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Posts posted by MartyBall4Buffalo

  1. Willis not only looked faster than he has, he also showed his patience and the reason why he's able to pick up yards. Now this may be a little extreme right now, but I believe Mcgahee's style of running is better suited to our weakness. Instead of a back like henry who just hits the hole. Mcgahee is patient enough to read and react to the blocks and try to always maintain positive yardage, making our offensive line look better at run blocking than they really are. Once he gets his speed back he's going to be a lethal weapon in our backfield

  2. Lee Evans, Willis Mcgahee, Tim Euhus.



    Tim Euhus-even though he only had 2 catches they were 2 catches for 20 yards. He has better quickness than cement shoes, I'd like to see some more of him.



    Willis Mcgahee- 8 carries for 42 yards. the speed burst on his 21 yard run on 3rd and 9 was nice. He's getting back there folks. If Vilma didn't trip him on that it was probably a td. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying Bench henry or to start willis. I'm saying I'd like to see Henry/Willis carries to start to be distributed more evenly. Let willis show how far he's come. We drafted him in the 1st rd, Now lets see what our investment can do for us. Lets face neither of these guys are great at picking up a blitz, but Mcgahee gives us the added dimension of a back who can catch. Multipurpose backs are good to have around


    Lee Evans- The most obvious to everyone well at least it should be. Enough splitting time with Josh Reed. This guy should be permantly etched in as our #2 receiver. He's that good as a rookie. He opens up everything. Runs good routes, great speed, and good hands especially for a rookie. This guy has all the makings of a star right now, and has imo earned the right to be our permant #2.


    A Couple of other things I noticed. Why were we so damn conservative on defense today? I know all the blitzing didn't work last week against brady, but the jets oline was somewhat banged up. I would've liked to see our defense be a little bit more agressive, and maybe the jets wouldn't have chewed up our defense for yards all game. The other thing I noticed When it's 3rd and 6 or longer and we're on defense it's about to be 1st down for the other team. One day when we hopefully get this turned around our defense is gonna have to step up big. London Fletcher is all over the field. 21 tackles 15 solo. The guys a beast, and played with his head on his shoulders today. That play where he chased down Santana Moss was just amazing.

  3. AFC


    1. BRADY


    3. MANNING

    4. MCNAIR

    5. GREEN

    6. CARR

    7. Leftwhich

    8. PLUMMER

    9. BREES


    11. BLEDSOE

    12. PALMER

    13. GARCIA

    14. COLLINS

    15. FIEDLER

    16. MR. KYLE BOLLER- Can throw 50 yards on one knee from mid field through the goal posts. Can't hit the broad side of a barn in a game situation.



    1. Hasselbeck

    2. Mcnabb

    3. Aaron brooks

    4. Mike Vick

    5. Kurt Warner

    6. Jake Delhomme

    7. Marc Bulger

    8. Joey Harrington

    9. Daunte Culpepper

    10. Brett Favre

    11. Vinny Interceptaverde

    12. Brunell

    13. Mccown

    14. Rattay

    15. Quinn

    16. Simms


    I have reasons for most of these but it would've took too long to type. But before I get flamed for culpepper and favre being so low. I wouldn't rank them that low if 1. Brett favre finishes a game healthy this season 2. Culpepper gets breathed on and doesnt turn the ball over.

  4. Josh Reed shouldn't be splitting time at #2 or #3 receiver right now. All Josh Reed has proven to be since he was drafted is a training camp warrior. Every year we hear how great reed looks in camp. How he catches anything near him, however we get into actual games, and Reed has done nothing but prove he has a tendancy to drop catchable balls. He doesn't have the speed or agility to go up against teams #2 corners, honestly He's not even worthy of a #3 spot right now. I'm almost willing to bet Evans/Reed splitting time is a coach's ploy to build up Josh Reed's confidence. However before this season is over I think or starting wr core will be




    Personally I think shaw should be our #3, but due To Aiken/Reed being the draftees he probably won't get the slot. Until Reed Learns to get seperation on routes and actually hold onto the football he's in my Coy Wire Dog House <_<

  5. I certianly would not be against giving euhus a shot at te. He can't be much worse than Mark "Cement Shoes" Cambell and Ryan Nuefeld. From what I've read about Euhus he's suppouse to be a pretty decent receiving te, something buffalo's offense imo sorely needs if nothing more than a good safety valve option for our qb when things break down. Cement shoes is too slow to get off the line and away from linebackers to offer this and nufeld is nothing more than a 3rd te at best. So what the hell. If I were the bills I'd give it a shot. I'd like to see what the kid has to offer to our offense.


    Best case scenairo- we find a quality receiving te and won't have to draft one and can focus on the oline and getting a GOOD pass rushing defensive end.


    Worst case scenairo- Tim Euhus sucks, we find that out early ride out the season with cement shoes and Nufeld and go after a te in the draft or if any are available free agency.

