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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. Yeah, copyright violations...not cool.


    But since I have that worthless subscription (for some odd reason), I'll save you the trouble:


    Neither blurb is worth your time.


    1. Bills have 3 good RBs...wouldn't be surprised to see Spiller play big role (GROUNDBREAKING!!)


    2. Leinart might be traded. Buffalo might be target. Jim Kelly doesn't like California QBs.



    Real scintillating stuff...

  2. You and Tom talk about being a heartless prick as if it's a bad thing. Oh and what I hate about having to run to my connecting flight is I don't have time to sit in the bar and guzzle several over-priced drinks. I take a wad of cash with me when I travel and most of it is spent in airport bars. :censored:

    No joke.


    The secret is they how they put all of the bars INSIDE of the security gate. There ain't **** to do before you pass through security and once you're in, you're stuck!


    "Jack and Coke please. What's that?? $11?? !@#$ you I'm gonna go.......oh wait. !@#$...okay that's fine" :censored::doh:

  3. I might sound like a heartless prick...but I couldn't help laughing at this. And thinking "Maybe there was a cripple convention?"


    Okay, maybe I more than sound like a heartless prick...



    I'm not going to lie...I had many disturbing/hilarious/not-repeatable thoughts as I stood there and watched this fiasco and slowly realized I was never making my connection.


    Political correctness will get its ass kicked by frustration almost every time. :pirate:

  4. I think it's kinda weird to hate any player that you haven't had a personal dealing with. I've never hated any man just because he played for another team and was either (a) good, (b) seemed like a dick or © both. I've never really met any pro athletes so I have no idea. I think Bryan Cox qualifies though since he basically said "F YOU" to everyone in person.


    At ND, I came across Anthony Fasano more than a few times and he is a straight-up rooster. Can't really say one nice thing about him. So, yeah I guess I hate that dude.


    On the other hand, I was real close with Justin Tuck. He is one of the nicest, most genuine people you will meet. Easy to root for him.



    I have no use for dirty players though. Middleton, Harrison, Wilfork, etc. F them (especially Middleton and Wilfork). I believe in addition to what he did to Cowart, Middleton was also the genius who blasted Barret Robbins after he went AWOL before the Super Bowl. Sweet teammate...

  5. Yeah...Hamas, who just claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack on Israel and those two poor downtrodden, obviously discriminated against ragheads (and yeah....THATS what Im calling those !@#$ing animals) that did a "dry run" on a flight yesterday are a bunch of real "tolerant" folks.


    Gee...with events like these, how DARE Americans form a negative opinion of "THE RELIGION OF PEACE?"


    But I guess those filthy jews and us "intolerant" Americans have it coming to us, right?


    Sell your bull **** somewhere else.


    Oh, and I saw the Onion just did a hit piece of Glenn Beck getting killed. Nice....Oh wait...I forgot...."its satire"


  6. 10 team, non-PPR. QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, WR/RB, TE, K, D


    1.  	(6)  	Frank Gore
    2. 	(15) 	Peyton Manning
    3. 	(26) 	Cedric Benson
    4. 	(35) 	Greg Jennings
    5. 	(46) 	Steve Smith
    6. 	(55) 	Wes Welker
    7. 	(66) 	LeSean McCoy
    8. 	(75) 	Tony Gonzalez
    9. 	(86) 	Johnny Knox
    10. 	(95) 	Fred Jackson
    11. 	(106) 	Donovan McNabb
    12. 	(115) 	Lee Evans
    13. 	(126) 	Steve Breaston
    14. 	(135) 	Kellen Winslow
    15. 	(146) 	Miami
    16. 	(155) 	Rob Bironas


    Tough choices were Jennings over Boldin, Steve Smith over Percy Harvin, Gore over Turner/Matthews and Benson over Pierre Thomas.


    And I got two Bills. :flirt:

  7. I was considering pulling the trigger in the 7th rd in my draft last night (10 team/non-PPR). But he went 1 pick before mine (#74). I think that was a bit early. But sometimes that works out because he could get more touches as the year goes on. If you plan on being in the playoffs, he could be a gem by week 15.


    I ended up getting Fred Jackson in the 10th. So I mean, I like the idea of having the STARTER 3 rounds after the current 3rd stringer (although obviously that can change).

  8. I try to stick with SW as much as possible. Their F-Up rate seems to be much lower. Plus the free bags is legit. I carry on 95% of the time, but $50-60 for a single bag is just absurd.


