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Posts posted by MartyBall4Buffalo

  1. Wasn't Thigpen largely responsible for KC handing the game to Buffalo last year? I recall that the game was fairly close and then Thigpen started handing the ball over without that much help from Buffalo's D.


    Yeah like when he ran and fumbled the ball with no one hitting him or his pick 6. Between that and Edwards kicking their ass. I can understand why people who barely watched Thigpen outside of a few throws he made think he's a good option :)

  2. I've read a few places that this is possible. I thought he showed a lot of promise last year (and was not afraid to throw it downfield). He also had a nice TD reception.


    But this year, not only has Croyle supposedly looked good, but Pioli also signed former New England back-up, Guittariez (SP?).


    What do you think about Thigpen as a Bill?




    Played exclusively in a gimmick offense the pistol which is a highschool/pee wee football offense in KC last year. Did not take a snap from under center. As far "Throwing it downfield" what a crock of sh--. Averaged 6.2 yards per pass. Trent Edwards averaged 7.2. Edwards also had more yards passing per game. Talent level of the skill players around them were probably around the same, although the chiefs had a worlds better te, and Evans/Bowe is a wash.

  3. How much punishment should I (we) take from a team that keeps DJ on forever knowing he is horrible.


    They could have had Mike Sherman and they hired DJ.


    2-8 down the stretch, 0-6 in the division last year.


    I lose all interest in the NFL as soon as the Bills are out of it every year. A fair weather fan roots for the teams that are good that particular year. I am only a Bills fan for life.


    The franchise should do something for the fans as well as vice versa.


    Mike Sherman was so beloved by his peers around the NFL that he's no longer in the NFL in any capacity. I mean really just because we picked sh-- as our hc, doesn't mean the other sh-- was any less smelly.

  4. Q:Who is Copeland Bryan?


    A: The Bills best pass rusher.


    How do Kelsay,Schobel,Denney keep their jobs? It is a mystery to me. They are all invisible on the field.


    Schobel is decent when he's healthy. He's been getting pressure in preseason. Chris Kelsay and Denney should've been cut a long time ago. As far as Who is Copeland Bryan. A potentialy good defensive end who won't see the field because Kelsay is a "team captain". I mean seriously how inspired would you be to play for a guy who all he does is talk to the media about how he has to make plays, or how the team is underperforming, when you're reason numero uno for the biggest weakness on the Bills defense? Having Chris Kelsay as a captain is about as inspiring as spackle

  5. Reid probably figures that McNabb will get killed by either Peters or his back-up so it's good to be prepared.


    Vick over his career has been sacked once every 9 pass attempts. Being fast doesn't mean you can escapse sacks. Infact more so called "mobile qb's" get sacked at a much higher rate than pocket passing quarterbacks.

  6. Since you did such a fine job with "Dick speak" also known as "Jauronisms", see if you can identify which if any of the following are actual quotes from D.J.


    After we got down by 5 TD's in the first half, things could have really gotten out of hand, I was really proud that our guys only surrendered 20 more points in the last five mintues, that gives us something positive to work from.


    The thing I learned about football is it's not how it begins bu how the play ends that really matters. We have to work harder on finishing the plays.


    I really felt that the intensity was there and that our guys tried their best, the bottom line is that the final score is not always a true indication of how hardl the loosing team tries.


    I am especially proud of how our special teams captain won the opening coin toss, this is something we can certainly use as a positive when preparing for our next game.


    I thought that those times that we were able to actually get the ball in the quaterback's hands were a difference maker, this is something we can build on down the road.


    The decision to go for it is always better when it works.



    I'm gonna guess the last one

  7. How far back are you going with Washington and Traylor? Donahoe let Pat Williams go. He played at an all pro level for us and has continued to play at that same superlative level for the Vikings since his departure. He not only stopped the run but more importantly he provided pressure up the middle, We haven't seen that interior pressure since his departure. Under the Levy and Jauron regime they changed their defensive philosophy to a lighter and quicker line. That is the style of defense Jauron had in Chicago.


    Jauron's philosophy seems to accentuate the players behind the front line. The majority of our draft picks are defensive backfield players. It seems to me that the more successful teams put their resources in upgrading the defensive front line to support the DBs. The Giants were able to beat the talented Patriots in the SB by putting exceptional defensive pressure from the line. Even when the Giants had a well established line they continued through the draft to add to their already accomplished line. It worked out for them.


    Jauron was in Chicago from 99-03. I was referencing the 2001 team. The Jauron team that went 13-3.


    Their Dline was Re- Phillip Daniles Dt- Keith Traylor Dt- Ted Washington Le- Bryan Robinson.


    The lightest guy on that dline was Phillip Daniels at about 280 lbs. Otherwise we're talking about over 700lbs alone between Man Mountain Ted and Keith Immovable Traylor. The 01 bears had players at every level, but even Urlacher himself would tell you it started upfront with Washington and Traylor. Now maybe this was by complete accident and I'm missing something about Jaurons Chicago philosphy, and having Big Ted and Traylor was a case of even the sun shining on a donkeys ass, or Jauron had a moment of clarity where he realized "If you have a great dline it's not that hard to win in the NFL." Even when Jauron was with Detroit. The Lions had Shaun Rogers. Even here the Bills mixed and matched for awhile until they came away trading for Stroud. The light and quick aka the tampa 2 rage didn't really come into play in Chicago until Lovie Smith took over.