  6. I hate predictions, and I try not to make a lot of them. But I will leave you with one more thought -- and I feel pretty good about this one:


    I saw the Buffalo Bills play this week. Yes, they are 0-3, with a new coach and a quarterback who is getting an unbelievable amount of pressure. But when I look at this team objectively, I see very few glaring weaknesses and a lot of strengths -- playmakers on defense and some great playmakers on offense. Eric Moulds is back. The Pro Bowl receiver looks big, fast, dynamic and angry. He's got it all going for him. Drew Bledsoe needs to eliminate some mistakes, like any quarterback does, but he looks good. They have a good situation at running back.


    I think the Bills will get back into the hunt. You can see what they're trying to do and the plan looks good. As they settle in and get used to the new coach and the new system on offense, I would not be surprised to see them really start clicking and get things together.


    Just file that away until maybe Week 10. We'll revisit at that time and see how it looks. No guarantees, of course!

  7. Now I've never seen this discussed maybe it has been, but well yeah. I've been wondering for quite some time now. Maybe some of the bad throws bledsoe makes or the reason he holds onto the ball too long sometimes is because he doesn't trust his vision, and what I mean by that is maybe his vision just isn't that good. Maybe he needs to wear glasses or have lasik surgery. Maybe If drew does have bad vision thats the reason for some of his miscues. Not the leaving a te or rb out to dry on a short route, but some of the badly placed paces or overthrows, or holding onto the ball to long can be accounted to poor vision? I was just wondering if this scenario has ever been brought up or tested, or maybe it's something someone in the bills organization or drew himself can look into :rolleyes:

  8. Does anyone know exactaly when Lawyer Milloy will be coming back? Coy"The Speed of the game is too fast for me" Wire looks like a stranded man on a deserted island with no water food or way to communicate to anyone. I didn't realize to the past few weeks how big milloy really is to this defense. Maybe it might not show up in his stats, but it shows up in the play of our secondary when he's not in there. So Does anyone know when he'll be coming back? :rolleyes:

  9. SUMRALL, Miss. (AP) -- The brother-in-law of Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre died Wednesday evening after crashing an all-terrain vehicle on the player's property.


    Casey Tynes, 24, the brother of Favre's wife, Deanna, was riding the ATV without a helmet when it flipped, Lamar County Sheriff Danny Rigel said. Tynes sustained head injuries, was transported to Forrest General Hospital in Hattiesburg at 6 p.m. and was pronounced dead 20 minutes later, Deputy Coroner Randy Beck said.


    The Favre family did not immediately issue a statement.


    ``They're pretty shook up,'' Rigel said.


    In Green Bay, Favre skipped practice Wednesday, still feeling the effects of a concussion. He was injured Sunday when William Joseph of the New York Giants tackled him, and his head hit the ground.


    Last December, Irvin Favre, the quarterback's father, died of a heart attack or stroke while driving near his home in Kiln. His car ran into a ditch, but authorities said the Rosen did not kill him.


    Brett played the next night in Oakland and had one of his best performances of his career. He threw for 399 yards and four touchdowns, leading the Packers to a crucial 41-7 victory over the Raiders.


    Officials said Tynes' body was being taken to University Medical Center in Jackson for an autopsy.

  10. Simms to start...


    I had a friend who went to college with Simms.  She said he had quite the reputation for going home with easy ugly women.  Maybe now that he's starting QB in the NFL he can find himself a nice girl.



    Well maybe he won't find a "nice" girl but nfl groupies have to better looking than easy ugly college chics. So At least he's takin a step up most likely in the looks department. Unless he just digs the less attractive females. :D

  11. The problem is our te's are slow, they're not really good at blocking, and when we do throw to them they usually drop passes anyway. Between Mark "Cement shoes" campbell and Ryan Neufeld I'm pretty sure we have the worst 1-2 punch at te in the nfl. If not it's up there. However seeing as we probably won't be able to improve the spot this year. Well like the saying goes. You play with the hand your dealt. More "quick" curls or slants might help if cement shoes can get off the los fast enough. Our Te's aren't good receiving options to begin with, or even good safety valves. They'd be 2nd 3rd and possibly 4th stringers on most teams. Definitly an area we need to improve in the offseason.

  12. To the tune of 2pac "I ain't mad at Ya" (I apologize in advance to non rap fans, and for rap fans for my horribly display of rhyming skills, but I just wanted to try something different, so here it goes)


    "Change I guess change is good for any of us, whatever it takes to get up out this mess, nothin but love for ya. This one goes out to ya'll cause I ain't mad at cha"


    Now we once were a team of the same kind,

    Kelly with a quick strike to reed you knew it's touchdown time

    We lost 4 superbowls but we still rolled, thurman off tackle

    k gun formation and watched the wins roll,

    Remember when talley got fined for his spidey outfit never quite learned,

    On the field with bruce Making offenses earn.

    Collect calls from the tip hearin how you changed,

    We can't score points now.... no more winning games,

    Heard we're so close to being better after losing hurts.

    No more takin sacks, only the need to win remains.

    It's seems we lost our team with heart, it's a changed plan

    Hittin the practice field and executing better is the game plan

    While we talk about drew, all we see is the struggle.