    Last time I flew a non-SW airline (actually might have been Delta), I missed my connection in the most bizarre way. I was flying out to South Bend for a game (can't get there direct from most places) and only had about an hour for connection. Anyway, the plane shows up a little late...whatever. Then nothing happens for awhile. No one gets off. Finally, I see them wheeling out a handicapped guy. So I'm like...oh okay, not a big deal. Then the guy gets another wheelchair and goes back in. 4-5 mins later, he comes out wheeling another dude. Then nothing. Then all of a sudden, everyone else starts getting off the plane. So I figured it was all over...cutting it close, but whatever.


    After every "walker" got off the plane, nothing happens again. Then the dude goes BACK in with the wheelchair. When he comes out, he tells the gate woman that there are about 15-20 more people on the plane requiring wheelchairs and tells her to get more straight-backed chairs.


    So here we all are, standing like cows in a field, while 20 more people in wheelchairs are unloaded one-by-one. It took like 45 minutes. I couldn't believe what I was watching.


    I don't often tell this story because I'm not sure if I sound like a completely heartless prick (maybe :lol: ). I have no beef whatsoever with people in wheelchairs needing assistance. But whoever at that airline decided it was a good idea to put 20 such people on the same plane without altering their schedule is crazy.


    End of the story is....we get to Detroit about 90 mins late. They radioed and have been holding the plane. So a bunch of us run off and hop on the monorail thing and sprint to the gate (I hate doing that btw...I'm never more self-conscious than when I'm clumsily running though a crowded place holding 2 bags while everyone else is walking normally). When we get to the gate, they say they couldnt wait any longer and had taken off 5 minutes ago. Why the !@#$ would you wait a half hour for a specific plane to land and then leave 5 minutes before people could get there??? And the next flight I could get on ended up getting delayed 5 hours for "mechanical problems" prompting us to switch gates 3 times.


    I left my house for the airport at 8:00 that morning. I arrived into SB at 12:15 am. UNREAL. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  9. Is there any way to change the enormous font that the thread titles are displayed in?



    I just back from a week vacation in Vermont. I've never been so confused. :unsure:


    I'm digging it now, but the giant font really messes me up. Reminds me of how my mom sets her computer resolution so big that her icons look like playing cards. :D


    Any way to adjust this beyond adjusting my entire browser zoom?

  10. The big thing for you is muscle memory. I suggest some push up bars to go with your current setup. That way you can do some different widths on your pushups as well as some declines off your swiss ball.

    I second this. Those pushup bars are the truth. Before I became a lazy SOS, I used them constantly.


    To keep things fresh, here is a little game/method a friend showed me which I thought was great for breaking up the monotony of a pushups/crunches routine:


    Get a deck of cards and flip over three cards. Add them up and do that number of pushups. Flip 3 more, add them up and do that number of crunches. Repeat. You'll end up going through 9 sets (use 2 cards each for your last set).


    Depending on how you value the cards (A=1 or 14, face=10 or 11-13) you'll be doing around 400 total pushups/crunches. To mix it up more, I did 4 versions of the pushup (regular, wide, narrow and turned hands) and 3 crunches (regular and each side).


    It's a beast. I started just using half a deck and worked up (or only flip 2 cards...same total, but less intensity). But it will get the job done. Just a nice way to freshen up two of the most basic (and boring) exercises. Nothing better than seeing 2, 2, 3, pop up when you need it. But three face cards is murder. :thumbsup:

  11. You don't need 1080p (I'm still running 720p native and it looks fantastic) but I think the price points are such that it just makes sense, unless you are really sticking to a budget.

    I have some wiggle room. It's just that I bought my Samsung not 3 months ago, so if at all possible, I was trying to keep the costs low. Plus I figure the cost of installation, speakers, etc. You're right that the prices are nice though.


    As far as screen vs. painted wall goes, again it comes down to budget and aesthetics to some degree. As Birddog said a screen can detract from a room, but depending on what you are going for it can actually do just the opposite.


    Some people go out of their way for a dedicated theater look. In fact, in my first man cave, I used a painted screen, but it was actually designed to look as though it wasn't painted on at all and more closely resembled a theater (deep red walls with a white screen and black painted border). You will find different "mixes" out there too. For example I used a flat white with a small amount of silver, which worked nicely.


    I soon upgraded to a Da-Lite screen and found the improvement to be immediately noticeable. Not only does the material lend it self to reflecting light a little better, but the screen borders tend to frame the image providing a bit more contrast for your eye (of course if you paint a screen you can add a border with black paint or border material too).

