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Posts posted by Paco

  1. as far as you read that sentence (obviously not passed the word OR that I capitalized JUST for you three) Im surprised you're of legal voting age.


    I knew that sentence would let me catch some hell - only because I knew half of you wouldnt read past the word OR.


    So it's okay if you call people "backwoods morons" as long as you qualify it?

  2. Its the simple fact that this debate is televised mainly for backwoods morons who havnt followed politics at all, and need to pick someone quick, OR for people who are big supporters of either candidate. It should not be used by the average American to decide who to vote for. By now, they should be more informed than that.


    Backwoods morons. Douches. Simpletons.


    As high as you sit in that mental ivory tower of yours, I'm surprised you're not a Republican.

  3. I just don't get it......


    Rather than watching what is a big decision for our country, A decision that will effect everyday life in America you need to/want to watch a reality show?


    I work all day long why in Fvckin god's name would I go home to watch people compete for a job? Isn't that what we do all day long?


    I agree with you, Gant. But like stevestojan says...some people just want to veg because they already know what they need to know. They're of the mindset that they can learn nothing from watching the debate. Which is kinda what my sarcasm was about.

  4. I don't understand why it's necessary to have this debate. I really don't. What are they going to tell us that we don't already know?????


    Anybody paying attention to this country already knows who they're voting for because they know what's going on.


    The economy is the worst its ever been, and unemployment is at the highest it's ever been in the history of mankind. I mean...higher than even before they started tracking this stuff. The deficit is the highest it's ever been, but it really isn't. I think something like 28% of the country is unemployed, miserable and destitute because the top 2% of the country are way too wealthy and they need to be giving some of that up. And that unemployment rate is just the people who WANT to work for a living and doesn't take into consideration the other people who simply don't want to work anymore than they have to without realizing that the world obviously owes them something.


    And just try writing a research paper on stem cells. You can't because writing a research paper on stem cells is murder. Or something like that.


    The poor need more handouts. The wealthy need to pay more taxes. The middle class has to pay taxes...or they don't. I'm not sure about that. College students need broader access to the internet so they can post their homework questions.


    France is already pissed at us. So is Germany. I don't think Russia likes us very much, and I'm most CERTAIN that Iran has a bug up its ass.


    These stupid Americans working for private businesses in Iraq are getting decapitated and the entire world has already tired of it. I mean...PLEASE...can we show ONE MORE beheading, please. We get it. People are getting their heads chopped off. Do we have to keep reporting that stuff just before I eat my lunch?


    Plus, we have two morons running who don't know a goddam thing about anything. One flip flops. The other lies. Millions of people are dying in Iraq because it's a quaqmire just like Vietnam, where, by the way, at least one of these guys served for four months while the other was sitting at home hoping Dan Rather wasn't paying attention to him.


    And to top it all off...THEY'RE PRE-EMPTING THE DONALD!!!!!!


    Fuggin' bastards.

  5. So instead of trying to talk football intelegently you guys resort to bashing and flaming.  This is why people are leaving this board.


    That said, I have the team at 7-3-3.  I also say in reality we will finish 8-8.  Now since we are 0-2 that would put us at 7-5 with 3 wildcards.  Odds are we might win 2 of them. Reality says we lose 2 of them. there for we are at best 9-7. Not enough to make the playoffs and not enough to suffer through another year of "helping Drew"


    since 97 it has been the same thing "I'm not ready to give up on this year".  98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03.  So when DO you sacrifice ONE season to develop your future?  And how can you call it a sacrifice considering we are 17-33 or something like it in the Donahoe era?  With our D the worst we could do is what we are doing now...6-10, 7-9 or 8-8. but then on the other side of is is 11-5, 12-4 etc and playoff spots because you developed your talent.


    But instead of actually thinking, you guys flame and bash.


    Paco I actually use my brain cells. It takes brain cells to actually think, not be a homer or sit around flaming someone like a 12 year old in school.


    Has it dawned on you that maybe people leave the board because they originally come here to get excited about the upcoming game, and end up reading thread after thread about how after two weeks it's time to throw in the towel????


    Do you believe that dumping the season and putting Losman in at the first opportunity is intelligent football? Maybe it is...if you're not the owner of the team, or a person who bought season tickets, or you're a person who somehow magically can see the future! How many people will show up after Losman loses his first three in a row? How many? The Ralph will look like Joe Robbie in no time.


    I appreciate the concept of one step backwards, two steps forward. And when we've lost nine games and we're out of it, then sure...put in Losman and let him get his feet wet.


