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Posts posted by Paco

  1. This is sounding a lot like John Kerry.

    Can we beat NE? Yes... but not only would we have to play a perfect game, NE would have to be real sloppy and bringing their "C" game.


    Will we beat NE? No.  This team doesn't have the "mental toughness" to do the things necessary to win games...especially on offense.  The offensive leadership, which primarily comes from Bledsoe, does not exude confidence or toughness, nor does inspire those attributes.  He also doesn't have what it takes to win games.  I'd just for once like to see Bledsoe get "nasty"... get his guys "fired up".  If Bledsoe can't do it, then someone else has to step up as a leader... like TO did, or Emmit Smith... and the old Buffalo Bills, when Kelly and Thurman would step up.  It comes down to pride.  I don't see the pride in playing and winning that we had in the old Bills.  Henry is as close as a leader as I see and he only leads by physically being tough and playing hurt.  I don't see Moulds as a leader... he's more inot making excuses and avoiding controversy.  I don't even see a "gritty" offensive lineman like Hull or Ritcher.  Sad to see how this once proud organization can drop to the depths we have.... Aside from maybe JP Losman, it's as if we have a bunch of spineless, kitty, chicken ***** for players on the offensive side of the ball... does anyone see any "grit" or "nasty" on offense?  please let me know. Until we get someone with a nasty streak, the Bills ain't going to go anywhere.  Damn, I'd have liked to see the Bills draft Jake Grove... even though it would have taken him a couple of years to pay off... but JP, I believe is definitely a step in the right direction... you can just see this guy has "it".  And  I think they need to plug this guy in as soon as he's healthy... no spoon feeding.  He's too good for that crap.



    Oh, good. I was afraid you were going to say something about us not being able to win because of Bledsoe. :D


    Ice, we need our defense to give us seven in this game. At the very least, we'll need two good turnovers.

  2. Have you guys seen the Bud commercial where the guy hires a body double to do his yard work so he can go to a game, but the body double is some chiseled guy in a really, really, really bad hairpiece.


    I swear Tom Sizemore was wearing that same hairpiece for this movie.


    (Hey stevestojan, you REALLY need to bring it down a notch when you B word at someone like that. Write out what you're feeling...but then put it away until the feeling passes. Otherwise you look like a personified panic attack.)

  3. It's not just about telling time. It's about being able to pound the ball at the end to KILL the time. In fact, that very truth is one of the reasons he almost LOST the game last night; between Eddie George and that OL, it took him a couple of times to end that game...and Brunell came dangerously close to tieing it up.


    Granted, Gibbs did a TERRIBLE time with the clock last night. Just terrible. And I suspect GW screwed him at one point.

  4. In the past year I've been to three weddings in three different cities, and you can take your pick from any of the three bands; all played outstanding music and really worked the crowd.


    In Oklahoma, I saw "Ned Naughty and the Nine Nasty Nosepickers."


    In San Francisco, I saw a very hip band called "Rosie and the Buzzcuts."


    In Boston I saw a band called Pete Prickley and the Post-op Patriot Pricks."


    You can probably find them online somehow. Good luck.

  5. What would you do if you found out today we only had two days left to live?


    I'd get as much cash as humanly possible and head to Vegas. I'd spend my last hours at the tables playing blackjack, drinking beer, smoking cigars...all while surrounded by the finest hookers money could buy.


    Of course, they'd all be billsfanone and panic-stricken, too, so I suspect that plan has some holes to it.

  6. And in terms of judging Bush by his speaking style - that's really one of the few things he has going for him, or had. His "just plain folks" style played well in the early days but has gotten old.


    When I think of Bush's speaking style, I don't think about anything other than the speech he gave nine or ten days after 9/11. That was a great speech, given by a person who is NOT going to sit back and wait for something like that to happen again.


    Kerry had his chance at the convention...and he blew it with his very first words.


    You suggest that one's charisma is NOT a reason to vote for someone, but you know what? That's what people vote for. You may not like it, but you better try to understand it, or more importantly...your candidate should try to understand that. He also needs to stop running his own campaign.


    But none of that matters to you, apparently. When Kerry loses, you can tell everyone how stupid they were for picking Bush.

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