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Posts posted by CJPearl2

  1. I'd rather that a top player maker at #11 (WR, CB, S) than a need. Because none of these DEs get me excited. They all seems like tweeners that will take way too long to developer, if at all, in the pros.


    If Crabtree or Maclin make it to #11 take him. Or take Jenkins to play at S.


    The one need position I would take, however, is OT Smith if he falls. I think he will be the true OT stud out of this draft.


    Does Ayers, Maybin, Orakpo (has Texas bust written all over him), or Everett do anything for anyone? Or are we high on them because we need a DE and people say these guys are the best?

  2. I think that debate falls more to one side or the other depending on the team and franchise.


    The Patriots are in a position to choose the best player available, let him sit and groom behind people, and eventually have a future star. The Bills, however, are in no position to do so. Because we aren't as good, and don't have the amount of talent as the winners do, we need to draft BPA at positions of need. We can't afford to draft a RB with our 1st rounder this year.


    With coaches having the 3 year contract and then out if they aren't in the playoffs (besides Jauron) I don't believe a lot of teams have the luxury of just drafting the highest rated player on their board no matter the position. If you are a longer tenured coach with a team and franchise, you have that luxury. Most do not.


    I think this is a very good point.

  3. I know this is an age-old debate around here, but what should the Bills do when the #11 pick comes up (assuming no trades)?


    Do the Bills take the top player left on their board OR do they take the top need player (assuming the 2 players are different)?


    For example, let's say Maybin or Okapo are available at 11, but the Bills' top ranked player is still available. Who should they pick? And does it depend on the position? If the Bills have Malcolm Jenkins as their 4th or 5th ranked player, overall, and he is available at #11, do they take him? Or do they take a so-called "need" player (DE, OLB, OT)?




    I have always been with the opinion of don't reach to fill a position your fans or the media thinks you may need. Take the best player on your board. A good example of this is drafting Trent Edwards in the 3rd.

  4. Excellent response :wallbash: The thing is that we didn't even spend a pick on the guy and got a 1st, 4th, and conditional in return. Him gone is better than him here being a distraction in the locker room and a disruption to the team's chemistry whenever he decided to finally show up, then give up on average more sacks than any other starting LT per game .



    I think the distraction issue and him not wanting to be here is something a lot of commentators (here and nationally) are missing.

  5. People, this trade was out of necessity. We couldn't afford to pay Peters $12 mil/year, unless you want the team to play in LA. We have to model the franchise after the As or the Twins, we can't be the Yankees. This is a dollars/cents issue.


    Therefore, we should be happy we got what we got for Peters. Plus, Peters with a new fat contract may not be what he was in '06. Although maybe he great, nobody knows.


    But we came out of it with a couple more draft picks this year and cap room. So maybe we extend Jackson, pick up a verteran backup OLB, and draft a couple first round studs.

  6. I'm not sure if he's a joke or not. I saw his reply to the president's speech and couldn't stop laughing for hours. I guess he actually IS the governor of Louisiana, though.


    I did too. I kept picturing Kenneth from 30 Rock (and the similar character that guy played in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall)

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