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Posts posted by MartyBall4Buffalo

  1. Coy wire is a good man. Coy Wire is a nice man. Well My dad is a nice man, but just like coy wire I wouldn't want him playing for the buffalo bills. This is the problem. You want nice guys, set up a chairty and get nice guys to go out and have fundraisers to raise money. You want to win football games. You Bring in your ray lewis's and your terrell owens, and your brett favres etc etc. ATTITUDE. NICE PEOPLE ARE NICE..... ATTITUDE....CONFIDENCE.... KNOWING THAT YOU'RE BETTER FROM THE PERSON LINING UP ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BALL.... AND THAN PROVING IT..... THAT WINS FOOTBALL GAMES. Keep The Nice Guys for church on Sunday, or a friend in a tough jam. Give me and the rest of fans Some Guys with ATTITUDE AND WILL TO WIN FOOTBALL GAMES FOR THE BUFFALO BILLS

  2. BAH I Hate the jets. Listining to wfan all you ever hear about besides people drooling over the yankees, is how lousy the mets are and how the Jets are a superbowl contender, and theres no way they don't make a deep run into the playoffs this year. I know the jets offense is good, but their defense is still crappy, and edwards/paul hackett will eventually cost them games with bad clock managment, and stupid playcalling, and I for one won't be happier. Sometimes I'd like to take a firehouse to the meadowlands so Fireman ed falls off his brothers shoulders. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: The Jets, but anyway good to hear the bills game will be on here

  3. Yes our te's are sad, but there's not much we can do about it, we have to play to their strengths. Cambell while he definitly isn't Tony Gonzaelz, or shockey or heap, is an average te. We could definitly do worse, but we could also do a lot better. Our te's after cambell are a huge dropoff, however when we are being bitzed up the middle usually the te will be open and if bledsoe can manage to get rid of the ball fast, and I mean lightning fast, cause lord knows our interior line and our rb's can't pick up blitzes, and cambell can hold onto the football, hey that would be something new, we might just be able to gain some positive yardage instead of taking a negative play on a sack. However if the bills are gonna win this game, we have to play to our strengths. Stout defense, and running the ball on offense. Being Patient is going to be the key, and this is definitly a game I'd like to see the bills win, just to see what kind of character we have on this team.


    GO BILLS!!!

  4. I try to stay away from topics like this cause I just like to stick to football, but today I found out my grandmother 76 years old has been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. So if you guys/girls don't mind just say a little prayer for her, and thank you for listening. Even just getting this off my chest on a message board to a bunch of people I don't know kinda helps. :devil: . Thank you and god bless

  5. 1.  I really enjoyed watching the Packers/Colts game and missed the days when the Bills had an explosive offense.  Of course winning games is the most important thing, but our offense is painful to watch and definitely is not entertaining.  I really enjoyed watching the Bills play in the first half of the 2002 season because of our passing offense.  Win or lose, it was exciting and fun.  I like our defense, but it would be nice to see a stronger pass rush from the d-line and more turnovers.


    2.  When we played the Pats last year in Foxboro I recall that Brady came out throwing (I think the first 10 plays were passes) since they knew our dts were less effective at rushing the passer than stopping the run (and would get tired).  I also recall that we made adjustments after the Pats had scored a couple of touchdowns.  I hope we are ready on Sunday to handle this beginning with the first snap.


    3.  Our avg yards per rush is 2.7.  We won't win many games with that number.  Isn't that primarily on the o-line?


    4.  If I were RW and the Bills continue to lose games, I would consider hiring an outside and independent consultant before the season is over (a guy like Ron Wolff) to help figure out if we are on the right or wrong track.  If we have another losing season, RW is going to be in a tough position and will need to make decisions quickly.




    1. The Packers/Colts game was boring. If I want to watch a game like that I'll watch arena football. I doubt packer fans were saying, Wow that game was fun. No they're saying this sucks we lost. Give me a good defensive struggle and an offensive that is just good enough to score points when needed. That Packers/Colts game was just assinine.


