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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Posts posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. Good point. Where was the pressure?




    not there when it mattered.


    you know, this game pitted two losing teams against each other. the lions looked loose, having a bit of fun, not too stressed. the bills, and i admit to being hard on them when i see a horrible performance like today, looked just off. losman tossing balls high no less than 5 times, defense giving up key plays when it really mattered (and ironically stuffing the lions at other times), and the little differences along the way. williams' td at half. he got open and caught it. andre davis got open and his timing was off. even the mcgee kickoff return--a work of art and alot of fun to watch, but we all had to be screaming to get it into the end zone...reminiscent of a similar play last year. anyway, where i'm going with this is the bills are not a real good team at this point, and the lionsa re not either. the better of the two losing teams won today. we hung in there points-wise all game, why? because the lions are a bad team. the better bad team won today, at home.

  2. Mike Gandy was horrible. Pure garbage. He cannot block a cold. Leave him in Detroit and have open tryouts. Somebody in Western New York can play better than Gandy. He looks like a clown on skates.


    McGee punched Roy Williams ticket to the Pro Bowl with his performance today.


    Andre Davis - please learn how to catch a bomb.


    Donte got robbed on the end zone interception. Yes Steve Tasker it is a good call to review the play. It ended up costing the Bills the 3 points they lost by.




    gandy looked like he got tazered on that play where edwards (?) caused the fumble. it was horrible.


    i give davis a freebie because he caused the fumble early in the game, although it ended up net +16 yards for the lions.


    donte made a nice play on that pick, but it was close enough that i can't really fault the officials for letting it stand. good point about tasker's commentary though---i agree----you gotta challenge that one. 17-10, maybe you steal away the 3 points in a close game like that?


    you can some up this game on the 89 yard drive kitna engineered just before half. you let a team b-slap you like that and you're in trouble, especially on the road.



  3. Maybe thats why you aren't an NFL head coach and BB is.  :lol:


    Tuesday for third downs? Its obviously a wednesday thing. Its the third day of the week after a game (unless you play Monday night) This gives you Monday for first downs, and Tuesdays for second.  :lol:  <_<  0:)


    But as others have said, If BB was so great, Why is he practicing 3rd downs? If his team is that good they should never see 3rd downs, only 1st's



    i may not be an nfl coach because of the old boys network. it's tough to get a shot at one of the openings, whenyou're either a minority or have spent the last 22 years working in the insurance/finanical services industry. i send resumes, i can't even get a call back. they just keep on keeping a brotha down.


    i forgot about the monday night games. to be successful, you have to be flexible. i'll get back to you on this.

  4. Wouldn't 8-8, considering the schedule, bring about false hope? If they beat the Lions , the record for the opponents they beat would be 4-11. The Teams that they lost to are 11-4.


    We've all seen it before. A team goes 8-8 on a soft schedule then all offseason people are posting about the playoffs. Then they play a tough shedule? Hello 5-11.


    But hey. If it helps some to get through the season. Whatever. The Bills need to beat a good team. It would be even better if they did so on the road. They have games against New England, Indy (road) , Jacksonville, San Diego and Baltimore (road). Those are the games I will measure the Bills with.  <_<




    dude, i just don't get your angle at all. you think the team and management sucks, and has no chance etc, and that's fine. you then take shots at people who like to see the bills win, imply things that aren't necessarily true, and then post something like ..."they need to beat NE, Indy etc". but since you think they suck from the top down, why would it matter if they did knock off a team or two in that category? and frankly, if they did beat a team or two there, in my opinion they'd still be mediocre because they have found ways to lose some games they could have won at NE, v. the Jets, etc.


    you measure the bills with every post, and they come up short, so why would that change?


    a couple years back, a team went 15-1 and screwed the pooch in the playoffs. they failed the test really when it mattered most. that sucks way worse for me than wanting to see a competitive game and strides being made.

  5. I would say so.

    I won't... it's irrelevant for this discussion.

    Ridiculous.  Wouldn't have changed anything.  A-train and  Willis have virtually identical per carry averages.  They're interchangeable.  Neither has speed or threat to take it the distance. and A train's a better inside runner and blocker.  Only advantage I've seen that Willi has is that he can get to the edge and get a few more yards on the outside.  Moorman, the CBs, the defensive line lost this game.  Because of the defense being shredded, the Bills were forced to do things offensively that took them out of their comfort zone.  Bills are a team that can't be down by more than 10.  If they are in that situation, 9 out of 10 times they're going to lose.

    So, Titans lose by 1 point on the road to the Colts.  Respectable?  Titans are 0-5 and Colts are 5-0.  Have the Titans turned the corner?  Should they and their fans feel good about last Sunday's game?  Nope... Titans, Raiders, Lions... it's a toss up who stenches the most.


