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Posts posted by mikecole1

  1. Chris Polian will assume the GM duties when his father steps down. Jim Irsay has denied other teams the ability to even interview him.


    Jeff Littman runs this team, and will do so as long as RW owns the team.


    Oh ok didn't know that about Jim Irsay, BillsVet, but makes sense. Something I brainstormed up during this lost season.

  2. Let's hire Chris Polian away from the Colts and make him the GM. Graduate from Saint Francis High School and has been learning at the feet of his dad all these years and has received some rave reviews there in Indy. Don't know any lingering bad blood between Bill and RW would nix this but it's an outside the box idea.

  3. Because he put up 3 points on the browns at home...how many people still think TE has a shot a being good or great? because your fooling yourselves..


    My opinion..trent edwards was a good emerging qb before the concussion against Arizona last year and he never recovered from it. He threw downfield before that head injury. Now with a second concussion I think his career's in jeopardy. I've gotten flamed about that take but look at Tebow now, he's not the same. Some guys like Steve Young (and Aikman) have enough talent to survive that, but concussions are a funny thing.

  4. When the coaching vacancy opened up after Mularkey stepped down, didn't Marv want to be the HC and Ralph thought he was too old?


    If that is the case, then I think Marv may have been in over his head with the GM position. He never had any FO experience before and had been out of football for a while and the game, ever so slightly, had changed since his days coaching in the 90's.


    It is too bad for Marv, and I think his legacy should remain intact, but it is no surprise that we are in the situation that we're in as a direct result of Marv's tenure here.


    It just seems as though it was another of Ralph's marketing ploys in order to sell tickets. Which is pretty sad.


    Have a lot of admiration for Marv (always will) but I agree with all of this too.

  5. His legacy has more to do with bringing the AFL and NFL together.


    It has nothing to do with his W-L record.


    I like Ralph but his record and legacy would be more abysmal if not for Bill Polian. Take the Polian years out of the equation and see what it adds up to. Your highlight would be Chuck Knox/Joe Cribbs and the 1980 campaign.

  6. The most important thing right now is for RW to start speaking to people outside of the organization about the possibilities for GM (and maybe head coach). Fresh perspectives are needed. What would make the most sense is for RW to hire a consultant, such as Ron Wolff, now, so that decisions can be made quickly at the end of the season.


    It worked for the Giants. Anyone old enough knows their situation was just as dire in the 70s before Rozelle stepped in and advised the Mara's to bring aboard George Young to run things (which ultimately led to Parcells). Prior to that it was a rudderless franchise. Sound familiar?

  7. Sorry pal, have lived in KC for 14 years and King Carl couldn't get out of here fast enough. Couldn't draft a d- lineman to save his life and never meant a second round pick he couldn't screw up. Although, Lamar Hunt trusted him and Ralph and Lamar were tight. King Carl's first pick for HC would be Marty Schottenheimer, so maybe you have something there.


    Yeah, that thought re: Schottenheimer crossed my mind too. I could live with some of the above that you mentioned at this point. I'm just trying to keep my expectations (and hopes) realistic -- borrowing from Rick Pittino, Bill Cowher, Jon Gruden and Mike Shanahan ain't walking through that door.

  8. The wanted list for a new coach is pretty easy, Cower, Gruden, Shanahan, etc. The real question is who will be available for the soon to be open GM position @ One Bills Drive?


    I wouldn't mind an ex coach (like the ones mentioned above) as a GM with a OC like Russ GRimm as HC.


    WHo on the short list for GM?


    I think Carl Peterson would provide stability, be realistically available (unlike those listed above), be able to deal with Ralph, and be an outstanding fit.

  9. This really pisses me off, last season when we were 5-1 everybody was all over Trent worshiping him. Yea at the end of the season we collapsed mainly him (wouldnt you if you took a hit like that?). And you wonder why hes not the best right now, I wouldnt trust that O-line to block a pop warner football team. THEY SUCK BAD. I could only imagine what goes through Trents head if hes gonna make it alive through each game. You sub par coach and an even more sub par O-Line and everyone wants to blame Trent. The guy runs for his life every game, hes been sacked more than any other QB in the league. If you watch when he plays good, hes got a tremendous arm and accurate. Quit doing that damn no huddle offense, hes not Jim Kelly and it aint working. Let him huddle and call his own plays and thrown the ball down field we have two of the best recievers in the game along with two of the best running backs in the game.


    I don't blame him -- I think he was on his way to being a probowl caliber QB. I just acknowledge that he's simply not the same QB since the concussion. He's just not. You'll see that Tim Tebow won't ever be the same either. Hard to come back from. Just MO.

  10. What did he ever do without Bill Polian? Sorry all a 1964 AFL championship with six teams in the league won't cut it. Without providing a detailed history, he fired Bill Polian after three super bowls cause he couldn't get along with his bean counter.


    I remember "Ralph Busters" shirts being sold outside of Rich Stadium during the Bruce Mathison, Joe Dufek years. I guess fans have a short memory that this guy was a colossal failure before Polian arrived - and now after.

  11. Glad to see a guy's career condensed to his performance in one game you happend to catch on the tube last night. Thanks for stopping bye...


    Shut up with the "stopping by" nonsense. First off dude, my whole point is that Andre Reed was a marginal candidate to begin with and these games did nothing to put him over the top and support his cause.


    Secondly, if you knew anything at all about sports you'd wake up and realize like most knowledgeable sports fans that greatness is often defined by one or two games. Lives, careers (and yes inclusion into the Hall of Fame) get changed by one or two games. And yes careers DO get condensed to a performance in a big game (especially the biggest). Buffalo fans know all this by now.


    Andre Reed had four Super Bowls to make his case.

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