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Posts posted by FightClub

  1. I think we all know the big names out there so I'm more interested in who other than the Lucks, Lockers, etc you guys think should be in the discussion. I'd also like to know your opinions on guys likely to not come out until after the 2011 season.


    I'm really trying to not be flip here, but I will answer the question honestly: none. Meaning, I'm tracking them, if that's what you're asking, but from what I have seen so far I don't see any top five picks. The top one I've seen is Mallett, but then again he's not mobile enough for my taste. I know a lot of people are impressed with Luck, but to me he is on par with Ponder at the next level. First rounder and probable NFL starter, but not someone any better than Claussen or the bunch of QBs that came out last year. Locker is sort of like Snead. Lots of pub but not worth picking. There are a host of athletic QBs that are worth a look in the later rounds like Jerrod Johnson and Tyrod Taylor but we are talking about round 5 +


    I'll tell you the guy that really impresses me every time I see him play: Tate Forcier. But he's not even a starter in college anymore. Of course, neither was Tom Brady (same school too).

  2. Yeah, I don't think so. Actually, the team reminding me of those pretender 5-1 Bills this week is the Chiefs. Played a bunch of bad teams, barely won against those, lost to the couple of decent teams they've played.


    They'll have their success on the ground (who doesn't against our D?) but it won't be enough.


    Bills 26, Chiefs 20


    Fitz 2 TDs and 275 Yards. Over 150 yds for Jackson / Spiller (though neither will probably crack 100 by himself).


    My opinion anyway.

  3. Ms. Fitz,

    I don't know what "at some point" is, but I'm pretty sure it's after more than 1 good game against starters. You say "always" as if he does this every week. The Colts game was a joke. I can't take anything away from today. It was one game. A .250 hitter doesn't bat 1 for 4 every single game; sometimes he goes 4 for 5 with 2 HR's.


    2010 81 for 128 (63.3%) 969 yards, 11 TDs, 4 ints 102 rating

    2009 127 FOR 227 (55.9%) 1,422 yards, 9 TDs, 10 ints 69.7 rating


    Buffalo total: 208 for 355 (58.6%), 2,391 yards, 20 TDs, 14 ints, not going to calculate the career rating


    I believe those status occur over 10 starts in his Bills career, and they include his battle through the horrendous Jauron / Van Pelt offense.


    Projected over 16 games: 333 for 568 (58.6%), 3,826 yards, 32 TDs, 23 ints


    Hardly 1 game

  4. Well, I probably thought you were talking to me because you were quoting my posts...... so I was repsonding. I don't know why you would quote me and talk about what OTHERS have been saying... but whatever. I think the first thing you said to me was "GEE, i hope gailey is SMARTER than you." I thought when you quoted me and said that, you were talking to me. I didn't know you were talking to random people that weren't me :rolleyes:


    That you for trying to answer my question, but you haven't explained to me what is wrong with waiting and seeing what happens with these QBs.


    I thought the quote feature was simply to show what item I was responding to, so that someone reading it would get the context. Sorry, this is the only message board I frequent, so perhaps I don't know the internet rules in this regard. And I did try to answer your question, but either I cannot get my point across or you are choosing not to hear it.

  5. ..... then I dont know what you are talking about. I haven't made any decision on Fitz. I said I wanted to wait and see how fitz and luck did the rest of the season before making any decisions, and you said:





    Tell me, WHAT is wrong with me waiting to see what fitz and luck do the rest of the season? If you have a problem with people deciding on Fitz, then go complain to them. I haven't made any decisions on fitz for 2011. I said I wanted to wait and see how these players played the rest of the season, and you said waiting and seeing would just lead to more waiting.... you aren't making any sense.


    even if I said fitz shouldn't start next season, why would you tell me "the more you wait and see will lead to more waiting and seeing?" That makes no sense. You would be telling me to wait and see before making my judgments. You are picking an argument with me that you should be having with other people.


    Please, start making sense. because this:



    makes no sense.


    Um, I think you are taking this personally. I am just responding on a message board to things I am seeing written here. Not all of them were written by you (probably...the truth is I don't know...don't really have time to keep track of that). Not all of them were written in this thread.


