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Posts posted by RJsackedagain

  1. When I was up there for the Steelers game, I stopped at some exit on I-90 on the way home to get a hotel room.


    Being that I was by myself, I was bored as all hell, so I went to the Wal-Mart that was next door.  While in there, I saw some 14-15 year old kid wearing a Dolphins starter jacket and wanted to smack the sh-- out of him.


    I can see wearing a Dolphins jacket ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD, but not 30 miles from Ralph Wilson Stadium.  Just didn't make sense to me at all.


    We got a kid who pushes carts at Wegmans who wears a Dolphins ski jacket and bills ski cap

  2. I think it is close between Moss and Rice as to who is the best receiver of all time.


    That said, I would not want him on the Bills because of his personality issues and the cap hit at the wr position.



    Close between Moss and Rice ....are you kidding me?

    Rice is by far the better receiver, is a team player and has the Super Bowl rings to prove it. I don't recall Jerry only playing "when he wants to" either.

    Moss is talented but he's such a headcase he'll never be as good as Rice.

  3. I never cheered for RJ when he got hurt .......but I was pretty happy when he got sacked wearing a Redskins uniform last year at the Ralph


    My comment was merely to point out that these myopic trades people want to make with Henry and Bledsoe aren't going to happen. While Travis has some trade value, nobody wants to take Bledsoe from us, it's sad, but true.

  4. I don't ever recall a time when he WAS funny...


    seriously.. he reminded me of one of the 7 year olds I used to have to take care of that had ADD...


    He's a giant kid... annoying as hell. .


    Williams is like Chevy Chase ...except Chevy was funny for about 3 seconds longer

  5. Particularly upsetting to me today.  I used to shadow at empire when I was in High School.  I worked along side of Howard Simon, Mike Degeorge, Art Wander, and Jim Brinson when fan TV was on the air.  These guys were the most helpful and nice guys you would ever hope to meet.  As a broadcasting major, you hear horror stories of how nasty the business is, but they were as friendly as they appear on the air.


    Dude did you get to walk Brinson when you helped out there?

  6. Green Bay Packers (news) fullback Najeh Davenport agreed Tuesday to do community service to settle charges he broke into a university dormitory and defecated in a sleeping woman's closet.


    Details of the player's service were not released during his court appearance. He must sign up for the program by Nov. 12. If he completes the program, a felony charge of second-degree burglary and a misdemeanor count of criminal mischief will be dropped.

  7. We had a mad shitter as well.  I'd say over the course of a month, somebody would randomly take a crap in the barracks.  Usually right in front of someone's room door.  We'd get up, go outside to do PT, and came in to find a new crap in the hallway.  Never figured out who did it.


    Did you have a guy named Najeh Davenport in your barracks? He's been known to randomly sh-- in closets

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