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Posts posted by cgang

  1. Could care less what Prisco (Prisco?!) thinks. Buddy likes him, Mayock ranked him #8 overall on his board, and Cosell put him at #3 based on film (calling him a Woodson-type player). All of that is good enough for me. I'm not doing cartwheels over the pick but I'm not pissed either. I think it was a dependable/responsible pick.

  2. I was disappointed last night-- for some reason I convinced myself that we would trade up for Kalil. We didn't move and that was disappointing (I can live with Gilmore but that's not really the point of this thread).


    Nix is old school. He would probably tell you that changes in the CB or not, the new NFL is just the same as the old NFL as it all comes down to talent evaluation and not necessarily on new rookie money structure and that his philosophy is to keep his picks and let the draft play out that way. Like Beerball and CT, I would have liked to see a little more creativity but I don't think that's Buddy's style and he's been doing this for so long with some dependable success that he probably doesn't really see the need to change. Based on his comments, I am concerned that he is a bit entrenched in his views and that, perhaps more than most, it will take an incredibly special player and need to get him to trade up whereas others might be a bit more willing to take the risk.

  3. Who are these sources? It's like Source A reports that Source B is reporting X, and Source B reports that Source A is also saying X.


    If I've learned anything, it's Buddy Nix says what he does and viceversa. Hasn't he said the Bills weren't going to trade up? (I don't know if I've actually heard him say it, or if I was relying on what someone said here, which is kind of like the above scenario).


    Despite what Chris Brown said in his mock, with a No. 10 going for a safety, and this rumor, I say we're already stacked at safety, aren't moving up, and drafting Kuechley (LB) at 10.


    Buddy flat out said as of noon today that rumors re moving up are BS. If they move at all, they are "likely" to move down. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Bills-more-likely-to-move-back-than-up/0709f4a9-2b91-4cb6-a46b-f37a46f708ef


    So either Buddy is one crafty SOB or he truly is intent on staying put or moving down. Either way, I think this whole thing is really entertaining.

  4. I've been visiting TBD multiple times a day since free agency as a classic lurker. Haven't posted anything, partly because I don't feel qualified to say either way who the Bills should or will pick. But I've really enjoyed the suspense. I told my coworkers that I can't wait for the draft tonight and they kind of looked at me like I was a moron. Whatever... I've really had a fun offseason ever since free agency and will have a few beers in hand to see how everything shakes out tonight. For the record, I agree with JW-- I think its Barron but would love it if we trade up for Kalil or if Blackmon falls to us. And if we take Martin in the 2nd. But what the hell do I know? LOL!

  5. Bell's agent is probably like" "No Demetrius, you can't just go back to Buffalo just because they signed Mario, signed Mark, and re-signed Stevie and Bryan. No- f-you. I need my larger commission and you need to find a place with better money. What? No, I don't care. Be a man and I'll show you the money."

  6. Lv-Bills, I have a non-Mario question for you. Do you make it up to all of the Bills home games from Virginia? I live just outside of DC and over the years I've really seriously considered getting tickets to support the team and head up there, but I know that I would not be able to make it to even half the home games with the driving distance and work the next day. If you can't make it to a game, do you use a broker or stubhub or something and is it hard to find buyers? Just curious. If anyone else out there is from out of town, would welcome your thoughts on this too and how you manage the ticket situation. Thanks! (and this also helps me focus on something other than Mario so that I can deal with the Mario situation- LOL!).

  7. It's concerning that "trying their best" might not be enough.


    The top coaches - Cowher, Shanahan - wouldn't even consider us back in 2009.

    During last year's free agency, Tyson Clabo used us for leverage, then re-signed with the Falcons.

    Now Mario.


    If the problem is our front office - we can always have hope they will someday be replaced with aggressive and competent people. If the problem is that nobody wants to come here, then we have no hope to ever build a winner again.


    OK. Yeah, Shanahan is having a great time in Washington, isn't he? And Cowher, is he coaching again? And if you think that a player doesn't use other teams as leverage to get the most he can, you are fooling yourself.


    Again, I fault them for 15 years of ineptitude. But you have to start somewhere. What is YOUR solution? What would you have them do differently than what they already are?

  8. Seriously, the woe is me stuff on the board is tiresome. The Bills are trying to change a perception and they are doing everything they can. What more do you expect? And for g-sakes, it isn't like they've lost Mario. They are having meetings this morning and those will continue today. If they don't wind up signing him, that's life. They are trying their best and putting their money toward the goal of signing him. They tried with Meachem, it didn't work out, move on and stop beating the team up over it. We can certainly fault them for getting into this mess over 15+ years of ineptitude, but don't fault them now for doing what I believe to be some really good moves/strategies this time around.


    And yes, they should get him drunk at lunch today. Contracts go much quicker when that happens.

  9. I never post here (much less post an entirely new topic). And am only getting around to it now that I am back home in Virginia.


    I took my son (10) and two brothers to the game last weekend. It was my son's first Bills game and we had a blast! Parked at Hammer's Lot (he gave us the $5 discount even though we only had a "verbal" Twobillsdrive). Among other festivities was Pinto Ron- my son asked for his autograph, which I guess was a "first." The best part was playing catch with my son right next to the lot in some wide open space. Lot's of space to "go long."


    I know the game did not mean much at all standings wise. But it meant a lot to me to spend time with my son and sibblings and we could not have asked for a better day. Thanks to all the TBD'ers I met there and to Hammer and Pinto Ron for everything! A tradition in the making as it was the first time we've parked there. Maybe next year we'll head up when it's warmer and hang out at the TBD tailgate.

  10. Think about your audience. Those of us 40 years old and beyond laugh at anyone who would think of booing the guy.


    +1. I like taking the immortal Kent Hull's view of the matter:


    "In the locker room in Tampa Stadium after losing to the Giants in Super Bowl 25, Hull watched as Scott Norwood, still in his uniform, patiently answered every question and blamed no one but himself. As he was about to leave, Hull went over to Norwood and told him that if everyone, including himself, had done their jobs just a little better, that field-goal attempt would’ve been from a lot closer than 47 yards. Hull then waited for Norwood to shower and dress and, finally, the two teammates walked out together, into the night." http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/20/remembering-kent-hull-a-bills-mainstay/

  11. Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami LOSS

    Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay LOSS

    Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* LOSS

    Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets WIN

    Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars WIN

    Week 6 BYE

    Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens LOSS

    Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs WIN

    Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears WIN

    Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions WIN

    Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals WIN

    Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers LOSS

    Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings LOSS

    Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns WIN

    Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins WIN

    Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* LOSS

    Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets LOSS

  12. I think there is backlash because (i) Bills fired Jauron early and trumped up significant changes were on horizon; (ii) Bills went on marketing mode to pitch the possibility of Cowher, Shanahan, etc and a bunch of other big names; and (iii) in the ultimate let down, they chose a guy that fell far short of what they were marketing. Kind of like saying you'll buy your girl friend a Ferrari and ultimately buying her a Pinto instead.


    It's the Bills fault for promoting the promise of a new day with big names that ultimately didn't want to come here and the possibility of a GM that would change the culture. Not sure if they accomplished either of those promises.


    But I am going to support Nix and Gailey come what may and hope for the best (Pintos did have a good 10 year run back in the day).

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