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Posts posted by RkFast

  1. On 5/14/2024 at 9:17 PM, 4merper4mer said:

    1. The spandex mafia

    2. The whining from the spandex mafia

    3. The lack of banning of the spandex mafia

    4. The dumb advertising on the spandex of the spandex mafia

    5. Potholes



    Warms my heart that after all these years I still annoy the hell out of you. 😛


    Just picked this whip up...about 500 miles on it so far. Its devine. https://enve.com/products/melee-complete-bike

  2. 7 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    It doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive.  That’s the point.  Butker suggests it has to be.


    I dont agree. But I DO think he was a little ham-fisted with his words. The term "homemaker" is a loaded one which to a lot of people implies "get back into the kitchen."  But there is no queation that running a good home is tough job and an important one thats been downplayed and crapped on in search of some new noble calling for women in the workforce. 


    Which kind of leads me to my next point here....


    A LOT of people who are outraged over this have also been on the side of "screw the man" and "your career isnt everything...find something else thats closer to your heart" and all that, especially post-COVID. Isnt that the same thing Butker is saying?

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. Has anybody bothered to ask actual MOTHERS if they feel that being a mom and making sure their children have a safe and nurturing home is "the most important thing" to them? Id bet a lot of money the vast majority of them...even ones with big time careers outside the home...would say that it is. Becuase all I know is that Im a "father and provider" and there is ABSOLTUELY NOTHING ON THIS PLANET that comes remotely close to that title in terms of priority, importance, sense of duty or pride for me. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Bad Things said:

    What a delusional fool.

    He gets invited to speak at a commencement, where students have worked for 4+ years on their degree, while spending tens of thousands of dollars...  and he "ventures to guess" that the girls would rather be housewives and spends time speaking about it?


    It's such an incredibly stupid thing to say in that situation, basically brushing aside their hard work and achievement, to talk about how great his wife has it.



    If my daughter would've been graduating at that ceremony, I would've been PO'd.


    It was for a very Catholic, traditional school, dude.  The outrage you’re looking for on behalf of the students just isn’t there.  The people who went to this school are on board with his comments.

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  5. 3 hours ago, The Avenger said:

    Funny how they always pull out Leviticus to condemn gay people though...


    I hate to drop this on ya, but youre going to be very hard pressed to find a religion that doesnt have something to say and explicit rules about the respective roles of men and women with regard to families, procreation, etc. 

  6. A Catholic person at a gathering of Catholic individuals gave a speech where he/she/they promoted the values of living as a Catholic.


    Now replace the word "Catholic" with the name of any other social/political identity or class and let me know if its still something to be "outraged and offended" about. 


    Always amazes me how in the modern world where literally everything is looked at through the prism of extreme dogma, the group that basically invented the damned word is the only one thats denounced for practicing it. 

    • Like (+1) 3
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  7. 4 hours ago, Einstein said:

    Not many businesses exist where the fans (taxpayers) pay for the building and THEN get charged to enter the building and THEN get charged to buy the product.

    Imagine if YOU (the taxpayer) had to pay for new Taco Bell building. And THEN when the fancy new Taco Bell you paid for was all constructed, management made you pay to enter the building you just paid for. And THEN once youre in the building you paid to build, and paid to enter, you had to then pay for the actual tacos.

    Your analogy doesnt wash because 99% of businesses... this would be thought of as insane. Which it is.

    It is not even remotely close to passing the cost of doing business onto the customer.


    Unless Im WAY off, the purpose of the PSL is to finance the construction of the Stadium.  And a sports team...last I checked...needs a stadium to play and in this day and age thats a lot more than brick steel, toilets, grass and some seats. 


    Also, you act like sports teams are the only businesses that get tax breaks. Ever hear of IDAs? You also cant compare a fast food franchise to a sports team and how they operate and are financed. Come on.

  8. 2 hours ago, Westside said:

    Until they start to suck again. Which will probably happen when Josh leaves. It’s a money grab. I don’t have a dog in this fight. I gave up my ST’s years ago when the drinking and tailgating got out of control. 
    I really only watch the big games nowadays and wouldn’t really miss it if it went away. 
    I believe this will signal the end of the bills in buffalo sooner rather than later. High ticket prices, rowdy drunk fans and the ever increasing costs for blue collar workers and as soon as the team starts to suck, away goes the people who are willing to pay for the exorbitant prices will stop paying. 
    Greed ruins everything. 


    How does "greed" comes into play here? Name me a business that DOESNT pass at least a significant portion of the cost of doing business on to its customers in one way, shape or form. 


    Until Im shown that team ownership is soaking the fans in this new building and charging prices with a very very high markup, the "greed" argument just doesnt wash. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. On 3/26/2024 at 12:26 PM, nucci said:

    Purchasing a football ticket and a car is not a good comparison. 


    Then a boat. Or putting a pool and patio with kitchen in your yard. Or maybe a second "hobby" car, like a Vette or some classic car. Or if youre me and really into cycling, a pro-level road bike ($12-$14K). 


    A PSL is no different than stuff like the above in that its part of the "cost" of the thing that one enjoys for recreation. And if youre one of those folks who make going to Bills games 8-10 times a year and doing the tailgate in OP a priority in your life for fun and rec time, this is the current price of participation in 2024. 



  10. On 3/25/2024 at 3:10 PM, eball said:

    The sense of entitlement among Bills fans is astonishing.



