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Posts posted by marck

  1. Screw the Red Sox and Yankees!!    I'm watching must see TV and the West Wing!!!   


    "it is not our job to appeal to the lowest common demoninator, it is our job to raise it."  President Bartlet



    I am glad I live on the west coast, have multiple TV's & Recording platforms and that the Yankee game will be over by the time the new episode of West Wing starts out here.


    Of course most of the people on this board don't have the intellectual capacity to watch a program that needs the ability to think to understand. Itrs sad, but we seem to live in a nation where being uninformed, illeterate and lacking depth and awareness of the complexity of problems seems to be the norm and the people who can think and are proud of their intelligence sneered.


    Like you I am looking forward to the new season and think this is the best program that's been on the air since its inception.

  2. I was reviewing the team statistics thru last Sunday's games and found some interesting numbers and wanted to share my thoughts with the board.


    1. Baltimore thru 5 games with Jamal Lewis has averaged 28:39 per game of ball possession, the Bills 30:46


    Assessment: Without Jamel Lewis I can't see the Ravens being able to control the clock and even with him they have not been able to do it. I believe Baltimore will step away from their run first/run second and then throw if necessary gameplan and try to open up the Bills defense with early down passing. The Bills need to remember that Boller is somewhat mobile and can get the corner so up the middle pressure, outside containment are critical factors. Also try and disguise coverages so that he makes mistakes and throws into populated zones. The Ravens will have to pass to open up the running game and if Boller makes early mistakes the Bills can capitalize, get good field position and get up by 10 points early in the game


    2. Terrell Suggs has 5 of the Ravens 14 sacks.


    Assessment: Buffalo must use a 2nd blocker to contain Terrell Suggs and ensure he does not descend on Bledsoe forcing fumbles and balls tipped which lead to interceptions. Therefore the need will be to structure a gameplan to provide a primary blocker and then chip Suggs to keep him away from Bledsoe. The Ravens defensive line does not excell in generating pass rush pressure up the middle and most of it comes from linebacker and secondary blitzes. Keep a blocker in the backfield on the weak side of the formation and if a blitz is discovered then keep the TE in to pick up one side and a back for the other and run three man patterns. This may lead to more punts but will keep us away from costly turnovers


    3. Ravens are dangerous on Special Teams


    Assessment: This becomes the biggest concern of the game. Ravens have an excellent directional punter who has success in punting to the sidelines and inside the 20. They also have explosive kick returners and a devestating ability to block punts. Field position as always will be critical and it becomes imperitive that the defense keep the Ravens inside their 45 yard line and to ensure we are in max protect on punts. If the Bills can keep the Ravens from scoring off special teams their offense cannot put up more then 13 points against the Bills defense, and I think 13 is really stretching it without Lewis or Heap.


    Looking for everyones thatoghts on this post.

  3. You do have a very difficult choice. Eddie George is probably worth about 70 yards tops and maybe one TD. Travis Henry will be in a split carry mode and probably only worth 50 to 60 yards and nothing receiving. Michael Bennett will get limited snaps as the Vikings are pleased with their rookie from Tulane Melwade Moore, but the Lions should feed Kevin Jones this week, plus they should put up a good effort against the Giants.


    Based on the alternatives you have, I say go with Kevin Jones or see if you can pick-up Willis this late in the season.

  4. Todd Heap is injured and isn't expected to play.  I know, he's on my fantasy team and has been out awhile.  He'll be a gametime decision, but right now is listed as doubtful.





    If he is still out or can only play in a limited capacity that would be great for the Bills as who is Boller going to throw to.

  5. I felt that if the Bills could learn to win, they had the talent to get to 4-4 and go up to Foxboro against the Patriots to really turn the season around.


    This week the Bills should be able to shut down a Jamel Lewis less Raven running game and put the heat on Boller. The only issues I see as problematic are Todd Heap and the Ravens special teams. If Mooreman has another great punting day, it will take the big play return away from Baltimore and we have to watch out for Ed Reed on the punt blocks.


    On offense, control the ball on the ground as the Ravens can be run on as KC showed on Monday night. Don't put Blesdoe on any type of down and distance situations where a key turnover can occur that shifts the momentum of the game and the Bills can win a low scoring defensive game this week.