    You started responding to my posts and asking me questions to further define what I was saying, so I did.


    It seems somewhere along the way you felt my responses were directed at you.


    They weren't. I don't even know who you are.


    Edit to add: my quotes don't contradict each other. Many posters here are "waiting and seeing" on Fitz rather than admitting he is a good QB. The evidence is already there. How is this contradictory? If you are not one of those posters, no worries. Again, don't feel like everything is directed at you.

  6. Well, then I don't know what you are talking about. I said the we should wait and evalutate talent and you went on a little venting saying we shouldn't wait.... I don't know why you think we shouldn't wait to evaluate talent.


    I said we should wait to decide whether or not luck was worht the 1st pick and you said THIS:





    What are you talking about then? I thought you were saying we shouldn't wait to evaluate the talent and should just decide now..... if you can clear up whatever the hell you are talking about, it would help.


    I am saying that everyone who has already decided that Fitz sucks and is only a backup is wrong.


    And if you want to dispute that anyone on this board has said that, then just look on the first page for all of the people who are having to eat crow for starting threads that say that or essentially that.


    Somehow Fitz has to do more than have a 100 passer rating, have a brilliant game in the snow, and now have a nearly 400 yard passing effort. There's always a reason that it's not valid. Oh, the 100 passer rating was in garbage time. And oh, the great game against the Colts was because they were playing backups. At some point you have to stop "waiting and seeing" and admit you have a good QB on your hands.


    Somehow I think a great Fitz game against the Colts backups in the elements is better proof of a legitimate QB that Andrew Luck tearing Sacramento State a new one. That's just me.

  7. What else are you going to evalute talent for NEXT year? Are you saying the bills should make their draft picks now and declare who starts at each position in 2011 NOW?!?!



    hahaha, that front office. What are they waiting for! next season is less than a year away and they haven't made thier draft picks and haven't announced their 2011 starting roster yet :lol:


    this is ridiculous. You claiming the bills should decide their starters for 2011 this early is insane. Yes, I believe the bills should evaluate every player. free agent, and major college player before deciding how they handle the roster in 2011. But i guess they should do what you suggest and draft their players now....


    No, I am not the one suggesting that the Bills draft now, or decide to draft now. Quite the opposite. Others on this board are doing that. I should search for all of the quotes. They go something like:


    "If we have a top pick next year, we MUST draft a QB."


    "Fitz is nothing more than a backup. He will be a great tutor for the QB that we MUST draft with our top pick next year."


    You are making my point for me. What irks me is everyone saying we must replace with our top pick probably the best player we put on the field week to week. I can't understand how this makes sense to you guys.


    So, yes, I will continue to come on here and post how I think this is the wrong assumption to make. I notice after today's performance a ton of the guys posting this have suddenly reversed field. I see for some of you it is going to take longer. That's okay, I'm patient.


    As far as Luck goes, when he's faced a competent defense he's been merely average. How can you spend the top pick on that? Against UCLA and Notre Dame he had something like a 46% completion percentage. He thew for a whopping 151 yards against UCLA. He's a fine college QB and I wish him all of the "luck" in the world for this season, but I am not interested in my team spending a top five pick on him. If he finishes with some incredible flourish of course one could reconsider but my opinion is (and this is an opinion board) that we've pretty much seen to this point much of what we are going to see the rest of the year as the competition gets increasingly more difficult.

  8. You know, you are just as bad as the people that said Fitz is no better than a backup, but worse. HOW do you know for sure if Luck isn't worth the 1st pick? For all you know, fitz can suck the rest of the year and Luck could be awesome the rest of the year. You don't know if that will happen or not.




    If you think you can predict the future so well, go to vegas and bet on fitz (you can do this) and become a millionaire. There are no sure things in football and you claiming there is is flat out wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. The best way to judge a QB is how he finishes. You wanting to judge two qbs before they finish a season is irrational.


    Sigh. Okay, now let's wait until we see how Fitz finishes. Just like we had to wait until after the Baltimore game where was supposed to get concussed and we were supposed to lose 42-3 (according to half the posters on this board). Just like we had to wait until Edwards failed to put the right QB on the field, though we (or some of us anyway) already knew who the right QB was from last year.


