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Posts posted by coseybedaman

  1. A few things: 1- Belittling Polian on a Bills board borders on blasphemy if not just plain ignorance. In the 50+ year history of this franchise, there were only TWO sustained periods of excellence, Polian was responsible for one of those. In addition, the guy has been NFL executive of the year 6 times and has had success with 3 different franchises. 2- The Watkins trade, comes down to Watkins play, but more importantly whether EJ is the guy or not. MOST outsiders believe he has yet to prove he is the guy, thereby concluding the Bills are not "close"; if EJ turns out to be the guy, than the trade might work and might be worth the cost, however, even in that scenario, staying at 9 and selecting Beckham might in the end prove to be the better move. In other words, the deck is stacked against this trade being a good one and I think that's what the vast majority of analysts are voicing. Love the player, hate the trade.


    The problem with staying at 9 was that they already knew Stevie Johnson was on his way out. So you draft Odell Beckham and you are stuck with the same problem we have had for years. A roster full of #2 and #3 WRs, but still no #1. The bills now have that true number 1. The only player in this draft that could've filled that need from day 1 was Sammy.

  2. I am one of those guys that has developed a bitter attitude over the Bills losing ways over the past dozen years or so. With that being said Doug Whaley has changed my pessimism. I completely trust any moves he makes. This guy is the perfect guy to lead this organization. He has given us no reason to doubt him. If Whaley is going to be judged on whether EJ pans out or not then he should be able to give him a legitimate chance to be successful. Unlike the QBs the Bills have had over the past decade EJ needs and deserves a respectable Oline and WRs around him. What makes it even more impressive is that Whaley is doing this all while having to deal with some of the awful contracts from the last regime. Stevie needed to go. I love our offseason from start to finish for the first time in years!! You do what you need to do to get the elite playmaker in the draft, and that's exactly what they did! GREAT DRAFT! This team is on the rise.

  3. Absolutely positively yes! Numbers don't tell the full story on Freddie. Let's not also forget that the organization has been trying to replace him with younger, better running backs since he has been here. It simply never happens. Had they given him the full work load he deserved over the course of his career he would be a lock. I'd be devastated if this team doesn't let him retire as a Bill.





    I disagree. We ran a bit better last year, but it was mostly because we were running the spread, which kept the middle of the defense open and uncongested. And that's the type of offense Levitre fit. Levitre was never a road grader or anything like it. He was a terrific pass blocker, one of the best guards in the league at that, and he was excellent at pulling. But in terms of straight-ahead run blocking he was never all that good.


    IMHO that's the reason they didn't even try to re-sign him. They didn't even make an offer, and surely they would have made an offer hoping to get a hometown discount if they thought he fit the scheme. I think the new scheme is not a spread offense and because of that they want big strong guys who can simply beat the heck out of whoever's in front of them, and that's not Levitre.


    In any case, LTs are a great deal more valuable and harder to find than Gs. If you doubt that, just look at where the best tackles are drafted compared to the best guards. Look at the salaries paid to the best tackles and compare it to the significantly lower salaries paid to the best guards.


    Fewer guys can play LT at a high level, and LTs do a lot more to keep your QB live and kicking than LGs do. They face the opponent's best pass rusher day in and day out. So you don't take a very good LT and move him to LG because he might be very good. It would be like Miami deciding that Tannehill could be a terrific receiver so they want to switch him back there. Even if he might be a better WR than QB you don't make that switch from extremely important position to fairly important position when the guy's playing the extremely important position at a high level.

    could not disagree more. A pro bowl caliber guard is still a pro bowl caliber guard. He will work his way into whatever the scheme may be. This is a man that they moved to tackle when the injury but hit!! Not many guards in he NFL can do that as effectively as Andy did. I can't stand when fans defend some of the obvious stupidity this team has put out there this decade. Money that could have gone to Andy and jbyrd is going to guys who are already gone or should be gone. Then we stay status quo at 5-7 wins every year. This team does not have enough talent to let good players go year after year and replace them with cheaper journeyman veterans.


    What? "Tennessee's CJ" is having the worst year of his career......

    yes statistically it appears that way but what I am saying is that he Tennessee online has been VASTLY improved all season and is already considered a top 10 online in the league whereas last year they were dead last. Our line has played considerably worse than last year. I know schemes, players, and coaches all play major roles in that, but Levitre has been the most glaring loss on our team by a mile. Our yards per carry this season have gone down a full yard which is huge over the course of a season and 500 or so rushing attempts.
  6. The problem with SJ is that the Bills have paid him like, and tried to make him a #1 WR. He has never been that and will never be that. Im not saying if he is our only weapon that he cant get 1000 yards (ie. Brian Hartline last season). Stevie is similar to those guys around the league that are on the opposite sides of star wideouts.(BOLDIN, MIKE WILLIAMS, HARTLINE, DECKER TYPE GUY) Thats what he should be, but in Buffalo we always try and stretch backups into #1 starters

  7. Are u his agent? That is an absolutely ridiculous statement. He is a star of nothing. I agree w the original poster of this thread. He has been average at best in his year plus in the league. His technique and instincts are lousy. Playing CB is not a wrestling match. You have to cover not mug. Until he learns how to mirror the receiver, he will be average at best. Robey is ahead of him at this pt in their careers. And for all those who bash Leodis, his play has been excellent.

