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Posts posted by coseybedaman

  1. Unfortunately, we always sit here and think the same thing. "Maybe they are planning for next year". THeir only plan is to make enough money to stay in business. Certainly not worried about winning games and making a playof push. Look at how the Chiefs brought in the coaching staff to get the job done, along with GM Scott Pioli. One year later the team is in contention. It can be that simple.



    I've said previously that the F.O., by now, should have a timetable on when they are going to "arrive", instead of always, "rebuilding". Of course, they'll never come out and say, "we don't expect to win much this year, and maybe even next year we'll still be out of the playoff picture, but we're hoping that 2 years from now we'll be able to compete." They don't say that because, even if that is their thought, it wouldn't sell tickets. Nevertheless, that seems to be the attitude.


    And, from a fan's perspective, there is one consolation to losing, IMO, and that is being able to grab the prize of next year's draft. I know there are a lot of posters here who laugh or rage at people who "plan for next year", but, looking at this F.O., if they're not planning on winning this year - a.k.a, "it's not going to be rebuilt in 2 years", then to me, that's pretty much the same as planning ahead for next year.

    Maybe they do think they'll put the finishing pieces together next year. Maybe they are right in saying they have the guys now to be competitive. The only thing that makes me question that is the fact that they've been going after gusy at ILB and RT and have been losing out on them, which makes saying "we've got the guys to win with now" seem rather like a compromise.


    I'm holding out hope they are still targeting guys to be dropped, or improvements out there that we'll see added in the weeks to come.

  2. As another die hard Bills fan on this board I can only speak for myself. My attitude towards this team comes from the constant lack of effort every single off season to make big things happen. Teams like the Jets, Patriots, and even the Dolphins are leaps and bounds ahead of us every year. However, every year you see them make moves to try and push them over that hump to get better. Yes the draft does build the core of a team. But NO TEAM is completely built through the draft. It takes both. Teams that are already far better than us continue to improve, while Buffalo stays status quo. Basically we switch coaches, GM's, and quarterbacks every couple of years and always come up with the same poor to mediocre results. Reason being is that we have had the same problems for 12 years. No offensive line, no tight ends, and no quarterback (probably because of the line). When we do come up with a good player in the draft, they are gone by the first free agency period of their career anyway. Teams in the national football league play the game for one reason only. That is to win a Super Bowl. I don't even think that is a notion in the Bills locker room.


    The Raiders are FARRRR ahead of us at this point of their development. I wouldn't doubt if the Bengals are as well. They had a rough season last year, but were in the playoffs the year before that. Far more than we can say.


    Hey, at least we're not the Raiders or the Bengals.

  3. Aaron Williams is expected to be a STUD defensive back whether it be at safety or cornerback. You can never have too many of these guys. With Whitner out of the fold that situation needed to be addressed, and the strong possibility that we upgraded at that position with drafting Williams is exciting to me. Now The Whitner, Lynch, Maybin, and McKelvin picks I would have to agree with you on. I think those picks were based purely on the fact that they were reaches at the pick we drafted them, and could probably get them under contract more affordably then the players we SHOULD have picked those years.


    The above doesn't even take into account idiotic picks such as Spiller, McKelvin, Whitner, Lynch, Maybin, and probably our second round corner this season.

    Think about it. Last season we wasted the 9th pick of an NFL draft on Spiller, a situational/gadget player. In the 2011 offseason, we used the 4th pick of round 2 on a corner. We also re-signed a corner and signed a UFA who appears to be a gadget/situational player. It is pure and unexplainable stupidity.


    While repeating the same stupid mistakes, can a rational person expect this team to improve? Sorry, I think not. :(

  4. Such a joke. We should have this guy locked up for whatever he wants. If your going to pay Tyler Thigpen, Brad Smith, and Trevor Harris then you sure as hell can pay Zach Miller. The guy is a top 5 tight end in football unquestionably. My roomate is a die hard Raiders fan so I watched him pretty well every week, and this kid is really something. He was basically the savior for the Oakland offense the last couple of years. Very underrated, undervalued player.

  5. Why not bring him in. He comes from a winning franchise, he is a 10 year veteran who is still in great condition, will come with a very reasonable price tag, and can really teach our young guys how to play the position while being productive himself. If we get 2-3 starting years from him I am sure it would be a huge upgrade over anything we have, plus thats around the time that any good tackle we ever get would be leaving Buffalo anyway (ie. Jason Peters).

  6. I think Sapp has a big ego, but concerned that Dareus might be better than he was?? Come on man. Talking about him an an analyst is one thing, but the man is one of the best 3-5 defensive tackles to ever play. If Dareus is even considered in the same sentence as Sapp after a couple of years then we are doing very well!


    Keep in mind that Sapp is LARGELY biased about moving big men to the 5 technique since that almost ruined his career while he was in Oakland. He wasnt able to do it, therefore no one can.


    However, Sapp was always only a 3-tech guy. Never played any other position until he landed in Oakland.