    The longer you continue to wait and see, the longer you will be doing just that. Waiting and seeing. Paralysis by analysis.


    So, fine, let's pick the discussion up again at the end of the season. I guarantee Fitz will be top 10 in the NFL statistically at that point too.

  9. Agreed. We actually have playmakers in the secondary (byrd) but he is worthless with no pass rush. I don't know what is more important need for us at this point, pass rush or stopping the run. The way they worked the 4-3 today, it seems like they are trying to find a way to stop the run rather than get to the QB.


    What we really need is linebackers... and if we have the 1st pick, I don't know many linebackers that were taken with that spot. But it all depends. We don't know how the bills and college players will finish, and we don't know where we are picking. so there are too many ifs, ands, or buts to really act like for sure we know where we go in the draft.


    This is a good opinion. What this team lacks is LBs. This is part of my argument against the "we must pick a QB with the #1 pick argument." You're sort of contradicting yourself with these posts, though. <_<

  10. How do you know that when the season isn't finished?



    Have you not watched a single stanford game this season? Good grief :rolleyes:.


    I hope gailey/nix are smarter than you and know that there is another half+ of college football to evaluate :lol:


    I have watched almost every Stanford game this season. What have you been watching? Andrew Luck is not a #1 pick, anymore than Colt McCoy or Jimmy Clausen was. These are guys who look good against 19 and 20 year old kids who are going to take 3 years to develop into competent NFL QBs.


    Why are there so many people on this board that are okay with losing another three years?


    I long ago lost faith in Bills management but the more I stay on this board I am losing faith in Bills fans.

  11. Really the problem with that play was the OL trying to push Nelson forward for another yard or two. They gave him no chance to go down on his own.


    Guys, we don't need that. Did someone tell you to do that? If not, Gailey should be talking to them after the game. "I don't pay you to think. I think - you play."


    The only thing we can't do at that point is to turn the ball over. Fitz is going to get us into field goal range if we don't turn the ball over. And you have the idiots on the OL trying to push Nelson further against a stout Ravens D for what? An extra yard? Come on - that is beyond stupid.

  12. That would be true if Peyton Manning were in the draft. I am not sure whether there is anyone in the draft that fits that description. If there is, great. If not, let's not take a QB with the first pick just to say that we drafted a QB with our first pick.


    The very voice of reason. There is no QB worthy of the first pick in this draft. And playing for the first pick is just ridiculous. Try start to remove the culture of losing that permeates this franchise guys.


    That means not coming out in the predictable spread offense at the start of the half every week when you are running the ball well. Like the fans (and the other team's defense) can't see through that B.S.

  13. As much as I like fitz, I say we still go for a QB with the 1st pick. Though if he plays really well the rest of the season, it will be a hard choice. If there is some dumb luck we win like 5 or 6 games and another team grabs luck before us, then I say skip QB and draft a defensive guy or an LT. otherwise, target Luck.


    Ugh. Just...Ugh. That's all I can say anymore to you guys who don't realize we already have a franchise QB. I pray Gailey is smarter.

  14. First: Just because a team has to rebuild doesn't mean they are guaranteed a championship. Are you going to tell me that Kelly didn't play on championship caliber teams? He isn't counting any rings. Nobody is suggesting we lose every game. Try using your brain before you start talking, I promise you will sound smarter.


    Second: When you point out your sarcasm, it defeats the point of using it in the first place. Just sayin. :oops:


    Seriously now, come on. You don't think this was done on purpose? Because if you don't, then the alternative is worse:


    1. Either what we are looking at this year is an intentional attempt to lose as many games as possible to garner a high pick




    2. A completely inept coaching staff that took a defense that was competitive and is continually coaching them into the wrong position not because they are intentionally losing but because they are just actually that incompetent.


    So, are you saying it's #2?

  15. Um no 7-9 doesn't win you anything so 7-9 never "looks good." the point is to win a title and 7-9 doesn't even get you into the playoffs for a chance to win one.


    Try again


    No, you're right! Let's go 0-16 or 1-15 so our franchise lives in infamy and is roundly ridiculed around the league and the country.


