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Georgia Bill

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Posts posted by Georgia Bill

  1. Based on this is a very talented team and Im pretty sure they are angry. Tell me one person that likes to lose. The Bills are on fire this weekend and you can bank on the paper jets to fall apart. Week 6 is when you see what teams are really made of. The Bills are better than you think they are.

    It's going to take a lot more than the Bills being "angry" for them to even sniff a win this weekend. I've been a fan for about 40 years, and it pains me to say it but we suck this year, and I see no light at the end of this tunnel. Call me a pessimist, naysayer, whatever. At this point I'd love to be proven wrong and have to eat my words, but I just don't see it. I'll always hope for a win (miracles can happen right?), but when you look at the team objectively, they really seem to be coming apart at the seams.


    But hey, it's nice to see there still are some fans keeping the (blind) faith.

  2. Buffalo needs to win when the temps dip. They haven't done that against quality competition (remember the home Giants game in 07) in a long time.

    When the temps dip? Hell they need to be able to win when it's great football weather before they worry about winning when the temps dip. For the last few years we have not been able to beat any teams with winning records, hence we get the 7-9 seasons. Now we've slipped to the point where we can't even beat the teams with losing records. We have slid too far away from where we need to be, that's for sure.


    And I agree with your point, paying just enough to have a D that can at least keep you in the game into the 4th qtr (and hence make you think maybe we're CLOSE to having a winning team), is foolhardy, if you really wanted a contender team. You've got to have a great offensive line too, and at least a pretty darn good quarterback. But of course that all costs more money. How long have we been saying we need an offensive line? I think that goes back at least 7 or 8 years now.

  3. They keep showing him replays of the early 90's and he thinks

    we're going to the Super Bowl!

    Sigh, remember those good old days, when we'd moan because we couldn't win the Super Bowl(s)? Now we can't even with the Loser Bowl that we played in today.

  4. I know I had nothing to cheer about during the game. In fact, towards the end it mostly turned to pathetic laughter on my part.

    It's kind of a sick looking at a train wreck thing. You can't believe how bad it is, but you can't turn away. You say to yourself, they can't really be this bad, then the next series you say, oh, maybe they can be.


    At this point, most of us are starting to wonder just how bad we are gonna suck this year. Is it going to be all time bad suckage, or just mediocre 5-7 win suckage? The hope for a winning season is fading fast in the rear view mirror. Sad when it hits that fast.

  5. Over the past 5 years the Bills have had many stretches where they lead fans to believe that they are on the right path, however, they never really improve. Every year they do just enough to keep fans hanging on, all the while remaining mediocre at best.


    Just look at '04 season where they finished the season 9-7, just missing the playoffs after the season ending loss to Pittsburgh. Everyone thought that next year was the year, and that after ripping off 10 wins in 12 games, the Bills had too much momentum to miss the playoffs in '05. After all, if the Bills could of caught a break against the Jags in the season opener they would have made the playoffs. However, the Bills then go 5-11 in '05 and all hope is lost.


    That is until the Bills bring in Dick Jauron in 06', and the Bills finish 7-9. There's hope!! The Bills go 5-4 down the stretch...losing to Indy by 1, to the Chargers by 3, and to the Titans by 1. All Buffalo Bills fans are optimistic heading into '07....after all, if they only got a couple of breaks they could have made the playoffs. Hell they competed with the best in Indy and almost handed them their first loss...too bad we didnt catch any breaks in that game.


    Then in '07 Losman starts the season off shaky and the fans start losing hope....until golden boy Trent Edwards comes in finishes the season 5-4 as the starter. The optimism lost due to the dismal start of the season is regained.... "if only Trent was the starter the whole season the Bills could have made a playoff run". And dont forget...the Bills competed with the "best" at the time, losing a heartbreaker to the Cowboys...too bad they couldnt catch a break in that game either.


    In '08 the Bills finally start the season off hot...winning their first 4 games. But just like always, the Bills lose a heartbreaker to the Browns...if only they caught a couple of breaks. Not only do they lose to the Browns in a heartbreaker, but Trent Edwards gets hurt and J.P Losman leads the Bills to a couple of losses. Bills fans everywhere believe that if only Trent was playing during those games (i.e; Jets game), the Bills could have made a playoff run.


    Sorry for the rant...and I do agree that the Bills seem as if they are on the right track...with our o-line, backs, and young d. But the past says a lot and it seems as if there are 3 constants with the Bills....1.) They always add/lose an equal amount of talent each year...they never improve their overall roster over the offseason. 2.) They have at least one heartbreaking loss a year. 3.) They never improve over the course of the year...they are the most sporadic team in the NFL. They are never consistently terrible or amazing...just average.


    Finally the Over/Under for people who will read this entire post is set at 2.

    That's a really good summary of the last four years. You get to the point where you feel torn as a Bills fan. You don't want to give up on them, as you want to think of yourself as a loyal fan, and they always seem to be just a little (potentially achieavable) bit short of where they need to be to step up to the playoff contender level. At the same time, part of you feels short changed, like maybe you've been playing the sucker. It seems being a Bills fan means you stay conflicted (afflicted might be a better word).

  6. Maybe my fellow Saints fans on here may disagree, but I think a lot of smack is coming from "new" fans, those that started following the Saints from the past few years on. I've been a fan since the '70s and have been through some seriously rough times, including being ridiculed by other fans when I was in the Navy. So as excited as I am about our start, I'm still hesitant to declare us the NFC champs. I'll wait and see where we are later in the season before I start talking smack.

    That's a good strategy. At 5-1 last year a lot of us Bills fans got overly excited (self included). Short story - it's a long season and a lot can happen.

  7. I'm hoping that the Bills are actually as good as they appeared to be in the game against NE (the first 54 minutes anyway).


    there's a gnawing concern that maybe NE is nowhere near as good as they used to be, especially defensively. Let's face it they lost a heck of a lot of talent on defense. Also,Brady was really off the first half, and once he started getting in his groove in the 4th quarter we didn't seem to have the answer. As a result of all that, I can't use the first game as much of a barometer, it's going to take quite a few more games.


    I'll stay hopeful, but for some reason, I have a hard time shaking the feeling that things aren't quite as good as they seemed. I don't know why, maybe there's just too much of a history of disappointment..

  8. While I'm sure there may be many (including TO) who think he needs to be a bigger part of the offense, the question I pose is this:


    Assuming TO continues to draw double coverage, which inherently means one less defender ready to stuff the run or cover someone else, is that enough? Personally, I think if it helps open up the running game and the passing game for other targets, it means our offense goes from mediocre to pretty good. And that's not counting the plus factor when he does catch some balls. Thoughts?

  9. I didn't even allow myself to get my hopes up til we went up by 11 more than halfway through the 4th. Then it happened, I started to believe we could actually do it. By opening up that hope, I opened the damn door again to the pain. Sure as scht, there it was, that heartwrenching oh no, not again, how is this possible pain.


    The weird thing is, I've felt it so many times before (38 years a Buffalo fan), it's almost like an old accustomed feeling. Not one I like by any means, but one I've grown so used to that now I just let it come in and roam around and do it's thing. Starts with disbelief, switches to anger, turn into a little disgust, a little "woe is me" self pity combined with "why do I put myself through this", and then I kind of just let it go. My only consolation is that now it doesn't stick with me as long.

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