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Posts posted by OGTEleven

  1. I share a negative opinion of this article (an another account of the interview I read from another source). We have different resons for our negative opinions.


    IMO Peter is looking in things in a vacuum and as a zero sum game. He doesn't like Bush therefore everything Bush does is wrong.


    I have a negative opinion of the article because of the arrogance of the man being interviewed. I don't understand how he can brag about the wonderful "infrastructure" and so forth and make comments as if it is going to be sooooo easy to catch OBL. We haven't caught him yet. We may indeed have a web around him, but whether we do or not this guy should shut his yap. Unless this is deliberate misinformation of some sort, this guy is a loser.

  2. Hmmm, this feels like a trick question, but I will bite.  Being a lefty, I really can't think of any lady for who I would fake my principles, but gun to my head, I might go for Michelle Malkin.  Sorry, no link, but she is the attractive asian woman that had the blow up with Chris Matthews about two weeks ago. 


    I almost said Ann Coulter, but noticed that my gag reflex kicked in....


    Don't limit yourself to well known conservative chicks. If you think Barbra Streisand is hot, feel free to use her and just assume she wanted you to become a conservative. I would imagine most of the "answers" will be names with no known political affiliation.


    It might also be fun to use an extreme example like this:


    "I'm a lefty, but Michelle Malkin could make me join the NRA."

  3. Can  you find the quote for me in the story where they mentioned Al Queda?


    They mention that 10 of them were from Arab countries and they mention they have been fighting Russia for independence.




    BiB posted this earlier. It is not 100% up to date but provides some info. It is about the conflict overall, not the siege.




    BTW, If all these terrorists wanted was a separate government did they think they would get it via this act? Is there any way they could have possibly thought that their goal would be achieved by doing this? If so, why would they not seek to take more in the same or similar fashion? If not, why would they want to capture and kill hundreds of children?


    People who would do this offer no evidence that they could ever offer anything of value to the human race IMO. They may have had unfair circumstances thrust upon them in their individual lives, they may be angry at things around the world they see as unfair, they may have psychological problems, but they offer nothing but fear, suffering and death to the rest of us. They are too far gone. They must be found and killed. I wish it were not true, but it is. I wish there were another solution, but there is not. At the same time, we must do everything we can to be sure that new generations do not have incentives (or lack of options) to continue this. The Muslim community at large around the world must help in this effort. If they do not, the situation runs the risk of turning far uglier than it is now.

  4. She is correct, the procedure is called dilation and extraction by doctors and always has been.  Opponents of the procedure christened it "partial birth abortion" to more effectively rally the "Lambs of God" crowd.  Renaming something using a jucier title is not exactly a brand spanking new political ploy.  By the same token, pointing out the your opponents have done exactly that is also nothing new.


    I remember being in court once on a pretty big case (plaintiff was a quad) where we argued over whether or not a booklet handed out in a seminar was a "course notebook" or an "instruction manual".  The book itself was titled, in bold letters right on the cover, "Highway Design Course Notebook" but had no blank pages for notes.  After careful study and consulting a dictionary, the Judge ruled that it had been misnamed by its authors and was henceforth officially an "instruction manual". 


    Words color perception and perception matters, especially in political struggles.  She isn't crazy for fighting against the rechristening of the procedure and its opponents are smart for having done so.




    Her crusade to "take back the name" reminds me of an old (bad) song. Sing it with me will you? And a one and a two and a three.........


    She ran calling Wiiiiiiilllllllldddddd Fire.....She ran calling Willllllllldddddd Fire. She ran calliiiiiiiing Wiiiiii-iiiii-iiiii-iiilllllddddd Fire.


    Translation: The horse is long gone from the barn when it comes to that particular vernacular.


    BTW, I think the description of the procedure is what bothers people the most. I think the name partial birth abortion describes that procedure in a non-technical way. It is also true that non-controversial medical procedures and items have technical names and non-technical names. You know, like knee surgery, headaches, sore throat, chest pain, bypass, and funny bone. It shouldn't be surprising that this does.


