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Dwight Drane

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Posts posted by Dwight Drane

  1. Subtract tthe 10,000 in who took shelter in the Superdome and that leaves 86,000 folks left in the flood waters.  Thats pretty scary numbers and I believe the death toll could easily topple the 1,000 mark.



    It is going to be thousands. My co-worker just talked to his aunt who is a nurse there and got stranded in an apartment complex. As the bodies drifted by them in the streets, they would try to snag them and tie them to light poles until someone could take them away. This is just at one intersection.



  2. The caveat being that that's not for New Orleans, it's for the lower delta, about 90 miles away.  And fortunately, that's mostly swampland, so there's not a hell of a lot there to be levelled (trees and such aside). 


    Even so...I had no idea NOAA would issue a warning worded like that.  When I first read it, I thought it was a hoax.



    There is a statement pretty much the same for NO linked on the Drudge Report. I agree that it is so strong and disheartning that it looks fake, but FOX has been quoting that bulletin all day. I don't get moved to pray very often, but reading that got me in a mental pew.

  3. The problem with the whole idea of "not making mistakes" or "playing not to lose" is that when you do make a mistake, it is that more costly.


    If Mularkey has this kid playing conservative with outlet passes and 4 yard outs all year, we will not take enough risks to be rewarded. I don't care how good the defense is, you can't play offense scared and expect to win. I like Mularkey and think he has the team playing together as a team, but I am worried that by the time they let the kid play free, it may be too late.

  4. The best tip I have is if you are forced to buy beer on the grounds, go to the gazeebo right in front of the escalator to the clubhouse since you can buy a 20 oz Blue for $5.25, which believe it or not is much cheaper than the $6.50 you pay for 16oz of any other decent beer.


    If you want a longshot to throw in your exacta for the Hopeful, try Tizzy's No Saint at 20-1. He ran a great race down here against 2 very good horses last month.

  5. 2 players on this team you don't let walk...Willis and Spikes.


    Last year was the 1st that Clements didn't bite on every stop and fade thrown his way. If the Bills thouhgt he was a great corner, they wouldn't have him returning punts and risking injury. He is a good special teams player, but is no Deion, so by them throwing him back there 4 times a game just goes to show they won't cry when he is gone.


    I believe his Pro Bowl birth came after a few injuries and declines. Which means he is the 6th or 7th best in the AFC or top 15 in the league. I'll pay him that, but none of this top corner BS.

  6. Thanks for posting this.  I had been trying to get tickets to the Tampa game for the past few weeks but it has been sold out.  After reading your post, I checked ticketmaster again and this time there were seats available.  They are upper deck endzone, but at least I have a seat.  Now maybe I can use them as leverage to upgrade with a scalpper at the game.  I would have hated to go all the way to Tampa without tix.  Thanks.



    Once again, thanks. I just did the same. Could only get 2, but it's good insurance.


    I went down there the year we lost half the defense to injury that game, and there were tickets ALL OVER. I guess since it is sold out to season ticket holders, most people figure scalped tickets would be expensive like on Ebay, but I ended up getting $250 club seats for $33 each...that's how bad it was. I was so happy I handed my other seats to some Bills fans talking to a scalper and said Merry Christmas.

  7. Go the teacher route for sure. If he's had any experience playing music on any other instrument, it should be a bit easier, but if this is his first go the bass is probably the toughest instrument around to master because it is very subjective. Yes, he can learn where 10 notes on it happen to be and play 80% of garage band junk, but to enjoy and prosper, you need good fundimentals or an incredible ear and instinct.

  8. If there is more intelligent life than us out there, wouldn't that mean by definition that they would find us before we'd find them? The space program is all about technology and national defense. Even IF there were UFO's here, it would be the equivilant of hippie birdwatchers going into the forest to watch the Bluefizz Wankoswallow do a mating dance.



  9. I always have surguries for sprains ! Don't you ?



    When they say sprained ACL or torn ACL, it is the same thing. A partial tear is still a sprain and you are out 4-8 weeks, a full tear and you are out a year.


