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Posts posted by bartshan-83

  1. I'm sure you all heard about TOs recent comments regarding Ray Lewis and the TD dance. I've always liked TO. I understand you either like him or you hate him, a lot of people hate showboats in general. I always like him because he is entertaining, he does back up his stunts with his on-field performance and mostly because I like to see a player that lashes back at the No Fun League. I do think he is villified for his actions (perhaps unjustly, perhaps not) but I think he is going a little crazy with his whole "public enemy # 1" rap.


    For those of you who missed it, you can read about it on any sports site but here is the quote:


    "You have a guy like Ray Lewis, who, I mean, I thought pretty much he was my friend. I mean, this is a guy, you know, double-murder case, he could have been in jail. Seems like the league embraces a guy like that. But I'm going out scoring touchdowns, having fun, but I'm the bad guy,"....


    "it's discouraging to get put in the mold "that I'm the worst guy that ever put on a uniform in the NFL."


    "At times, it baffles me. I've never been in any off-field problems."


    I think he also went a little far by bringing up the double-muder case. But in his defense I do think that it is sad that his issues seem to garner more attention, and therefore often more animosity, than the off-field problems of many other players. Leonard Little has had 2 DUIs, one of which resulted in a woman's death and at times it seems that TOs stunts get more of a reaction than something like that.


    Anyway, what do you all think?

  2. I was just reading that article about our guys finally getting healthy again. I tell you I feel really good about getting Vincent back up to speed and also possibly Teague. Nothing helps to push a winning streak (yes folks I know we've only won 1) like emotional lifts. When guys start to get healthy and the team feels like it is getting back to where it should have been all along, it always helps with chemistry and cohesiveness.


    I am also real excited to see what kind of secondary we have with Milloy and Vincent playing at the same time. McGee is learning very fast and I think when he goes back to the nickel, he is gonna shut these 3rd WRs down.


    LCB: Clements

    NCB: McGee

    FS: Reese

    SS: Milloy

    RCB: Vincent.


    I really like the look of that. I think teams are gonna have a lot harder time passing on us when that lineup is back in force. That combined with Edwards' emergence and Adams' suddenly inspired play could make for one helluva complete defense.


    Man with all that plus Willis looking great, JP getting healthy, the O-line coming together (especially Big Mike looking less and less like a 400 lb. twinkie), Schobel turning it on....I've never felt so optimistic about a 2-5 team with no 1st rd. draft pick :D:( .

  3. 1. Bills will beat the Jets by two scores.

    2. We'll see Losman for the first time, in a goal line situation only. Touchdown.

    3. McGahee will keep his start/100 yards thing going.

    4. Lee Evans will play a big role in the game.

    5. Sam Adams and Ron Edwards will continue their backfield menacing.

    6. Milloy will get a pick.

    7. Kelsay will get a sack.

    8. Drew won't be terrible.

    9. Mike Williams will have a good game.

    10. Terrence McGee won't score, but he'll lead the league in KR yards again.


    Help, I'm optimistic but I'm not sure why...


    1. Right on!

    2. So soon? I didn't know he was near to ready.

    3. Amen

    4. I think so too. Been quiet for too long.

    5. Absolutely

    6. I'd love to see that. Reese got me excited with his INT. Thought it might start a trend...

    7. Interesting....I'd love to see a few from the ends. Maybe even...gasp...Denney? :D

    8. Agreed. I think with Willis back there and the line improving we will see a solid Drew for the rest of the year.

    9. AMEN!!

    10. I hope he leads in average but not in yds cause I dont want the jets kicking off very often.


    Interesting points...

  4. I have said all year that Modrak should become the next GM, whatever happens with TD.  We almost lost Modrak last offseason.  We need to keep this guy around.


    I've been saying the same thing for 2 years. I always get sh*t on though. Modrak built a beautiful team in philly and he and joe banner (team pres.) managed the cap better than anyone in the league.