    I have a question, Mick. Does calling someone a "Lamb of God" lessen their right to an opinion or does it merely mock them in an needless way?

  5. Could some of the D problems be blamed on Gray?  Just seems like he's gotten a free pass this offseason...


    Personally I like Gray and want to see him have success (I don't root *against* my boys, unlike some others), just wondering if some of our D woes may be blamed on the loss of LeBeau?  Thoughts?


    We should fire him now. If we go 1-3 in preseason we'll be out of the playoff race before the season even starts. Thank God the patsies have a couple losses too. At least we're staying close to them. Fire Gray before it is too late.

  6. Why?  "No quarter asked, No quarter given"


    With all the fear shilling and demagoguery going on at the RNC, I guess they (DNC) got to fight on?  People will buy into the hype and make poor choices.  For some people there is a lot more to worry about than being a victim of terrorism.


    And don't give me that BS about race AD,  I live in an area that is 50 to 90% minority... There is no fear here.  Leave that (fear) to the people who think they have something more important.




    I was listening to the news on the radio this morning and it was filled with democrats asking for quarters. I think I counted up about $3.75 worth. There was actually a sound bite from Edwards saying he thought there was too much rhetoric at the convention, it was "over the top" and should be stopped.


    I know the dems would never have a speaker saying things like Bush betrayed his country and the trust the people (cough Gore cough cough). That would be over the top.

  7. You are giving a pretty broad interpretation to the word "past".  The sexual "history" that was permitted was limited to sexual encounters she had, I believe, within the 3 days or so before she was examined at the hospital.  This is clearly relevant information.  For example, if the prosecution claims that there is vaginal bruising and that those bruises are proof of a lack of consent, then it would be relevant to know if they could have resulted from another sexual encounter.  The fact that she may have had consensual sex with another male between the encounter with Kobe and before she went to the hospital is also clearly relevant.


    As for leaks, these are virtually impossible to stop as long as the press can keep their sources secret.  The OJ case, the Clinton-Jones case, etc.  all were characterized by massive leaking.


    Whatever. If the report I saw was correct, it was the first time the rape shield law in Colorado had been interpreted in this fashion. That's ok though, he's a big star and those three days prove she is a worthless slut that deserved what she got (at least that was the defense strategy, that the judge played into).


    I agree that leaks are common, but leaks by the court published to the internet with the victim's name (TWICE) aren't that common as far as I can tell.


    Kobe's "apology" was likely a bargain as you stated in the other post. What gets me is that an innocent man should never sign something that said "I can see now how she thought it was not consensual". The best that memo does is keep some vague possibility of weasling a "she's crazy" analysis by the Kobe sycophants. It sure doesn't smell right to me.


    I admit to having formed an opinion on this before yesterday (strong, but not definitive). Those statements did nothing to sway me away from that opinion and everything to make it stronger. If the truth is that he raped her, the ONLY reason he was not convicted is because of the battering his legal team and the inept court gave the victim. Spin it any way you'd like but that isn't right.


    P.S. Look at you defending the rich guy manipulating the system while I'm standing up for the rights of the hotel worker.

  8. I saw this in the USA Today:


    ''I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colo.


    Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.


    I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil case against me will go forward. That part of this case will be decided by and between the parties directly involved in the incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on the citizens of the state of Colorado.''





    Lucky for him he also now understands how a good team of lawyers can brow beat a judge into excluding "bad" evidence and including "good" evidence like the victims past sexual history. Lucky for him these exceptions are only made in certain cases such as his. We wouldn't want to have every rape victims name be made public and have her medical records for sale to the highest sleazy media bidder. That wouldn't be right. We should only do it to the ones that have the gaul to accuse a superstar like Kobe. That way their "fans" can call the victim with death threats. This will take care of any problems that the lawyers can't handle with the judge.


