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Posts posted by coseybedaman

  1. A player leaving a team does not mean that there is higher value on the roster. Brad Butler and Langston Walker were certainly not higher values than Jason Peters, however he still left. Players leave for many reasons. Its not always because they are no good anymore. Sometimes its being out of shape, sometimes its their attitude, sometimes its a lack of production, sometimes its injuries, sometimes its contracts, and yes sometimes it is because there is a better player behind them. Demarcus Love does not qualify as that player


    What leads you to believe that a ten year vet can do that? Obviously, not with the Vikings.


    This also seems to imply that because the guy is older and over 30 that him being out of shape and unable to perform is somehow better than a younger guy being out of shape. It's much more difficult to keep your body performing post 30.


    He may see the field again, but the question is, is it worth it for him to be there?


    You've already had one NFL team decide that Demarcus Love has higher value than McKinney.

  2. Yes I read it very well unfortunately. Its 5 minutes I will never get back. If you feel as though Kyle Williams played his position better than anyone in the league, and Justin Smith was the best defensive end, and Matt Ryan was better than Manning and Brady then God Bless You! Enjoy the site.

  3. "Kelly", I have been reading your posts for about as long as you and I have been on this board so I respect your opinion greatly. However, here is some utter BS that they published. Check out pro football focus top 100 players. Or even the top 20 for that matter if you want a good laugh. Followed by some cornerback rankings which are laughable as well.




    Also here we have the Cornerback rankings where Brandon flowers is #1 in the league, and Revis is #13





    I'm not defending the site, and like most stats, when I see something from them I read it and think about what they say, and don't accept it as gospel, or the most important indication of a player or team.


    But name one time they published complete and utter bull ****. I'm just curious.

  4. Yes clearly Demarcus Love is a better player than Bryant McKinnie. He should be removed from the league after being a pro bowl caliber left tackle for 8 seasons and not missing 1 game due to injury the whole time. Obviously in horrific shape and can never see the field again. Relax guys, he came into camp a little heavy. A 10 year vet thats never missed a start can do that every now and then.


    What part of he got cut for not being healthy got missed here?


    Amituanai, Conan

    Huntley, Rod

    Isom, Byron

    Johnson, Charlie

    Kooistra, Scott

    Love, DeMarcus


    The Vikings feel these guys would all do a better job.

  5. Let me be the first to admit that if we signed this guy I would be thrilled and LOVE THE MOVE! Its such a joke that everyone on this board thinks every player in the NFL sucks besides the one's on our team. Its such a joke. Vernon Carey and Bryant McKinnie are better than ANY, thats right ANY offensive lineman we have had this decade. I have news for everyone. The reason we have "heard of them", and the reason "they are ranked highly in madden" is because they are "good". Here is a concept. Good football players. Bring in good football players, and maybe you will have a good team. You guys can build your dream team with Manny Wrotto, Ed Wang, and Demetrius Bell, but call me crazy. I'd take Carey and McKinnie. Its so funny how everyone would like to pass on signings like this when these guys have combined for 214 starts out of 224 possible games for offensive lines that have been FAR FAR BETTER than ours for 10 years now. That is consistency, and reliability IMO something that this organization knows nothing about right now.

  6. Do yourself a favor and stay off that site man. Off the top of my head they ranked Kyle Williams the #3 player in the whole NFL last season, and Corey Webster the best shutdown corner in football. The site is a joke man. They get people's interest by coming up with this outlandish statistics, and rankings. Vernon Carey is an absolute BEAST and would be the best player on our ENTIRE line immediately. His injuries have nothing to do with this move if he leaves. He is one of the most consistent, and least injured Olineman in the NFL. The guy has started 90 out of the last 96 games. If those are knee problems I wish I had them!!!



    Hmmm.... Not sure if he's even an upgrade (based on teh internets)...


    "Carey was ranked as the 25th-best offensive tackle out of 78 last year by the website Pro Football Focus, but he also allowed 23 quarterback pressures in 12 games, the highest number on the team."

  7. I wrote about this earlier on a different thread and got no responses LOL. I thought I was the only one who heard about this. Its almost a certainty that he is going to be cut. He is a top 6 or 7 right tackle in the NFL and definitely still in the prime of his career. Absolutely no reason the Fins would cut him other than salary reasons. He is a very good player, and can play either tackle position which is rare in the NFL.

  8. An injury is the only thing that is gonna stop this guy this year IMO. Do you know how frustrating it must be to be one of the best, and most popular young players in the NFL and then all of a sudden you have a couple of injuries back to back, and everyone thinks you suck and your career is over at age 26. That has to make him crazy, and so ready to prove everyone wrong. This guy is a physical speciman with or without steroids, so if he is healthy I have no doubt in my mind he will be huge for us this year. He is young, and it would not be a stretch to have just as good of years ahead of him as the past.