    2. I agree with your 2nd point. However two things we did in the 1st half that bothered me. We played so far back off the wr's that brady dink and dunked us down the entire field. Play man up and tight, Zone Blitz Force Brady to make throws to beat you with his arm, don't give him the opportunity to hit dumpoffs all game. When on Offense RUN THE FOOTBALL. Get better on 1st and 2nd down. Make them respect the run, so later in the game we have the opportunity to run play action and hit moulds or evans deep.


    3. Thats primarly a combination of the oline and being too predictible. Travis Henry isn't jamal lewis. He won't always break out of 8 or 9 men in the box. However we got to stick with it. Get better on 1st and 2nd down, get henry in a rhytm, and are ypc will improve. Remember the bills are 10-2 when Henry has over 25 carries. Stick with what works.


    4. I don't really know much about the front office aspect of the nfl, but I think if we continue to lose some changes definitly need to be made.

  6. I think this is a problem in the making. Most of your better offensive tackles are guys ranging in size from 300-315, guys who have speed to handle speed rushers and blitzing lb's coming off the edges, and have quick feet to maintain their balance and bounce back and forth keeping their blocking responsibility in front of them. If this is our future starting LT and we let Jonas Jennings walk, our oline is billsfanone. This guy like Mike williams is big and fat, with marginal foot speed.The bills need to stop putting guys who are better off playing guard at tackle.

  7. Well it's quite simple actually, but buffalo has ignored this since bringing in Bledsoe. Bledsoes biggest problem has never been de's or outside blitzes it's being rushed up the middle. The problem is we have no size or strength on the middle of our line, and while they're average run blockers. They're smallish and get handled pretty easily by big fat dt's making our offense very vunerable to middle blitzes, and while you obviousily can't block everyone, putting size on our line (I know it won't happen this year) will go a long way to protecting whoever our qb is next year and beyond, but to avoid the middle blitz for the short term and to help drew from being a sitting duck. The Bills have to improve on 1st and 2nd down. Do everything possible to stay out of 3rd and long. When you're in 3rd and short. Defenses are less likely to blitz for fear of being run on. You can't really blitz when you have to respect the run and the pass. If Buffalo is unable to execute on 1st and 2nd down it's gonna be a loooooooooong day of the same old bills.

  8. Well Thats all Folks!! Week 3 is gone, the Bye week is over. It's 3:05am eastern standard time Tuesday Morning here, and now we get to look foward to the joyous fun that awaits us. A Home Game against the NE Patriots.


    Yes those hated 2-0 Ne Patriots. Led by Bill "Pond Scum" Belichick Tom "Marsha" Brady and the rest of them assclowns. Anyway I read an interesting comment from the patriots board at kffl.


    "All i know is i want us to win this game against the Bills on Sunday. This Game will be a make or break game for Drew Bledsoe, he has alot at stake in this one. We can end the Bills 2004 season and put a nail in the Drew Bledsoe's NFL coffin. N.E. Patriots its time to separate the contenders from the pretenders."


    Now I got to thinking about this and I realized a few things. 1. This may very well be the game if we lose that puts the proverbial nail in the coffin of drew bledsoes career. 2. If We win, with a fire lit under the bills players asses, and play like we have something to prove, this very well could be the game that makes or breaks our season. I know not to add optomism to our board, but if we can steal a win here and a win against miami and while the jets have a good offense, their defense is still stevestojantty. I know in the nfl winning 3 back to back to back games especially against division rivals is almost impossible, but I truly believe these are winable games.



