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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. This is not directed at anyone who is criticizing the play of the Bills today. They did fuk up on many occasions. THIS is directed at you sniveling, worthless fake fans who act as if it is Buffalo's priviledge to have you as a fan. I can hear some of you know whining to yourself "Woe is me, I have six more season tix left!" "I am forced to watch 13 more games this year" "Convince me to stay a Bills fan!" HA! Kiss my @ss.


    This team is not on top right now. But they will be great again. Maybe not this year, maybe not next year. But soon the Bills will be back in the Playoffs and maybe back competing for a ring. Then I'm sure you whiny, pathetic fair-weatherers will come runnin back.


    If you dont have the heart to stick with a team when they are down, then you do not deserve to celebrate with them when they win.


    Take a F*ckin hike

  2. Seems like some players have made the transformation to announcer/analyst very smoothly.


    My Good list would be:


    Steve Young

    Tom Jackson

    Dan Marino (yes even Dan).

    Sterling Sharpe (what ever happened to him?)


    Bad List:


    Michael Irvin (get a fuggin clue bro)

    Terry Bradshaw (good analysis but so damn annoying)

    Merril Hoge (Tries to get a reaction by saying the dumbest damn things)

    Shannon Sharpe (I liked his trash talk as a player but he can barely speak...constantly butchers names, teams, plays)

  3. In what language is weathervane spelled with a "y"? I only ask because you use it so often to be condescending and it only makes you look more like a fuggin retard.


    ICE....I agree with most of your points. I dont think Moulds is quite done and I think our WRs can still learn a lot from him. I also don't like it when a team shows no loyalty to veterans who have stuck with them through it all. EM could have jumped ship but he had loyalty and to just dump him off because he may not be the same WR he was when he was 27 is not the kind of thing I think a good organization should do.


    I am also not ready to dump TH just because I'm not sure if Willis will ever be back to his form. I do think that guys like him and Evans should be getting much more invovled though.



  4. I like Donahoe a lot and I'm not ready to dump him. But I do truly believe that he isn't even the best GM in our organization. I would hand over the reigns to Modrak in a second. Or at least let Modrak handle drafting and talent evaluation. I think TDs cap skills are about as good as they get, but I dont think he can match Modrak in the talent department.



  5. Great list. Friggin Lonnie may be a first ballot HOFer.


    One man that everyone forgot....I can't even remember his frist name. ?Daryl? Porter. The king of the stupid penalty. I think he owns a restaurant in FLA. As I recall, not the brightest man ever to wear our uniform.


    Id also add Gabe Northern and Russell "Superman" Copeland.



  6. The original fake cowboy fan I wused to wind up the faithful was a guy named "Cowpoke".  After a while I figured that you guys would get even more enraged if it was a local guy who who was a cowboy fan, so I made him "lenny in sloan"


    By the way, Cablelade...notice the lack of caps in "lenny in sloan"




    My memory is warming up.....Go Cowboys! We beet you in three superbowls! :blink:



  7. I dunno about most of the gang, Bart, but I hear "Miami Don Johnson" signed the Wall at the tailgate..........  :o




    MIAMI DON JOHNSON!! Ahh the memories come flooding back to me....things were so much simpler then. We were winning, in the playoffs and all had the confidence that another SB (and victory) was just a matter of time. B) A "bad" day was when Miami Don, Lenny or one of his other friends would come and stir sh*t up...


    What happened??? :P:blink:




  8. Corvette


    This is the best American Sports car ever, Anything else and you're wasting your time.




    T80....you keep pushin this vette deal on me. Dude, I f*ckin wish this conversation was about which Vette I wanted to buy. B) Unfortunately my budget doesnt call for that right now....maybe one day. Thats why I called it the "poorvette."



  9. You asked for opinions.  If you don't want to know then don't ask.




    Bro....misunderstanding. I wasn't saying "no sh*t" to be sarcastic. I meant it in more of a "oh for real?" way. I appreciate the info and help that you and everyone else in this thread gave me. I really do.





  10. With my experience with GM products from the early-mid 90's is that once they hit around 75K miles they start to break down and a steady $250/month repair bills start.  If you get above 100K you’re looking for trouble.


    If your able to fix it yourself you will save considerable $$$$ but I wouldn't recommend either for your main driver.


    There is not much difference in the engines of 94-96 Camaro's.  The difference will be cosmetic.




    no sh*t huh?.....hmmmm.


    Well let me ask you ALL this, how much would you pay for either of those cars?

  11. I asked a good friend of mine whos brother starts for the Rangers (Kevin Mench) to give me the dirt. He claims Kevin wouldnt say sh*t about it (not sure if he just doesnt want to say).


    I think throwing the chair is over the line but I also think that if anyone (fans, players, ANYONE) runs their mouth then they deserve what they get. That lying piece of sh*t definitely said somethin that ignited the fire.




  12. I have recently lost the automotive love of my life to a head gasket crack. I got a 1985 BMW 528e when I was 16 and it gave me almost 5 years of loving, faithful service. I love the hell out of that car but dumping 2 grand into a car with 225,000 miles seems a little crazy to me.


    I am in the market for a new ride and I have always loved Camaros. I think it is a travesty that the Mustang caused the eventual discontinution of what was a great American muscle car. I am deciding between:


    1994 Z28 Coupe....84k miles




    1996 Z28 T-Top Coupe 117k miles.


    Same price...both in great condition and from a dealership (not privately sold).


    I like to say that I know my sh*t when it comes to cars but I have never known anything besides my German beauty. Anyone with any Camaro experience have any insight? Let me know because one of those two cars will be mine by next week.


    Thanks TBD



  13. Im talking about Urban apeal, Not just Black Apeal.


    There is a huge difference.  There are many Black analyst on every channel, but not many that relate to the Inner City kids.


    Scott, Irvin, Steven A Smith all have Urban apeal. 


    Also, Its a fact, that most of the stars in the NFL come from inner city backgrounds.


    Its good to see that ESPN is trying to relate to these kids, because unless you watch BET, there arent many national networks that even care to try and relate to the urban society, in other words the Hip Hop generation.  They will cash the checks on the money they make from the Hip Hop generation, but could care less about them when it comes to putting them on TV.



    I dont understand how you think Stuart Scott has urban appeal. Hearing him forcing out "urban" slang is about as natural as ODB trying to recite Shakespeare. I think "urban" fans think he sounds fake. I see your case with Irvin and Smith though.



  14. :doh:;)


    Where are all my Wolvervines? I was in Ann Arbor for the blowout last year and man does this make all that anguish worth it.


    2 home games vs. Michigan in my 4 years here.....2 huge wins and twice we've rushed the field. Michigan is a solid team but no freshman QB is gonna walk into our house and smack us around.


    What a difference a week makes. The team I saw today was not the team that took the field vs. BYU.




    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  15. I have life left in me for Notre Dame. I am so psyched for this weekend and it starts tomorrow. I dont know if I'd lay cash down but I am gonna go crazy for ND nonetheless. And regardless of the outcome, I am twice as excited for the Bills opener. To all of you from here who are attending the opener, I am so jealous. Be safe but go crazy......the tone of the season starts Sunday at 1pm.


    good night....GO BILLS



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