    No not an agent my friend. Just a fan. A very honest fan, and usually a cynical one. The fact that you just compared Robey to Gilmore tells me that I shouldnt even waste my time replying to this post. Gilmore shut down #1 receivers the whole second half of 2012 AS A ROOKIE! Leodis McKelvin has just matched Gilmore's level from last year and he is a 6th year pro. Get a grip man. Of course he was terrible the first half of the season. HE WAS A ROOKIE CORNER! They all struggle their first season. There is a reason they so desperately needed a shutdown corner in the first round, and it certainly wasnt because Leodis Mckelvin or Aaron Williams were doing their job. I think you look at a stat sheet rather than watch the games and listen to what people around the league say about this guy.
  8. I hope this thread is a joke. Stephon Gilmore was already a top 5 corner in the entire NFL by the end of last season. We would be having a very surprising season if he had been healthy all year rather than having Justin Rogers cover top WRs. If there is ANY PROBLEMS on this team Stephon Gilmore would NEVER be considered one of them. With that being said he is playing with one arm. That speaks to how good he is. He is better with one arm than anyone else we have with two arms. Obviously he isnt going to be flawless with one available arm to him. This guy is an absolute star.

  9. I hope people are kidding that think the Colts actually tanked to get Andrew Luck. So Jim Caldwell intentionally lost his job? Doubtful guys. Im gonna say it had something to do with their 40 year old retired QB who came off the couch to play with a talentless team. Then he was replaced by a man by the name of Curtis Painter who couldnt even win in college let alone the NFL. There are a lot of reasons that team went 2-14, but losing games intentionally was not one of them.

  10. Of course no team is ever going to do this, but if we were going to do it then it should have been last season for Andrew Luck. Not a defensive end. There isnt a defensive end that has ever played the game that would make us a winning team like Luck immediately did for Indianapolis.

  11. Andy Levitre is a great guard. There is a reason he is the #1 free agent interior lineman. We arent good enough to let those kind of players walk. What is all this BS about "overpaying" a guy?? Are we paying them? Who the hell cares what the NFL pays them. I want to cheer for a good team for once. Call me crazy.

  12. 1. If we pick Eddie Lacy I will cry. Running back is our only solid position on the whole offense. Are you guys serious?

    2. Please dont compare Jarvis Jones to Aaron maybin. That is just laughable. Not to mention just because we have Mario Williams and invested a lot of money does not mean that we have a pass rush. We still had one of the worst in the league. WE NEED PASS RUSHERS!

    3. This team has so many holes that it would be real tough to miss on the #8 overall. We need to keep Levitre here though. We finally have a nice oline for the first time in years. Lets not dismantle it before they ever reach their potential.

  13. The stats mean nothing with a guy like this. He was used extremely sparingly until they shockingly found out how good this guy could be at the wide receiver position. He hasnt even touched his prime yet, but this guy WILL be a pro bowler. He does not have the attitude problems everyone wants to claim he does. In fact a big part of why there has been any problem with him at all is because the Vikings havent allowed him to play WR full time, and that has kept his market value down. He was finally getting that much needed time on the field last year and was one of the league leaders in receiving until he was injured. If you have ever really watched this guy play for any length of time he is a rare talent. If someone is going to pay him big money I would love it to be us. We just spent 125 million on a defensive line that was still below average. Lets not start pinching our pennies now.

  14. This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever seen. We have slightly better than a 1 in 30 shot of getting him. Just because we have a member of our staff who likes the guy doesnt mean at all that he is going to be the Bills quarterback. That is just obsurd.

    #1 Its not a one man decision

    #2 People arent going to risk their careers on a second tier college QB

    #3 Many other teams may want him

    #4 He would have to be available when we draft AND BY AVAILABLE I DEFINITELY DONT MEAN AT #8 OVERALL!!