  9. Osi could easily play the OLB position in my book, however this is not a move the Bills would ever consider. We all know that. This guy is way too big a star for Buffalo to try and bring him in. If that was the case we should have our star tackles and tight end by now because those are available this year as well and we didnt bother. Osi is a total pipe dream, and even if we ran a 4-3 you know this is not the kind of guy the Bills would ever consider. He is a bit of a cry baby, but he is an unbelievable player. Anyone who thinks he is on the downside or that he has lost a stop does not watch him play.

  10. A real name that I hope we consider is Vernon Carey. Rumor had it that Carey was as good as done in Miami because of his contract, and he is one of the better RT in football. They signed Marc Colombo today which would lead me to believe that Carey is on his way out. This would be a nice signing. A very good football player who is better suited for RT, but can also play LT if injuries occur. Maybe Roscoe can lure him here as I know they were close in college. This would really make a very average off-season pretty damn good

  11. Its ridiculous to think this kid isnt going to play for us this year. This isn't your typical UDFA project that has a 5% chance of panning out. Our organization was watching this kid for 2 years to see how he developed, and to see how he played. They told him to lose the weight and we will draft you. He went above and beyond. He made good on his promise and the organization made good on theirs. He would have to be very very disappointing to not make the roster this year. I dont see it happening in any way. Maybe I am overconfident about Jasper, but I feel like he is our next Pat Williams. I just hope when its time to pay up we dont let him walk away like usual. Thats way down the line though. If MJ works out its just such a great story for the player, for the team, for the coaches, and for the scouts from start to finish.

  12. Yes the funny thing is though at 440 pounds the guy still didnt look too too fat. He is just one of those giant athletic freaks that there are very few of. I have full confidence they will make this kid into a football player. He is high character, and has the work ethic to put his physical size and ability to good use. Buddy likes to only build through the draft, so he certainly wouldnt have wasted the pick if he didnt have a plan.


    Great points. He was WAY over 400lbs I believe. At that weight, which by all accounts was mostly fat, he was not as an incredibly dominant beast. Shaving down to a much more svelte 390, lol, he should be mobile enough and have improved his strength. I wish the kid all the luck in the world.


    Gibson did have a long NFL career so obviously he could play a little bit of football. He was a first rounder and never even came close to living up to expectations, but a long career is a tough thing to have for a man that size. Not to mention that he was an offensive lineman which requires far more mobility, endurance, and foot work than a nose tackle


    How about Aaron Gibson. Big as a house, athletic, successful in college but couldn't play a lick of football in the NFL.

  13. I dont see anyway he doesnt make the final roster. He was specifically drafted for one reason and one reason only and that was to play nose tackle for us. Whether it is full time, or just to play a few plays a game when Troup is gassed. This guy would not have been drafted in 10 rounds by any team so the fact that the Bills made it a point that no one else had a chance to get him means that they have plans for him. They wanted no chance for anyone else to get him as an UDFA and also it was said that Kyle was teaching him the position verbally after the draft. On the 4-3 sets that we run the days of Sam/Pat/Ted could be coming back soon if this pans out.

  14. LOL that is funny. If Dwan had to tell him it was a nice place then of course he has never been here before. Glad he is with us now!


    Something I found quite amusing. The BuffNews and the D&C both obviously had articles on Barnett signing with the Bills. They both used the same quote from him about it, except they quoted him differently.


    The News wrote he said ""They called me up to come for a visit and at first I didn't know, I was skeptical because I've been here before," said Barnett. "But I have a buddy here, Dwan Edwards, who told me it was a pretty nice place. So I came up, the coaching staff was great, the players were great, and everybody seemed like a family here."


    The D&C had it: "They called me up to come for a visit and at first I didn't know, I was skeptical because I've never been here before," said Barnett. "But I have a buddy here, Dwan Edwards, who told me it was a pretty nice place. So I came up, the coaching staff was great, the players were great, and everybody seemed like a family here...."


    When I first read the News article, I was like, "WTF? That's strange. I doubt he would say he was skeptical because he's been here before. That would be quite a slam. I know he's known for being outspoken but that is probably not something to say." Then I read the D&C version, which I assume is the more accurate of the two, but not sure.