  8. I would give the front office a mulligan on the drafting of Mike Williams at OT. No one could have predicted that he would lose his desire or have mental health issues which affected his motivation to play. But bypassing a stud DT such as Ngata for a safety in Whitner, in hindsight, was a big mistake. The Whitner pick would have had more value if a defensive line could have been developed to pressure the qb and give the DBs more opportunities to make plays.


    What has hurt this team is the philosophy of having lighter and quicker interior linemen on defense, which the Bears had under Jauron when he was in Chicago. That approach worked with the Bears because they had a number of all-stars on the defensive unit to compensate for the lack of bulk.


    The drafting of Losman and McCargo set the team back not only because they didn't work out as expected, but also because the team used precious draft picks to move back into the draft to acquire these players. The accumulated miscalculations in drafting players has been very damaging, as the record clearly demonstrates.


    Ted Washington and Keith Traylor were "light and quick"? <_< Otherwise agree with your post.

  9. kelsay is not "awful". he's no superstar, and his contract is worth more than he deserves, but at the time the FO was setting examples: if you show up and work hard and are happy with being here, we'll pay you.


    but he's not awful.


    He's an awful starting defensive end. His percieved ability as a run stopper is overrated. Watch the guy closely he bites on more end arounds, and lacks agility to protect on outside runs. If he can crash upfield he can hold his own, but when he has to move laterally he's terrible. He has zero pass rush ability, and he's not someone you have to account for at all. A guy who for all intents and purposes will only get you 2-3 sacks a season is indeed "awful". His 06 season with 5.5 sacks was more of a mirage, than a glimpse of what he could do in a so called good year. It's far past the time where he should've been replaced, as he continues to hurt the Bills defense.

  10. :thumbsup: Great post. The way 54 & 50 were hitting everything in their path, Ellison should not last the preseason as the starting strong side backer. In fact, Kawika may want to pick his game up a notch to where it was a couple seasons ago when he helped the Giants beat the Pats in the SB! These two kids look like the real deal.


    Mitchell is what he is. He's always been a bit of a stiff and lacks good lateral movement which results in quite a bit of missed tackles, dating back to even when he played for KC. He looked pretty bad at times for the giants as well up until their dline started to up their game. He's a liability in coverage as most of our lbs are. He'll be starting for us though this year. Next year maybe it's a different story. What stood out most to me was how much of a child Keith Ellison looks like compared to Nic Harris. I know it was just 1 preseason game, but I can't wait to see more of what he can do, as well as Bowen.

  11. Because the ones I argue with believe the Bible is literal, the earth is 6000 years old and there is no way that god would make another earth-like planet. Hell, some of them believe the sun goes around the earth!


    So you have intellectual arguments you know you can't lose? Do you also argue with people from The Flat Earth Society? I mean really what you're boasting about is the equivalent of debating Helen Keller after listening to a Book on Tape.


    As far as finding Earth Like planets that neither proves nor disproves anything. You'd be surprised by the number of people that this would strengthen their faith for.


    Jim in Anchorage Posted Today, 12:45 AM

    I don't recall that Jesus preached Adam and Eve, or calculated the earth is 4000 years old. He was about how people treat each other, not how or why we are here.


    Yup but some people just don't get that, and people much prefer to either deface the message, or take the message to an unhealthy extreme.

  12. Ask him why the jets hate Leon Washington so much? I mean really Washington is one of the best punt returners in the league, and they're taking him off that to give punt returns to Jim Leonhard?!? I understand they want to give Washington more carries this season, but if there is one team who rivals the Bills in special teams capability it's been the Jets. This just seems like a huge step back for Westhoff's group. Not only that but the lack of movement on a contract for Leon Washington is absurd. If I was a jets fan it would perplex me to say the least.- Granted I realize this is more of a question for Tannenbaum, but yeah.





    Ask him stuff like In the early stages of Rex Ryans tenure how the defense is shaping up compared to the Ravens? How has Gholston looked? If the front 7 looks to have an agressive style that he in turn can benefit from? Kris Jenkins faded down the stretch last year. Is that a concern of the defensive staff moving forward, and has anyone else along the dline poised to step up? Are he and Kerry Rhodes developing good chemistry at their safety positions, with fluid communication? Are you and Bartt Scott taking an active role among your peers to help them learn Ryans defensive system? Is there anyone on the defense that maybe the average fan hasn't heard of that we should pay attention to? Than get into some "Who was your biggest help in your journey to make it in the NFL where you are today? All that small guy overcome such and such situation fluff.


    Honestly I'm not a fan of Leonhard the guy got lucky to ride the coattails of some of the best defensive players in the league. A luxury he does not have with the jets. If he proves me wrong I'll eat crow, but he'll go back to being the terribly exposed slow safety he was with the Bills or as Rich Gannon put it during a game against the jags 2 years ago


    "I don't know what Jim Leonhard was doing out there, but he looks like he shouldn't even be on the field"


    P.S- Congrats on getting an interview with a NFL player, and I hope it goes well, and best of luck to you in your Field :lol:

  13. You can dream I guess...you know...sitting back and wishing for players to get hurt as our fans become more hypocritical by the MINUTE and keep earning a bad reputation as fans...and we still suck and go 8-8, and then the next player who leaves is scum, rinse and repeat....


    That's a sign of improvement :doh: but really it's gonna be funny when Peters proves a bunch of these people wrong and has a great year.

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