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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. I don't defend WHAT he did, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate HOW he did it.
    Now consider this new video; he KNEW what Sherrod was saying and the context of her statement. He didn't release the video to get the woman fired. He released it because, again, he saw the predictable reactions. He knew NAACP would trip over themselves to denounce this person first without thinking it through. I think the WH harrassment and Glen Beck comments were just icing to him. This was never about Sherrod to Breitbart. It was about the NAACP. And he completely embarrassed them by thinking three steps forward.


    Great stuff.

    When you say "GREAT STUFF" after explaining WHAT he did, you can see how it might be construed that you are defending his actions, not his method, no?


    Breitbart posted that video KNOWING that the everyone from the media right up to the CIC would be standing around thinking the ball was being spiked.


    Again, if you can spend just a silly second not focusing on WHAT was done but HOW it was done, you'll stop seeing what you want to see and understand the point I'm trying to make.

    What is it you think I want to see? And I'm really not trying to be argumentative, but I don't understand this distinction of WHAT and HOW. How do you parse this into separate issues? If someone does a ****ty thing, you can still appreciate the way they delivered it? What does that even mean?


    If anything HOW Breitbart went about completing his goal was embarrassing. His mission was to discredit the NAACP and their cries of racism in the Tea Party (at least that's what he claimed publicly). I have no problem with that. But instead of getting good evidence, he released an edited video and labeled it as something it wasn't. Yes, he was able to make the WH and NAACP look stupid. But at what cost? He damaged his own credibility and gave the NAACP an excuse to try to turn this back on the Tea Party. It was like the LAPD manufacturing evidence against OJ...unnecessary, despicable and counterproductive.

  2. Breitbart has egg on his face, as does Fox, the WH, etc. That is true and even me.....right wing hack... admits that.


    But the left, who uses this type of crap as their stock in trade, who uses as a MAIN TACTIC taking people like Limbaugh out of context (how much traction did they get taking Limbaugh's "I hope he fails" out of context, huh?), to now get hysterical about breitbart doing it is an absolute joke.

    Your first sentence should be what everyone admits, right wing hacks, left wing hacks, Glenn Beck to Keith Olbermann.


    And it should be said without caveats like your second sentence.


    This situation is a great instance where multiple parties covering the full political spectrum managed to all look stupid. The WH looks stupid, Breitbart looks stupid, the NAACP looks stupid and people who defend one side look stupid.


    I don't speak for the left or right or anyone else. I do hope that what people learn from this is that what Sherrod said was okay. It might have been difficult to hear, but it is reality and it's not something people need to go crazy over. Branding her a racist to further a separate agenda was damaging. Just as it is every time racism is unfairly attached to an issue.

  3. I'll never understand why the absolute FIRST things liberals do when their ideology is caught with its pants down is start yelling about the person who pulled down their pants.

    The WH F'd up...that much is clear. But I will say that I understand why they moved quickly. Breitbart's video fooled a lot of people. Most people take a cursory look at what is presented to them and react. If it was reported that the White House was investigating the issue and attempting to contact Sherrod to get her side of the story, there would have been cries for blood. People would go nuts that a black woman who appears to have made an overtly racist statement was being treated with kid gloves.


    They pulled the trigger too soon and rightfully look stupid now. But I imagine the pressure to respond swiftly and harshly as not to create a perception that they were sitting on their hands was very strong. Still doesn't excuse them.


    Your defense of , and even PRAISE for Breitbart for his "thinking ahead" is crazy. The guy is totally in the wrong and he did a slimy, underhanded thing to further an agenda. He can either claim he didn't know the video was longer ( :rolleyes: ) and in that case he acted with extreme recklessness. Or he can claim he did know and did it anyway to make a point, in which case he is a POS.


    Blaming the WH and Breitbart are not mutually exclusive. You don't have to pick one or the other. Don't defend the indefensible.

  4. Is (2.) supposed to be ZBFQLXB? If not, I really screwed this up.


    If so, the answers are:



    2. LECTURE


    3. CUM LAUDE


    4. PREMED


    5. ALUMNI


    6. DEAN'S LIST


    I got (6.) first and went from there.

    Yes...my bad! Good catch!

  5. Sorry...forgot about yesterday. Buried in work.





    C H A P

    L A I R

    U N D O

    E K E S


    Well done, gringo...restored my faith.


    2. 1500 people (all of whom are awesome Nickelback fans :rolleyes: )





    1. Each of the college-related words and phrases below has been translated into a random cipher alphabet. Letter substitutions remain constant from word to word.


    Topic: College

    Starting hint: J = D




    2. ZBFQLXB


    3. FLI ZKLJB


    4. SXBIBJ


    5. KZLICA


    6. JBKC'Y ZAYQ

  6. OK - maybe I went too far the other way. But that's only because MJ went WAY overboard in comparing them to Bird and Magic.