  15. Sorry to bring the bad news, but as long as Stevie Johnson, Donald Jones, Brad Smith, TJ Graham, and Scott Chandler are our "go to guys" dont expect much out of any QB we bring in. Draft, free agent, trade, etc. Andy Dalton looks much better with AJ Green there. Matt Ryan didnt even become a superstar until Julio Jones came in. Even Russell Wilsons weapons are far better than ours! That's not saying much. A legitimate star wideout, and a star linebacker are this teams immediate needs. You give me an AJ Green/Megatron type on the other side of Stevie Johnson and you watch how Fitzpatrick "becomes starting material".

  16. I personally prefer to draft Teo or Jarvis Jones in the first round, and look for a solid QB in free agency or the 2nd round. There always seems to be one available. People put too much stock into QB rankings. Andy Dalton, Russell Wilson, Joe Flacco, Ben Roethlisberger, Matt Schaub, Romo, Cutler, Freeman, etc etc are all solid NFL starting QBs. None of them were thought to be the next Peyton Manning, but if you put a QB around a solid defense, and give him a few WR to throw to you may be surprised to find out who "THE GUY" is. The bottom line is that our offense, and defense still lacks a lot of talent. A QB will not solve anything. If Blaine Gabbert was drafted to any of the teams I just mentioned he would be just as good. When you put him with Jaguar/Bills talent you get the QB we see today.

  17. I disagree with this decision. As much of a "coming out party" as the Miami game was supposed to be for CJ I was less impressed with him than I was the rest of the season. We clearly need both backs. Fred should be the every down back with CJ being the compliment to him. That is when CJ has been at his best, and has the most capability of breaking the big ones. There were several times in the Miami game where I felt as though Fred was missing big time. Especially the idiotic situations where Spiller came out of the game inside the redzone every time.

  18. I disagree with the OP completely. When your QB is completely useless throwing passes over 15 yards you're offense is easy to gameplan against. Sure, we could have had a couple extra first downs if our recievers made a couple easy catches, but we still would have lost. We were in the scoring position a few times yesterday and I can't remember one throw into the end zone. That's because our QB sucks and refuse to let him throw into the end zone. I don't blame them either. The guy has ZERO touch. He's ok at firing a 1-10 yard pass, but any pass thrown with a trajectory is a duck with no accuracy. If you can't see that, I don't know what to tell you. Our QB is limited and additional weapons would be a waste until we upgrade the position.

    I can throw a ball more than 15 yards so i will roll the dice that a professional QB can. THE DEEP BALL ISNT IN THE GAMEPLAN! Its not that a quarterback cant throw downfield. Its that we dont have downfield weapons my friend. We have short slant receivers. Thats what we have built in Buffalo. A bunch of receivers that can grab you 6 yard catches and once in a blue moon break a tackle to take it deep


    You lost me when you started defending Fitz. There is NO LOGICAL argument anyone can ever make to validate Fitz as a solution rather than a problem. Not one. I am also so sick and tired of whiney Fitz ball washers coming on here and the shout box every time Fitz FINALLY makes one good pass or FINALLY has a game where he doesnt turn the ball over 3+ times. His entire body of work says he is not good enough, and go back and watch the game yesterday. Look a the WIDE open SJ running to the sidelines on a route that would be good for a first down where Fitz has plenty of time and misses him by 7 yards forcing us to Punt rather than get a first down. He does that ALL the time. He is GROSSLY inaccurate, always has been, and has no touch on his deeper throws, under throws all the time when going down field, puts the ball in places that will get his receivers killed, misses wide open throws all the time, makes TERRIBLE decisions week in and week out that result in turnovers or punts, etc etc.


    Anyone who thinks he is not a problem on this team has no idea what a QB is supposed to look like or do out there. That is not even debatable. I mean even Nix is saying we need a true starting QB now. This guy is in no way good enough for this team.


    Is he the ONLY problem...of course not, but he is a MAJOR problem on this team. Tom Brady and McNabb led their teams to constant division titles, SB's, and SB trophies (Brady) with FAR less talent on their offense than we have, and yet our inept QB still gets excuses made for him as if its the talent around him as to why he sucks. Brady would have busted a nut to get someone like SJ on those SB teams...McNabb would have too considering he really only had one year with a true WR in TO and spent the rest of his career throwing to jokes like Fred Ex and Todd Pinkston. Steve Johnson would have been the #1 WR on all of NE SB victories, would have been the #1 WR on all of McNabbs teams except the one year he had TO on good behavior, and yet Fitz doesnt have enough weapons? Maybe, just Maybe, Fitz just isnt good enough to get the ball to his guys?


    Fitz sucked with a motivated and behaving TO and Evans to throw too...He sucked with Evans and SJ...He sucks with SJ and whoever else we roll out there. He just sucks way more often than he doesnt...and thats the cold hard facts.

