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Posts posted by 1billsfan

  1. On what grounds? And to what purpose?


    While I disagree w/ the majority of his policies, I don't see what he's done as being impeachable. (I could see calling it incompetant but not impeachable.) Even if the House did vote to impeach him (which I don't see happening) the Senate would never go along.


    The surest way to get him re-elected would be to go on a witch hunt.



    It was a joke, that's why I put the "ba-da-bump" at the end.

  2. well, I hope you are right, and in 95% of the cases we should come out of a recession much stronger than just 2.5%, I just happen to see this as one evolving shitstorm that morphes from one economic malaise to another. I honestly believe that we have major structural hurdles to overcome that will take quite some time to overcome.



    also just to finish my point that i was trying to make yesterday, this is what Obama said yesterday:




    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/58079.html#ixzz1QlBTFhId



    For crying out loud, just eliminate the oil subsidies and the tax breaks for corporate jets. The tax breaks for corporate jets only comes out to $3Billion, thats it!! Just freaking do it and now you eliminate the strawman! Once they do that, they pretty much will have a carte blanche of options for cuts that they can request and as I was saying earlier, you take away their strawman.


    I just hope they are smart enough to compromise on these two points.



    The oil companies would just pass down the costs of the elimination of oil subsidies to us. I thought you would know that by now. 50 percent of Americans pay no taxes at all, yet we're supposed to get all up in arms about a corporate jets break that he approved of in the first place? Which is basically a one grain of sand in the Sahara difference?


    Yesterday's news conference was like an Obama's greatest hits record on why he's been such a failure. Class warfare. He demonized the job creators while weeping and chest clutching for the people who pay no taxes. How's that been working for you Barry?


    For any Clinton dems or Reagan deems that was fooled into voting for this loser, that news conference should serve you early notice that he is a dyed in the wool socialist who has no plans to change or pivot. Do you want another four years of a depression like economy? Is that what you want for your children? Your family? Your friends?


    Maybe congress really should lead in an attempt to help the jobless and the children. They could do this by impeaching Obama and repealing his stupid job killing healthcare bill...ba-da-bump

  3. I was in and out because of phone calls, so I did not listen to it in its entirety. I will find it and watch it in it's entirety tonight and if I overstated my thought, I'll admit it. What I referred to is what stuck with me; something about GOP choosing between kids not getting tuition, food not getting inspected, medical advancements coming to a standstill, dog and cats getting along with each other...or fat cat corporate jets tax breaks. It was essentially a twist on no cops, no fireman, no teachers because fat cats need their tax breaks. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


    Don't bother, you got it right. I will post the transcript tomorrow, but tonight on Special Report Charles Krauthammer shot down in flames Obama's ridiculous assertions for the necessity of getting rid of tax breaks to bring down the deficit. Something about adding them up for every year since John the Baptist and still not adding up to one month of Obama debt. Probably got that wrong but it's along those lines.


    He obviously fooled a few people here into thinking that this was a non-partisan speech. It's amazing that people are still so swayed by him. He's either acting like a immature adolescent refusing to face the cold hard realities the adults in the room are telling him or he's merely a mouthpiece repeating the garbage that his far left advisories actual believe and he's too stupid to know any better. He must have said "corporate jet" about twenty times. This guy has no clue what he's doing. What do you expect from a loser who voted "present" 128 times in the state senate.

  4. Vic Carucci lost all credibility by being a dyed in the wool Dick Jauron supporter. Year after year he would blame the players and never lay the blame on the borderline idiot head coach. It was sad and pathetic how he would talk about the need for continuity when it was clear by most fans that Jauron was a train wreck of a leader. I would literally laugh at Carucci when he'd sing the praises of Dick Jauron. I don't know what happened to the guy, but I could care less that he's signed on with the Browns.

  5. Huffington Post


    CBS News


    Fox (Duh)


    Interesting article about Drudge.


    Love this bit from the article:



    Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that current epidemic of inner city youth mobs beating the crap out of people and looting stores are now considered such acceptable and common practices that henceforth they have been brought into the protected "you're a damn racist if you report on this stuff" class.


    This internet was such a cool thing for liberals. Unfortunately for them, it's become completely lame since they've come to the realization it caused the complete demise of their ultra liberal MSM monopoly. The ugly lies about their transformative social justice utopia have been exposed and it just keeps getting uglier and uglier out there.

  6. This CBA will determine the fate of the Bills in the post Wilson Era. If it's friendly to small market teams than the Bills have a chance to stay here. If the deal is very punitive to small market teams than they are lame ducks. The extent to which revenue is shared is critical. The problem is that corporations are the customers now and WNY lacks large corporate customers. There is no way to change that in a hurry the distribution of revenue and the manout of cash each team has to spend on compensation as mandated by the league will be the central issues. Either way the handwriting will be on the wall.

