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Posts posted by BF_in_Indiana

  1. Jealous?  :devil:


    Brandon is all right. I have met him several times outside of 'virtual' reality.


    Hey, any friend of cablelady......  :doh:



    Yes Rockpile, I've always found it funny that a good number of posters can't seperate reality from a computer screen. I'm only a raving lunatic in real life when I'm drunk.

  2. The only reason OJ isn't strapped into an electric chair today is because Marcia Clark and company were HORRIBLE in prosecution, much like many other high-profile California prosecutors.


    I mean, COME ON MAN...they found the weapon on him, blood on him and his vehicle, he ran from the cops...


    Oh, and don't make me mention my theory that the OJ verdict was "restitution" for the Rodney King fiasco.



    Oh come on now, you don't take me for being that stupid do you? OF COURSE HE KILLED THEM. That doesn't mean I wouldn't wear a Bills jersey with his name on it. He was a hell of a football player and all I'm showing by wearing that jersey is that I think he was a great player.


    I did mean what I said about civil trials though.

  3. NBA ratings have been the 2nd worst ever , forget about the last 11 years.


    I don't believe games are scripted or that the players are in on it (at least not yet anyway), but I believe they use refs and foul calling or lack thereof to steer a game as much as they can.




  4. Yes, this is the NBA's fault, isn't it? Naturally you, like the rest of the Pacer fans,  wouldn't want to acknowledge that your team had any fault. It is clearly a conspiracy not just to screw the Pacers, but to screw you as well. NOW it's all so clear. In fact, I'm sure now everything revolves around giving Detroit the championship this JUST to screw with you and the other blinded Pacer fans.


    Poor Pacer fans. So misunderstood.



    I think we've went through tis many times before. Can you explain to me why Reggie Miller was suspsended for trying to get players off the court? Can you explain to me why a federal arbitrator shortened Jermaine O'Neals suspension? Why exactly was Anthony Johnson suspended for 5 games?


    You can't explain any of that.

  5. You're the Thurman's Helmet of Bills fans, you know that? You have so little respect for anyone other than whatever serves your immediate sense of false accomplishment that it's just painful to me that we cheer for the same team. Your team got absolutely everything it deserved, and in short order you will find out that even if the REAL Pacers showed up, they'd get their asses stomped because they're nothing but a bunch of money-grubbing thugs with no respect for the game or the people who allow them to continue to compete.


    All mouth...no words.



    Blah blah blah blah, it's so painful to me, blah blah blah blah, all words no mouth, blah blah blah blah, the real Pacers, blah blah blah blah, they got what they deserved blah blah blah blah.


    That's what it was like reading that trash. It's obvious an arbitrator agreed on the Jermaine O'Neal suspension didn't he? He lowered it by about half the time. There were other Pacers besides Artest who got screwed.


    Hell Reggie got suspended and he didn't do a damn thing.


    FU NBA

  6. We're all SAVED!!!!


    Reuters is reporting that singer Billy Corgan said on Tuesday (June 21) he plans to revive the SMASHING PUMPKINS, his Grammy-winning band which broke up in 2000 after more than a decade of blending alternative rock with the avant-garde.


    In full-page advertisements in Chicago newspapers, the bald-headed Corgan said, "I want my band back, and my songs, and my dreams."


    He did not say which if any of the band's former members would be involved in the revived group, which broke through with albums such as "Gish" and "Siamese Dream".


    The PUMPKINS' top selling album was "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" which came out in 1995, but as the 1990s progressed their work became increasingly obscure as tensions arose in the group.

  7. Don't be an idiot. OJ is a murderer despite what the verdict said.


    Did I mention the guy was carrying a sign that said "OJ BILLieves?"



    I didn't say he wasn't a murderer. He killed two people for no good reason, but why shouldn't someone be able to remember all that he did for Buffalo while he was there? The murders happened in California, about as far away from Buffalo as possible.


    I prefer to remember the Juice on the football field, that doesn't mean I don't hink he should be behind bars right now, but that's how I want to remember him.

  8. I realize it's completely subjective, but it would be interesting to take this list from the last 20 years and then compare it to the previous 20 years, 1965-1985.

    I don't think the 1985-2005 top 100 could put a dent in the top albums catalog from the prior 20 years.


    Some of the artists who put out their most prolific work during this period - Led Zep, Who, Stones, Beatles (and all the solo stuff), Jethro Tull, Temptations, Supremes, Yes, ELP, Clapton, Allman Bros, Stevie Wonder, Sex Pistols, Ramones, Bowie, Genesis, James Taylor, Buddy Guy, Jeff Beck, Steeley Dan, Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young (again - all the solo stuff), Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Pink Floyd, etc etc etc.


    And what's sometimes forgotten is the fact that it was expected that rock acts churn out at least 2 albums every 3 years. It wasn't unusual to have one every year for some acts. Most of the albums were good from beginning to end.


    Seems like a lot of artist today take 2-3 years between albums, and a lot of times there are 1 or 2 good tracks with lots of filler in between.


    The record companies want to point the finger at internet music piracy for lagging sales. I think they're way off base. The reason sales lag is because the quality isn't there. Kids aren't willing to pay $16 at a retailer for 1 or 2 songs.

    They've got tattoos and other stuff to spend their money on!


    I know I sound like our parents, but really, most acts in the past 20 years are flash in the pan poets. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is going to be hard pressed to find deserving inductees 25 years from now.


    The army of uncharismatic, has-been rock bands, with the shirtless beanpole bass players and instruments hanging to their ankles, swaying like possessed muslims, aren't going to be filling stadiums in 2045, as McCartney, The Rolling Stones, Clapton, Bowie, et al are doing 40 years after they made a name for themselves.


    You'll find most of the previously mentioned losers hanging around your local town parks, bumming smokes off kids who won't be born for another 25 years.



    That's how I feel 100 percent. You are preaching to the converted!!!!

  9. Oh, sure, I know that...But in my younger years I never listened to that stuff. Mostly punk and metal. Wasn't till I started really enjoying the herbage and God's little fungal helpers that I started listening to the Grateful Dead.


    Now, of course, I appreciate it for what it is, but then it was all aobut the buzz.


    And no, I don't really puff any more. Gotta be respeckable now. :w00t:



    I thought I was gonna be the only one to bring that point up.

  10. There was a guy in an OJ jersey and mask at the Pittsburgh game last year. People threw stuff at him everywhere he went.



    And those people should be ashamed of themselves. If they can't dinstinguish football from real life, they are the ones with the problem. O.J did a lot of good for the Bills and the WNY area.

  11. If you want a juice jersey, make sure to order it from buffalobills.com directly, so that oj himself wouldn't make a profit, and the bills would.  If you buy it from some dealer, there's a slight chance that oj himself sold off the jersey.  The only drawback to buying a juice throwback is that it is the current jersey with the nfl logo and the reebok crap on it.  It's up to you.  I'd find it funny as hell if you did it though.



    I'd buy a jersey from O.J directly so he has money to go find the real killer.

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