    That's the sure path to a championship! It only takes three years after we lose every game. Then we get the top pick and it's easy street from there! I mean, it worked for the Dolphins (1-15), and the Raiders (2-14), and the Lions (0-16), right? These teams are just counting the rings on their fingers.


    No, wait...


    You people who think losing all of our games so we can get saddled with overpaying some 21 year old kid from a spread offense might deserve ten more years of misery.

  16. So, he'll basically have the same game he's had every week?


    Considering most of the "fitz is only a backup" crowd says he will be completely shut down or knocked out of the game, yes I am suggesting that a 20+ point performance with 2+ TDs is proof against their claims


    Clear now?

  17. Bills make a game of it, and as usual, find a way to lose in the 2nd half. Much closer than everyone expects


    Wouldn't it be nice to see some halftime adjustments for a change?


    31-28 Baltimore




    36 - 24 Baltimore. More similar to the Jax game than the GB / Jets games.


    Fitz will throw at least 2 TDs and quiet some of the naysayers around here.

  18. Thanks everyone for the universal response. :rolleyes:


    The only thing I will say in my defense is that I am entitled to my opinion. And what I see is a player who has been one of my favorite Bills checking out when the chips are down and I am disappointed.


    As a fan of this team for over 30 years I think I am as entitled to a little disappointment as anyone else.


    I have the same view of McGee's job (football player) as I do of my own job. In my case, I have a job that is intense for certain months of the year and rather easy the other months. During the intense times, I have to step it up and be there. I have to work when I'm sick. 20 hours a day and so on. Then I get my summers to relax. Much like a football player has the offseason to relax, get his surgeries scheduled, etc.


    I am always disappointed when I see players suddenly need surgery during camp or near the beginning of the season like this.


    I can only hope you guys are right and McGee will return to the team soon and play with some fire in his gut. I obviously have more doubts about this than the rest of you.


    are you serious? That's your rebuttal? oh my... :w00t:


    Well, it was a stupid point back, so I gave a stupid response.


    Really, this is a fan message board, not the New York Times. If I want to post something to say I am disappointed in one of the players of the team I root for - not getting on the field when the team needs him when you are paid all of that money for 16 Sundays and your can't make it to several - why would that elicit a response about "facts". Did he expect that I first called the team and McGee for interviews so I could be sure I had my "facts" straight before posting that I am disappointed McGee is hurt. Should I have added that they were contacted for comment but declined?


    Really, ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer... :huh:


    The "fact" is I don't see McGee out there on Sundays, do you?

  19. Things aren't going well, so McGee conveniently turns up injured. At least with Green we know mgmt told him to act injured (and none of us want him on the field anyway). But with McGee can't help but feel he's doing it all on his own.


    If he doesn't want to be here, tired of the losing, fine. Why not get a pick or two for him and let him move on?

  20. Sounds like a perfectly adequate "answer" for a couple rebuilding years. I had to blink a couple times to make sure I read "7 TDs to 2 INTs" right in the linked stat list. Fitz is a couple percentage points (from those occasional really badly thrown balls) away from actually being accepted as a GOOD quarterback. I know they say you can't teach accuracy, but I don't necessarily think those occasional flub passes qualify as accuracy issues. He's not just missing, it might be something that can be cured with more regular playing time.


    It's going to take a next couple of weeks to shut these naysayers up. We won't win the Baltimore game, but once again it won't be the offense that is the problem. I expect 20+ points again, and at least a TD (possibly one more in garbage time) from Fitz. Then the following week I expect the Bills to beat the Chiefs and Fitz will have another three TD game.


    I'll come back and admit I'm wrong if I am, but I'm not going to be. Fitz is a good QB.

  21. Does any other team's board spend so much time talking about the members of the board in proportion to the actual subject of the board (i.e. the team)?


    Does it matter if the person you're conversing with is a sports reporter, computer programmer or accountant?


    Why are there so many threads about who is here and who is not?


    This is my first comment in one of these, but after seeing so many in the past few months, I'm just curious. Seems awful strange. I never really asked any questions of these people who are "gone" because personally it doesn't matter to me if you report on sports or you are an accountant, to me your opinion is still valid.

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