    But in the meantime, WE'RE TWO GAMES INTO A 16-GAME SEASON! You have to put asses in seats, and what you're suggesting does just the opposite. Oh, sure, people will show up initially. And then? About half way through the season? When there is no chance for ANYTHING to happen other than position yourself for the draft? I'm sure that Ralph Wilson will look at the empty seats and think; "Man...I can't wait for next year because next year Losman will get us FIVE wins!"


    Christ, man. There are bills to pay, seats to fill, tickets to sell, merchandise to unload, fried bologna sandwiches to vend...and you don't do that by throwing in rookie quarterback just because a few fatalists are convinced the season is over.

  6. How you manage to throw up these ideas on a regular basis is beyond me.


    Are you simply out to rile people up? Or do you just enjoy reading your own words? Do you have so many things running through your head that at some point you decide to stop filtering and just unload?


    We've played two games; two games which would could have easily won. But nonetheless you think we need to put in a rookie quarterback NOW before we've even had a chance to hit our stride? Before we've even had a chance to see what this team can do for more than two games?


    You're ready to write off the season....because you think Bledsoe can't take us to the Super Bowl? How many people here actually THOUGHT we'd be GOING to the Super Bowl this year? Christ, man, you can count them on the hand of a bad woodshop teacher.


    But people EXPECT us to return to the playoffs...or at the very least have a winning season, and there is still a very good chance that will happen.


    But no. You've now decided that none of this will happen and we should take a kid who hasn't even recovered from a broken leg and throw him out there because it has to happen sooner or later.


    Dude...I swear...I bet even your brain cells are standing around asking "What in the fug is he doing to us?"

  7. but if you know anything about football then you wouldn't call for him yet.


    If you look cat WHO is calling for Losman to play, and qualify them in accordance with your statement above, you will find that your statement is absolutely correct.


    They don't know crap about football.

  8. Please do not pick on my undocumented brethren. It is so very typical of your alleged blue collar East Coast attitude. What you fail to realize is that 90% of Oakland's population is comprised of undocumented immigrants, so the random testing of drivers will undoubtedly lead to finding more of my undocumented brethren in accordance with the "shooting fish in a barrel" theory.


    Meanwhile...leave my people alone. Unless YOU want to go to California and pick strawberries.


    (Oh, wait. I'm not Mexican. Nevermind.)

  9. Yeah, it's a shame though that our crowd used to be twice as loud, hardcore , and saved the bickering til after the games. We could be a lot more of a factor than even BB mentions...


    That's unfortunate. Especially because it's no real fault of the crowd. Truth is...the one thing missing in the crowd is confidence in the team. There was a time when the crowd never worried about whatever predicament the team was in because it knew the team could pull out of that predicament. That feeling hasn't been around for years.


    You can still hear it. Usually during the first two or three series of a game. But it's shortlived because we never score seven on our opening drive. In fact, outside of preseason, I can't remember the last time we scored a TD with an opening drive.


    Somewhere about our fourth drive, after maybe our defense has given us the ball at the opponent's 30, while we're lining up for a field goal from the 21...a field goal we're not even sure we're gonna get...the Eveready batteries die and that's that.

  10. All ye know and all ye need to know:


    BB: We have talked about Buffalo. They are a good team. It is a division game. It is on the road. The last time we went out there, we got killed. I hope we can be a little more competitive than that this time. We will find out whether we can or not. It won’t be easy there. They play well at home. They are a good team there. They do a lot of things. They take advantage of the crowd. We had four false-start penalties. Jacksonville had three or four, whatever it was. Bledsoe drew us offsides with a hard count. They do a lot of things there at home that any good team would do to take advantage of the crowd. We will have to deal with it and we will have to do a better job with it than we did the last time. We were on the one-yard line twice and couldn’t get any points. If we can’t do any better than that, then we will probably get about the same result.

  11. By the way, the debate is Thursday 9pm EST, not tonight.  Although it would be interesting to see Bush and Kerry on the Apprentice and see which one Trump would turn to and say, "You're fired!".


    Sadly enough, Trump already announced a couple of months ago he would fire Bush. I think this was just before Trump's eighteenth wedding and fifteenth bankruptcy. But yes, he would fire Bush.


    I am now waiting for Simon to kick Bush off American Idol and some fat fug to kick him off an island on Surivor.

  12. One thing I get jealous of when it comes to Randy Moss.


    First and goal at the five...and you may as well just put seven on the board. Same play over and over and over. Moss to the front corner of the endzone...Culpepper puts it up high...and nine out of ten times he hauls it in.

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