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Posts posted by FightClub

  1. Don't be surprised if this happens. If Green is #1 on Nix's board, as he is on many boards, I think he will ignore need in the first round and pick the top player on his board, like he did last year with Spiller.


    My guess is that he has enough confidence in his own ability to fill need through the following 6 rounds to do this. Something like:


    1. AJ Green, WR, Georgia

    2. Quan Sturdivant, ILB, North Carolina

    3. Greg Romeus, DE, Pittsburgh

    4a. Jeron Johnson, SS, Boise State

    4b. Mark Herzlich, OLB, Boston College

    5. Jason Pinkston, OT Pittsburgh

    6. Tyrod Taylor, QB Virginia Tech

    7. Jason Teague, CB/FS, TCU


    ...and sign Paul Soliai, DT from the Dolphins!!

  2. I think the Jets will beat the Steelers because...

    they're better than the Steelers.

    they're on a serious roll.

    their team looks to have much more emotion in these games, the Steelers's coach seems much more emotional than the actual players.

    they beat Peyton, beat Brady and they're still are getting disrespected with being 4 pt underdogs...can you say motivation?

    after Rex's bold "soon to be champs" prediction, hard knocks, all of the drama during the season...it's starting to have that destiny feel to it.


    I think they'll beat the Packers (who'll beat the Bears) in the Superbowl because...

    they're better that the Packers.

    after beating the Colts Pats and Steelers on the road, they'll still not be getting respect.

    they'll again be underdogs providing 2 full weeks of huge motivation for an emotional team in the biggest game ever.


    I'm just trying to prepare y'all.


    You are dreaming. Monday will be a great day. Two things I am looking forward to. Mike Greenberg's pouty look on ESPN doing his radio show after his team got spanked, and the conspicuous absence on this board of Jimmy Spags, who should come here and take his licks if he wants to come and dish them out. But he won't, because behind the fake avatar he's as much of a NYC pretty boy wimp as Greenberg.

  3. Turning around a 7-9 team in one year can be done. Expecting Dick Jauron to captain that ship is ridiculous. He earned his pink slip.


    Let me state first I am not a Jauron defender. Was hoping for him to get canned as much as the next guy.


    BUT...the problem there was the same as the problem we have now. We hire a head coach that is strong on one side of the ball or the other. Fine. Most teams do. In the case of Jauron, it was defense. In the case of Gailey, offense. Then, what *MOST* teams do is to allow that coach to hire a near-peer to captain the other side of the ball. The Bears fortunes turned this year when Lovie was allowed to hire Martz to handle the offense.


    Ralph, for apparent cost reasons, does not allow this. He expects the head guy to know both sides of the ball. In most companies, that's reasonable. You expect your leadership to be able to do the WHOLE job. But, it just is not how the NFL works.


    I don't think Gailey has such a big ego that it was his idea not to hire a Wannstedt-level guy to be DC. It's Ralph. He won't pay the second salary. Yes, this year Gailey is probably sensitive to George Edwards plight, and won't get rid of him now, but my point is that he never should have been DC to begin with. We all know that. If Gailey was hired as the offensive coach, then he should have (or been allowed to) hire a veteran defensive guru to run the defense. Things would have been better last year...things would be looking better this year. Some examples:


    Green Bay: HC Mike McCarthy (offensive) - veteran Dom Capers runs the D

    New Orleans: HC Sean Payton (offensive) - veteran Gregg Williams runs the D

    Chicago: HC Lovie Smith (defensive) - veteran Mike Martz runs the O

    Dallas: Decides to hire an offensive coach (Garret) and the first thing they do is go out and hire an experienced DC in Rob Ryan

    and on, and on...


    The Bills should have hired a "legitimate" Offensive Coordinator when Jauron was HC and should be hiring a "legitimate" (experienced, done it before with success at the NFL level) Defensive Coordinator now that Gailey is here to fix the offense.

