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Posts posted by mikecole1

  1. You must have been reading a different message board Mr. 23 posts......  ain't no masses here that wanted Mularkey.





    You're wrong. There were no objections to hiring Mularkey whatsoever on here. I don't remember anyone calling for Tom Coughlin or anyone else on these boards two years ago. All I know is Coughlin didn't even get an interview. People were just happy to have an offensive coordinator here.

  2. First off, I think its unfortunate that MM didnt have one last shot to prove his worth in Buffalo, But he made the right decison, everything had failure written all over it.


    So now that it will be official at 11 am tommorrow lets see how true the organization is to winning. Bring in Mike Sherman. HE knows what it means to play for devoted fans, cold weather and to fit the team for a Farve like QB in JP I believe SHerman is the BEST OPTION to our success. In not saying this year will bring playoffs but he will bring us to the road that gets us their the quickest.


    Either way we will find out how cheap or how dedicated Wilson is to winning.


    I dont want martz or some nobody anymore I want proven background with good credentials and Mike SHerman brings all of it to the table.


    One final though too, WIth SHerman I believe he can entice good freaa agents in the  free agency market.



    I like Martz, but I'll take anyone with experience at this point. He fits Marv's "character" criteria. Pecking order I like Martz Sherman then Haslett a very distant third. I agree with you on the hiring a nobody comment.

  3. Dig a little deeper and maybe you'll even discover he was the GM too.  B-)




    So we'll hire Dick Jauron instead. That's who's being mentioned. Or Ron Rivera another unproven. Meanwhile Martz has interviewed with the Saints. They'll make it to the playoffs next year or the year after and we'll be spinning our wheels a couple more years. Mark my words. I was begging on here for Tom Coughlin two years ago and the masses wanted MM.

  4. Not sure to what extent these things carry over, but do you have any idea how bad the Rams were on the road? Did you enjoy losing on the road all the time this year? That's a hump a team has to get over if it's going to work toward a Super Bowl. If you can't win on the road, you may as well have a crappy OL to go with it.


    Does it carry over? Who knows. But every time they would show him on the sidelines during a game, he had the look of a man who just found out his 50-year-old wife, who he hasn't had sex with since before the draft, is pregnant with twins. He looks perpetually stunned by whatever is happening in front of him.


    If this new staff hires Martz, they will severely be testing a lot of people's fandom. Including mine. They may as well hire Rich Kotite. I'm sure HE'S available...



    How anyone can look at what Rich Kotite has done and what Martz has done and make a comparison is assinine. Are you kidding me? Hey the guy's got a super bowl ring, which to me in 25 years as a Bills fan that means something. My point is we hired GW becaise he had the neatest color coated folders. I'll take someone with a good track record. It's amazing how people are nit picking Martz for not running Marshall Faulk a few more times in that super bowl.


    You're telling me Haslett is that much better than Mike Martz as a head coaching choice. I am not buying that.

  5. I heard most of it.  It sounded like he was kind of sticking up for MM and was sorry to see him go.  He mentioned how the fans in Buffalo are tough to please.  I think he might have been responding there to the theory that MM is leaving cause of family issues.  (I just turned it on as TS answered that question)  Also sounded like he'd look carefully at who they hire to see how serious the Bills really are and what direction they are going in.


    He definelty didn't sound too happy that MM was leaving.




    I heard it and didn't see it that way at all...I saw him as being diplomatic....he stammered when asked for his assessment of Mularkey as a head coach.

  6. So, you would never have hired Bill Cowher or Andy Reid either?





    I wouldn't take a chance on someone untested or unproven. This team doesn't need that. You're rolling the dice too much. Can't afford to lose again. Can you? My point is this team needs a veteran coach. I'm surprised so many people on here hate Martz - you may not like his playcalling all the time but he can't be worse than the other MM, and you certainly can't argue with the record. Who cares if he has a fricken ego: so did Jimmy Johnson and Parcells. I'm tired of this milktoast sh--.

  7. So Martz had a health problem this year that he got past. He wants to return. He got sabotaged by his front office if you dig deep at all. Super Bowl ring as an OC and an NFC championship. Playoffs every year until this year when he left with a winning record before they went south.


    Ask Kurt Warner what he thinks about Martz as a coach. Who do you want to bring in. Another rookie? We've had that.