    Bottom line is the Bears game was a "benchmark" game for the Bills and the Bills flunked.  All the hype leading up to the game was based on them giving the Pats a tough time, beating the Dolphins (who were the media darlings based on their late season run last year and the Culpepper myth), and a common opponent (Vikings) that both teams beat.  The Bills are in rebuild... players and coaches.  The Bears were a playoff team and it was a missmatch from the get go. The Bills offense was overwhelmed by the Bears speed on D and the Bills D got gashed up the middle with the run, which opened up the pass on the outside and their CBs couldn't deal with it.  Things just snowballed.  One team looked scary awsome... the other in awe of them, like a deer in headlights.  Youth and inexperience exposed.

    So, where are the Bills after this benchmark game?  About the same as I figured... a team that will be flirting with .500 all season.  And, who knows, when the season's over, they've got a real shot at hitting the 8-8 plateau.  It will be close, but me thinks more like 7-9 with some luck and without any major injuries.




    dr. trooth has a phd in reason. i think the ongoing point of discussion here depends on whether you see things in black adn white, or perhaps you see the shades of gray in everything. deluca is the former. i'm the latter.


    the bills are rebuilding...check.

    the bills played the bears and got thumped...checked.

    it would have been nice and agreeable to our senses if they had been competitive, they weren't, they failed that litmus test...check.


    having said that, it doesn't mean the rest of the season is a wash, and makes the lions game no less important this weekend. if they beat the lions, it doesn't make the bears loss any less of an issue, and it deosn't offset tehri performance last week.


    the discussion point of what would have happened had willis not been in is irrelevant--he played and who knows what happens if he doesn't. really, who cares? as for alexander, if i'm a seahawks fan, i wonder what might have happened if he had played, but it's still a non issue for now. maybe later in the season we find out.


    finally, i think most reasonable fans didn't drift to far away from the mindset that this team is in rebuild mode, or put a harsher way probably not good enough to compete at a higher level and win consistently. still, when you take a long term view, you want your team to display some character whether they win or lose. when they lose, or get blown out, you'd like to see them rebound with a good performance regardless of the next opponent.

  6. The Bears game was the test. You measure yourself against the best. You don't measure teams against also rans.


    If this Sunday was against the Pats? Then yes, you could say the Bills had a chacne to prove something. On the road against a team that should be named "Bye Week"? There is nothing to prove. You don't have to play well to beat the Lions. Just wait it out and the Lions will beat themselves.


    Again the standards are so low that games against an 0-5 team mean more then a game against an 4-0 team. I can not express how sad that that is. :lol:



    we disagree this is a gut check game. we agree there might be other gut check games later in the year.



    this statement is patently false:

    Again the standards are so low that games against an 0-5 team mean more then a game against an 4-0 team.


    who said that, other than you?

  7. There is nothing "gut check" about the 0-5 Lions. There is no "test". Beating a pathetic football team proves nothing. :(


    I can tell you spend a lot of time in church. That must be where you learned how to use a lot of words that don't mean anything. It must also be why you are predisposed to being a lamb just following the herd. :doh:




    of course it's a gut check game. you know it and so do i. look at it like this...you go to a bar, let's say it's cassidy's in buffalo back in the day. you get into an argument with a guy, you get into a fight, and he kicks the stuffing out of you. next week, do you go back to the bar for freddies special? of course you do. the bills were badly beaten, so they go to detroit to show the fans it was a fluke. will they be successful? you say it's irrelevant, but you're wrong.


    the bills go to detroit to begin the road to recovery. the game matters to everyone except those fools who have written off the season after 5 games and a 2-3 record. beating the lions proves the bills are 3-3, not 2-4.


    i'll try and back off on the word count for you, but can't promise anything. it wasn't church--- i actually spent a lot of time in school, that's where i learned the words. most of the words used here i learned before 8th grade.


    you know, you make the occasional point that makes sense, wrapped around all the contrarian b-s you toss out there for effect. you have to be able to do better than the old "following the herd argument". try using more words.