  5. I very much disagree with allowing Teague to cover JPs blindside. We just drafted our hopeful star QB for the next decade and if we make ANY big FA move this offseason, I would hope it would be to get him a very good LT to protect him. Allowing Teague to protect him will shorten his career. I'm with you Rich, if we could only get Jones (did the Rams lock up Pace long term?). It would take some serious dough, but i think it would be worth it.


    For the rest of the line, I like the idea of moving Mike inside but IF, IF we do that, definitely wait till the offseason. Things haven't been that bad since Willis started picking up blitzers, lets see where this current alignmnet gets us.



  6. Well that didn't take long. Posts being moved, people arguing about posts being moved, people arguing about people arguing about posts being moved. :devil: We could be entering another RJ/Flutie-esque level of bickering. Lets see, we are already at each others throats about the Bills AFTER a fuggin WIN and today's results are gonna make a lot of people happy and a lot of people pissed. Jeez I'm glad the goddamn world series is over..... :D



    Just remember, this place is like a big dysfunctional family to many. Everyone has their buds and that one cousin or two that you can't f*ckin stand but at the end of the day we are all Bills fans. We are all here because of our passion for our team. Despite the results of today's election, every sunday we are all behind the same guys.


    GO BILLS!!





  7. I think it sucks! I think night games are fun and it is a bigger home field advantage. Those games you reference Paco (KC and Pats) were/are away games. I think once this team is more competitive it will be a huge advantage to have NE or Pitt or another contender AT Buffalo rather than traveling to their home stadium to play in front of a jacked up MNF crowd.


    I think it is ridiculous how we used to always be scheduled AT Miami on Monday night.

  8. If your QB is averaging 81 yards? Yes.


    I am a huge Drew basher, but if he starts winning, and can put up some numbers, and keep the INTs down, I'll be happy to stick with him


    I think the OLine is finally starting to gel. And that has been his apologists biggest fear: that the Oline looks decent and drew still cant do s#it.


    Steve here's my deal....I like Bledsoe. I know he is not the future and I hope to see JP as soon as he is ready to roll. But Drew really is getting into a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Drew did not play great yesterday but he played well enough to win. He is the QB and he did a good job of playing within the offense, minimizing mistakes and making plays when he had to.


    Some people love Drew so much that they believe he had an amazing game. AND some people hate him so much that they can't even give him the slightest iota of credit. Drew did NOT win the game for us, but he definitely helped. Leave it at that until JP is ready.

  9. It made my day!


    A win is a win is a win is a win is a win.


    The day I do not care, they will be sprinkling my ashes over the wall at the Ralph.  ;)


    Amen Rock...and everyone else. I think its sad that after all the sh*t that has been handed to us every Sunday that people can't be happy about a blowout win. It feels good to watch ESPN and see the score flash up every now and then. It feels good to open up the paper and NOT read "Buffalo blows it....again."


    And for those of you who are still stuck in the early 90s, there is NOTHING wrong with expecting greatness, but if you wont be happy until that happens again i'm afraid your gonna have a pretty depressing year(s).


    GO BILLS!!!!!!

  10. Bart, the end result was around 115 yards on about 30 carries.  The damage was done on his first 5 carries, and by the special teams and defense.  We finally dominated in every fascet of the game (yes, even passing, based on the type of passing game we ran).  I'll be happy till next weekend.  Hopefully my hapiness is continued after that!



    Im thrilled Willis McGahee is in the game. I love Henry to death but Willsi does more to help us win besides run the ball. That was more or my point. This game does not make me believe he is a great runner YET, but he is becoming a very complete player.


    And I am thrilled!

  11. When you have jack for a passing game, it makes it that much harder to generate a running attack.  So props to Willis for a good game when EVERYONE knew he was getting the rock.




    I disagree a little bit. A little more than half of McGahee's yds came on his first 5 carries (54). This was before it was established that our passing game wasn't going to do anything.


    From that point forward (once AZ realized we were gonna try to ram it)he had 25 carries for 48 yds. Less than 2 yds. per carry, not anything to be excited about. What I was excited about for him was his ability to punch it in the endzone. THAT is worthy of a gameball.

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