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Posts posted by mikecole1

  1. Apologies for the repeat post but I really wanted to start a debate about whether Andre deserves to go into the Hall of Fame. I watched that game on the NFL Network last night and watched the drive killing drops, and have to say I had doubts before about his Hall of Fame worthiness and that just affirmed he DOES NOT belong. Kelly, B. Smith and TT (along with Marv)? Ok. Reed goes in and in my mind you're just watering down the HOF.


    If Art Monk (much more prolific statswise and has a ring) isn't getting in the Hall how can you possibly say Andre Reed deserves in? He self destructed in those first two super bowls, the game's greatest stage, and he was borderline for the Hall otherwise. When Andre Reed was in front of the game's biggest spotlight four times he came up so small. How can you say he deserves to be in there before Art Monk? I don't see it.


    Now let's talk about his stats: The game is littered with dozens of 1,000 yard receivers out there, especially these days (Laverneus Coles, Santana Moss, take your pick). They don't deserve to be in the hall either.


    Was Andre Reed a very very good player during his day? Yes. Is he a Hall of Famer? I say no, he's not. It took Lynn Swann forever to get in. He was definitely more worthy.


    Furthermore, I looked at Reed's stats from that SBXXV year and he wasn't even a 1,000 yard receiver (look it up). I'm a Bills fan but after watching that replay televised last night - I have to say he does NOT get my benefit of the doubt if I'm a writer watching that game. Sorry, he just doesn't.

  2. Right after Al Michaels said "Reed is having a huge game already" he started dropping balls. :thumbsup:

    I turned it off at halftime.



    I made it to the Ingram third down conversion/Clifford Hicks missed tackle in the third quarter.


    Those dropped balls in all likelihood keep Reed out of the Hall of Fame. I look at that game and it seals it in my mind that he doesn't belong in.

  3. ...but what about the headset. :thumbsup:


    Who cares about the headset....GW and Meathead both wore headsets.


    Wade meanwhile guided the Bills to their last two playoff appearances. I think the record goes 10-6, 11-5 and 8-8 if I'm not mistaken (with two playoff appearances). As a Bills fan I would kill now for such a three-year stretch. I miss the good ole' days of Wade Phillips (pre Ol' Whitey).

  4. They played a lot better than Losman in their 9 starts, and didn't get benched for poor performance.


    Losman's a third year player.  I refuse to set his benchmark as the performance that would be expected of a rookie in Week 10 of an NFL season.





    Even Jimbo needed time. Anyone, remember 4-12 ('86) and ('87) 7-8? That was just less than two seasons (scabs for three games in '87) and he also had the USFL to develop prior to that. And even when he carved out a Hall of Fame career there were still moments where he buckled under pressure (i.e. the third Super Bowl).

  5. I can list about 20 QBs that are better than Drew.



    Funny I've been thinking the same thing about Warren Moon when he was playing but he ended up in the hall of fame. :blush:


    Regarding Bledsoe: Don't know if it was already mentioned here but Parcells did call Drew out for his lack of leadership in practice the other day so that doesn't sound encouraging.

  6. I can't stand Flutie. I will rejoice when I hear the words that he is retiring.

    I was never an RJ fan either. Both QBs were horrible.

    Flutie never had any magic.



    Never had any magic? I would beg for the Flutie days again. One playoff appearance plus a 10-6 season in which he SHOULD have started the playoffs. Compare that with the rest of this morbund franchise's record, save for the Jim Kelly/Marv years. Fergie's record compared to Flutie's short time here pales.


    What a short memory. Flake or no flake you can not dispute the record. I was in Charlotte for a game where he and EM absolutely torched the Panthers.


    No matter what you think, Gomer and then Ol' Whitey's decision to start Rob Johnson doomed the Bills and likely set back the franchise for half a decade. Bills would not have slunken to 8-8 (2000) and then 3-13 (2001) if they had let Flutie (a pro bowler for Bills) navigate through the rebuilding. There would have been more wins. Easily. People must just hate short people. I never understood the contempt that some Bills fans had for Flutie. It was pretty gay.

  7. I like Marv. I think he knows what it takes to be successful in this league; he's intelligent and knows how to run a football operation. All the press conferences suggest he knows what he's doing. With Modrak they're fine. I have no regrets about Ralph making that move; it was probably the best temporary measure with ol whitey on the way out. I'm pulling for the Ralph and Marv twins. You never hear grumbles about Al Davis and he's up there with them.

  8. they signed a lot of old people . what makes you think that the signings will help them ? they have to play the game  and win . so lets tell ralph to put the seats at $ 100 per seat and $45 to park .then he could spend a lot more money on players .seeing how free you are with ralphs money , you could send him a few thousand . i am sure he could put it to good use .



