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Posts posted by billfan63

  1. True, but it was incomplete or picked more often than it was successful, just like Trent (whenever he does throw it downfield).



    Right on, I'm not trying rehash another argument of who sucks worse.

    All long throws are incomplete more often than successful, Losman actually had a talent for throwing a nice long ball mostly to Evans, Trents does not have that in his arsenal

  2. Did you watch the game? Did you see Losman fumble twice in the first half?
    The guy is out of the league , out of Buffalo and the need to spin is still there, pathetic,

    1 strip and fumble, 1 turnover, 1 pitch that hits the RB in the numbers, RB fumbles

  3. No it doesn't. There is a reason Losman is in that league instead of the NFL. He sucks.
    He alway had NfL phsyical tools, the rap has alway been his mental grasp of the game, well Trent is

    giving JP's poor football mentality a run for the money and he has no where near the physical tools of JP, hence Trent also sucks

  4. Probably a mistake without finding 2 tackles first. I'd rather see them get a proven veteran QB (though who would sign here) and use that first pick on a real LT (assuming one is available).
    Completely agree, fix the o-line (the best we can) through the draft, and find a veteran QB who can take us through a couple years of line maturity or gelling with some kind of respectability. Status quo is embarassing
  5. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's tIt's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. he line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the linIt's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. e. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line. It's the line.

    keep yelling yourself that, but if you add, and the QB, and the coaches, and the D you would more on the mark

  6. It's not the water -- it's the constant instability at offensive line. It's a problem that goes back to the mid-90s. There has been no continuity at all. They bring in mediocre/bad players and sacrifice them after a couple of bad seasons, or let their better players (i.e., pretty good but not great -- Jennings) go because they think they're overvalued. Plus they draft mediocre guys in later rounds and pray that they get lucky (Robert Hicks, Spriggs, Ziegler, Butler, Trey Teague, Ben Sobieski, Corey Louchiey, etc. etc. -- the list is endless). The one guy they drafted early was unfortunately a bust, although this year they finally drafted a couple of guys early. That's not going to show this year, but in the future it will. Unfortunately they got fed up with their best lineman and traded him. Whatever you think of Peters, keeping him did represent continuity. I do think that Wood and Levitre will be starting for the Bills two years from now (barring injury), but I doubt that anyone else on that line will be with the possible exception of Hangartner. The cycle will continue, although it'll be a little better because there will be two constants going forward as opposed to zero or one.


    Flutie was the only player capable of masking the decade-plus long clusterf**k up front it until Edwards came along, but even he has succumbed and is now a bad QB. He's not the same player from a year ago.

    Losman threw for 3000+ yds in 2006 in what would be described as a crappy o-line
  7. Will Monday forever be known as "The Columbus Day Massacre" at OBD? Will the fans get what they have begging and pleading for since last season? Or will it be more of the same nothing and lame excuses? We will see. If it were up to me, about 20 people would be filing for unemployment by 10am.


    I don't know how much more I can take. Next week is going to be ridiculous. I'd bench Edwards for his own safety. The Bills have absolutley nobody left at LB. Do they pick up a veteran or raid somebody's practice squad? Line should be the Jets -35 and that is being kind. Somebody has to do something now or it's going to be an ugly 1-15 season with continued hopelesness for the future. Something has to change. Doesn't it?

    I'd bench Edwards cause he's not a good QB
  8. My thoughts:


    * Was great to see JP, but even against lesser competition he's still the same guy....has a huge arm and can look great on one play, but when the play requires him to use his brain, he can look really, really bad. Maybe Fassel can help him...I wish him the best.


    At first I was thinking the same thing, but there was a difference, he snapped out of it and

    started playing good football. In Buffalo once the fumbling, stumbling started it was over

  9. It's post like this that turn me into a "Losman hater." They contain no facts and are just filled with nonsense.

    I liked the guy and wanted him to succeed but talk about revisionist history. He had about 5 good games and was mainly below average for the rest of his career. He is in the place he should be.

    Because your ad nauseam posts of JP sucks are filled with so many facts and make so much sense, right

  10. I may switch over from the Sabres game, if it looks like quality football i may tune in again. Now watch JP light it up, and i guarantee people will be whining about letting him go. My god that will be so funny. I say good riddance to bad rubbish! Enjoy him Las Vegas! Go Redwoods!
    Could be entertaining for a while, but its a no win situation for the guy, if he lights it up its cause

    he played against scrubs, if he plays like crap it cause he sucks

  11. Okay lets see. If he was offered a backup job like some people seem to think he could either accept that & make $400,000 a year & in keeping in mind that very few qbs stay injury free for a whole course of the year so he would probably get in at some point during the season to showcase his craft, or he could go into this developemental league that is probably playing against talent that is probably not much better then your local highschool varsity football team & earn $30K. Keep in mind he could light this league up like never seen before, do you really think there is going to be a GM that gives Losman the keys to the franchise & gives him the starting qb gig? Losman will be lucky if he gets a backup job in the NFL next year no matter how he does in this league.


    One other thing. This is the first time I could ever remember that a 1st round qb, after it did not work out with their first team, did not get a 2nd chance with another team. That is all you need to know about what the league thinks of him.

    The records skipping, the point is you don't know and neither do I, so because he didn't conform to your logic it could never happen. So what happened when he went begging to th UFL? Did he sit down with Jim Fassel and say "Coach no one wants me in the NFL. I want to play here, please can you contrive a lie with me that I turned down backup offers and wanted to start on your team" Then Jim Fassel said Sure JP send in the reporters I would love to lie for you.
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