  8. 17 points a game is "suddenly explosive".  :D


    You are right. A game against a 0-5 patsy is a far greater gauge of a teams character then say a game against a very good team.  :(


    Last Sunday was gut check time. Nothing the Bills do against the Lions can erase that fact. The Bears beat the Bills by 33 points while playing the second half like a preseason game.  :doh:




    check that, skippy. you have 16 games during a regular season, and there are gut checks throughout the year. the pats became famous for performing well during multiple gut checks over several years (and please don't hit me with the little devil or smiley :P face, i am not comparing the pats dynasty teams to this bills team, and or jp to terry bradshaw, or sammy baugh, mickey mantle or mickey rooney). if you're lucky enough to make it to the playoffs, there will likely be a few gut check times there as well, i think you'd agree.


    the bills got handled, the bills failed the gut check last week, they have to step up and move on. there's not a choice there at all, you either step up or you don't.


    the bills have stepped up at times, and other times they haven't. other than the undefeated team, you could apply the same argument to each team (feel free to hit me with the devil face here, i'm comparing the bills to other teams at this time). there's a sliding scale, and the better teams probably fail less at gut check time than the not so great teams, wouldn't you agree?


    they have an opportunity to pass the test this week, and they should plan on it.


    i went to church this weekend, and said a prayer for you bad rapping marv last week. go in peace, my extremist brother.

  9. BB.com might have been down temporarily. Pretty sure the 'official' Miami boards went the way of Detroit's, though... and far as I know, the Lions.com boards have been down since LAST season.




    this link from lionspride.com


    ...leading to increased specualtion that a major corporate shake-up is imminent, and it has nothing to due with lagging market share for local automakers. Rumors continue to circulate that Lions owner William Clay Ford has entered "serious negotiations" with the agent for Patriot's blue collar linebacker Tedy Bruschi to replace embattled General Manager Matt Millen. Fueling speculation, Bruschi was seen walking on top of the waters of Lake Michigan just after the Lion's heartbreaking loss to the Vikings on Sunday."

  10. So true.  This board has many extremist and you hit it exaclty right. 


    A.  I think that TD overall did a poor job.  His record and coaching selection speak for itself.  I don't buy into the Wilson "tied his hands" theory,  TD ran the show.  That said, TD was exciting and made some high risk/ high potential moves (Bledsoe, McGahee, Milloy, Losman).  He brought some good players to town, and some bad ones. 






    brother bob, he who comes to worship alongside the faithful at the altar of the great one---were you raised in wny, did you live there for a while, anything along those lines?  just to assure you on the context of my note here---nothing is implied or intended, it's just a question i have after reading your reasonable reply to subparagraph b. 




  11. I don't know what is more disturbing:


    A.  The rage that TD inspires;

    B.  The verbal jihad against ESPN that the mention of Mort brings to the board; or

    C.  The blind faith in an ex-coach turned GM espoused by fellow posters based upon (gasp) a .500 start.


    :D  :D  :D




    a. td tried, and he failed. he may be despised by some, he may have disappointed others, but the bottom line for many is he didn't lead the bills back to respectability. this really is a rather low benchmark.


    b. jihad? tacky.


    c. i've actually been surprised at the number of people who share your point of view here. there's a big difference between blind faith, and good old regular faith, and maybe hoping you can feel good about the direction your team is headed in. put another way, if the "marv as gm" thing failed miserably, the call would come for him to go. i'd grant you the animosity toward him would not be as intense as it was against td, due to marv's past successes here. i look at it this way--the man is a student of the game, he's up-to-date on the trends and schemes, he's achieved some success as an analyst, and he represents stability. his team is playing reasonably well, they've made some mistakes, made osme big plays, etc, and many fans have reason to believe it may be the start of something good. why not give the man a bit of your faith until he shows you he's not entitled to it?

  12. It was an idea. That doesn't mean that i support it, or deny that it could ever happen. Just something to talk about. Unless, you have something better to discuss that doesn't have to do with the Bills or the Bears, or us making the playoffs, or any of the other ideas that are repeatedly posted on this board everyday.




    it would strike me as odd that a football coach/gm who judge people by the content of their character would look to oust a player under this scenario. it also would strike me as odd that tko would sit and remain silent, or go along with the company line, if indeed it was a way of getting him out. finally, it strikes me as a guy who put the time, effort, and pain into the rehab period required to even step on the field a yer after the injury would not be held up as an example of the type of character player we want on this team.


    seems to me if they wanted him out, they'd sit him down and explain the cold hard facts of business. vincent was a different situation, and i think they gave him an out that allowed him to save face.

  13. They are Bruschiesque in talent, performance and execution. Our team can only beg for mercy at the feet of this black clad juggernaut.


    The Grossman wing of the Hall of Fame will be charging additional fees for entry, since the 2006 edition of the Bears is worth the price of addmission. Miracles will be performed daily from 11 AM -3 PM with annointing of the infiirmed with Bearsweat liquid healing potion ®.




    word on the street is bruschi sought medical treatment from a doctor in chicago afer his stroke---correction, he simply used the doctors medical equipment since he was treating himself stroke---and may have left some dna residue at the office. thereafter, the entire bears team showed up for their annual physical(s) and may actually have cross-pollinated wth the bruschi dna, thus explaining their ascension to greatness. call the '72 dolphins, that record is about to be jacked.