    Dareus has proven he can play 5-tech, 3-tech, 0-tech, whatever.


    Part of me thinks, while Sapp may be a big Dareus fan, he doesnt want to admit that the kid might be better than he was...

  7. Ive gotta say as the days go by with all of these players becoming available, I hope we atleast have SOMETHING in mind. Mark Tauscher the OT from the Packers just became available, Crowder obviously from Miami (not a great pickup by any means but serviceable), Ty Warren, etc. I just hope we are going to be active AT SOME POINT of this free agency period and pickup some players. There is a lot of guys that are going to get cut that we could use, but watching them come and go is getting very frustrating when you look at the improvements the rest of our division is making. Teams that were already far superior to us are getting better.

  8. No one else wanted him thats why he was resigned by his former team immediately?? Sorry that doesnt make a whole lot of sense. I love 10 minutes from the stadium, and am very familiar with what goes on here. The problem in Tampa is certainly not Jeremy Trueblood. He and Davin Joseph were the two biggest signings this team wanted to make going into this season.

  9. Yes clearly the answer is Ed Wang or Demetrius Bell. Anyone who feels Shawn Andrews is "broken" needs to watch tape from last season. Stacy is a guard, and is no use to us, but Shawn would be an immediate starting tackle at either position. I am sure the Giants will just resign him under new terms because they know first hand how productive he was last season. We will try our luck with Chris Hairston the way things are looking now LOL. Worst tackle group in entire NFL hands down. We cant afford to be turning down any past or present pro bowlers.

  10. He is a huge upgrade at EITHER tackle position. Dont forget this guy has been a pro bowler virtually every season he was healthy and on the field. If he started earlier in the season with the Giants last year he would have been a pro bowler again, and very sought after like Clabo is right now. Its interesting, because they are both around the same age and other than a couple of injuries Shawn Andrews has had a far more productive career than Clabo has. Stacy was just released today, but plays guard anyway which is not really a position of need for us.


    both andrews are on the market right now, no?


    id take him if all else falls poorly for us. an upgrade at RT for sure. not ideal but.....

  11. Hey Guys, What does everyone think about Shawn Andrews possibly coming in if Clabo doesnt work out. My friend personally knows him, so I watch him a lot, and he was a huge player on the oline last year for the Giants. They released him strictly from a financial aspect, and because they were cleaning house on the oline. He was the one bright spot on the line last year, but they were supposed to pay him 8 million this year which obviously wasnt happening. This guy is every bit as good as Clabo is right now IMO, and would even come with a cheaper price tag. He took a few more years to mature out of college than everyone had expected and then sort of fell of the radar. All of a sudden he was a very pleasant surprise for the Giants last year after nearly being out of the league due to depression issues which apparently are fully under control now.

  12. We have a decent core of players. Why not bring in the obvious tackle, tight end, and ILB that we need and move on. There definitely is no shortage of guys out there. However, as time goes on there is going to be a lot of guys that become available. I have a hard time believing that we brought in Dave Wanstedt as an LB coach, and dont have some kind of plan at that position. This guy has basically never coached a bad defense so Im sure they have their eyes on someone later down the line. We are all getting antsy watching our money be spent on QBs and wide receivers, and understandably so.

  13. Lee is a stud in my book. Stevie Johnson was in the right place at the right time last year. He has a lot of maturing to do. Evans didnt have the year he should have last year because lets face it, our offense was a joke and thats why Stevie was open so often. It was so obvious that Evans was our only weapon. I mean the Trent Edwards experiment was going on until week 3, and we were shopping Marshawn Lynch for like the first 4 or 5 games rather than playing our 2 best running backs. I think defenses were probably laughing at us. We had no clue what we were doing. I guess you can say we got in sink by the end of the season and scored a lot of points, but I would not call the Bills an offensive juggernaut by any means.


    Makes two of us.

  14. Man I really like what Carolina is doing. If Cam Newton becomes even a decent pro QB they are going to be contending in that division real quickly. I wonder if we'll ever get a tight end. Virtually every good team has HUGE CONTRIBUTIONS from their tight end. Why is Jay Riemersma the last decent tight end we've had in Buffalo? I think that was even a happy mistake.

  15. The Patriots are favorites to win the Super Bowl virtually every year and are always very active in free agency. The Jets have been to two straight AFC title games and are very active in free agency. The Saints obtained Drew Brees via free agency and became immediate contenders then won a Super Bowl. This years champion Packers added possibly their best defensive player Charles Woodson via free agency. Philadelphia is constantly adding free agents and is constantly in the hunt. The list goes on and on. The real question is what team DOES NOT use free agency in any positive way. Your answer?? Da Bills! Yes the draft is very important, but there is not a winning team out there that does not use BOTH avenues to build a winning team. Tyler Thigpen and Trevor Harris are not my idea of building a winner.