  6. What in God's name do we need Jerry (can't run the 40 faster then the time it takes to cook) Rice for.


    That guy is so done its not even worth addressing.


    You would give up a 2nd round choice in 2005 for a guy who needs an hour glass to time his 40 yard dash, that's really thinking for the future.


    I assume you are just making a sarcastic comment and if so, its not all that funny.

  7. It might very well be a Shaw for Keenan McCardell trade. This would work for both teams as McCardell will not ever play for the Bucs and they have a serious need for a WR.


    Keenan would be a great asset for the Bills as a slot receiver and would be superrior to any CB that he would be guarded by.


    I think this could be a great deal for both teams.


    No way, on Kenyetta Walker unless it was for a low draft choice.

  8. As a long-suffering Bills fan who has been a supporter thru the good times and the bad, I feel I just have to vent. One of our three key free agents Mr. Jonas Jennings is looking for a payday after the season. Maybe he should ask the Jets John Abraham for a loan as he made Abraham a few extra thousand yesterday in performance bonus money with his sorry ass performance.


    Jennings is supposed to be a leader on a developing offensive line and looked more like a statue yesterday then Drew did. Maybe the Bills need a leader like the late, great Bobby Layne who would have given Jennings a severe kick straight up his ass.


    This guy looked like a freakin turnstile yesterday and it made me sick to watch Abraham sack Drew three times and blow up Henry on just about every run.


    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but Mr. Jennings ought to his his backside pinned to the bench and lets actually start someone who looks like they want to play and have some contact.


    More venting later I'm sure will follow.

  9. At the end of the season the team will be 3-13 and they won't have their 1st round draft pick to choose a top 3 pick.....as is Jason White a deserving 1st. rounder unlike the overrated and hyped up Losman who played in one of the worst college divisions in the country. Sorry you guys thinks he's so good cause at 6'0" tall he can't even see over the LINEMAN.....that's why he scrambles.



    First of all, Loseman is 6'2", not 6'0". Jason White is a weak armed QB who plays in a system which enhances his statistics.


    By the way, the QB you might want would be Kyle Orton. It would be better if you respond to a post with some football intelligence.

  10. I have read all of the negativity passed over in the majority of your responses and some of it is well stated, the rest just a give up loser attitude.


    We do need to remember there is another team out on the field giving their all and competing as our the Bills.


    However, if the Bills make 50% of the mistakes made in each game, they are 2-1 at the worst. I do believe that the mistakes will decrease starting this Sunday and that the Bills will leave the swampland with a hard-fought, narrow victory over the Jets.


    This is THE critical game for Buffalo, a win here gets us moving and a divisional win at home over the Dolphins will follow in the next week, when we get to Baltimore there is one advantage we do have. The ravens will be coming off a Monday Night/Sunday Night pair of games and there is a possibility that Jamel Lewis might be suspended by the time the Bills play in Baltimore.


    If the Bills D can squeeze out a tought win in Baltimore, then wins against the Jets and Cardinals, put the Bills at 5-3, with a 4-3 conference record and a 3-1 divisional record.


    Then in the 2nd hald, we have two really tough games which are probable losses, at New England and at Seattle. The remainig games are all very winnable, at Miami, at Cincinnati, at San Francisco, home against the Rams, Browns, and Steelers. I think we can get at least 5 out of 6 games and finish at 10-6 at worst.


    It is time to pull together and root the Bills onto that first victory and that starts by stopping all the negativity on this board and focus on doing the things we need to do as fans to provide the spark and belief the team needs.


    So please, all you bandwagon fans, do me and all the real Bills fans a favor and jump off and leave room for those that are with the team, s win or lose.

  11. Looking at our pending schedule, I honestly feel that we can sweep to victories in our next five games. The Jets can be beaten as their undefeated record has been earned against three really poor teams. The Dolphins are horrid and we can shut down the Ravens. If we can handle Arizona and the Jets at home, we finish the midpoint of the season at 5-3.


    The Bills have made every mistake immaginable and lost their first three games because of that. At some point it is time for this team to stop making mistakes, and play solid and continued quality football and I think this starts on Sunday in the Meadowlands against the Jets. Winning is a springboard and all this Bills team needs is one victory to light the fuse and move towards a winning season.