  8. Hire Mike Martz and pay him the goddamn money he asks for. He's the best guy out on the market if you consider NFL record and experience. Check his resume. However he fares he's not going to be a deer in headlights. I'm sick of this franchise taking chances with untested and unproven dopes. Even if they prove to be good coaches the Bills end up paying for their learning curve. Why does this franchise always bottom feed? Half the time we won't even bring the best three or four candidates in for an interview (Martz and pick whoever you like). I was clamoring on here two years ago to bring in Tom Coughlin for at least an interview - you can't argue with his record since then either. It's an absolute goddamn joke.

  9. I hope so too, but think about it this way:


    mularkey is on a short leash, with a new set of coordinators who don't suck...  No more TD, for all we know, could have hamstrung MM's coaching...  Marv as a "consultant" and oh by the way, an available hall of fame head coach if MM puts roscoe in at QB again...  And ralph with the whip ready.


    If, and this is a huge if, mularkey shows that he can be a real head coach, i won't hold this past season against him...  sorta like ruff and regier back when the rigas thing was going down.  However, i also will NOT give him an inch next year.



    And force him to promote Wyche to OC (and call all the plays), and hire Ted Cottrell as DC, but give MM a take it or leave it proposition. This guy hasn't demonstrated to me he deserves anything more.

  10. I think coming out of that meeting with word that TD and MM were both out would revitalize a lot of us. Would have at least sent the message that they were not trying to do things on the cheap anymore by simply extending MM's tenure. I think doing things on the cheap continues to doom this franchise (see Polian versus Lipman/Littman whatever the hell is name was).

  11. McKinnie hasn't exactly excelled, and there was no right answer with Johnson and FLutie- neither was a long term solution. Trading for Bledsoe was a mistake



    True, neither was a long term solution but Flutie was the short term answer IMO and I think he could have salvaged a few more wins from that 3-13 debacle in 2001. Don't know how many but the little guy did light a fire under the Chargers that season if my memory serves me right. Point is TD was operating uphill from there. I definitely think history shows RJ was clearly the wrong choice, albeit some 20-20 hindsight. Sorry definitely did not to reopen that pandora's box of an argument but I think it would have bought TD some additional time.

  12. I know he has to go, but I was really hopeful he would succeed in Buffalo. Seemed like a classy individual. Damn good marketer but I guess he proved to be a pretty lousy talent evaluator. Not to come off as a flake but RJ over Flutie was his first stupid mistake; Lardass Williams over McKinnie was the next, and misfiring on two head coaches was his third - those three decisions I believe doomed him. GW will be a good HC but TD needed to bring in at least one guy with experience. I guess he was afraid of someone really strongwilled. Any thoughts as we close this chapter? (I'm a newbie poster transplanted in the Carolinas so go easy on me) B-)

  13. Ive never been a head coach in football before, let alone pro football. To me, imho, Wade was not a good gameday coach. Made bad decesions during the game and horrible at clock management(see the Titans playoff loss). That said, I have all the respect for him as a DC. It's not like thats a bad thing. I dont consider him a failure if he isnt a good head coach. It just means that he is not cut out for that position. Like all  of us arent cut out for alot of jobs. He is a good man. Just not at the head coach position. I wish he was back here as DC cause our D needs him.



    Sports Illustrated had a good article about Bud Carson and his passing which I think is applicable to Wade. Carson said he was a bad HC cause he was a great teacher and not necessarily a great communicator which you have to be as a HC. Wade probably fits that mold to some extent. That being said, Wade could flat out coach at the HC level better than TD's first two selections though I think GW will succeed at his next stint.


    I never thought in 2005 I'd be yearning for the good ol' Wade Phillips days.


  14. The Bills invested a lot in JP, too much to justify him sitting on the bench when he could be on the field. I’m not saying JP is going to be great, he may stink. He may be terrible. But he may be the next Jim Kelly. The point is, how are we going to know unless he plays? And since this team isn’t a contender, what are they really risking by turning the team over to a first year starter?


    I guess what worries me about this line of thought is that we've said this about Todd Collins and Rob Johnson already, both touted as "maybe" the next Jim Kelly and look where it's gotten us. There's your summary of the state of the post-Super Bowl Bills the past decade. The "We got to find out about this guy" is getting to be a tired refrain is all I'm saying. Not to come off as a flake but we squandered at least three years on RJ.

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