  14. I cant wait to hear all of the excuses for Chicago when we hand their asses to them.


    1) Classic trap game

    2) Emotional let down


    Nothing that mentions the Bills beating them.


    I started a thread like this a few days ago and it got deleted ! Anyone know why ?




    word got out you might be junior seau?

  15. Someone who got one too many atomic-wedgies when he was growing up.

    I'm 99.9% sure he hasn't seen the Bills play one down this season. I hope Vinnie's putting big money on his lock of the week.




    i have no issue with the bills being the national media whuppin' boys here, hopefully it plays to their strength and the philosophy that it's them against the world. they have alot to prove and should continue to strive to prove it.


    what i find of interest in this article is the coaching matchup of the week, nick saban v. bill belle---billuh--beller---whatever. miami is close to coming apart at the seams after 4 games. this hardly seems to be a chess game in the making. one owuld expect the dolphins to pride-up and play hard against the pats, but the coaching matchup of the week?


    and for what it's worth, i think coach saban should get on a bus to canada, head to the local organic vegetable commune, look up ricky w, score some righteous weed, and try and settle those guys down in the south beach. or, not.

  16. JP goes into Soldier Field and plays a great game, win or lose he has earned some swagger.  He really should wait and complete a season and if we aren't hollering for a new QB, he has EARNED a swagger.  If the Bills go in to Chi town and stink up the joint, then well, maybe the cockiness should be dialed down.


    "Your shower shoes have fungus on them. You'll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy, you'll be classy. If you win 20 in the show, you can let the fungus grow back and the press'll think you're colorful. Until you win 20 in the show, however, it means you are a slob." Crash Davis in Bull Durham




    the thing about attitude is for a guy on this level, he learned it long before he was drafted by an nfl team. he learned/earned it in pop warner, in high school, in college and ultimately in the nfl. that's not to say it can't be knocked out of him, but i'd bet you true swagger comes from the heart, and doesn't have to be earned at soldier field. or, so i'm told by guys who have that swagger.


    play hard, be competitive, don't quit.

  17. 3 years ago vs Cincy I was bitter and boycotted the game until the Bills scored a TD..I hung out in the parking lot..had some beers..played some rings..when they finally scored with like 3 minutes to go in the 3rd quarter I walked to the stadium...security guard was a dick saying there was no re-entry..I told them there was never any entry...finally let me in..but what a pain...




    how did this boycott not make the buffalo news, the national press, USA today? this was a solid statement, in fact, you're the rosa parks of the nfl. you're like ghandi, martin luther king jr, bobby kennedy (some people see the entry gates and ask why, i see the cahnce to boycott and ask "why not"?), all rolled into one. and, by getting in the guards face, you took it to the man. mad props to you, tatertot.


    i don't know why the word "boycott" made me respond like this, but it did. no disrespect intended.

  18. That was our team....

    last year




    sorry about that hanging chad i left there. i would have blown said blood vessel this year had it been our team this year (with MM at the helm one more time), after last year. last year, i was only experiencing searing pain, like, uh, a homely girl with knitting needles jabbing them into my frontal lobe, through one or both of my eyes.


    we were at the game yesterday, tailgating after the game, and one of the guys relayed what he had heard on the radio about the dolphins play. what a sweet, sweet place to hear about the call.


    they were unwatchable.

  19. Yea maybe if Mario Williams didnt tip it would have worked out....

    or maybe if Ronnie Brown didnt throw like a chick it would have worked out.....

    or just maybe if Mularkey wasnt calling the plays...it would have worked out....




    i just hope and pray that the kids in Miami are nicer than the kids in Buffalo, because right now, they have their pick:


    saban's kid.

    culpepper's kid.

    brown's kid.


    and, uh, that kevin costner' lookin' mo'fo's kid...


    i would be in the hospital, being treated for a blown blood vessel in my head today, if that was our team....

  20. Perfect. No one is arguing that JP is the rebirth of Jim Kelly. The guy has all the tools and talent to succeed in the NFL and needs to be given the chance to make it.  If he fails miserably this season, then he would have been given a fair shot and it is time for the Bills to move on.




    bingo, well said.

  21. No, no, no....no implications on you intended at all....I was just having a joke.

    My point was obviously directed towards the church(any denomination will do).

    The NFL has to be in cahoots with the big guy upstairs....how else do you explain such obvious 'bad luck' for us. 

    It makes perfect sense when you think about it.... <_<




    you know, at first i read your post and missed the context. i wrote something that i thought was funny and edgy, but the potential for misunderstanding would have been there. thanks for the follow up note. i'm serious though about conspracies...just because you're paranoid doesn't mean somebody isn't after you...


    have a good day.



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