    I'll wait for the official jw version, although he didn't use that quote in his article. ;)




  15. Assuming they make the team? I would say that the 2nd round pick from last year, and a guy that they wasted a draft pick on just to ensure they get him when he was on no one else's radar is going to make the team as well. You obviously don't know a thing about Dave Wannstedt. The man has never coached, or helped coach, anything but GREAT defenses in the NFL. Yes I said GREAT. His track record is phenomenal as a D-coordinator, and defensively as a head coach. Dave Wannstedt could have come to the NFL and been a defensive coordinator for half the NFL, however he chose Buffalo as an LB/assistant coach due to his relationship with Gailey. I would say McGee and McKelvin are better than average if healthy, and this is the first time they have ever had a respectable defensive line to help them out. Yes you are right. Aaron Williams has not done anything in the NFL yet. Most 2011 draft picks havent yet LOL. I am a realist, and you can see by my posts I never blow smoke up the bills FO butt. However, you are an internal pessimist my friend.


    Torrell Troup and Michael Jasper stopping the run? THat's assuming he even makes the team. You're jumping the gun a tad too early.


    Wannstedt coaching them up? I didn't know he was a Dick Lebeau. Is he a defensive guru? Terrence McGee and McKelvin being totally healthy? When healthy, they're both average CBs and McKelvins been a BUST. Aaron Williams? Has he done anything in the NFL?


    Give me a break.


    Thank you for some intelligent, well researched insight on Barnett. Much better than listening to ignorance up and down the board. (Ex "guy is old", "guy is past his prime", "pack didnt want him", "injury prone", etc, etc)


    As someone who's watched Nick Barnett since he entered the league, I'll say you guys are getting a great player. The real reason that Barnett was released was because he lost his job because of injury. When he injured his wrist last year, two things happened for the Packers. First, Desmond Bishop finally got on the field after being stuck on the bench despite wowing people during the preseason but was always blocked by Hawk and Barnett. Second, Hawk moved over to strong side LB and took over as the guy that calls the plays in the huddle. Both guys thrived with their new roles, Bishop became the playmaker that everyone thought he'd be, and the defense thrived under Hawk's leadership (which was actually less intense than Barnett, but was described as being the same whether they were getting drove on or whether they were shutting a team down). So, Barnett wasn't released from bad play, but rather because of a log-jam at the position, and he had the highest cap number and injuries in two of the last three seasons. So here's my off the cuff scouting report on Nick Barnett for you guys:


    The Good: He moves well sideline to sideline with good speed, and plays through the whistle. He's a very good tackler, assignment-sure and he's versatile as he's descent in pass coverage, can blitz the QB fairly well, and has even gotten the occasional pick. He's high intensity, and he loves football and will interact with fans (through twitter). Great personality and a team leader. With the exception of the ACL in 08 and the wrist last year he's been extremely healthy.


    The Bad: He can be beat on deep passes up the middle if he's matched up against a tight end (which is probably true for most ILB's). He uses his Samarai sword celebration way too often, like after tackling the running back after a 1-yard gain on 1st and 10, one play before they give up a 20-yard pass. Will sometimes get in trouble by saying too much on twitter.


    He's pretty consistently been that guy who's always come just short of a pro-bowl in several of his years. He was first team all-pro in 07. An above average LB who became the odd man out after his injury. If you want to see a bit of his personality,

  16. There are lots of improvements on the defense. Its the offense I am worried about. Shawne Merriman has never played a down for us. Torell Troup and Michael Jasper stopping the run this year while Dareus and KW penetrate. Then you have Wannstedt coaching them up. Aaron Williams coming in as a rookie, and then Terrence McGee and Leodis McKelvin being totally healthy (McGee huge loss last year). Arthur Moats, Troup, and Carrington all having went through the rookie grind and learning process now can get to the point where they start to really produce. Not every player is going to be Ndamukong Suh and be an All-Pro the first year he hits the field. All of these players need a year AT LEAST to develop. You can plug players into great teams like the Packers, Steelers, Patriots, Colts, etc and have them produce right away. When you have a young team that is not as talented you have to wait for guys to mature and learn their roles with the team. Many of our players should hit their stride this year (Oline & TE still a mess IMO). Dont forget we handed away 3 overtime games last season, started 3 useless games with Trent Edwards, and were totally depleted by injuries by the few good players we did have on the roster. If those games turn out differently we are possibly 7-9 and there is a whole lot more optimism on this board. I do agree with DREREED83 in the fact that I would like to see some big moves from the Bills every once in a while. On this board, we try and make moves that are only average seem like they are monumental.



    I don't hate this move, but I don't see how it helps this team at all. IMO this is not an improvement over Poz and it isn't a downgrade either. IMO Poz was just an average LB that did nothng special which is what Barnett is NOW. I'm still waiting for those FA pick ups that will help IMPROVE this team. I have yet to see it.