    The average fan is a second class customer in this situation.


    It's been on the wall. New York State ranks 50th in business climate...




    BOTH parties are to blame in NYS. Political motives, public employee unions, entitlements, handouts, choking taxation on both businesses and private citizens are what have done in this once great state and eventually will be the undoing of the Bills prospects of staying in Buffalo. Really, the only ones who are to blame are the majorities of people (NYC residents?) in the state who kept rewarding the politicians responsible for decades of policies which eventually drove out all the businesses and people...




    I feel sorry for the city of Buffalo. Hopefully Ralph will be around a lot longer that people think and this AEG group eventually finds another team to buy, which would buy time for the western new york region to find that ever elusive economic turnaround like Pittsburgh's.

  7. Maybe if the dems and corporations (yes, mostly repubs) didn't encouraged the importation of poverty from Mexico in the form of illegal immigration and a dirt cheap labor force, there'd be a lot of real jobs out there for the poor (this of course includes, but is not exclusive to, inner city youth).


    The illegals started taking over the labor force in the LA/Southern California area way back when and quickly took over many of American's jobs and livelihood which turned the manual labor wage scale into a complete joke. It's time to weed out the illegals (in the form of cracking down on businesses with heavy fines) and start giving the disadvantaged Americans of this country be they black, brown or white (basically anyone who's here legally) a stepping stone into the American dream. Lack of real jobs and real wages is one of the biggest things holding this country back.

  8. Although I do disagree with the political economic perspective from most liberals, I am a bit empathetic with Wieners tragic downfall. He was a liberal stalwart, an intelligent, loud voice that stood up for progressive values, I have to admit, he rarely lost an argument. This is a tremendous blow not just for the wiener family and his constituents who I am sure were proud of their local national hero, but a big blow for progressives throughout the nation.


    The way I see it is he had no other choice but to step down. The circus that surrounded was frenetic, the distraction that he caused democrats over the past few weeks got them off the message of ¨Those republicans want to take away your medicare¨, which unsurprisingly appeared to had been gaining traction. Without a doubt, he had lost his aura, which at the end of the day, that is what Anthony wiener was about. Without that allure he had, he was no longer ¨Anthony Wiener¨, which means that he couldnt effectively serve (in the eyes of progressives) congress in the way that he had.


    Im a bit mixed about this, In regards to having one less liberal loud mouth, sure Im ok with that, but to have someone who arguably was the top if not one of the top progressive voices tragically lose his political career over his narcissistic behaviour is a bit sad to say the least.



    Oh please spare us the violins. Weiner's a jerk and an ***hole of the first order. His stance to tax people to death so that he can hand the money over to freeloaders and union members are the major reasons why our country's on the fastback towards becoming Greece.


    It doesn't matter what party you're in…as long as America continues in a depression-like atmosphere you deserve to be roasted to a crisp and sent packing on the first bus, train or plane out of town if you're foolish enough to start tweeting pictures of your crotch out to women who aren't your wife. Any congressman today who's willing to push America's tolerance limit right now is an absolute fool. America's angry and getting angrier by the day. The creepers had better either get a divorce, or hope and pray that this country starts turning around so they can start creeping again and stand a chance at surviving any scandal. I'm glad this colossal jerk is gone. Want to see what an America run by the far left liberal socialists for another four years looks like? Take a look at Detroit. Take a look at Greece.


    BTW, don't cry for Weiner because he'll no doubt become the mayor of NYC in a couple of years when he makes his big comeback, ok? And he thankfully won't be able to hurt our country as a mayor.

  9. When you put it like that, I think he is.... He's living it up with parties and vacations, while the rest of us scrape by... Good gig if you can get it.



    Well yes I guess, but only until the bill comes due this coming year. Was kicking back as POTUS worth it all when you become the most hated man in America? The MSM can no longer provide cover for this failure. I highly doubt there'll any real* town halls meetings on Obama's campaign trail this year.



    * non-union members

  10. She was ignorant about a lot of important things. Her innate ability to be coached-up in a few short years is in no way a decent substitute for having processed these ideas on her own over an extended period of time. It amounts to nothing more than fill in the blanks with status quo Republican party politics.


    Maybe someone should coach up your idiot Obama and tell him that cracking jokes about the worst economy since the depression is beyond stupid. Sara Palin doesn't strike me as someone who cracks a lot of unemployment jokes.