    When people say we're close, others say it's trouble.

    Congratulations on this disaster,

    I hope Tom DonahoeKnows he's screwed us for 3 years

    and thats no bulls-h-i-t-i-n

    I know our team has grown apart,

    most people today probably don't remember

    When we had our miracle comeback,

    but to me it feels like last december.

    And I could see it after halftime we bombed,

    on the first houston oiler sleeping on our offense too long

    Now the whole things changed,

    and we don't even win it,

    got a big money quarterback

    and he don't even sling it.

    Know in my heart this is the same Mother Fu&$@$ that

    threw for 4000 yards and brought the hope back,

    And I can't even trip cause I'm just laughin at Ya.

    You tryin hard to maintain and go ahead..


  13. IF you saw the ol of the chiefs tonight, you've just watched the very best oline in the nfl, at it's very best. They absolutly handled the vaunted ravens defense. Our oline is nowhere near the level of the chiefs. Willie Roaf, Brian Waters, Casey Weigham, Will Shields, John Welbourne. 2 of those guys are future hofs Roaf/Shields and Waters is probably a top 5 guard in the nfl.

  14. This Q and A answer sessions are a joke. No matter how straight foward the quesiton. The answer will always be vanilla. No Player, Coach, GM, or Owner will admit their choices suck. A GM will never say "Well yeah we shouldn't have drafted A, we would've done better with B OR C, Cause A definitly blows" It's just not gonna happen. So I really don't realize why anyone expects a straight shooting answer. They'll always beat around the bush.


    I thought the bills we're suppouse to have "Mental Toughness" To me this season it looks more like the bills are just mentally retarded.


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Tom Donahoe for this mess. You Sanctamonious Piece Of Crap

    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: And The High Horse you rode in on from Pittsburgh. Cower was smart for getting rid of you.


    The sooner you're out of buffalo the better off the Bills Will Be

  15. I have a 22 month old baby daughter.  She loves to run up to me when I come home from work, softball, etc., and give daddy a hug.  Usually, I pick her right up. 


    Today after coming home from watching the Bills at Willie McCovey's bar, and wearing my Bledsoe Jersey, when she ran up to me, I turned my back, immediately fell to the ground, and dropped my car keys and cell phone.  She picked up my car keys and cell phone and ran them 70 yards the other way. 


    Anyone have a guess what could have caused this to happen? I'm at a loss...




    What happened was the original plan was to fake coming into your front door and going around end to the back. However someone missed the blitzing daughter and she caught you before you could make your move. Out of shock thats why you fumbled your keys, and yes I know someone else mentioned this, but it's just like a woman to take your car keys and run.


    And Yes Unless you can hire some guys to pick up the blitzing daughter I'd burn the jersey.

  16. It was reported earlier today that 5 offensive lineman of the Buffalo Bills football team have been missing in action. If you know where Jonas Jennings, Lawrence Smith, Trey Teague, Chris Villarial, and Mike Williams are. Please contact One Bills drive as soon as possible. They are needed for average run blocking, and piss poor pass protection. They were last seen letting their quarterback get killed, Mike Williams was spotted outside a burger joint with ketchup dripping on his shirt with a bewildered look on his face. They are wanted by authorities regarding, possible concussions that may have been attained by the quarterback who plays behind this line. Any Information leading to the whereabouts of this group of scrubs is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

  17. Someone said something about the leftwhich plan. If He's phsyically able I agree. Let him take his bumps now instead of going into next season and wasting next year as well. Let him have game time experience against actual nfl defenses. We're not doing anything this season anyway, so we really got nothing to lose. This isn't a day care center.We're not here to baby people. We spent a fortune on this kid, best bet is to let him go as soon as he's phsically ready. However in the highly unlikely scenario we are fighting for a playoff spot. Keep Bledsoe in, otherwise go for it and lets get a glimpse of the future.

  18. Why does Josh Reed suck so bad? :)


    Josh Reed=Lonnie Johnson




    Josh reed sucks so bad because I don't think his mind isn't on football yes it's known reed was good in college. Yes Josh Reed is a training camp warrior. All you ever hear is how he catches everything in sight, but put Josh reed in a game situation and he just doesn't live up to his potential. He seems to go blank, and has the dropsies and absolutly zero speed to break away from db's. Forget the fact he was a 2nd rd draft pick, it's time for Josh to move down the roster. Give Sam Aiken a shot. Hell we got nothing to lose anyway. Might as well see what we have in Aiken, if reed isn't getting the job done.


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: JOSH REED

  19. Michael Munoz would've been very good had he not had a serious knee injury. He's a decent lt. I would love to get alex barron cj brooks or david baas. In the hypothetical scenario we trade travis henry for a 2nd rd pick. I say we take a guard and tackle in the 2nd rd forget about trading into the 1st. We can get some pretty good guard tackles in the early 2nd round. And It would fill one of our biggest needs. WOW Imagine that drafting for need :) LG/LT(If Jennings leaves, which is highly likely)

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