    Another scenario I realized when thinking about this is. Would it be so bad if we lost? Maybe than someone in the higherups of this organization would realize that there has to be change. I'm not saying Shane Matthews is the answer. We won't get a spark from Shane Matthews. He's not Tom Brady. He's ok for a game or two but he's not gonna make us a playoff contender. I'm talking about making some sweeping changes For the future. To Protect the likes Of JP Losman, Willis Mcgahee. Bringing in better players along the offensive line. Getting the losing attitude out of buffalo, bringing in a defensive end. While Denney/Kelsay are adequate, and schobel is good. Without a true pass rusher our defense fails against the better offenses against the nfl. The first jets game last year, and the KC game last year came to mind. The KC game where we kept blitzing like crazy but couldn't crack their oline. Maybe now if we lose now. Someone will finally "GET IT". You don't need big name guys to win in this league. Bringing in Big Name Free agents, and extravagant draft day trades is nice, but if it accounts to a bad record it all for nothing.


    Maybe just maybe. If we lose this game. They'll go after need, instead of the big name player to bring in the big bucks. Maybe we'll get some guys with attitude, charisma. Instead of all these nice guys. I mean my parents are nice, but I wouldn't want them playing for my football team. Teams that win in this league are teams that have players with attitude. Guys who lit a fire under their teammates. Jim Kelly used to do this. So Maybe when it's all said and Done, for the futuresake of the Buffalo Bills, and enough jerkin this fanbase around with false hopes and promises, and having to listen to post game speeches talking about how we got to get back to basics and learn to "EXECUTE" BETTER. It's Better if we lose, For the Future Of the Buffalo Bills.


    I Know I'm all over the place with the win/lose win/lose stuff, but I just felt like sharing my thoughts. In a perfect world we win this upcoming game. Bledsoe has a fire lit under him and we go on to win the afc east and the superbowl. As a Fan I'd love that, but as a realist at some point in time even The greatest on men/women have to concede To being Defeated. So in Closing Hope for the best a win but expect the worst. GO BILLS


    My Prediction- NE 27-24 <on a last second vinatieri fg, and being the buffalo bills it couldn't happen in a more heart breaking fashion>

  9. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Whoever wins this game. The way this game is it could end in a tie. Dallas has one of the worst offenses I've seen this year. The only reason they even have points this game is cause the officials made a shoddy pi call, when it was plainly obvious that terry glenn was the one who committed the pi. I hate dallas more, so I hope washington wins, but :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Them both anyway

  10. OH YES there is nothing I want to see more than my teams QUARTERBACK running 58 yards :rolleyes:



    The quarterback position is meant for guys to pass the ball. You can keep your new age trendy running qb's. Give me a guy back there who can sit in the pocket, and tear you up with his arm and accuracy. Than I'll be impressed. Leave the running to the running backs

  11. Both Manning & Farve have an outstanding OFFENSIVE LINE.  :rolleyes:



    Offensive Line? OFFENSIVE LINE?!?!? Pay Attention Offensive Lines are irrelevant it's all about the qb, who cares if they get 6-8 seconds to throw, we should all know by now it's all on the qb. ALL ABOUT THE QB, ALL THE TIME.

    Offensive Line Phooey :doh:

  12. Right Now I'd have to give the edge to the jets.


    QB- Pennington- This kids the real deal. He doesn't just make that offense better, he makes the whole team better. Hell he even makes Paul Hackett look like an offensive genius which Hackett is far from. Not quite on Brady's level cause he doesn't have the success that brady has had, but talent wise I'd say he's a tad better fundamentally.


    Rb- Curtis Martin. You just can't argue with consistency. Year after year after year he's done it, 9 years in a row, and he's just doing it again this year. I know the jets haven't faced good defenses the first two weeks, but I haven't seen martin look this good in years. Age is definitly not a factor with him. He makes their offense run. The pats offense could survive without dillon. I can't say the same for the jets. So Martin Gets the nod.


    Wrs- As a group I'm gonna say pats. While obviousily the jets have a better #1 and #2 in Moss/Mccerins. The pats have solid yet not spectacular players across the board in branch/givens/patten/brown/Johnson. For a bunch of no name wr's they produce when it counts, So they get the nod but not by much


    Oline- Jets. WOW Buffalo really missed the boat on Pete Kendall. He sure hasn't done much for the jets running game <_< Kevin Mawae is still one of the best centers in the league, While I'm not familiar with all the names of the jets/pats oline. I think the jets line is better in run blocking and a push with the pats oline when it comes to pass blocking, but I put more importance on run game. So the jets get the nod.

