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Posts posted by Bear

  1. So maybe we try and swing something with GB at 5?  I think you might be right on with their pick and he would be there at 8 if we traded with them....That 3rd for Henry might come in handy....probably will take a bit more than that, but that would be a start.  But I think we could work something out with GB at 5 if he is still on the board at that point.

    Also, I don't believe Young will be coming out.  Seems like he is going to be staying 1 more year.  (On a side note, am I the only one who thinks Young will NOT be a good NFL QB?)



    I wouldn't want Young, but he'll go high. Top 15 if he slips past the Jets. If nothing else, he'll sell tickets.

  2. If Brick was still there at 6..............there is NO WAY that you can let him go.  You HAVE to trade up for this guy.



    That's assuming SF would trade. I think if Brick is there when they pick they jump at him. They are dealing with the same situation we are. Young QB behind a really bad line.

  3. With the talent available and the multiple holes that all these team have, I expect a lot of trading on draft day. I'm sure the draft order looks nothing like this...



    1. Houston - Bush

    2. NO - Leinhart (or Young)

    3. Ten - Mario Williams

    4. NYJ - Vince Young (or Leinhart)

    5. GB - Mathias Kiwanuka

    6. SF - Ferguson

    7. Oak - AJ Hawk

    8. BUF - ???


    I think they go with either Ngata or Winston...depending on Free Agency.

  4. Perhaps HOU will trade down a bit. Or stay. Or take that that big OT everybody is ga-ga about...



    They SHOULD do both. Trade down to 2 or 3, pick up another 2nd +, and take Fergeson.


    They won't do that, but they should. Like most people I'm a big Reggie Bush fan. I think he's one of the most dominant college players I've ever seen. I compare watching him play to watching clips of Lebron James play high school games.


    That said, in the NFL Bush will be a good RB. That's it. And even if he is in the league of Sean Alexander, Larry Johnson, and LT (very possible), he's still just one guy. 2 out of those 3 RB's are not in the playoffs this year, and the 3rd is in the NFC. ;)


    If Buffalo were in that position, I would be screaming to trade down.

  5. to repeat: based upon college career, draft position, play this year, etc., losman has pretty definitively proven -- so far -- that he's no carson palmer. so please don't compare the two ...



    College career and draft position mean absolutely nothing.


    Play this year? Maybe if Losman weren't getting pulled every 3 games he would have been able to progress like Palmer did his first year. We'll never know.

  6. As good as Hutchinson is, it seems more likely that the Seahawks will do whatever they can to keep him. Unless the Seahawks are in cap trouble. Does anyone know?


    I don't have a link, but there was an article about 3 months ago that said Seattle was either going to get a long term deal done with Alexander or he would be gone because their franchise tag was going to Hutch. True or not, there is on way Hutch sees free agency. Seattle knows where their talent is.

  7. The funny thing is Moulds took on the roll of #2 WR Sat night. HE was Peerless Price.

    Evans was taking on the number 1 CB. I don't know about double teams as they are hard to make out on TV, but the gameplan was obviously focused on HIM.


    I have never said that Moulds was not a good WR, but he does not warrant a 10mil dollar contract. Someone else can be brought in to be the number 2 guy. Everyone keeps saying that he can be re-structured. But put yourself in his shoes...would you do that? Why? So that you can be a WR on a team that is at least two years from competing? Be a WR that on a team that will probably have a new OC, if not a new HC, and have yet ANOTHER new system?

    Moulds is gone...

  8. Kelsay: yes....likely $460,000 to about $2 million. But until that's confirmed, I'll leave the $460,000


    Losman: not likely...but he does have salary escalators in his contract. Doubt he hit them though.


    Only 2 that I know of this year



    For a minute I thought Schobel.....what could Kelsay have done?

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