    It's too bad for us Obama's the biggest joke in history. For all you unemployed liberals that don't get it, he doesn't care so much so that he's now begun laughing at you and cracking jokes at your expense. He's golfing, partying, having lavish star studded dinners like he's on a four year episode of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," during the worst economy since the depression and now he's making fun of the fact that Americans are unemployed. But somehow he's the smart one? Sorry, I don't buy it. I think Palin would tear him up in a debate. America is finally waking up to the fact that Obama lied about who he was. He is and has always been a "do as I say" and "not as I do" far lefty limousine liberal nose up talk down America hating elitist. If he gets elected again, you can stick as fork in this country, were done.


    Isn't it amazing that the MSM pretty much ignores this topic? 40,000 people killed over the last several years and you only read about this stuff on blogs or a Texas newspaper. I read about hangings over bridges from a UK paper a week or two ago.


    I've never been a proponent of the legalization of weed, but I'm coming around to it after reading these type of stories. The way I figure it is that if you legalize weed and nail the people who get caught with cocaine or heroine to the wall, eventually most drug takers wouldn't even bother with the strong stuff and thereby squashing it's demand. Is this too simple of a solution?

  12. They are afraid that her common sense approach and folksy ways will actually appeal to the unworthy and unwashed masses that need to be told how to live their lives.



    Let me add that it's not just the democrats who are afraid of her, it's the republicans as well. She represents a wholesale change of the way Washington works. The establishment in general is scared (blank)less of her.

  13. i think on an intellectual level she's the near equivalent of baby bush. she just doesn't have the old money, preppy. ivy league, always land on your feet legacy he did. and that's likely why so many seem to find her appealing. i really think there needs to be an intellect level requirement to hold that office but many people obviously disagree. "idiocracy" is life imitating art.



    Are you kidding me buddy???? "Idiocracy" is Obama's doctrine.


    Have you seen Detroit? LA? This is the path Obama's taking our country down. Liberals are the ones who want to keep their minions as dumb as a box of rocks. They want them that way so they can keep their power by controlling them through government handouts.

  14. The scary thing about Palin isn't her lack of knowledge in certain areas, it's the fact that she doesn't know what she doesn't know.



    Preview of the Obama/Palin debate...




    "Mr. Smartypants" Obama should have done America a huge favor and stayed in the classroom with his radical, commie lovin', America hating pals. The big difference between Obama and Palin is that Palin has good instincts, the "chosen one" doesn't. Not sure if she's presidential material, but she's a thousand times more presidential material than this liberal Obama disaster cluster(you know what) we have now. I think that she'd tear him up in a debate.



    What's funny is that it took one tame shirtless photo to take down Lee.


    What are we on now? Volume 14 of Weiner's nut grabs? It sadly took till around Volume 12 for Pelosi to finally do what Boehner did and call for his resignation.


    Where are the Weiner lovers now? Awfully silent around here...LOL

  16. :blink: Joy Behar defended Sarah Palin. :blink:


    This must surely be a sign of the apocalypse. The end is nigh my friend. Nigh I tell you!



    I know...LOL Fun fact: Barbara Walters was once the other woman to a cheating US Senator.


    However in this former whore's loopy and shameless summation, somehow Palin is also a whore on par with a sleazebag like Weiner. The whole world has gone nuts.

  17. Jesus. He's a sitting congressman, married to a pregnant woman, sending photos of his dick to women while chatting up underaged girls on the internet.


    Why is this even news? Who really cares?


    Oh, but the way, did you know Sarah Palin wanted a tanning bed. Really. I'm not kidding. My whole neighborhood is going through her emails as I type this.



    I know you're spoofing, but you have no idea how spot on you are...


    "If Sarah Palin can still ride around on her bus and be considered as a possible president, this man can override this, stay in congress and just hope that there’s another scandal that’ll take him off." - Barbara Walters





    Walters' commentary was so bat**** crazy that Joy Behar came back at her and defended Sarah Palin.

  18. Rudy's out, he got one taste of real politics last time and said 'no thanks'.

    Palin? Is that a joke?


    Romney -- yes

    Christie -- very much yes; but my guess is he waits till 2016


    I think Rudy would make a great President. He's going to run and it'll probably come down between him and Romney.


    The reaction that the liberals have towards Palin tells me that she's the biggest threat to far left America. All of these people are weird in their own way and Palin's no exception. I just don't buy into the she's "dumb" stuff. Out of everyone, she'd have the biggest risk of losing to Obama, however she's possibly the biggest reward for the country who'd probably put forth the quickest economic turnaround. I'd love to see what a true non insider like either Palin or Cain would do to the obese-like bloated federal government. Oil up your chainsaws baby!...LOL Make no mistake, BOTH the dems AND the repubs are afraid of their candy being taken away by a Palin presidency.

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