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Dennis in NC

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Posts posted by Dennis in NC

  1. If anyone wants to hear a hilarious John Madden impression, find (download or whatever) the Madden stuff done by Frank Caliendo. It's brilliant.


    If they want to mike Ray Lewis, that's why we have a MUTE button on our remotes. I was happy to see the Ravens lose MNF last night.

  2. >Dogs are great animals. They give unconditional love.


    The Bills can use some unconditional love! Maybe Mr Wilson will buy the Bills a dog! Can we, huh? Can we?!


    But seriously folks, I lost a great dog in July, after 12 years of fine service. Cody the Wonder Dog (no relation).


    Losing our dog made me wonder what it would be like if dogs lived 80 years, just like humans. Think about it for a minute...

  3. Hey Navy guy, maybe you can address this question I have had. When it is reported that increased activity can be seen around known Al Qaeda camps in Pakistan (near Afghan border), why doesn't someone bomb the living crap out of that area?


    Is it because it is in Pakistan and their air force lacks punch?


    How about one of those 30,000-pound MOABs? Gift wrapped, perhaps? We have air bases in Afghanistan, eh?

  4. >> I just forwarded Jerry an on-line job application for the Miami Herald.


    Good one, 30Dive!


    There was some chatter here a few months about Jerry Sullivan, stating that he is a basketball guy, who is absolutely LOST when it comes to football. So, he just says (writes) inflammatory things, so people will know he exists.


    He is just a dork, even looks like one. Some guys just have that look that makes you want to smack them...

  5. Schobel is just an OK pass rusher, IMO. Not a guy who should get the big bucks the dominant PRs get.


    Last year's 11.5 sacks, was it?


    Did one come against Cinci when Kitna fell down? So Schobel touched him, got a sack.


    Did 3 of his sacks come against the Giants, who had already run for the bus when we played them?


    "Sacks" like those inflate his statistics, I believe. I wold keep him at a reasonable cost, but not at the usual overpayment pass rushers get.

  6. Thanks for the first hand report.


    If last year did not burn us fans badly enough (regarding high expectation), this game will at least dim the hopes of a few optimists.


    Like me, I guess. Boy, this really sucks to be hit like this before the season even starts.

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