  16. Work ethic can be easily changed. Haynesworth's work ethic was never questioned until he was in a situation that he wanted no part of. I would say morally and ethically that he is stubborn and spiteful rather than having a lack of work ethic. IMO he will work his butt off to get that ring in New England. I just hope he blows out his knee in week 1 because after getting paid 100 million dollars you should be willing to do the team's laundry, let alone switch positions on a defensive line.



    I suspect this will turn out like the Adalius Thomas move for the Pats. Haynesworth's issue is his lack of effort after receiving the big payday, and that's something you can't change (and AT had a much better work-ethic). Not to mention his best year came in his contract year with Tennessee. It's also possible he's declining, given he just turned 30 and will be entering his 10th season.


    I know you were just brainstorming here, but Davin Joseph was actually on Tampa radio the other day saying hypothetically the teams he wouldnt play for under any contractual terms were the Bills and the Raiders LOL. This was totally hypothetically speaking, and considering every team in the NFL. Not going by needs, wants, salary cap, or anything else. So I'd say Davin in Buffalo is quite a stretch



    He'll return to form with *NE playing in his natural position...if this doesn't lite a fire for the Bills FO, and stress the urgency of improving our OL, we're screwed. They MUST sign Clabo and i wouldn't mind upgrading @ G with Davin Joseph...imagine that line!! Bell, Levitre, Wood, Joseph, Clabo...nasty! I'll take a flyer on Bell though...he's shown improvement, so we'll have to wait and see.

  17. Clabo would be a great pickup, but I worry that he is a bit overrated after being with such a great offensive line in Atlanta. I mean that line is STACKED from start to finish. Yes he was a key piece of that, but I don't remember him being as highly touted until the Falcons started bulking up their line with Dahl, Blalock, etc. Obviously he is BY FAR our best option, and the best option in free agency, however I don't think he will be making any pro bowls with us.

  18. Not everything is about the numbers. Aaron Rodgers and Ben Roethlisberger are both QBs who make things happen with their feet. If you watch either of these guys play they have an insane amount of time in the pocket, and then even more time once they start to scramble. Inevitably they are going to give up some sacks. That is the nature of the beast when dealing with QBs who play like that. Pittsburgh year in and year out has one of the most underrated offensive lines in the league, merely for the sack numbers that mostly falls on Ben's shoulders. Not to mention they had both drafted studs in the first round to keep that rotation going. I would say virtually any starter on either Pittsburgh's or Green Bay's line would start in Buffalo over our current guys. I love what Wood and Levitre are doing, but these teams play on a whole different level then we do. Both teams played in the Super Bowl, and both teams had injury problems throughout the entire season. That is what depth does for you IMO


    Unless I'm missing something, Green Bay and Pittsburgh ranked 19th and 25th in fewest sacks allowed last year, respectively. They also ranked 17th and 26th in yards per carry...not exactly solid on the lines. They had to rely on rookies (Bulaga, Pouncey) and veterans on their last legs (Chad Clifton, Flozell Adams, Jonathan Scott) to get them through.


    I'm not trying to diminish your point, I'm just saying that the perceived stability of those teams' lines isn't as rock solid as your post implies.

  19. You can never have too many top tier offensive lineman. Every winner over the last several years (steelers, giants, patriots, saints) had a solid offensive line in place WITH DEPTH. You cant just have a starter and say ok we have that position taken care of. Look at the Robert Gallery experiment in Oakland. Their QBs were tackling dummies for several years waiting for that guy to develop. The next thing you know he is actually a stud guard in the NFL. Sure it wasnt what they drafted him for, but Mike Williams never even turned into that. Depth on the Oline is a great thing. Those guys drop like flies.




    Seattle's RT Locklear is one of the free agents included on Yahoo's top 100 list. I wonder how interested they are in Clabo vs. signing the guy already on the roster.

  20. Im afraid that the difference here is that the Packers success over the last 10 years has been founded on one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game, and obviously the NEXT great quarterback to play the game. These were calculated moves. They never went into seasons with pipe dreams of JP Losman, Trent Edwards, Brian Brohm, Rob Johnson, Ryan Fitzpatrick,Todd Collins, etc, as starting QBs and think they were going to win anything. Not to mention the nucleus of the team that has been together for years and years playing together (ie. Chad Clifton, Donald Driver, Nick Barnett, Aaron Kampman, the list goes on and on). When its time to pay their core players they do just that. They dont let them leave town and start over every 3 years. The only time a guy leaves town is when there is a better one right behind him (example: Bubba Franks starts to be injury prone and non productive and sure enough Jermichael Finley and 2 others are behind him that do the job better). You dont build a winner by penny pinching. I am sorry it just doesnt happen.




    The OP is wrong.


    The Packers do not participate in FA under Thompson... Solid team -- with no glaring holes. They can lose players like Nick Barnett and Cullen Jenkins and not miss a beat.


    Buddy is doing it right. I applaud him for being able to tune out our rabid fan base.


    Dona-ho would have listened to you.

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