    I am certainly not a "Fitz ballwasher". You cant win in the NFL without weapons and a good defense. Fitz has shown that he can be that guy. The Bills took the league by storm last season at the beginning of the year. Fitz was the quarterback. Obviously HE CAN DO IT. The pieces need to be around him to do it consistently. If you watched that Texans game and felt that Ryan Fitzpatrick was the reason we couldnt win then I think you need to learn a bit about football.


    The biggest point I am making here guys is that very rarely does a franchise QB come along in the draft outside the first 3 picks. You can have all of those second tier guys like Russell Wilson, Christian Ponder, Sam Bradford, Gabbert, Tannehill, Sanchez, Dalton, Weeden, Newton, Freeman and try and make them work by putting good weapons around them as well as a good defense. All of these teams are really no better off than we are. We already have that second tier guy in Ryan Fitzpatrick. Why not spend a 1st round pick on getting better weapons than getting another QB to develop for 5 years just to find out he is average. If we could get RG3 or Andrew Luck thats great, but those are rare finds. I say build a better team, and then see if the QB is still inadequate.

  19. I am so sick of everyone blaming Fitzpatrick for this team being terrible. Fitzpatrick played a really good game yesterday against the best defense in the NFL. However, this laughing stock of a receiving corps we have on this team is just embarrassing. I cant stand how the blame is always on the QB when there is no shots down field in this offense, there is no receivers who can make big plays, and there are no receivers on this team that dont drop balls that are right in their hands. Ive got news guys. TEAMS DONT WIN WITH STEVIE JOHNSON, DONALD JONES, TJ GRAHAM, and SCOTT CHANDLER! They win with Julio Jones, Roddy White, Hakeem Nicks, Victor Cruz, Calvin Johnson, Brandon Marshall, Rob Gronkowski, etc etc etc. Everyone expects Fitzpatrick to be a top level QB with low level talent around him. IT JUST DOESNT HAPPEN IN THE NFL GUYS! You can draft all the first round QBs you want, but as long as guys like Mike Jenkins, Golden Tate, Cecil Shorts, Brian Hartline, are the "go to guys" they will NEVER PAN OUT! Virtually 99.9% of the elite QBs in the NFL were not able to become elite until they had weapons. Joe Flacco, Matt Ryan, Eli Manning, Peyton Manning, Philip Rivers, the list goes on and on. Lets draft the next Russell Wilson, Christian Ponder, Sam Bradford, Blaine Gabbert, Ryan Tannehill, etc etc. We will all be sitting here in 3 years wondering why they didnt turn us into winners.

  20. Doesnt matter who is playing QB. Its the obvious thing to do. Blame the QB. When this team isnt giving up 35-50 points a game then I will blame the QB. In fact the 3 games that the defense didnt allow an obsurd amount of points we actually won. Is Fitzpatrick going to be a hall of famer and multi time pro bowler? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Is Andy Dalton, Christian Ponder, Joe Flacco, Jay Cutler, Josh Freeman, Brandon Weeden, Matt Schaub, Sam Bradford, Matthew Stafford, Alex Smith or Russell Wilson??? Absolutely not. But all of them have proven they can win games in the NFL with the right system or gameplan. Lets focus on our problems here. WE HAVE NO DEFENSE!

  21. LOL...Dareus rated as the WORST DT in the league "per one reputable ranking". Cut the **** already.


    Post the link (unless your making it up in Never-Never Land) so I can never take that source seriously again.

    If Dareus is one of the worst DTs in the NFL then you are probably referring to pro football focus who last year said Kyle Williams was the best defender in all of football, and Corey Webster was the best DB in football. Whatever site you are referring to is obviously ridiculous. This team has many many problems. Marcell Dareus is not one of them.
  22. Yes, my name does say it all with this team. In my opinion, this team is halted by fitzpatrick and fitz alone. He is what stands between this team and the next level. The bills NEED to spend a high pick on a qb, but this team is actually going to be punished for being too good and will end up with a guy like wilson who is good not great like so many bills qbs...other than that woman who is currently occupying the position...This team needs to completely overhaul its coaching staff as well, as it is, as you said, the most predicatable offence. Where's the magic? How about a two back set with spiller and Fjax...how do u stop that? Anyways, as an eagles fan, the likelihood that Andy Reid is fired has never been higher, so I'd be looking at him if I were you. Guy doesn't get enough credit, unfortunately also a pass first guy, but will be smart enough to see this run game. Good luck bills

    Yes because clearly Fitzpatrick's nearly flawless 3 touchdown and 1 interception day is what allowed one of the worst offenses in football to score 35 points on us. Give me a break guys. This is the worst defense we have had in years. Stop blaming the QB! We are virtually dead last in every defensive category! Get a clue
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