    This case turned my stomach. I don't think any of the main participants in this case are heroes, but to me the judge is an even bigger culprit than Kobe (if that is possible). He was manhandled and manipulated right in to the results Kobe's team wanted. He has no business upholding laws if he can be intimidated into decisions and if he can't control the proceedings enough to at least not let the victims name be published on the internet.....TWICE.


    As for Kobe's apology, how can he see that the victim would see the incident as non-consensual now when he couldn't before? He was there.


    Here's another question: Why would he release a statement with that much detail publicly?

  9. The speakers represent the views of many Republicans more than the candidate. It's sad that the prime time speakers, who actually believe in limited government and have a record that shows it, are so disconnected from Bush's governance.


    I agree with the "bait and switch" criticisms of this convention. The Republicans are putting on a face at the convention that is not representative of their platform or candidate.


    I understand that the Republicans want to say they are a "big tent" party, and that's why McCain, Guiliani, Arnold, and Pataki are the prime time speakers-- but how big is the tent when the people speaking are basically outside the tent when it comes to power and decision making. Let's just hope that those speakers are the future of the Republican party, and the 2008 candidate is one of them, not another Bush.


    I'm not sure that I understood your post properly. Are you saying that those four speakers (pataki, et. al.) believe in limited government and have a record that shows it?


    If so.......................................................................... :unsure:


    If not, what speakers are you typing about?

  10. Your hypothetical is not complete.  It would have to include the election being decided in one state by less than 600 votes where Kerry's brother is the governor with many allegations of ballot and polling place "irregularities".  You would also have to add in state courts being overturned by federal courts on issues of state law with the whole mess being decided by a Supreme Court that just happens to have a number of Justices who were appointed by Kerry's father.  If that happens and the left is silent and the right complains then yes indeed, everyone, right and left, will be hypocrites.


    Interesting.  Apparently you are running out of things to mock the left out with so you are now imagining things they might do that might be worthy of being mocked at some point in the future.  How clever of you.




    Was that so nice that you had to say it twice? :D

  11. Six to one on finding the Higgs boson?  I'll take those odds.  Especially since they found the damned thing three years ago.   :doh:




    Hicks wasn't even on the Bisons. He was on the OL before the Bills cut him. They were looking in the wrong stadium. Geez.


    I hate to nit-pick but their spelling is also in need of work.

  12. The 1st Bush was as prepared as anyone for the Presidency when elected.  He had a solid background and had served 8 years as VP.  I voted for him thinking he'd be a great President, but he lost me when he got in bed with the religious right.


    When was that? What actions are examples of this?

  13. Taxes are a burden that has to be carried.  Some people are bigger and stronger than others and can carry more weight than those who are smaller and weaker.  Lets say you have 10 people and a tax burden of 100 pounds to be carried by them.  An equal distribution, equal not fair, would be 10 pounds each.  However, if 5 of them can carry 15 pounds just as easily as the other 5 carries 5 pounds, wouldn't a "fair" distribution be 15 pounds for the stronger 5 and 5 pounds each for the weaker 5?


    What is actually done with that tax money in terms of government expenditures is a different issue from distribution of the tax burden.


    How does this relate to my example?


    Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones had equal "strength" thorugh their whole lives. Mr. Smith is now being milked by Mr. Jones.


    How does your weight example refute the usefullness of the original post in the thread? When taxes are paid solely on purchases, he who purchases more carries more of the weight.

  14. I'm not rooting against them. If they lose, I think it should be a wake up call to the person really at fault.......



    David Stern.


    The NBA has ceased being basketball. The NBA players over there are playing a game that has rules and where the home team doesn't shoot 85% of the free throws. It's no wonder they were confused at first. If they win it will be a credit to them and to Larry Brown.


    If they win, Stern will go about his business putting a smiley face on the WWE like farce that is the NBA. If they lose, he'll take none of the blame.


    I don't think fans should root against the US, but I do give those that are some credit. They may not like the personalities (although how can you not like Tim Duncan for goodness sake), they may not like the NBA, but I doubt race has anything to do with it. If it did, everyone would have rooted against the Jordan-led dream team.

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