    I mean, look at our free agent pickups the last couple years. Have any of them done anything for us? THeres always that ONE FA pick up that every one gets totally stoked about during the offseason. Look at Jeff Posey, Derrick Dockery, Kawika Mitchell, Dwan Edwards, Shawne Merriman, Marcus Stroud, Terrell Owens. Have any one of these guys impacted our team in any way shape or form? And its the same old SHT every year. This year's Nick Barnett. hallelujah !!!!


    You guys can buy into this GARBAGE. I'm not blind and I'm not buying into this. You guys can believe this defense has improved but I'm not. Sorry that I don't share your enthusiasm for being an average defense.

  17. Well obviously everything will depend if we are going to be able to gel in time for the season, and stay healthy. Any team with injuries is going to struggle so hopefully we dont get hit with that bug. (Of course except the Patriots because their freakin backups are pro bowlers). I really hope that Merriman can stay healthy, because that is huge. With Wannstedt coaching this group he may even see something in Maybin and get that loser on the field doing something. Moats and Merriman should definitely be able to provide pressure with our front 3 doing their job properly. Hopefully one of the two big boys pan out at the nose tackle.


    I'll believe it when I see it. Our OLBs better be able to create pressure around the edges. I know we'll get some pressure up the middle but when it comes to edge rushing and run defense, I'm still skeptical.

  18. The difference now is a front line. The LBs wont be asked to do it all, which they are not capable of doing. Plus Wannstedt always gets the most out of a defense. You can say what you want about Nick Barnett, but this defense is vastly improved from last year. Coach Wannstedt will not come in, and put his defensive reputation on the line and coach a poor defense. It simply wont happen.


    Just wait and see. Barnett will amount to nothing in Buffalo just like Mitchell.


    But yay. Go Bills.

  19. Be careful putting too much stock into that site. Some of the stuff I have seen on that site is laughable. Example: Kyle Williams is the #3 overall player in the NFL and Corey Webster is the #1 ranked corner in football. They do all of these wierd, crazy, play by play statistics to come up with their opinions of who is rated where. I love the Barnett signing, but the only thing Nick Barnett ever did better than Ray Lewis was stay away from a murder scene.



    Profootballfocus had barnett rated above Ray Lewis in 2009 in his transition year to a 3-4


  20. Yes I think we actually may still have a chance at Crowder because of the George Edwards connection. IMO he is a big upgrade from Davis or Torbor. Although the truth of the matter is that none of us really know how "decent" or how bad our linebackers from last year are, because the defensive line was so terrible. I dont think anyone can deny the defensive line in Buffalo is MUCH MUCH better than last year so in turn that will make the LB's look that much better. Also add Terrence McGee back healthy, Leodis hopefully entering his prime, and all of our safties (including Aaron Williams who can be used at any DB position) I think we have to be excited about our defense. LETS GET AN TIGHT END NOW! Even Daniel Fells would have been a real nice pickup. This is a huge year for tight ends so now would be the time if ever.

  21. Huh? We pretty well lost Poz & Whitner and signed Barnett & Brad Smith. Am I forgetting something spectacular that we did? With Brad being a good player, but not particular a need I dont see how much "better" we got other than the draft panning out which every team in the NFL hopes for.


    Really liking how Nix has been fairly aggressive this offseason...if we would have gotten Clabo, we would likely be in the top 3 or 4 most improved teams this offseason with the positions we have upgraded. As it is, we are probably in the top 10...



    Also, I'm sure its a pipe dream, but I would really love Channing Crowder to be a Bill now that we have Barnett. If the replacement for Poz was going to be Crowder I was against it, but with Barnett on the roster now I would like to see Crowder right next to him. Chan certainly isn't the type of coach to throw Sheppard right into the mix, and another veteran ILB would be nice in my opinion.

  22. Crowder really isnt a very good player at all. Id almost rather see Moats stay at ILB rather than pick up Crowder. However, Barnett WOULD BE HUGE!!!! God I hope these rumors are true!! That would MORE than replace Poz in my opinion, plus the leadership and winning attitude would be huge for this team. Barnett next to Merriman?? Maybe we start to look intimidating if healthy!!!

  23. Its a shame that we wont go after Warren or Kazcur. Both are solid players, and both could help us in the locker room as leaders, and also with game planning for the Pats. Everyone forgets that Ty Warren was a big time leader and a huge character guy for the Pats in 2008 and 2009 before going on IR last season. He was the reason that Richard Seymour became expendable for New England. Obviously we have no interest in him, and vice versa but damn this would have been a nice nice pickup. He has played 3-4 end his whole career. Fun to think about Dareus, Warren, and Kyle Williams on a defensive line. That would actually be scary. Although if anyone got past those 3 we are screwed behind them. Im still holding out hope for Kazcur.

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