  13. Its too bad we won't get the offensive line in order for we simply do not have the players for this too happen. I could preach from here to kingdom come about how the single most important fundamental aspect of winning football games is winning the battle of trenches, but it would be like talking to a brick wall. People are too qb fixated. Facts are facts, the only way our oline will even look moderatlly decent is with a mobile qb. Well our mobile qb is out with a broken leg and plus he's a rookie. I'm not tanking this season I'm just being realistic, but even with a mobile qb all we're esentially doing is slowing down the dam thats about to erupt into a flood.

  14. London Bridge is falling down,

    Falling down, Falling down.

    London Bridge is falling down,

    My fair lady.


    Take a key and lock her up,

    Lock her up, Lock her up.


    Take a key and lock her up,

    My fair lady.


    How will we build it up,

    Build it up, Build it up?


    How will we build it up,

    My fair lady?


    Build it up with silver and gold,

    Silver and gold, Silver and gold.


    Build it up with silver and gold,

    My fair lady.


    Gold and silver I have none,

    I have none, I have none.


    Gold and silver I have none,

    My fair lady.


    Build it up with needles and pins,

    Needles and pins, Needles and pins.


    Build it up with needles and pins,

    My fair lady.


    Pins and needles bend and break,

    Bend and break, Bend and break.


    Pins and needles bend and break,

    My fair lady.


    Build it up with wood and clay,

    Wood and clay, Wood and clay.


    Build it up with wood and clay,

    My fair lady.


    Wood and clay will wash away,

    Wash away, Wash away.


    Wood and clay will wash away,

    My fair lady.


    Build it up with stone so strong,

    Stone so strong, Stone so strong.


    Build it up with stone so strong,

    My fair lady.


    Stone so strong will last so long,

    Last so long, Last so long.


    Stone so strong will last so long,

    My fair lady.



  15. Interesting that retired NFL Pro-Bowl OTackle Lincoln Kennedy said today on the NFL Network that Bills fans were morons for blaming Bledsoe for the 0-2 start- "I've watched their film and anybody with any sense realizes the problems stem from blocking- Bledsoe is a very good QB who stands too long in the pocket some times- who cares? He's big enough to do it".


    My, my Lincoln. Why interject so much of your onfield football knowledge into a debate being directed by a few fans who have drafted 14 quarterbacks for their fantasy teams and can't understand why they lose every week?



    ::standing ovation:: Couldn't have said it better myself.




    Tom Donahoe should've realized when we traded for bledsoe that the first thing a pocket passer needs is an offensive line. Peyton manning isn't mobile, but oh thats right bill polian has done a great job getting an offensive line. Ladies and Gentlemen especially those who are Qb fixated and honestly believe it all starts with the Qb need to realize To win in the national football league you have to have bodies up front. Lawrence Smith, Chris Villarial don't cut it, Trey Teague is too small to play center, Mike Williams is a bust, and jennings is average at best. It's too bad you play with the hand you're dealt. And if it doesn't change, meaning we don't get better across the line and when Losman gets his shot and becomes a sack magent. Maybe than Bledsoe haters will realize "WOW IT REALLY IS THE LINE" :blink:

  16. Ouch it sucks to have to rely on eddie george, but if you need a rb try to get jerome bettis he won't get you yards but as a goalline back could get you tds, also cause priest holmes might not play this week take a look at derrick blaylock or larry johnson. I think johnson would get the nod. Ron Dayne if he's available should get between 4-10 carries. Another possible option and probably the most likely root cause I doubt they're taken yet is aaron stecker or Ki-Jana Carter from the saints. With Deuce Mcallister out (earliest date back october 24th) stecker and Carter will be spliting carries for the saints.

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