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Posts posted by billfan63

  1. I will keep it short and not so sweet.


    Dallas Cowboys - Seating capacity 112,000 (including standing area) at an average ticket price of $160 (Wow!).

    This works out to $17,920,000 per game just in ticket sales.


    Buffalo Bills - Seating capacity 73,967 at an average ticket price of $51

    This works out to $3,772,317 per game just in ticket sales.


    We will ignore luxury box income, concession, and parking income (which all favor Dallas VERY heavily) for the sake of simplicity. But you get the point.


    So, because we are in the era of profit sharing in the NFL, Jimmy Jones in particular, but most NFL owners get boned in a major way when playing the Bills. The Cheatriats, with the second highest per ticket price in the NFL, have to suffer with this every year.


    So, if the NFL owners had a choice to say, leave the Bills in a small, semi-destitute market like Buffalo and keep the price structure the same. Or have them go somewhere that the ticket prices could double (along with the parking etc.). What do you think they would do? What would you do if you were in their shoes?


    That has been true for quite some time. But now it is about to get even more interesting. No salary cap. So Jimmy Jones and the other big market owners can throw gobs of cash at the top players to stack their teams. Think Steinbrenner but for football. What are the small market teams going to do? You got it, bend over.


    I have no crystal ball and I certainly am not a NFL owner and do not claim to have any inside information. And of course I could be all wrong. But looking at it from a business/economic viewpoint, this is how the numbers add up for me.


    As with the "True fans only" thread, please serious responses only. No reason for "real" fans to tell me I suck for bringing this up. I already know how you feel about the whole Bills Moving subject.



    The porcelain guy who sits in the Cowboys owners box is named Jerry

  2. If a horrible, extremist propagandist like Al Franken can sit in the senate than there is no question Rush Limbaugh can be an NFL owner. Anyway, if he'd keep the team in Buffalo, invest in building a winner, and get us a Super Bowl he could show up in blackface for all I care.
    right or wrong the people of Minnesota voted Franken in, Rush has that same right but his

    investment group just voted him out

  3. It is not the coaching it is the player...Trent Edwards. We need to quit blaming the coaches and how a new OC will make a bad player better...players play and win or lose. This town ran Kevin Gilbride out of town and he coaches a SB winning offense. Did he all of a sudden become such a better coach? Well he did when he got Eli Manning as his QB.

    Dan Henning was run out of town as well....seems to have had a lot of success the other places he went.

    Mike Mularkey was horrible with Losman and Holcomb but then apparently was such a better coach when he had Ryan in Atlanta and Turnr as his RB.

    Quit the excuses for Edwards, he is the one missing the throws, not making the throws. It is literally that simple on 90% of plays.

    Do you think Mularkey was in over his head as head coach, now he's an OC and things are going much better maybe he can concentrate on the offense. By the way he was abyssmal with Holcomb and a very raw Losman.
  4. Robot Bartender

    A guy goes into a bar and there is a robot bartender. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says "Martini."


    The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "168." The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.


    The guy leaves, but he is curious, so he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini". Again, the robot makes a great martini, gives it to the man and says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "100." The robot then starts to talk about Nascar, Budweiser and John Deere tractors.


    The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, "What will you have" The guy says, "Martini", and the robot brings him another great martini.


    The robot then says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "Uh, about 50."


    The robot leans in real close and says, "So ... you wanna bet on the Bills again?"

    The guys says give the points and bet the under, I'm not that dumb

  5. watching MNF between Jets and Miami makes it clear we don't belong in this division. And just barely in this league.


    not only will we lose all 6 division games again, the remaining ones will be brutal beatings.


    we're talking giving up 40 to 60 points. and scoring 0 to 11.


    we're talking a 2 & 14 kind of record.



    those teams have REAL COACHES. well prepared teams. call smart plays. have many formations on offense. have offensive lines that establish the run and give time to the QB. play uptempo games. do what they need to do to win. don't play not to lose.


    add to that all our injuries.


    WOW just WOW.


    I am blown AWAY. but not in a good way.



    Who are we beating?
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