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Posts posted by OnTheRocks

  1. I get amused by the fact that born again christians do not believe that you have true faith until you have lost faith and gotten it back.




    sorry to get away from the topic of the thread but...

    as a born again christian....i have no idea what you are talking about when you say what you have stated here.

  2. Bush: "That last response almost makes me want to scowl".




    He got hammered by his own people over the last week.

    "Don't slouch"

    "Don't scowl"

    "Smile while the devil tells lies about you to America"

    "Don't repeat yoursrself"

    "Be on the attack but do it kindly"



    Bush managed to not repeat the superficial mistakes he made in the debate last week. Kerry looked a bit less sharp as he wasn't getting a "WOW" response from the audience I think he was looking for.


    I gave the first debate to Kerry

    I give this one to Bush



    And AD...these debates have never been about substance. Since Kennedy and Nixon they have always been about "presence, appeal, and confidence".

    And that is exactly what the American People look for today. Because when you get right down to the nitty gritty....people know that it doesn't matter who they vote for, they are still going to get the same big bag of non-production. So they vote for the guy they think they can tolerate more doing nothing in Washington.

  3. I wasn't around the PPP board during the last election and was wondering what kind of bets people are going to want to make regarding the 2004 Presidential Election?


    Something like...you have to post a picture of your self on your User Controls Page with an "I love Bush" or an "I Love Kerry" sign around your neck depending on who you expect will win.



    Or banishment from the PPP board for 1 week?

  4. You could probably make a decent list of flicks that did better in video than at the box office.  Caddyshack comes to mind.




    this would make a decent new thread...but my favorite movie that did nothing in the theatre and turned out to be one of my all time favorite movies was "No Way Out" with Kevin Costner and Gene Hackman.

  5. My favorite movie of all time is getting re released into 8 theaters across the country.


    They said that it did poorly at the box office, but once it got to VHS, it took over the #3 spot on the IMDB's top 250 movies of all time.


    But, since most people didnt see it in the theater, they are re-releasing..


    I'd love to see it on the big screen.


    AWESOME movie.







    I thought they officially changed the name of that movie to "TNT Tuesday Night Movie"

  6. This is a funny tidbit.

    The Dolphins suck this bad!



    -- Dolphins Remove Fan Forums on website --

    Wed Oct 6, 2004


    PFW reports the Miami Dolphins may have been forced to remove the message boards feature for fan forums from www.MiamiDolphins.com because they had grown increasingly profane and negative over the team’s slow start.

  7. How can you vote AGAINST a Martin Luther King holiday? Anyone who votes against that might as well not be American... someone check the guys birth cerrtificate!!!  :w00t:




    I would bet a large percentage of the people who voted in favor of a Martin Luther King Holiday did so merely for political reasons.

  8. a funny thing happened tonight...i sat down to watch Cheney debate Edwards and apparently Clay Aiken from American Idol sat in for Edwards.


    this guy had more weird grins, winks, smirks and facial distortions than anyone i know.


    I think Edwards was overmatched throughout the debate....but there were a number of times Cheney avoided a direct answer.


    Cheney's line about meeting Edwards for the first time tonight was classic!


    i thought it was funny when this lady Gwen whatever her name is, in so many words asked Cheney to respond to a question because "he" (Edwards) didn't.

  9. You Bushies get more pathetic by the minute... If you want a ticker on casualties on this board, I'll give you one so that SOMEONE FIN REMEMBERS what in the hell is happening over there. I'm just as mad now as I was when Congress gave the #!!@# authorization for this exercise in futility. Yes, I KNOW, Kerry voted yes, but that's not the point.. we were MISLED, drug into this crap, and now the misery compounds itself.


    The VOTERS by voting for a president give him the power, but that doesn't mean he has the right to misuse it. So a Kerry yes vote is meaningless without proper discretion.


    Analogy: They give us guns at the gates on base for security, but that DOES NOT MEAN we shoot everyone who fails to follow procedures. HUGE DIFFERENCE.


    I look forward to the election. The error of 2000 WILL be erased.




    if you don't think Kerry knew in advance that his YES vote was to go to war and not just authorize it, you are mistaken. of course it is easy to be mistaken when he says one day that he was mislead,...the next day he says, he would have done the same thing...the next day he says, wrong war-war time blah blah...the next day is something different.

  10. i don't think those who are against the war wanted 1000 american soldiers killed, but i think they were chomping at the bit to shove that total down the President's throat.


    as far as him changing his direction in order to be seen as a bigger man in the eyes of the nation..... he still believes that what he is doing is right which is why he isn't admiting any error or changing.

  11. Why dont you at least spend the time to go to web site as directed. Here are the four points of the plan  http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/national_security/iraq.html


    Also by not just handing contracts to Haliburton and Cheneys pocket will get others in the game





    These are the 4 points laid out on JK's site:


    Internationalize, because others must share the burden;

    (fantasy alliance that will never happen with Germany and France)

    Train Iraqis, because they must be responsible for their own security; (this is already being done. Bush quoted 100K already trained and 125K by the end of the year. Even if that was an exageration, the process has already begun)

    Move forward with reconstruction because that's an important way to stop the spread of terror;

    (ok...do you really not think this has already begun?)

    Help Iraqis achieve a viable government, because it is up to them to run their own country.

    (govt has already been set up, with elections scheduled in January)


    It was nice of Kerry to lay out Bush's plan on his site, now how about telling us his plan????

  12. first chance to listen and see Kerry in action I must say I will investigate this plan for Iraq.





    what plan is that?? he never gave a plan. other than to say he will train Iraqi's which is already happening, and building this fantasy alliance he keeps talking about with the Germans and the French, I didn't hear any plan. your investigation won't take long.

  13. i looked at my watch and it took precisely 29 minutes for Kerry to use the word Viet Nam.


    John Kerry was clearly more prepared than President Bush.


    I heard Leher ask John Kerry at least twice to provide specific examples of how he would do things differently in Iraq, and neither time did he provide an answer.


    I don't know why Leher never asked Kerry why he voted against the 87Mil. for the troops.


    A few times....neither candidate really needed 2 minutes or 90 seconds to respond, so they filled their time with a LOT of repetition. Which was damaging to both,...but probably more so to Bush.


    I would say Kerry won the debate only because he was more prepared. Although I don't think Bush hurt himself simply by being very consistant in the message he has been stumping.

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