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Posts posted by BF_in_Indiana

  1. I knew nothing of that quote, and yeah...it sucks.

    I just have a problem with "piling on."


    PS: Pose as you will but if he needed help, you would be there. I have seen you in action and will stick by this.



    Yeah I made that post, and I did mean it at the time, obviously I was wrong.

  2. Why?  If I met some of the people on this board who I correspond with every day and they turned out to be one thing on the board and another in real life I'd be pretty bummed.  Just because your "real" life is boring doesn't mean everyone else's is.  I'm not dumping on you Brandon.  I'm just trying to point out to you that if this BF_in_Indiana thing is just a character...well that's a pretty weird thing to do.  You're either really a complete idiot, or very creative.



    It's not a character, there are points of my personality that come out. But if you think that if you sat down with me that I would start into "DUDE THE CARDINALS ARE THE GREATEST TEAM EVER, FREE RON ARTEST.", you would be sorely dissapointed.

  3. HEY, HEY, HEY


    How did I get dragged into this.  I just IGNORE :lol:  :P


    No, Brandon knows that I will have nothing to do with him if he is drinking. :devil:  :doh:  I have no idea if he drinks and types.


    Poetry that depends on what he calls poetry.

    There once was a man form Wintucket -- rhymes but is not poerty to me.

    :doh:  :D  funny as they might be.



    I haven't gotten drunk in a long, long time Cindy. I have drank and gotten a little on the tipsy side, but nothing like what everyone saw that day.


    As far as poetry, I read gothic poems, inspirational poems, religious poems, etc.

  4. I do.  For example, I'd be just as comfortable telling you to your face that you're an immature little pasty-faced half-witted ignoramus as I am telling you on the internet.  But then, I don't give a !@#$.  It's very liberating.


    And you missed my point anyway.  Many people do behave the same on the net as in person.  But why does it matter?



    Well you probably would, but that's just you. I'd probably talk back to you too.

  5. Actually, I've been told your a slurring, incoherent zombie when you're drunk. At least at the tailgates. :devil:



    Well I didn't mean raving lunatic in a "violent" sense. Your description sounds about right actually. That's what happens when you start drinking at 6 am until kickoff without any sort of break.

  6. I don't think he's talking about lying as much as behavioral differences evident when you are dealing with someone anonymously.  The reason why I choose to use my name in forums as my user name is to force myself to try to think about what I'm posting before-hand to try to ensure it's a post I'd "put my name on" (in other words, something I wouldn't have qualms about saying in person.).  The difference I find in the Internet is the desire for people to take what I say too seriously.  Those people need more Kool-Aid.  :devil:


    So I say stupid stuff?  Yeah.  I say it in real life as well.  Difference is it's easier to edit a forum post (which I rarely do, except in some cases to edify)  than something that was said.



    Thank you Dan for pointing that out.


    If every person on this board acted like themselves this would be a very boring forum.

  7. I do.  Why lie to people?  What's the point?



    Am I lying to people or just not divulging all aspects of myself?


    I can be a hothead like I am here, but most of the time I'm not. That's not really "lying" to people is it?

  8. Sure I can. They were doing it to !@#$ with you. They specifically sat down and said "Let's !@#$ with BF." ANd we both know O'Neal shouldn't have been suspended in the first place.



    You can't provide any valid reason for the suspensions I listed. Jermaine O'Neal was correctly suspended, but for too long. Stephen Jackson should have gotten about what he got, and Artest should have gotten about 45 games.

  9. And how many people know his favorite is "Green Eggs and Ham"?  :devil:


    What's more...how many people do you really think care?  Seriously.  Probably about the same number that care that I play guitar and piano.  Precisely zero.  No one gives a sh--.  This is the internet.




  10. Cindy and CL don't count.  You could be Charles Manson and they would say good things about you.  Of course from what I have seen so far Charlie seems to have  few more endearing qualities.



    OK you keep telling yourself that.

  11. That being said, the great Bill Walsh won three Super Bowls, and two of them were on close, last minute drives against Cincinnati. According to your logic, that's not a dynasty. Foolish.



    Actually only 1 was a last minute drive.


    Super Bowl XXIII

    SF- 20



    John Taylor catches TD with 34 seconds left.


    Super Bowl XVI


    Cincy- 21


    SF maintains 20-0 halftime lead.

  12. So from all the interent personalities you could have chosen to assume, why did you pick jackass?



    Because I'm not real interesting in person maybe?


    There's probably only one poster here who could give a real insight as to my personality outside of the internet.

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