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Posts posted by BradRiter

  1. Yeah, I'm starting to eat crow on that one myself....

    But since it doesn't seem as though Drew is gonna be starting for us any time soon, you now ready to hand the reigns to the kid?




    The day that he's the best QB on the roster or they're eliminated from the playoffs, sure.


    Until then, nope.

  2. Does the whole "Tedy Bruschi playing after a stroke" thing remind anyone else of "Travis Henry playing with a broken leg?"


    Bruschi's stroke wasn't like your grandma's stroke and Travis Henry's broken leg wasn't like the one you had when you fell off of your bike in 4th grade and had to wear a cast for 2 months.


    Nice job, welcome back, congratulations, but settle down.

  3. BTW did anyone catch Riter mentioning R. Rich in the pregame show? Not by name but he did mention a guy wearing a Erik Flowers jersey and a girl with Hines Ward jersey and the TSW crowd should all know who they were.  ;)




    That was R.Rich?


    Cool. Hi R.Rich.


    BTW, I walked past TSW tailgate early in the AM with Jerry Sullivan and thought of stopping to say hi, but thought we (or at least he) would be the object of projectiles, so I opted not to steer him in.

  4. I don't know anything about horses, but check out The Parting Glass. Great place to get a dozen beers and a meal.



    Especially if Hair o' the Dog is playing.


    I'm going to Saratoga this weekend too, but waiting until Sunday to go to the track. We'll probably hit OTB before the Travers though.

  5. Well said.


    Might want to schedule that for before the bowling ball shots this year..... <_<


    Ahem. Seriously. Brad, will the pregame shows be done from the studio or onsite this season? I'm sure that although we no longer share the same parking lot, some here would enjoy getting another chance to verbally abuse Sully at the opener ....



    We're across from the Big Tree Inn like we were at the end of last season. I'll be out there with Howard Simon for the GB game on Saturday, actually.


    I don't know how much we'll actually be on the air, since we're not on until the Yankees' game ends, but we'll be there.

  6. I guess he's an aquired taste. If I'm wrong fine, just seems like this is a set up with sh&t head. Because I have no idea who Brad !@#$tard is. Sorry if I'm missing anything here.




    I think you are missing something, actually.


    I was reading a message board that I check out almost every day, and the top thread had my name in the subject line. Therefore, I read it. When I felt I wasn't quoted accurately, I replied.


    Then everybody decided to talk about how much they don't like the place where I work.


    Oh, and the Clements thing I was talking about is in the Audio Vault at www.wgr550.com.


    I'm sorry for ruining your day by posting on a message board.

  7. (sorry brad - didn't mean this thread to turn into open season on your or WGR)

    I don't think some of you would realize how good WGR is until you go a few years without it.




    I can handle it, I swear, or I'd stop reading/writing here.


    And yes, I AM aware that it wasn't a requested step backward. Thanks.

  8. For every step forward WGR takes towards respectabilty, they take two steps back.  Case in point...they start up the audio vault on their website(which could be great for you out-of-towners) and then they decide to put up LAME comedy bits on it produced by Jeremy White and Greg Bauch.  <_<



    Here's a step forward-- check out the vault for audio of Clements and also his agent regarding the contract. Some of the Nate stuff is "wow inducing."


    I'm on for another 2.5 hours, so I'll be sure to take that requested backward step at some point.

  9. Is this really Brad Riter or some schmuck pretending?  No offense if it is really you, I'm just curious.



    Um, both?


    I'm kind of a schmuck, and I'm also Brad.


    I'm writing during commercial breaks.

  10. Its unusual, but for me to think its so that POSSIBLY a couple of fans that went to camp who were on the fence about buying seasons tickets, and now they decided to do it because they saw Willis carrying a helmet? Come on Brad!


    And finally, if anyone was thinking about buying tickets, and did based soley on seeing WM in pads and not knowing he was injured, they deserve to get ripped off.




    I'm actually one of those people on the fence about buying season tix, which is why it stood out to me.


    And today we get "I expect him to play on Saturday" despite the fact that "we'll see if he can practice tomorrow."


    It just isn't sitting right with me.

  11. He has a valid point in saying there is no reason for him to be in pads and be carrying a helmet if he had no intention of practicing, but Riter is really go off saying that fans that go to practice are just "happy to be there, yelling 'Go Bills!' and see willis with pads and say 'oh, there's willis'".


    While I agree Willis is probably more hurt than we think, Brad Riter basically insulted every person that goes to camp, stating that those are the people that will buy season tickets not knowing that Willis is hurt.



    First, thanks for listening.


    Second, yes I was checking out the board during the commercial break.


    Third, I didn't intend to insult anyone. My point is that there are certainly people out there who don't read this board, listen to WGR, read the paper or watch the news everyday. If they happened to be at practice, they are the only ones who could be fooled, and there's no other explanation for Willis' pads and helmet (especially the helmet, which to me looked like a prop.)


    On the show, I told a true story from today about a kid and his dad. They were sitting behind me in the bleachers. The kid asked "Is Willis even here?" presumably with no clue that this injury even exists. His dad said "I don't know. Oh, there he is." Then they changed the subject. Worked like a charm.

  12. GREAT song by a band far too many people aren't aware of.

    Grace, Too

    Tragically Hip


    Ghost town on a tuesday night

    That ok I'm feelin' alright

    It's easier to grab a beer

    Without a thousand people here


    I wonder where I'll be in a year

    Probably be sittin right here

    But if you know the answer

    Don't tell me anyone

    I don't wanna know




    You wanna talk about a great band (for one album at least) that NOBODY seems to know? I give you... The Refreshments.


    There are three topics to the songs on that album:


    1. Drinking

    2. Mexico

    3. Drinking in Mexico

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