    I'm not saying all these signings with outrageous bonuses i.e. Hutchinson, et al. are prudent. I'm just wondering why the Bills always act like they are among the "have nots" and can't figure out a way to compete right away. It's not like Ralph is like Kraft, who leveraged himself privately through the wazoo for a new stadium.


    Perhaps the Bills are deciding to take a long term approach and not spend bad money after bad money like Daniel Snyder has done and continues to do. I'm just pondering all of this on a lazy Sunday.

  9. I could be wrong and I have no knowledge of what happens at OBD. I'm just throwing out the question why there are no expectations for improving right away or why for example, this franchise always tries to cut corners in terms of its head coaches being among the lowest paid. I'm not expecting it to wildly overpay like Daniel Snyder. I'm just seeking answers to why there are few expectations for quickly turning things around, like there would be, for instance, in another market like Dallas.

  10. I was just reading about the improvements the Browns have made i.e. signing Ted Washington, Willie McGinest et al. and how they hope to make themselves competitive right away.


    It makes me wonder: is Ralph the reason this franchise always acts like it lacks the resources to compete right away? I'm just throwing out the question. After all, what makes the Bills different from Cleveland? There's revenue sharing and a salary cap so everyone is pretty much on equal footing save for some more minor and secondary revenue streams that bigger market clubs have some advantage.


    When you cut through everything, this seems at times like a cheap organization I think. People dance around it on these message boards all the time, but let's call a spade a spade.


    I don't think this franchise has ever really wanted to invest in what it takes to win. You go back for example, to letting Chuck Knox walk away in favor of Kay Stephenson, or the Polian Littman squabbles. That pretty much defines the tenor of this organization and I don't think anything has really changed since then. It just happens to be 2006 and not 1983.

  11. I like the trade straight up with a pick or two from Green Bay, even if salaries are comparable. I agree with sentiments on here that it's Packers whose' backs are up against a wall. I don't like the deal as it is currently being reported.


    Marv needs to craft this where we are getting something of value in return if Walker proves to be a flameout - where it's a step up from releasing Moulds outright.


    Even if Walker doesn't pan out, we can let him go after a year and save the money under the cap. Make it a TO/one-year contract type scenario like Dallas constructed.


    Two years ago, Walker was among the top five wide receivers in the game statistically speaking, so there may be some upside here. Another bonus is that Walker let go Rosenhaus as his agent during the past season.


    I'd rather have Marv do something sooner rather than later, avoiding another Donahoe situation where Travis Henry's value declined as the season got closer.

  12. This today from the Olean Herald on Moulds


    It’s likely the three-time Pro Bowler wanted to be forced out of Buffalo. He’ll be 33 in July and with Buffalo’s quarterback situation a mess and other units to be rebuilt, this isn’t a team that’s going to the playoffs next season.

    and another excerpt


    It’s unlikely Moulds’ attitude would change this year because Evans is still the guy. Plus, the staff doesn’t know who will play QB and the team isn’t going anywhere in the immediate future.



    I don't understand this nonsense that "this team can't go anywhere in the immediate future." I see the same sentiments on here. This is the NFL. Teams go from 5-11 to the playoffs (and even win Super Bowls) all the time in this day and age.


    Meathead cost us about five games last year with his on field decisions. There's some talent and a window of opportunity to improve. I really don't understand this throw in the towel mentality. It's absolutely ridiculous. It's that Buffalo inferiority complex mentality rearing its ugly head is what I think.

  13. That Larry Felser, elder statesman of the Bills reporting crew, desn't know the Bills won/loss record last year?  Or the fact that his editors at the Buffalo News don't know either?








    That's a pretty weak editing job not to correct the W-L record. Hey those guys have been around forever, who is the executive sports editor? His last name is Smith. All those guys have been around since the early 80s so I guess things get stale and complacent. I've never been overly impressed with the Buffalo sports pages to begin with since the Courier left town. Oh well, that's the newspaper business these days. That being said, I thought Felser's column objectively pointed out the Bills failure to address some of those offensive concerns. He should have mentioned House Ballard in with those other offensive linmen of the past but I am getting picky now. It was a good column in general.

  14. Miami got Culpepper and the Jets are likely to get Leinart.  It's over, forget about, there is NO WAY we can be competative this year in our conference.  I don't care if we finish again this year 5-11 again.  Lets be honest here, Miami is at least twice as good as the Bills now, the Jets will be extremely good once Leinart is in town, and the Patriots.....we you know.  Levy even said we are going to rebuild this team.  It going to be hard on fans to see us not do good this year but we are basically going into seclusion like the Bengals did for 2 years and look at what happened to them last year.  They made the playoffs.