    I think for the most part the Bills played the world champions even and but for Henry slipping before he could hit a wide hole on third and two, the Bills would have scored and tied the game. Eliminate a couple of other critical mistakes and the game was ours.


    I still believe in this team and as frustating as this loss was, it did show me many potential positives we can look forward too.

  12. There were a number of times yesterday I had horrible flashbacks to the days of Gilbride.


    First drive of the game, what's with the stupid reverse to Josh Reed, in which we were lucky to only see a 7 yard loss and not a botched handoff. What makes this a really lousy play is that it took away all the early momentum we had and put us in the hole where our offense is incapable of working through.


    Next, can we please lose that stupid quick screen. Here we ended up throwing a backwards pass which ended a good drive by the Bills and sent the Jaguars on the drive to their 2nd field goal.


    On the drive in which Drew was sacked when we were on their 1 yard line, why did we run travis twice up the middle and then try the painfully obvious pass to the blacking back. It has been shown the McGahee has real capabilities in goal line situations and seems to come through the pile better then Travis. So I do question the choice of the running back, and why is it that every team other then Buffalo have the quick pitch play or the option pitch. Denver used to do this with Sewell or Winder coming around as a wingback where he would take the pitch from Elway and just walk into the end zone.


    Just points from a frustated Bills fan.

  13. Dave,


    I really do appreciate your positive take on yesterdays loss and I can only make this comment on what you have written.


    Why in gods name was Clements trying for the pick on a 4th down play. If he gets the pick, the Bills have the ball 40 yards further down the field then they would have if he just knocks the pass down.


    Then assuming the worst case scenario, a fumbled snap, its at the Jags 30 yeard line and not on our 30.


    Its just common sense, on 4th down, knock the damm ball down and gain the yardage back from where the original line of scrimmage is. This is basic Pop Warner football tactics, if nothing else, Clements should get his ass chewed bigtime for this selfish showboat attempt.


    Now to try and put a positive spin on this, maybe he'll simply lean from this mistake and the next time the situation comes up, just knock down the damm ball.

  14. The reason why this loss is so hard to take is that this was factored in as a win when I was reviewing the schedule.


    I figured that the Bills record would break down as follows:


    AFC East 4-2 Split with Pats & Jets, Sweep of Fins

    AFC North - 3-1 - Wins against Steelers, Browns and a split with Ravens and Bengals

    NFC West - 3-1 - Wins against Rams, Cardinals, 49ers and loss to Seattle

    AFC South - 0-1 This is the game with Jacksonville we should have won

    AFC West - 0-1 Loss to the Raiders because of early trip to west coast


    If we get the win against Oakland, we will be back on an 11-5 track and if we lose we are in deep trouble because of the conference records for the wildcard berths.


    Plus, losing the way we did with the stupid turnovers, missed field goal, penalties and the damm lob passes on the last drive of the game that just killed me.


    For as frustating as last year was, yesterday was worse because we had the game under control and gave it away with mistakes.


    Just venting as I am so damm frustated.

  15. Hi Aaron,


    Glad to help. If you have only one TV you only have the need for one receiver. However if you have multiple TV's I would recommend getting multiple receivers and here is the reason why.


    Each receiver costs only $4.99 extra each month and it has all the programming that your main receiver does. For example I have two receivers and two TV's in my den. What you can do is bring in the satellite input into a two way splitter. Then run the two outputs from the splitter into the input of each receiver.


    Then attach each receiver output to either your TV, or your recording platform (VCR) or Record DVD Player. If you are attaching to a recording platform, bring the cable from the satellite output to the input of your recording device and then connect the VCR or DVD out to the connection on your TV.


    Please let me know if this information is helpful.



    Best Regards,



  16. SDBILLSFAN said...

    I come to your board because I have an opinion on this game. Also, I have seen no posts from any Jags fan on our message board. This generally is a sign of either no support or fear of the probable outcome.


    Lets put some facts on the table. Your starting TE (Brady) is hurt and that takes a major blocking advantage away from you as George Wrightster is no where near the blocker as Brady is. Your offense lacks speed, your QB is young and immobile and with no real down the field threats. This will mean the Bills can play the stong safety in the box, take away the potential of Fred Taylor breaking a long run and I just don't think you have enough on offense to score on long sustained drives.


