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John in VA Beach

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Posts posted by John in VA Beach

  1. Woohoo!! Cheerleaders don't usually attend road games. Apparently these two followed the team to Tampa and then got drunk at a bar and had sex in bathroom stall prior to getting arrested. They upset other drunks waiting to use the bathroom, so the cops got called in. Apparently the others didn't want to play :ph34r: The team bailed them out...



  2. Welp Vick looked absolutely pathetic. Against a real defense Marcus Vick = RJ. So yeah we'll probably draft him...


    In all seriousness there is no way you can draft Leinert or Vick (mainly because MV is ALL hype)



    My guess is that that was probably the first time you saw vick all year. I've seen every game and the guy is incredibly accurate (over 68%). Last night was the first time I ever saw him off on his game, and granted he sucked last night, but he is not all hype.


    The question is, does he choke in big games? It looked to me like the whole Hokie squad at all fazes of the game got beat last night, running, passing, line play special teams and defense, so you can only fault vick to his share of the blame.


    If he was available, I'd love to see him in a Bills uni, but it won't happen he's a top five pick when he goes pro.

  3. Im not putting up 0-8, 1-7, 7-1 and 8-0 for realistic purposes....


    I voted for 4-4.....I bet the Bills win that Atlanta game with Kelly in the lineup.....and wouldnt this board be whistling a different tune about this team if they were 4-4?



    Atlanta is a better team, I don't know why people on this board always dis them. Even if the Bills were 4-4 with the stretch run coming up, your still looking at a 500 finish imo. For me, average is not acceptable for this team anymore.


    For your question, I think the bills at best would br 4-4. Atlanta outplayed them at home and NO had that huge lift from playing a "home" game.

  4. Bills 3-4                      Pats 3-3


    patriots      A.....L            bills  H  .........W                   

    chiefs          H.....W            colts H..........L

    chargers      A.....L            fins  A...........W


    panthers      H......W            saints H.........W

    dolphins      A.......L            chiefs  A........L

    pats            H ......W            jets  H..........W

    broncos        H.......w              bills  A.........L

    bengals        A.......L            bucs    H........W

    jets              A........W              jets    A .......L

      8-8                                  fins    H................W



    gotta wins this week folks




    You are spending an awful lot of time and energy to tell the folks o the board the bills are average instead of bad?? 500 is nothing to be proud of imo.

  5. Whats completely insane and/or embarrasing about the stat is that usually teams with 300+ yard days are trying to come from behind. The loosing team turns to the passing game to catch up.


    The Bills have had the opportunity to play from behind often over the last few years and still can't even get the gimme yards during the prevent/garbage time. :)

  6. the thing to remember is that anything can happen. the bills could return the opening kick for a touchdown. brady could get knocked out with a concussion. the pats could fumble three times. the weather could be horrible, destroying each team's passing game.  weird upsets happen all the time in the nfl.



    Bruschi could play qb for the pats and as long as they give it to Dillon 20 times they will win. ;)

  7. I agree this game is huge. Another conference win would be great for tie breakers and put the bills in the exact opposite spot from last season. I wouldn't have said it in the offseason, but 9-7 might make the playoffs.


    Vey tough win though. The raiders are desperate and at home. My experience is that the desperate team usually wins unless the opposition is clearly better. We'll find out sunday how far this team has come.

  8. Mine is the fact that we haven't knocked out a single QB yet. I had the over/under for opposing QB's carried off the field at 4. It might have dropped to 3.5 had we known we'd be without Takeo, but either way we're still behind the pace. Time to break out the stretchers boys!


    Considering if you touch a QB in the wrong place it draws a flag, I'd take the under. :rolleyes:

  9. I'm going to say right now, that I don't think this game is a blow out. Once the Bills caught their stride last year the only teams that beat them were aggressive good defensive teams. Unless Bruschi comes back in mid season form, the pats d is on the decline. That Denver game was the type of game where the pats would have won the last few years. The come back that fell short reminded me of other great dynasty champs like the Steelers in their 7-9 year.... You see the glimpses of greatness, but the ability to get over the top isn't there anymore.


    I said in another thread, the bills can come out and get a huge monkey off their backs and deal the pats a big time blow. The next game for the pats is against the colts. If they fall to the bills the wheels might come off.


    I know we play the pats in their house on primetime and I know the history, but they are weaker and Bledsoe is gone. I don't expect Holcomb to choke or feel the pressure bledsoe did to beat the pats. So please don't right off this team yet.

  10. That, and the fact that he was on a local radio program as opposed to to his network gig.  I have no problem with former athletes being homers.



    Thats true. If Tasker picks honestly, or calls a game unbiased (or a little too unbiased) we give him hell, so in a way maybe we should applaud Boomer being a homer. Of course there is a possibilty that he really believes that the jets should dominate.

  11. Per an interview he did on wfan in nyc this morning. While I could easily see the Bills losing to them I can just as easily see a win. I just don't get how Boomer thinks the Jets are that much better than our team, to me this is a toss up game.




    Without ripping you like most everyone else....


    I agree that the game could go either way. At this point in the season, if I was not a fan, I'd never pick the Bills. Honestly, the Bills are not very good. They just beat a dolphins team that did their best to choke away the game and still almost managed to loose...not the sign of a good team. Heres to hope.

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