  4. Yep, put me on record as not wanting this guy (even before I saw the video).


    With Merriman signed and Moats / Coleman showing a lot of promise, OLB is not my biggest concern, though obviously any pick along the front 7 would help.


    But we can't spend the #3 pick on that position, IMO. Has to be DE, DT, or BPA like Peterson / Green. I still like Dareus, although I was shocked to see the Sporting News guys don't have him going until the 2nd round in their mock draft. I actually have Dareus rated higher than Fairley, simply based on his consistency and doing the same thing for longer for a similar big time defense. It appears he is for certain going to be available to us at #3.

  5. Show me you can win a big game, come from behind, throw accurately, evade a strong rush, make a good martini, have dogs and small children like you, look good in a bikini.....


    Alright - I already think CN would make our team better in alot of ways - one thing I think he would bring is a sense of youthful excitement and charisma - because - our Bills are one damn boring team. Let's face it - Fitz has a great beard and everything - but he definately has "old dude" written all over him. Do people remember Leonard Smith running out of the tunnel to "Leonards Lair" - man we could use a dose of that


    The Bills could use something that points our team to a new direction - attract actual good free agents...


    Look forward to seeing tonites game - I think CN ends up in the top 5 in the draft.


    How I long for the days when I could call a 27 year old guy an "old dude".

  6. If the Bills deal Evans this year, I agree with other posters that Philly is an unlikely destination due to the quality of their young WRs. Also, I doubt we'd be trying to get a QB back.


    I had a similar thought this weekend but it was a few hours earlier, watching the Chiefs play. Besides Bowe, their WRs are abysmal. They have absolutely no one to take pressure from Bowe and draw coverage. Also, they have lots of good, young defensive pieces.


    I'd much prefer to trade Evans to the Chiefs for a LB or a DL. Obviously we're not getting Hali or Johnson, but maybe a Demorrio Willaims? Anyway, not sure specifically who but the other potential plus is Gailey was there recently and may know which piece from the defense would fit the Bills.

  7. then why did they smell in a terrible division they played 4 playoff teams one of them 7-9 seattle


    I would have loved to have him in Miami. A good archenemy to renew the rivalry with the fish. Hate the guy.


    Oh, well. Guess I'll just have to settle for Ryan and Belicheck on that score.

  8. Anyone who has access to the internet could do Todd McShay's job.


    Bills have the worst run defense in the league, no long term solution at QB and a subpar Offensive line, and they take a CB? They have (I believe) Youboty, Corner, McGee and McKelvin all under contract for next year. They might need a safety, though I imagine they'll re-sign George Wilson. Seriously. Shut up Todd.


    I don't think this will happen either, but do note that Peterson is projected as a safety in the NFL.

  9. I would not be in favor of this at all. Fox is the only coach that can make Dick Jauron look like a genius (and he did last year, only coach I saw DJ just flat out out-coach in a game). His decision making is just awful. Maybe he knows schemes, but I'd be terrified of those in game decisions.


    No thanks. As much as I would like to see George Edwards be shown the door...given the choice, I'd take keeping him over bringing in John Fox.

  10. Thanks. All good points. I have no problem with Troupe and Carrington (not a hater on them or anything).


    But if you look at the top of the draft where we will be, it seems our choices are to draft QB, DL or CB based on Best Player Available (at this time anyway).


    I am a huge Fitz supporter and so I don't want to draft QB and I doubt they will draft CB. So even though we already picked those two players and even though I agree they have potential, if we are going to draft DL then I favor Dareus and, based on that, put forward the above plan.


    I suppose if Nix prefers Fairley then we wouldn't sign Soliai given that we'd have Fairley and Troupe but honestly I'd rather have Soliai and Troupe with Williams and Dareus on either side. Of course signing Soliai might be a total dream but it helps when your head coach is a huge fan of a player AND he fills an obvious need. We need to shore up this run defense or we're not going anywhere.


    As to the other point, yes, maybe D. Edwards starts over Dareus at the beginning of the season but I don't imagine that lasts too long.