    That's exactly what I was planning on doing...making a mock-screen by just building a nice frame around the area I was going to paint.


    I think maybe getting a screen down the line is the good play. The reason the paint thing became so appealing was (a) at first I just assumed you needed a screen, no questions asked (b) the paint method seemed to get good reviews and (c ) All I have it a blank white wall so it just seemed a good fit.



    Before you do anything (this includes making a decision on a unit, or type of projection surface) you should determine where you want the image to be, how big of a surface area you have, and where you *think* the projector will be. You next step is to take these measurements and go immediately to projector central, and start playing around with this:




    That will give you very accurate information on how big of a screen you'll need at certain distances. Generally speaking, the further away the projector is, the bigger the screen you'll need (and visa versa). Keep in mind zoom features can let you fine tune, and they have that accounted for in the calculator.

    I actually saw that calculator when I was doing my first research. Great tool. Thankfully, I won't have any problems. There is nothing on the ceiling anywhere that would interfere.

  12. What i don't understand is why are so many people hammering away on the freedom of religion aspect to this?


    "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


    I'm missing how this mosque complex has anything to do with the 1st ammendment?


    NO ONE is saying you cant be a practicing Muslim, no one it trying to prohibit Islam in the U.S.


    My questions/concerns/reservations are specifically on THIS proposed project and I want to know more about it, where the $100 million dollars funding is coming from, more about this Imam, why this location, etc...

    The 1st amendment applies because telling an owner of private property that they can't build a religious structure on that property is prohibiting the free exercise of that religion.


    The government doesn't have to ban a religion to get to the level of the free exercise clause. If you aren't allowed to build a house of worship on land you legally own, then your exercising of your religion is being infringed.

  13. Not to pile on but,


    Borough with highest % knowing a Muslim: Manhattan (66%)

    Borough with lowest % thinking Islam encourages violence towards non-Muslims: Manhattan (12%)


    Borough with highest % supporting/lowest % opposing mosque: Manhattan (46%/36%)


    Borough with lowest 'high' response to "How much have you heard or read about a proposal by a Muslim group to build a Muslim mosque and cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero?" : Manhattan (34%)


    Borough with highest % response to "Some people say that building a Muslim mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero will foster understanding and teach people that not all Muslims are terrorists; others say that it is an insult to the memory and families of the 9/11 victims - which comes closer to your point of view?": Manhattan (54%)



    So, the borough that has the most people who personally know a Muslim:


    a) thinks the most highly of Islam

    b) opposes the Mosque the least

    c) believes it will foster understanding the most

    d) has heard the least about this controversy


    And happens to be the borough where the controversy is located.



    And you were using this as evidence for your argument?

  14. came in here only to post Requiem for a Dream.


    there are a lot of other good, depressing movies mentioned in this thread, but Requiem is the movie that makes you feel like someone just kicked your soul in the crotch. I remember not even being able to get up from my chair when it was over. A really messed up, amazing movie.



    What an excellent description.


    What's crazy is, I still can't decide which of the 4 of them ends up the most F'd. I'd go with Connolly or Wayans...but there are no winners.

  15. I think it's fairly useful. People are getting emotional about it, and letting it stand in the way of recognizing these folks' right to put up their center. Whether or not I'd put the mosque there if I were in the shoes of the decision-maker is another matter entirely.

    That's where I am.


    If it were me, I'm not so sure I'd want to hurl myself into this shitstorm. But I'm far less comfortable making that decision for them. They have a 100% legal right not and I find the arguments equating it to an endorsement of terrorism to be ludicrous and ignorant (did I use it right, RH?)

  16. I've had one for about 4-5 years and LOVE it. :flirt:


    I had a Panasonic 720p project and it was very good. I upgraded to the Epson 7500UB (1080p) and was BLOWN AWAY with it. When the screen it that big, you definitely see a huge advantage with 1080p (unlike with smaller screens -a 46" TV doesn't really matter if it's 720p or 1080p unless you're a few feet away from it).


    I don't know how much you're looking to spend, but one of my coworkers picked up the Epson 8100 a few months ago and said it's great too.


    Check out http://www.projectorcentral.com -- lots of good information there, including a calculator that tells you how large a screen you can get with each pj, depending on how far back it is.


    You can make due without a screen for awhile, but I wouldn't do it long term. If you're handy, you can make your own screen pretty easily -- I've never done it, but AVS has an entire "DIY screen" forum. I think AJ made his own screen too so hopefully he'll chime in soon.


    You'll love watching football on the projector. It's completely amazing. :censored: Video games and movies rock too!


