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Dennis in NC

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Posts posted by Dennis in NC

  1. By Simonton's disease, do you mean Shaud is short?


    I don't see where being 5'7" is so awful, especially if the defense can't see you until you emerge from behind the line. Maybe it's a disadvantage catching passes, but I still like the possibilities of SW.


    Maybe I'm thinking of Dave Meggett being a very useful RB at 5'7"...

  2. That was very encouraging to see Shaud Williams run like that today. Gaining good yards when the Browns pretty much knew he would run it.


    He seemed to have some of Willis' qualities (on first glance, anyway) where he makes positive yards when the play looks stuffed.


    He caught the ball once, too, I think.


    He looks like a good #2 next year.

  3. My wife had Lasik done 5-6 yrs ago in St Louis by a Dr Pepose, who I think was a pioneer in Lasik surgery.


    It had to be re-done a few months later (included in original cost).


    Her vision had been such that she cold hardly find her glasses when she got out of bed. Now, her vision is very good. Still needs glasses on occasion, but it's near 20-20.


    Shop carefully (as other posters have said), but it is one of those medical miracles which you can have done.


    Be aware of mono-vision - where one eye is adjusted for near, the other one for far. I don't know about all the options.


    But, it was money well spent when you can purchase a "miracle" for a loved one.

  4. Yeah, our defense sucked much of today, making Feeley look like Marino for a while. And Minor Travis got nearly 100 yards! Yuk.


    Clements with another bone-headed play, trying to scoop up the fumble on the run. Just FALL ON IT, Nate! You friggin' hot dog. I do appreciate his INT and most of his play, but sometimes his head gets stuck in his ass (isn't that hard to do while you are running at full speed?) Oh well...


    Big Pat running his INT for a TD was sweeeeet. Sam got his INT return for TD last year, now Pat!

  5. When Ma Henry's boy got benched and she threatened to come up and help out, I could just envision Ma walking into Whitey's office and wailing on him with her big ol' purse!


    Sort of like Donovan McNabb's mom, but not as benevolent...


    I would assume that Ma Henry has Sunday Ticket and I wonder if she has ever watched Willis run... Not that she could view it with an unbiased eye or anything, but I wonder if she would see any difference.

  6. I was amazed at the difference when Travis came in for a few plays (Rams game, I think) and pretty much stepped aside for the blitzer! It was amazing how little effort T Henry put into that pass protection.


    That is a HUGE deficiency in Travis' game. Willis is very good at picking up blitzers, IMO.

  7. It's funny to see fans (Dallas) calling for Drewwwww to come in, not to get the hell off the field like another Drew we know...


    Henson did look pretty lost out there - wondering where the shortstop er I mean the safety is gonna be...


    I'm surprised Parcells would put all of his hopes on 41-yr-old Vinny the T.

  8. Wow, that is weird stuff.


    I thought Herm Edwards would know "ramparts" is part of the anthem:


    “What’s up with that Branson guy singing the national anthem?” asked Jets coach Herman Edwards. “He’s got a terrible voice, and it was embarrassing when he screwed up the lyrics. At one point he was singing something about ‘ramparts.’ Ramparts? I’m sorry, but making up fake words isn’t going to fool anyone.”


    And this from line judge Jeff Triplett:


    "The only thing better than that would be Rupert Murdoch himself going down. Now there’s a guy Ray Lewis should kill. No jury in the world would convict him.”


    These Fox people are really whacked out.

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