    As far as your defense is concerned, your ends stink, one LB is either a rookie or a guy in Greg Favors who we cut after going 3-13 and is two years older then he was when we cut him. The Jags secondary is slow, you have no real shot at any outside pass rush and your tackles, as good as they are, don't generate up the field pass rush. When the Bills go to three and four wide receivers you have no comparable corners to match-up and will get lit up just like last year.


    Lastly, as I said earlier, later in the year this may be a competitive game, but this early, without a chance to get your young kids some experience, your growing pains will be very obvious on Sunday.


    I predict 23-13 Bills, but it could get a bit uglier then that if the Bills choose to open up the passing game.

    I've been on your board posting. So that's absolute crap.


    Wrighster wasn't the TE to replace Brady in the blocking scheme. Yoder was, and he'll be starting there on Sunday. He's no Brady in the blocking department, but he's darn close. You'll discover this when Taylor is smoking your secondary. That thing on his back is the #28. Get a good look at it because you'll be getting a steady dose.


    Mike Peterson and Akin Ayodele are names that you'll remember after this week, and just keep thinking that our ends stink. We hope your coaching staff is as ignorant as your fan base.


    Open up the passing game! ROFLMAO!!!!! I almost ruined a keyboard on that comment. Your offensive line sucks ass, dude! They gave up twice as many sacks as ours did last year. That statue you call a QB is going to get killed if he takes another 50+ sack beating this year. We'll be happy to introduce him to Mr. Henderson and Mr. Stroud who will be tormenting the crap out of that statue all day long Sunday.


    Jeez. As much hot air as Bills fans are pumping into this board, you'd think they were playoff contenders last year. Imagine my surprise when their suck ass team was only 1 win better than ours when the dust settled. ROFLMAO!!!!

  17. There's only one reason why Joe Burns made the team.  He's always Grinding.....He goes out every day/week/practice and plays hard as if his livelihood depended on it, and it does.  He can't afford to dog it like some guys with the million dollar contracts.  From reading some of the posts on this board, I thought that those were the kind of blue collar guys the bills were looking for since Buffalo is a blue collar town....



    I understand you are a supporter of Joe Burns, and maybe he is a real quality special teams player, but is that the prime criteria when the roster has a huge need for a back-up fullback. In my opinion, no it does not. The focus of our offense is the running game and what are the Bills going to do, if Shelton, blows a knee on Sunday afternoon?


    I just feel that the performance difference between Burns and Lawton on special teams was minimal and since Lawton is bigger and has proven that he can catch a little bit, he deserved the roster spot more then a player who has limited upside and has shown us in numerous appearances that he is a marginally skilled player.

  18. Could somebody please explain why Joe Burns made the 53 man roster. He has done nothing in his career, was injured during the preseason and when he has played has shown nothing.


    Based on his small size and lack of blocking ability, I would have thought Luke Lawton would have been a much sounder choice to be on the roster.


    Somebody, please tell me why this guy is not on the NFL scrapheap.

  19. i doubt we carry 4 TEs, which means Trafford is out

    Sullivan doesn't seem to care anymore and since he's not one of Mularkey's, i don't think MM will bother keeping him around especially with the emergence of Smith and the drafting of McFarland

    much as it sickens me to say this, but i think pucillo makes the team (give him sullivan's spot)

    Greer has earned a spot as #5 DB, give him Trafford's spot


    i'm not so sure we keep Brown either.  he'll either reach an injury settlement or be put on IR if it means that much to keep him around (IMO matthews is a better QB anyway).  also not sure we keep both Gildon and McKenzie, and as Gildon is one of TDs Pittsburgh guys I think KM would be teh one out.  this opens the possiblity of 2 roster spots, which could be used on prieloeu or simonton



    Trafford stays because Nuefeld is the back-up fullback and long snapper. Pucillo may beat out Sullivan and McFarland is nothing but practice squad caliber, No way a 4th running back is kept and this means Simonton will be released. Can't see any real reason to keep five corners on the roster unless he is a better special teams player then either Stammer or Stevenson.

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