    Let me know if you have any specific questions.

    Good look on that projectorcentral site. I got my work cut out for me.


    You know, initially, I was absolutely going to get the 1080p. But I read something on AVS that made me think it wouldn't make that much of a difference (I wish I remember where exactly I got that from).


    So here's another question...I was shying away from a screen because (a) I have a nice flat wall and the "paint" method seemed to get great reviews and (b) I figured it would save at least $100 (maybe more).


    If I were to choose between the 720p and a screen or the 1080p and the painted wall, which would you think would be the best play?


    3d is not quite ready for prime time in projectors right now. there are way too few sources and compatibility problems. projector central has a good article on these issues. that said, that little optoma is reportedly a very good pj and may work well with new source material as it comes out. make sure you use a calculator for throw distance to see if it or any pj you're looking at will work in your application. the one downer i've read on that optoma is lamp life. av forum has several posts about it and it's older non3d sibling the HD65.

    Yeah, from what I read (and think I understand) about the HD66, the 3D thing only works for computer based stuff and requires a special video driver (nVidia I believe). Plus there were gripes about firmware upgrades and such. But since there doesn't seem to be a price difference between the 65 and 66, I figured why not?


    What Fez said. Projectorcentral.com


    I've been doing projectors for some time now too, and if you can get 1080p. do it.


    AVS is a great site - You can get nice pull down screens from their site as well. You can also go cheap and just project onto the wall, but for 200 or so, a nice screen will make a lot of difference. Plus they can match the screen gain to your specific model.




    oh, and with a projector, you aren't limited to indoor use. See my new screen (that's another TBD'er in the picture...):



    Holy shite! Nice picture!


    Another screen proponent huh? Hmmm...I may need to check that out further now. Check out my question to Fez above. I was really thinking the 'painted screen' would work, but I'll research it more. I'll definitely pick up a screen if it makes the difference.

  17. I bought a house this spring and it has a nice little finished basement section that I'm obviously going to dominate in true man-cave fashion. I'm been dragging my feet but football season is my hard deadline to get at least the TV portion settled.


    The room is configured like an L so there is a natural theater nook. I was going to just put up an entertainment center and get a nice flat screen, but the wall is just too perfect for a projector.


    I've done a lot of research (avforum was a huge help) and I think that is the way I'm going to go. I can easily stretch 100-110" which just blows my mind (my first ever HDTV was bought 2 months ago and it is 46"...before that I'd been rocking a 27" tube screen for years :devil: ). I'm even thinking of forgoing the screen since I have a nice, smooth, flat wall and I've read a lot about paint combinations that people use to create a screen-like surface.


    Right now I'm leaning towards the Optoma HD66. I'm thinking I don't need 1080p, especially as this is my first foray into projector land. The only reason I'm doing the 66 over the 65 is the 3D capability (which seems very limited right now but obviously could expand and why not have a machine that's ready).


    Everthing I've heard and read is that these projectors have come so far and the picture quality is amazing. I'm going to try to go check some out, but I really have never seen a projector that I thought was nearly as good a quality as even my 1080p Samsung LCD.


    Do any of you have any experience with HD projectors? Obviously I've read what people said on avforum and other places, but I respect a lot of the opinions in this forum when it comes to these things.



  18. What's the NC definition for manslaughter?


    Serious question...I can't find it. I can find the penalty, but no actual definition of the crime.

    I know...the NCGA provides no help.


    As far as I understand it, North Carolina follows the common law definition of manslaughter which is an intentional killing with the existence of adequate provocation (heat of passion).


    Here's an example:


    North Carolina, heat of passion voluntary manslaughter is essentially a first-degree murder, where the defendant's reason is temporarily suspended by legally adequate provocation. The specific intent to kill does [***15] exist in the mind of such a defendant; however, the defendant is only legally culpable for the general intent because the "specific intent" is not based on "cool reflection." The specific intent is based on an "adequate provocation" that would cause an individual with an ordinary firmness of mind to become provoked, and which did, in fact, provoke the defendant to commit an act spawned by provocation rather than malice.


    State v. Rainey, 154 N.C. App. 282, 289 (N.C. Ct. App. 2002)



    So basically, you can't have voluntary manslaughter w/o 1st degree murder. So if you don't believe the first is possible, than neither is the second.

  19. My 18th birthday was on Friday the 13th...Good Friday the 13th. Back then 18 was legal drinking age. Spent the night working at my dad's restaurant but when out with a friend later. He picked up a chick and took me home at 10:00pm sober.

    That sounds awesome.

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