  11. That 'news ' is about 5 days old - June Jones has since stated he's "not interested" and Malzahn has a national championship game to focus on...


    Gus Malzahn said Friday that his attention is focused on points west and not on the vacant job at Maryland...ESPN.com reported earlier this wee. that Auburn's offensive coordinator interviewed for the Terrapins' top job. Malzahn, during an impromptu meeting with reporters Friday, declined to affirm or deny his interest in Maryland and said he's concentrating on beating Oregon late this month.


    "My only focus is helping us win a national championship," Malzahn said. "I'm not going to let anything distract me or get in my way. Like I've said all along regarding a head coaching job, it has to be the right time; the right situation."


    Link - Malzahn thinking Ducks, not Terps


    Leach is the only candidate to nhave met extensively with the AD, university president, and entire search committee on his recent 2-day campus visit - given Maryland's stated intention to announce their new head coach no later than Jan. 4, look for Leach to be named HC no later than Monday, and for The Senator to purchase his Terps season tickets no later than Tuesday B-)



    (Washington Post - Leach meeting goes well)


    Sorry Senator, sounds like someone's getting a little nervous his man doesn't have the job after all. <_<

  12. I considered adding this to the Dareus thread but decided I wanted it to have its own. Here are my thoughts to how we could really transform the 3-4 DL in a few short steps.


    1. Sign Paul Soliai - Gailey was really effusive in his praise of this guy after the last Dolphins game a few weeks ago. This would be our one and only big free agent signing of the off season, making it not so unrealistic


    2. Draft Marcellus Daruus in Round 1 - I saw him play today and am convinced he is the guy for us, even over Fairley or Bowers


    3. Extend Merriman (already done)


    4. With Soliai in the fold, move K. Wiliams over to DE in the 3-4


    5. Continue to develop Moats and Antonio Coleman for the other OLB spot


    These steps would make the "DL" (lineman and OLB):


    Merrimam - K. Williams - Soliai - Dareus - Moats / Coleman


    Quite a transformation at almost every position from what we have put on the field this year.


    Players like Troup, Carrington, D. Edwards, S. Johnson and (I guess) Kelsay become decent depth rather than questionable starters. Players like Stroud and McCargo who have been questionable or are aging can be let go.


    I would then use the 4 draft picks the Bills have in rounds 2 - 4 on two ILBs, a RT and a SS. Partly because I assume Poz and Whitner are gone. We need better ILB play - youth and speed. I don't have the names but perhaps Bruce Carter or Quan Sturdivant, both from UNC, would work in round 2, with a RT in round 3 and so on. Rounds 5 - 7 can be used for TE, backup QB, and whatever. I know folks want a TE but I have a feeling they'd like to develop Scott Chandler into a good running down TE and then I don't think Gailey wants to use a TE on passing downs (3rd and long), preferring the 4 and 5 WR sets.



  13. I have to say, this has really been pissing me off over the last few weeks listening to "Greeny" on Mike and Mike talk about this. The very suggestion he makes that the rules should be changed in season speaks to the type of culture we have now-a-days, where people think they can change pre-existing rules to be whatever they want when they don't like what happens when the rules they previously agreed to are applied.


    You simply cannot do that. The rule at the beginning of the season was the Division winner gets in and has home field advantage over the wild card. NOT..."well, unless we don't like the situation. Then we change it to suit our preferred system." No. No. NO. You CANNOT change a rule now just because it looks like a bad team is going to get in. TOO. BAD.


    Now, if the NFL wants to look at the rule IN THE OFFSEASON when everyone is 0-0 and propose a change, that is fine. Personally, I think the current rules are just fine, but a change while everyone is on a level playing field is okay if people vote for it. But if I hear Mike Greenberg say one more time "I wouldn't allow a team with a losing record in" I am going to crack (maybe I have already).


    I have no rooting interest in anyone in the NFC West, but it is not fair to those teams to even discuss the possibility of changing the rule now and not letting them into the playoffs.



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