    I'm PO'd that there is no talk from OBD. Partial tear, he's in a soft cast for a month and should be back to playing shape by October some time. He could have blown every ligament and tendon down there and won't be able to flip someone the bird, let alone play until December.


    Come'on Josh Reed!

  10. Anchor used to be over-rated too, but they changed their sauce to a more traditional style 5 years ago or so. Duffs is a fun place to go and overeat, but I agree with some that they are too saucey.


    To me, nothing better than a double order at BigTree the night before a game with a $5 pitcher of Molson. That's why Buffalo food is great, there are probably 100 little pizzarias around where you can get top notch goods.

  11. How many more years do you all think Adams is going to play?  How many with the Bills?  I think not more than 1 or 2, tops.  Corey Simon, when healthy and on top of his game, is close to unblockable - in the Marcus Stroud mold.  Putting him next to Adams for a year would make our line nearly impossible to run up the gut on, and teams would have a ton of trouble accounging for our passrush.  We already use a ton of blitzes to overload the line - now imagine what it would be like with a line of Schobel, Simon, Adams, and Kelsay, plus our linebacking crew and the occasional Milloy/Clements blitz.  It would be, in a word, a massacre. 


    Give me the top D in the League over the top O any day - especially a Sunday in January.  I just can't complain about this move if it happens, and the rumor sure as hell excites me.



    Great post. How do people think 3/4 of Philly's DB's made it to the Pro Bowl? Does anyone remember the 1st play from scrimmage against the Eagles 2 years ago? That was Simon who picked up Puccillo and threw him on top of Bledsoe. The best physical play on D I've ever seen in my life. This guy is a beast and I'd give a 1st for him.

  12. I personally think JP did "OK" last night. He looked to be playing it conservative though. He passed up running in a potential TD to throw it to Reed out of the end zone. He had Evans with a step on the CB, but overthrew him instead of risking an interception. He hit safety valves instead of looking downfield, granted by design. This leads me to my question:


    Is Mike Mularkey's personality too subdoed to know how to use a momentum driven, emotional leader like Losman?


    Favre is Favre because he goes with the flow. Flutie has the same personality, but is 5'7". Kelly...worked off of feel, not a playbook. It seems like JP is the same type of talent who can thrive off of momentum. Mularkey on the other hand is a lay it out ahead of time sort of guy. Preparation breeds success. Hard work leads to good play. But to borrow a jazz term, he just doesn't "swing".


    JP was well prepared last night, but it seemed as if he had his coach in his head. "Don't overdo it....take chunks of yardage...don't risk running....don't force the ball....etc." And that's exactally how he played. Like Bledsoe with scrambling ability.


    It's only one practice game, and I am encouraged overall. I just hope JP listens to Wyche more than Mularkey.

  13. If you watch Teague on that play,  immediately after snapping the ball,  he turns to watch it roll on the ground.  As I posted in the scrimmage thread,  I took that as an admission of guilt.  He knew the moment he snapped it that something wasn't right.



    Speaking of Teague, is it just me or did it look like he put on about 30 lbs? Hopefully they are of the BigTreeInn variety and not the Rafy Palmiero variety.

  14. Must have been working hard at stopping stupid penalties in practice...Favre tried hard count 3 times and no one jumped as opposed to Cleveland last year which was sloppy.


    The team looks in mid-preseason form, if that makes sense.

  15. Like I said before, the misses were more physical/repetitions-needed errors than anything else, except for the first which was interference/holding.  All in all a good showing and Gandy looked great against KGB.



    Totally agree


    Other obs...does McGee look bigger to you? Nice hit, and playing confident.


    Spikes is blitzing all over


    Run D a bit weaker


    Overall a promising effort...looks like Gray is getting very aggressive with the D.

  16. Willis Mcthrillis get alil to thrilled(8====D) over Willis Mcgahee



    YOOO, has chosen his avitar, not because of the twobillsdrive craze just before the Steelers game, but because it reminds him of his great granpappy who he himself had a beard and would repeatedly strike colored objects with a wooden stick on his farm in South Carolina.

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