    I think Jordan's point was that he wouldn't have wanted to team up with two of the best players in the league at the time. You're right that you can't compare Bosh and Wade to those legends, but that isn't the point. He could have said Isaiah and Barkley, or Ewing and Drexler. It's the idea of wanting to join elite competition rather than defeat it that Jordan (and now Magic) have spoken out against.


    How about this one? They're more like Worthy and Kareem.

    I can't argue that...I'm too young to appreciate those Lakers teams. But I think that is a separate argument. Magic and Worthy were drafted by the Lakers. That team was built organically.

  7. Why all of the praise for Bosh? The guy was never even named as a 1st team all NBA or 2nd for that matter. Never lead the league in any of the 3 main statistics. Granted he can be a role layer in that system but not a guy deserving of a "max" contract. I know none of them received the max but still.

    I think the Bosh pendulum has now swung back to underrated (or maybe even fairly rated now). He's definitely been over-hyped the past few seasons being mentioned in the same breadth as James and Wade in terms of free agency. But I think the backlash has put things back into their rightful place. Bosh is the best PF in the league and despite his limitations (defense, size), he is a great inside scorer who also has good range and nice soft touch. He could definitely be the 2nd best player on a championship team.


    The max contract argument is valid, but then again, also skewed. Who really does deserve "max" deals? Are there 5 guys? 10? I think I'd only give max money to a guy who I knew I could build a team around; a franchise player. Bosh is not that.


    But Bosh is more deserving of that money than say, Joe Johnson and Rashard Lewis.

  8. Wade and Bosh may be the best free agents available this year - but they hardly compare to Magic and Bird. They compare to Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant - two players Jordan was lucky enough to play with.

    Stop. :angry:


    Pippen was a great #2....the best of all-time. He was a good #1. He was not a dynamic scorer and could not be the best player on a championship team. Wade, he is not.


    And Horace Grant?? Bosh will never be confused with KG or Duncan, but Grant?? A true #3 whose main role was to grab boards and give you 10-12 pts per game? You think you stick Horace Grant up in Toronto and he gets you 24 and 11?? Ha!


    The best comparison to MJ, Pippen and Grant is Kobe, Pau and Odom.

  9. I agree that Apple is a top player (#2 in fact) in the US smartphone market, but I disagree that they are one on the overall worldwide phone market.


    In any event, perhaps I didn't state my original point clearly. I was more trying to say that if this is simply a case of people piling on top of Apple for being the top dog, when all phone manufacturers experience this problem, then why hasn't RIM, who has more marketshare in both the US & the world, and who apparently also experiences the problem (according to Apple & posts earlier), been raked over the coals?


    One option is it could be that the iPhone is truly #1 in sales, and above RIM's phone lineup. I haven't seen any numbers that back that up, though. Especially when RIM is widely considered to be the leader in US smartphones, with Apple #2, by just about everyone. That's why I was trying to do the "RIM vs Apple" thing. I think the argument is invalid if you say that RIM is experiencing the same thing, but they aren't getting the heat for it because they aren't the top dog.

    My take is that the amount of heat Apple has received is a result of 3 factors:


    1. They are top dog in terms of visibility. As you've made clear, they can't touch RIM in worldwide market share and are still lagging domestically. But the iphone is the most visible, recognizable phone in the country (maybe the world? I have no idea). If you asked any person at random on the street to give you the name of the first cellphone to pop into their head, I'd have to believe the iPhone would crush overwhelmingly.


    2. Their initial response was terrible in terms of PR. They blamed software (at best a peripheral problem, at worst a bold faced lie). They blamed the CONSUMER ("you're holding it wrong"). And finally they offered a "solution" of letting you buy that butt ugly case for $30. Terrible series of missteps and I think they deserve the backlash. They finally made good on it, but some damage was done.


    3. Apple has built entire marketing empire on the idea that their products are cool and easy to use. They are directly responsible for the widespread ad campaign tactic that everyone uses now (OUR product is a cool, hip smart guy and YOUR product is a fat/awkward/nerdy/stupid guy). So when they F up and then react badly, it sticks out more. I mean, Jobs blaming how people hold the phone was exactly like something "PC" would say to "MAC" in one of those commercials.


    I own an iPhone (3GS) and I love it. My dad just bought the iPhone4, and while he had some initial concerns over all this, he has had no problems and now loves it too. So I'm not just bashing. I just think they handled this poorly and the backlash makes sense for a variety of reasons (some self-inflicted, some not).

  10. (unless it's a nickelback concert and all that white trash aint wearin no shirts or shoes :blink: )

    I just noticed they have a show coming up Nashville in September. What's that, like a 4 hour drive for you? Definitely worth it for the chance to see living rock and roll legends in their prime. :devil:

  11. I realize this is slightly off topic, but I would love for someone to explain how a young person can build safe, responsible credit. A bank is NOT going to issue me a low limit, low interest card. Something that can be paid off easily. What should I do? I'm only getting older.

