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Posts posted by RkFast

  1. In my view there is a pretty big difference between the instances of Weiner and Sanford. In Sanford's case, as clumsy as it unfolded, he cheated on a woman he loved, one who he is engaged to. For him, it was a situation of betrayal for love. In Weiner's case, he was texting photos of his body parts to women he didn't know. His situation was more of a perverted nature. Sanford did something that is becoming more and more socially "acceptable", which is he simply cheated. What weiner did on the other hand was just creepy. Your regular run of the mill sort of cheating can be overcome more easily than creepy texting of body parts to unknown women.

    "Simply cheated?" What you know about love and marriage is very little.

  2. This is just the suits at Disney feeling like they need another fat bonus. It's happening every day.


    Management figures out that people will work harder to hang on to their jobs. So you blow out 4% of your workforce, wait and see if stuff still gets done, then give yourself a bonus for being such an awesome manager.



    Not to burst your working man BS pity party, but management staff and "suits" get laid off, too. A lot, actually.

  3. I personally don't believe a word that Russ Brandon says, although, I do think that he is very good at his job, and I'm glad he is in the position he is in for my favorite team. He's a marketing and PR guy at heart, and their job is to lie the way a lawyer's job is to lie.



    Excuse me...Im a marketer and PR guy. If I "lie", both me and my company are breaking the law. Ever hear of truth in advertising laws? Puffery laws? Go learn something.

  4. If I were the Republicans, assuming Hillary gets the nomination, I would just run that "What difference does it make?" clip in context for every issue they run a spot against her on. Over and over again. Its damning. But they wont...because the GOP are !@#$ing morons.

  5. To be fair the spider bite really did mess up Hanneman and he was in dire straits because of it. Sad time. He was a true pioneer. Your first slayer show, when they came out on stage and started playing and you honestly questioned if you were gonna make it out alive was always a seminal moment in a young mans life.


    To quote Albert Einstein "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." While I give credit to Bills management for trying new things this offseason, I agree that they taking some huge risks. Hiring a college HC with no NFL Head coaching experience, drafting a QB early in the draft, not upgrading the LG spot (or any other position on the O-line). We'll see how well these gambles payoff.

    Name me a HC hire that would have been a sure thing. Ill wait.
  7. Obviously you've never attempted to start a business or renovate your home. If you have you'd know that this is not a case of a rogue government employee. It's her job and safe to say she's one of many whose job it is to find money any way they can.

    Doing a massive home renovation right now. One part of the project is going to take three months. The other part is going to take a year. Guess which is which.
  8. In the last 10 years, these very boards have had two suicides that I know of. From our little spattering of statistics, numbers point elsewhere. Sorry I am being your buzzkill.

    Yes, Im well aware. I doubt either of the two good people who committed suicide...RIP.....did so because their unemployment checks ran out.

  9. You've worked most of your adult life but now you are without a job, every time you thought the next interview would be it but it's been 18+ months and you have gone from unemployed to unemployable - you have used up your unemployment and you are loathed to apply for any other government assistance, you're 12-17+ years away from SSI, 5 years away from paying off the mortgage and maybe you're savings will last two years if you live like a monk - it's a pretty bleak picture for a lot of people.


    If you're "depressed" because you can't get gubmint bennies or even swing a job at the local Pizza Hut, please off yourself.

  10. Possibly health care for a partner/spouse.


    And I know you have discounted this and I know its not a right, but his ability to live his life on a socially equal level as heterosexual... And yes that includes not being heckled for being gay.


    And not to speak for the mods but your'tone' could be viewed as trying to bait responders in such a way as to quickly take thread to PPP.



    Fair enough...but by coming out how did Collins advance the "cause" of allowing equal benefits for gay couples (something I support)?


    And every athelete is heckled for things. Every single one. For everything under the sun, some things personal and private and that are every bit on par wth a person's sexuality. But somehow when it happens to gay atheletes its "bad" and they should be exempt from being subject to such behavior? Mind you Im talking about the typical level of fan-based commentary that athletes endure.




    If anything, getting the same treatment from fans that other players get (and his ability to handle it) shows he is living his live on a socially equal level.

  11. WAIT.....did someone above really use getting heckled in NEW YORK CITY as an example of UNIQUE mistreatment?


    Come on.


    This is a great first step and, hopefully, an open door through which others can follow.

    There was a "ban" on gay players before today?


    So glad that our society continues to evolve and give all citizens the opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - just like the Constitution promises.

    Please help me understand what rights Collins was denied before today. {writer's note: this is the THIRD time Im posting my comments on the subject. Im not being offensive at all or joking about the story, so Im unclear as to why they are getting removed. If you delete the comments this time pony up an explanation as to why.}

  12. I don't care where your ideology lies, and even if you don't love his record as President, you GOTTA love Bush Sr. the man. A record of service to the Country a mile long, then he retires and jumps out of planes, races cigarette boats and takes his wife to ball games. And by all accounts, one of the nicest, most genuine men you could ever hope to come across.

  13. This is stunning.


    One thing all the coverage I've heard keeps missing: the unbelievable amount of planning and preparation by the Boston and MA that went on for YEARS before this happened. For all the excitement at the "pointy end of the stick," you don't coordinate multiple local, state, and federal agencies this effectively and get results over a 100 hour span unless you've got a seriously well-thought out and detailed emergency plan. Compare this, for example, to the absolute lack of planning evident in the grabasstic fumbling around Waco 20 years ago or the complete cluster !@#$ of Katrina. Just having the lines of command and authority defined well enough to bring the hammer down this quickly is unbelievable.


    As emergency planning goes, what Boston and MA are showing should be the new gold standard.

    That might all be true, but listening to the police skannah, awe cant ghet phaaast der ahhchsents, ya bahstad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Color me skeptical over the whole thing. Why didn't these kids leave after the bombings? Will we capture one alive so we can question him for motive? As far as I'm concerned, the only thing these kids are guilty of so far is going to the Boston Marathon with book-bags.


    Now I'm not saying they aren't guilty, I'd just like to see at least one of the two captured alive.

    OK, Alex Jones....whatever you say. They found these two kids on the videos and tracked them down and they just happened to run away AND be armed, ready and willing to get into a skirmish with basically every piece of law enforcement in New England.

  14. Thank Christ somebody had the bravery to post this.

    "Brave" to be a contrarian on a sports message board from an anonymous account? Get over yourself. Ohhh...some people made a few comments about the first practice. How dare they! Those fools! Drinking the Kool-Aid already! Good Lord.


    I'm all for optimism.


    But this same thing happens with every new regime. Their new message and the changes they make are fresh and it brainwashes everyone for a period of time to thinking things will be different.


    As the offseason goes on, the optimism grows.


    Then were usually let down. Hopefully this time things really are different.

    Not to nitpick but by its very definition, things will be "different" with a new regime. Better? Who knows. But they will be different.

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