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Posts posted by Paco

  1. It doesn't bother me because his service is not questionable, but well documented (unlike someone else running).  You don't pay attention, but then you pay just enough attention the buy into the Bush attacks on Kerry?  If you want to know the facts, then you do have to take the time to find out the facts.  Kerry has given specific plans on how he would deal with both Iraq, and how he would deal with the war on terrorism.  All you have to do is take the time to look them up on his website or listen to his speeches, two of which this week specifically targeted those issues.  Unless perhaps you don't want your preceptions to be challenged.



    Oh, man. Look. His service is questionable. So is Bush's. Know why they're questionable? Because people are questioning them. That makes the service questionable.


    And I'm afraid the guy from Hemet raises some very good points and instead of giving him a good story about Kerry, you bitchslap Bush, blame the guy from Hemet for not trying hard enough, and then send him to Kerry's website.


    In reality, he IS trying hard enough. That's why he's here. To ask questions. And what's the first thing you do? Tell him...."You know what you're problem is? You don't try hard enough to seek answers."


    And let me add this, as a person who has spent virtually his entire life in marketing: With an audience this large, with such a short attention span, you highlight your strengths in sound bites and you bury your weaknesses where few people will find them.


    You think Tom TV is going to johnkerry.com because he's up for surfing his way through pages of crap just to find out how Kerry feels about gun control? You think he's going over to georgewbush.com to find out what our president thinks about the economy?


    Please. It sounds good, but the truth is, presidential websites are a great place to throw people off course. People hear what they hear on the news...they scan the headlines when they pick up the paper. And then they make a decision as long as is doesn't take time away from the next episode of "Survivor."


    Thank God people like the guy from Hemet at least came here looking for answers. Nice job trying to convert him over to your product.

  2. This may very well be the wrong question to ask, but just out of curiosity, do you think the laws would be any different if the man was the one who actually gave birth?


    On another note; Have any of you ever spawned a child unexpectedly, and have it lead to the woman having an abortion? I did. Once. Apparently. We'll never know for sure. About 20 years ago, off a fling with a chick from the office. She was seeing someone else, and cheated on him with me. Came back later, said she was pregnant. Went to her boyfriend, and he said "Can't be me, I'm shooting blanks." So it must be me. And no, I had no money to do anything other than to shut up, listen and pray.


    The point is...I always felt I didn't have a say in her choice. I asked her what she wanted to do, she said "have an abortion," and that was that. She arranged it, I paid for it, and that was the end of it.


    But as it turns out, I DID have a say in her decision. I just never spoke up because whatever I was going to say already agreed with her decision. In fact, I agreed so much, I offered to pay.


    Sounds so cliche. But honestly...other than being there afterwards, what else can a broke 23-year-old do? She sat and cried for two straight hours.


    Worst one-night stand of my life.

  3. Because I TIVO everything, I rarely turn on my hi-def DSS because I have so much recorded on my standard receiver which uses the TIVO. The hi-def receiver only ever comes on for football. I only recently made a commitment to watch some regular TV in hi-def, starting with my favorite show "Law and Order" and one of my spouse's favorite shows "Third Watch."


    Holy shamolie! It is definitely time for a hi-def TIVO. Once the price comes down a bit. You've already seen them go from $1500 to under $900 in a short time span. In no time at all they'll be at $500. And THEN it will be time to make the plunge. The guy from Alaska is correct, incidentally. Even if all you COULD do with TIVO is record stuff, it kills a VCR, if for on other reason than to skip through commericals at the speed of sound. My personal favorite TIVO feature is pausing live TV. Phone rings...someone at the door...and BOOM!...you're not missing a thing. Then BOOM! you go back to watching. Then BOOM! you pause it again while you take the Turducken out of the oven. <_<

  4. Once again, if I lost enough IQ points I might agree with you.  Sadly for you, I haven't.  Paco's question is comparing Bush's speech to Anan's, only because it makes his limited point.  Pretty limited comparison, like taking a two person poll.

    You guys say again and again, the UN NEVER applauds speeches, and you offer Anan's speech as proof.  Without reviewing all the speeches in the history of the UN, what proof do you have?  Do you actually believe your own nonsense?


      So many closed minds...so little time.


    Actually, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Your initial argument is that the UN provided what you perceive to be a tepid response to Bush's speech. You imply, or at least I inferred from your implication, that the UN must have a problem with Bush and our war in Iraq. Given that Annan has been very critical of our involvement in Iraq, wouldn't your original argument make more sense if you said "The UN replies with crickets to Bush's speech, but give rounds of applause to Annan's speech."


    THAT would be something of a comparison. That's all I'm asking, LasBillz...and quite frankly I don't think it takes THAT high of an IQ to understand that.


    Unless of course there is no other response except to pick on people's IQs.

  5. Oh, also- I didn't hear Annan's speech, I was commenting in George's.  But I'm sure not taking your word for it.


    So you have no basis for comparison? You just saw what you thought you wanted to see, and THAT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?


    How can you honestly be critically observant about something when you have no basis for comparison?

  6. I'm curious too....What would TSW be like if everyone came here after a loss and all posted the same thing...they tried hard, we'll get them next time, it wasn't as bad as it looked, it's only two games, it's nobody's fault, etc....


    It would be like a debate except with everyone taking the same side.  Doesn't sound too interesting to me????


    I once worked for a company owned by three brothers who fought and disagreed all the time. I asked the oldest brother how he put up with it. He said that if all three brothers agreed all the time on every single matter, there would really be no need for two of the brothers.

  7. No more than 8 points is bunk.  It was 6 guaranteed extra points (extra 4 from the TD instead of FG and 2 from the safety), plus the possibility for at least 3 from a FG after Clements' return, if not a TD, and for more points on after the free kick.


    Six points. Eight points. Who cares. We lost by three.

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