    It seems like Buffalo fans like myself and others get way too overconfident and expect this team to make the playoffs every year.  Yes we have a very long drought of not making the playoffs, but that is because we don't let this team rebuild.  Lets just get one this straight, if we don't make the playoffs this year which is all but inevitable, lets not put the blame on the coaches, or Jauron, or Levy.  And in the end fire our HC and have to rebuild this team all over again.  Look at these team that made the playoffs over the past years.  They were teams that were absolutely awful in the late 90s, but given time to bond with there HC and GM over several year the team came together and made the playoffs/superbowl.  Like the Patriots (bad in the late 90s but good after a few years with Belichick as the HC.  And the fans SUPPORTED this.  Look at what happened to team after turn of the millenium.  We need to do the same.


    It will be hard but we need to support this team more even when this team is doing bad.  It's not all going to come together like that in one year.  Everything about this team is NEW.  Our GM, HC, Assistant coach, and players.  So if this team does miss the playoffs again the fans got to stop blaming everyone in this organization for the bad season and live with it for however long it take to rebuild this team.  Right now this team coaching staff is perfect.  Jauron is a very good HC, and we got Marv back with this team at a new position in his career (which may take a few years to get used to since he was our former HC and left the NFL for some time.)  So this year and possibly next year we need to start saying these words in our head and start rebuilding this team.  FORGET ABOUT THE PLAYOFFS. :(



    I don't necessarily disagree with the conclusion but this IS the NFL where 5-11 teams can win a division and improve overnight with little notice and some sound moves. I look at the games that Meathead cost us (at Jets, at Dolphins, at NE), and see a glass that could be half full. Last year's record was slightly deceiving IMO.

  15. Your pain threshold is pretty high.


    To me, $7 mil for having Moulds on the field is a huge waste.


    To pay him that to stay home like TO,  as you suggest, is ludicrous.




    How much of a waste is it? If you cut him, half his salary counts against the Bills cap anyway (roughly), then you're going out anyway and shelling out 2-3 million for another wide receiver. My figures may be a little skewed but you get my point. From strictly talent on the field, I don't see how you're helping yourselves by cutting him.


    I DO understand the frustration on here with Moulds not agreeing to any cut whatsoever, so screw him if he won't work with OBD at all to help clear a little space. If you're cutting him because he's worn out his welcome so badly that's another matter and then yes, I could understand parting ways. I wouldn't cut him just because of that Dolphins game though.

  16. From the Buffalo News:

    The Bills do not have to make any cuts because they already are under the cap. Buffalo had a cap total of $85.8 million, according to News estimates. However, it still is expected the team will release veteran receiver Eric Moulds soon. Moulds is due to receive $7.1 million in cash this year.


    With their current cap situation, under the scenario Gaughn lays out, wouldn't it make sense at this point to just KEEP Moulds for at least one more year and then reevaluate next season? You'll have to go out and replace him in free agency + if you cut him you still have a cap hit for half of it I'm guessing. My thinking is no one comes close to him talentwise in free agency. Who are you going to get? David Givens? Please. What am I missing?

  17. Another unemotional, clueless coach. God, when will the Bills hire a HC with a little fire in his belly?

    I've heard a lot of great things about him. I figured he would connect well with Marv because he reminds me of Marv when Marv came here. He got canned it seemed unfairly in Chicago.........I would have taken either one, and I thought the board was split, too...........Now it looks like it was 100% Sherman - 0% Jauron...........I wonder if the same outcry would have happened if Sherman was offered.




    Gregg Williams had plenty of fire in his belly when he arrived here and he got criticized for it. Remember?

  18. And I got laughed at for suggesting Martz. There's no way Jauron is a better head football coach than Mike Martz. I knew the Bills were going to pull this schit.


    "But Martz drove the Rams into the ground," cry the ignorant. One year they don't make the playoffs (with Martz out sick) and he's run the team into the ground? How stupid people are on here. If you'd really rather have Dick Jauron over Mike Martz you are all smoking crack.

  19. Agreed on Willis but I think it's unfair criticism of Gregg Williams. He failed, bottom line.  He was a first-time head coach who was in over his head.  He liked Buffalo and if it were his choice, he would have been successful and stuck around for a long time.


    As for Willis, that one's obvious.



    Both Gregg Williams and Donahoe were both control freaks and failed to delegate enough, IMO. Gross overmanagement. Reminds me of 70s when Jimmy Carter was notoriously overseeing the White House tennis court schedule as Commander in Chief while Russia was marching into Afghanistan. I think there was a subtle dig at Donahoe made by Marv when he said he's not going to be worrying about the potholes in the parking lot.


    I also think Marv was likely alluding to Willis when he said he wanted players with high character.

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