cruzincooler.com/sturgis/sturgis05.htm (scroll down half way and see how strong the HP is on these babies).

  12. I'm constantly shocked at the fans here. I would have expected more from a blue collar town. You act like white collar powder puff girls when something bad happens.



    I'm constantly shocked at WM's lack of game awareness. If you don't know it's 4th and 1 and that you are going to kill a 75 yard drive and any prospect for points if you don't go 3 feet, something is wrong. My jaw dropped when I read that quote.


    He showed a lot of guts yesterday playing on a bum ankle. He just nees to pull his head out.

  13. The team’s owner, Ralph Wilson, is 88. General manager Marv Levy is 80 and has been out of coaching nearly 10 years. Dick Jauron is a recycled head coach after stints as the head man in Chicago in 2003 and at Detroit last year. He’s never impressed or excited anyone with his unimaginative offenses and boring demeanor. "



    I recall 'ole whitey being exciting in the offseason with various moves and his genius coaches blowing horns over the preseason, outthinking themselves in the red zone with wierd playcalling, and playing the "guess who is playing qb this week" shell game last year. Look where it got us. Maybe we need a little "boring demeanor."

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