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John in VA Beach

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Posts posted by John in VA Beach

  1. I really thought that starting Holcomb the final two games was TD and MM plan/last hope. If Holcomb won both games they would have had the opportunity to make JP out to be the scapegoat for the crappy year. That loss probably saves us tortured bills fans from a year of watching holcomb be average at best and puts some of the blame right where it belongs, the organization and staff.

  2. The Eagles and the NFL blew everything out of proportion. 19 teammates. The media and the Eagles made it sound like it was TO vs the Eagles. The guy got a bad rap. Please will someone answer this??

    How much of a difference is there from Chad Johnson and Terrell Owens. Both speak their mind. Johnson talks smack everyweek all week long. If TO says something it has to be bad!!! I'll go on record right now and say wherever TO lands next year watch out!!!!!! While we with an anemic offense for yet another year, and a playoff caliber defense.


    So at 19 supporters, less than half the team, it implies he split the team up and was a divider rather than a unifiying force. Johnson and TO can play, but they are both trash in my book. Having said that, if TO came to Buffalo (very doubtful), I hope he is a success and will wish him the best.

  3. I don't think the play was a set up for something else.  I think they hoped that the Phins would stack the box against the play not expecting Roscoe to actually throw the ball.  I'm sure MM line of thought was that If the WR can break the tackle of the CB it results in a TD.



    I think you are entirely correct. The Bills had blockers in position, but a phin made a good play and shut it down. Still, this team has a way of botching gadget plays and not knowing when is a good time to spring them.

  4. Given the way MM is coaching I somehow wonder if he will ever be in the position to run up the score against anybody.  Some of us are the ones with our feet on someone's throat...and some of us are the one's whose throat are under somebody's foot.  we pretty much know the kind that MM is.



    How quickly we forget last season.... <_<

  5. Those earlier teams had an excuse: They were completely devoid of talent. This team has no excuse, which makes it one of the all-time biggest disappointments.


    My anger over the loss is tempered by the fact that this team has been such a

    disapointment all year. So, initial disapointment aside, its not that high on the list.


    I have disasgree about your assesment of our talent too.We have some vets, but since coming to Buffalo they have been average at best. Also, our skill positions are young.

  6. I agree. My original post was misleading. I didn't mean to put all of the blame on JP (some people took it that way). He played good. The offensive line gave him hardly any time (except on the roll outs, he had a ton of time, wish we'd do more of that) and Willis McGahee couldn't do anything today (once again, offensive line). I guess my expectations were a bit high for him to finish off that game.


    Don't take it too bad. I told everyone here that jp did a good job against KC, but there would still be some rough days ahead. To me, he's young, but showing impovement and potential. Personally, I thought yesterday was his best game as a pro. He threw some darts.


    As most agree our lines are awful. When was the last time you saw a bills play, nevermind a full game, when you said man our QB has all day to thow that ball. JP should get one or two plays a game where the protection is outstanding and he gets time to wait for coverage to break down. It never happens. Even late in games when d's slow down and tire, they can get in jps face with a four man front.

  7. Based on national tv coverage its got to be the packers right?


    I'd say its







    To me the giants are a young team that gets in the playoffs and looses early. I'm not saying they are a bad team, I just think most teams go through that year when they figure out the hard way how intense they need to be in the post season.


    I also think its a complete crap shoot for who is going to win in the post season, any of them can be had.

  8. Wow. I keep coming back to this quote. Between MM actions on benching Adams and Williams it seems that he doesn't tolerate passive play, but this quote is unbelievable and stands on its own. There is no good spin on this whatsoever. Its MM job to motivate. Considering the guy won't tell us if a player has a sprained pinky, I can't believe he'd admit to players taking games/plays off and there is nothing he can do about it? What he can do about it is do his job, motivate players and remove those that are beyond motivation. Really sad. :)

  9. Cheers to Moorman.


    During the game Randy Cross made some asinine comment that Moorman's poor punting was going to get the Bills killed on the return game. He completely missed the point that Moorman was probably kicking the ball low and long on purpose to keep it from getting caught in the wind and that the coverage even on the low punts was outstanding.

  10. Actually, I'm pretty sure he's our running back of the present. 


    I hope he stays healthy/productive and we extend him at a fair price.  Is there really more to talk about than "I wonder is Rosenhaus will push him into being an idiot?"


    Yes, he still has room or improvement, but he's doing great.


    Right o. I'd hate to see our record with no Willis. He's our man of the present and one of the strengths of the team. This team shouldn't be playing for the future, if they get it together they can win the division.


    On the subject of of a fair price andRosenhaus, he needs to make a public deal to restore his legitamacy and save face a bit in the eyes of his clients. Right now he's seen as a dirtbag who might have ruined TOs career. I'm not saying I agree with that as TOP did a stellar job of screwing himself. However, this might be a good time to try and extend Willis. DR can't really afford a big mess. If the Bills had any money left after the Mcgee extension, maybe they should approach DR regarding Willis?

  11. Of all the ridiculous criticisms to lay, taking away two excellent scoring plays when that is why they play the game, that is what every coach will tell you ("we made plays" or "we didn't make plays"), what every top analyst or guru of the game has been saying on a weekly basis for 50 years ("the games are decided by 2-3 plays, whoever makes the plays wins the game") is simply incredible.


    Thanks for explaining to me what offensive gurus think, and your lesson in basic math.


    My point was that I want JP in there (like most others), but we should be patient because there will be good weeks when those plays are there and made, but there will be those when they will not. Thats the nature of a young QB. With experience and good development, I'd expect/hope we'll see a lot more of what we glimpsed yesterday.

  12. JP is 2-3 with the majority of snaps this season. Holcomb is 2-2. Give me the guy with the more upside (JP) any day. He needs to get on the field and learn to play in the league.


    To play devils advocate though, JP was two passes away from getting shut out yesterday, so the immediate future isn't all roses. I just think the guy needs to play, and the suckiness of the division overal means he will get some meaningful action proably up to the end of the season.

  13. I hated the call last year against Pittsburgh when it didn't work too.

    Regardless it was a bad call, but Holcomb didn't sell the sneak at all. Bledsoe would act like he was moving toward the line of scrimage get everyone to commit and then toss the ball out. Holcomb just kind of hugged the ball and then threw it out. No one was fooled. However, the ball was happy that it got a hug.

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