    What do you mean a "low limit low interest card?" Credit cards don't require minimum balances; you always have the right to pay off the entire balance each month so you don't accrue any interest.


    The best way to establish credit would be to apply for a card with no annual fee and simply use it regularly and pay off the entire balance each month. If you're leery, just use it for something small and simple like buying gas each month. As long as you budget the cash you would have used to pay it off, you will incur no interest charges and it will simply feel like a debit card. Meanwhile, a steady history of even minor transactions and on-time payments each month will build your credit rating. It will take a long time, but it's the first step.

  12. So what happened on Friday? I finally got you?? Only links gave it any sort of a shot. Disappointing. So I'm posting it again to give you a shot at redemption...




    1. Try Again



    2. Two-thirds of the people at a concert are wearing hats. Of those who don't wear hats, three-fifths wear T-shirts. If the number of people at the concert without a hat or t-shirt is 200, how many people attended the concert?

  13. This story gets weirder and weirder.




    Police: Both carjacking AND oral sex alibis were lies

    Friday, 16 July 2010 00:46 Jerry DeMarco


    NEWSBREAK: Just when it seemed the story couldn't get any crazier, police say the woman who first told them she was carjacked, then said she was giving the driver oral sex, was lying BOTH times to try and cover up crashing her daddy's SUV after she and her boyfriend stole a laptop from a parked car.


    Sara Blasse, 23, is still hospitalized with a broken arm; that much is fact. The rest was a bunch of hooey, cops say.


    What authorities say happened was that she and 27-year-old Henry Goode Jr. stole the laptop, then sped off, with Goode driving, after the owner called police. Goode plowed her father's Kia Sorrento into a tree and the pair tried torching the car to cover up the crime, a spokesman for the Camden County Prosecutor's Office said.


    That apparently didn't work, so they took off, he said.


    Both are charged with aggravated arson and burglary, among other counts. Blasse had bail set and Goode was being held, authorities said.

    Jesus Christ.


    She steals a laptop, crashes the car, sets it on fire, breaks her arm, runs away, tells police lie #1 that makes no sense, tells police lie #2 that makes even less sense AND makes her look like a weird slut and then finally admits to everything just in time to get charged with multiple felonies.




    You'd think she'd rather just take the rap for burglary than be known as the girl who drove into town, picked up and blew a random dude and then destroyed her dad's car.

  14. Okay now I KNOW your BSing me. No one could type this shite and mean it. Well played.

    Ah....I layed it on a little too thick there, didn't I? :wallbash: I was hoping to get another hit from DrDank...I know how much he loves Chad Kroeger and co.


    This thread started a little too serious so I did what I could to help.



    But, full disclosure, I do like Nickelback. I've never bought a CD, but I got no qualms about enjoying some catchy radio songs. If that "Rockstar" song comes on the radio on my drive home, I'm gonna crank that MF'er up! :thumbsup:

  15. Vanilla ice cream is also the most popular ice cream flavor and it's not because it's a particularly creative flavor.


    And please stop with statements like "I don't think anyone would disagree that Nickelback is a great, great rock band", "I thought it was the general consensus that they have been king of the rock and roll mountain" and "I don't think that's arguable" ...it makes you sound like a complete loon.

    Vanilla? No way. You can't serve only Vanilla ice cream for a decade and still be widely revered as the best restaurant of your kind.


    Nickelback has redefined themselves over and over without straying too far from what makes them great. It's not like they have been putting out the same song for all these years. It's a very rare quality only found in bands with the kind of staying power that has kept them in the penthouse for so long. It's not an accident that pretty much everyone at least has great respect for them (even if they aren't your personal favorite). You wouldn't argue that, I'm sure...

  16. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5385835


    Right now the NBA is a lockout next year as well...and its actually working like it should. Players are scared to death for what might be in the CBA next year so they are locking up long term deals now for less money.


    Shouldn't St. Louis tell Bradford to take pretty much what Stafford got last year or go roll the dice with potential rookie pay scales?

  17. You guys have to hear the sports talk radio going on down here since this whole Lebron, Wade Bosh thing happened. It is quite honestly the worst puppeting you ever heard. It makes me want to swerve my vehicle into on coming traffic. They are pretty much planning the ticker tape parade down here. It is beyond frustrating, these fans are such trash. IDK if any one caught a Heat game last year but they are just like Fins fans, dressed as orange seats. Some guy from Buffalo called in and blasted Joe Rose with facts and sound argument then when he hangs up he calls him a no nothing idiot, cause he disagreed with the assessment that LeBron is not the missing piece to the championship puzzle and Bosh is just an average star in the NBA. Which both are correct. I still think Boston is the better team.

    I do feel bad for the 400 or so actual Heat fans who will have to fight for tickets with all the mouth breathers who just found out Miami had a pro team.

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