    Fans: "We need bigger buffaloes!...We need top of the line amenities!...We need a bigger buidling!....we need a roof!...we need beer and food stands every ten feet!....we need a thousand TVs in the building!."


    Ownership: "OK, this is what that will cost to build and provide all that and what we will charge our customers to make it happen"



    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 18 hours ago, Dancing Fool said:

    Damn the perspectives of the common man 


    The organization sent out a multiple page survey to all season ticket holders and then expanded the survey to the general fanbase. It was several pages long and covered multiple topics from tailgating preferences, to where the building should go, to what it should be like inside, to what flavor the urinal cakes should be. Did you not complete the survey? You should have completed the survey. FWIW, I picked "chocolate chocolate chip" on the urinal cakes flavor multiple choice question. Also...if you read my rant to the end, you would have noticed it had a happy ending. 






  12. The funny thing about the "Giant Buffaloes" is that NOBODY knew or cared about giant buffaloes until they showed a single, grainy, VERY preliminary mockup of a stadium CONCEPT that had giant buffaloes.  Talk about mob-mentality. 


    On the issue of the stadium, itself....having gone through this when the Mets moved from Shea to Citifield, I can sadly say the next fews year will be downright intolerable. Everyone is going to B word and complain and be miserable and nitpick the hell of of everything from the color of the seats, to the size of statues to the proposed flavors of the urinal cakes.  The blather will drone on and reach a fever pitch around the first pre-season game when they let the unwashed masses into the building the first time, at which point everyone will REALLY lose their minds. 


    "When I sit in my new seat, the beer stand is 6.78 meters further than it was at the Ralph!!!!! AARRRRRGGGHHHHHTSKLJFSHSLK!!!!!!"


    But then....guess what? Unless they seriously screw it up (looking at YOU, MetLife) after like Game 5 EVERYONE will forget what they spent the last few years gouging their eyes out about, will settle in to their new digs, and will absolutely love the building. Also...and this is the most important part...if things are discovered that really need to be tweaked in the new buidling after the org learns how things work and flow in real life on gameday....they will make those tweaks. And the place will be even better. 

    • Like (+1) 1
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    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. I’m not gonna lose sleep over it, but that’s a pretty tone deaf comment from Hamlin. Kinda disappointed. He should not be saying that out loud. Buffalo bled for this guy last year and to say it’s a “dream” to play somewhere else?  Yeesh.  

    Also…we can’t be two faced here (but we will).  DIGGS says anything outside of “I want to be in Buffalo forever, this place is better than utopia”…if he even HINTS one day he will be somewhere else…and people lose their minds.   But Hamlin outright says he wants to play somewhere else and it’s “no big deal” and “understandable?” Can’t have it both ways, folks.  

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Eyeroll 1
  14. 57 minutes ago, davefan66 said:

    Went well.  Good crew. Did a great job.  Even pulled my old boiler out of the crawl space.  

    They ended up running the condensate via a small pump to my slop sink.  Tried to drill a hole in the crawl space pad and discharge that way, but I wasn’t a fan of that.  Only issue versus gravity is the pump is a point of failure.


    Need to tweak the boiler water heat setting I think.  Baseboards are not as warm as usual and the furthest room heated, but not to the usual level.


    Awesome. They could have gravity drained to dirt but the pump should be fine. Mine's 10 years old and hasnt failed. Remember above where I said you need to replace the media in the neutralizer? Well, now you have to clean the pump, too. Again, not a huge deal. Its a DIY job and Ive done it like three times in the ten years Ive had it. Just regular maintainance....no big deal.


    If you have baseboard, you may indeed need to go hotter on the heat water temp. At least 160, most likely. Mention to your plumber. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  15. 1 hour ago, davefan66 said:


    Where do you drain the condensate? Does that go out the side of rhe house with the air intake? I’m assuming it’s a separate drain.  

    They are installing today and didn’t realize this was a thing, and will verify its being done properly.




    They would probably run the line to a slop sink if you have one or configure a new drain direct into your house sewer main with a trap or tie it into your central air condensate system with a pump somehow. Ask them. And make sure they arent using any metal fittings on it! And ask them about the neutralizer. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Logic said:


    The Dead have definitely always been the quintessential "just go out and play" band, with very little "show" at their concerts, other than the liquid light shows in the ballrooms in the late 60s in San Francisco. Ever since then, they've been about as anti "show" as a band can get.

    If you know about the audience of the Dead, though, you know that they tend to enjoy imbibing certain recreational and botanical substances that would make something like a three dimensional immersive 4K sphere rather...interesting? Terrifying? Life-changing? Not sure the right word. 

    Hokey light shows don't really appeal to me either, but if you've taken a peak at the stuff U2 did at their show at the Sphere, it's certainly far beyond a light show. Futhermore, I've seen Dead and Co a bunch in recent years, and save for John Mayer, they really aren't much to look at :) 

    Most of the time at Dead concerts, I experience much of the show with my eyes closed. This'll be the first time in a while that I (and my mycologically enhanced brain) will be doing some watching. Can't wait to see what they have in store.

    And lastly...Yes. Prices for this residency are/were outrageous. I don't blame anyone who doesn't wanna shell out this kind of cash. Highway robbery. I'm gonna take in two shows (maybe three) and make a weekend of it with my Deadhead pod of friends. The circus that is 20,000 Deadheads descending on the circus that is Vegas. Gonna be a hoot.


    Oh...believe me I get it. Thats what we do "space" for!!!  Just not feeling it, myself. Im sure it will be a real good time for those who go. 

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