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Posts posted by stuckincincy

  1. A hydrogen atom walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says, "Gee you look a little down. Is something the matter?" The hydrogen atom says, "Yes, I've lost an electron." The bartender asks, "Are you sure?"


    "I'm positive."





    A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender sets the beer down and says, "For you, no charge!"




  2. Butter or margarine. Let the war rage. Most places use one of these to vary the amount of heat. More fat, less heat. But some places simply adjust the amount of sauce they use. More sauce = hot. That's the lazy way, IMO.


    That small amount of butter/margarine is probably needed to marry aqueous sauce with the non-aqueous wing surface. Perhaps some sort of micelle behavior, if you recall your chemistry.

  3. WHAT!!!!! ARE YOU NUTS?


    That method on the side of a Frank's sauce bottle isn't all that bad. I've yakked about it for a long time. Not everybody has wing joints around the corner, if at all. Not everybody wants to stink up the house with deep frying. :D Wings are not a gourmet food.


    For those that bake per the Frank's recipe - put the lowers fat skin down, then flip them over (uppers, to0), half-way thru. Don't line the pan with foil. Don't brush 'em with additional oil. Don't move 'em up to the broiler thinking you can add more crisp to them..they will burst into flames!



    Give the baked recipe a try, Tomcat. <_<

  4. Hey I'm under 30 and I always respect the elderly my elders. . . <_<


    Can it be so many under 30's minus CountDorkula?


    Well - feel free to "off" yourself when you approach 50. You wouldn't ever want to be one of those oldsters...right? :D

  5. I have a great view - out the window next to my computer. They started around 9 AM, and have topped off 2 of 3, 40 ft.+ trees in my across-the-street neighbor's back yard. Now its 4 trees...they are also chopping a dead one now, near the corner of the property. Gawd - they must be spending several thousands.


    Fascinating how they put up rigging to control the fall.


    It's 90+ here now, with heavy humidity. I admire hard work - I can sit and watch it for hours! <_<

  6. I'm happy to report Parodi and DeNobili are still available.


    I probably haven't smoked one since I last left The Falls. In a pinch, and with a strong espresso, they do the job.




    A memory jog - DeNobliis'


    Both still in the cello pack, I assume.

  7. I've only tried the Nica Libre 1990 once and thought it was quite good...especially for the price. Another great price performance cigar, IMO, is the Sanho Panza Double Maduro (l like the Cervantes). It is beautifully boxed pressed with a silky wrapper. At about $3.50/per it's hard to beat. I still prefer Padron of course, but sometimes a good budget cigar is in order.


    This thread invokes memories of my WNY goombas chewing on Parodi cigars. I hope they still are in business - I bought some here in SW OH five or so years ago.

  8. 'S'okay. Ever since those pictures of you cross-dressing hit the internet, we haven't taken you seriously anyway.


    Are you still sitting in the corner and working through algorithms at the odd party you get invited to?


    Stuck remembers everything, including your young, angry, vulnerable days. Those days before you bought a Prius.



  9. Agree........but I can't see him getting 2 million as a situational pass rusher. Even with his experience, he's going to be late coming into a team's camp, having to learn all new terminology. Can't see that happening for 2 mill.


    I can.


    I don't know what the HOU situation is, but CIN signed T.O. for 2M as an insurance policy in case the FA Antonio Bryanyt's 8M knee doesn't come around.

  10. obviously you want to play physical with him but that same cincy team had shots at him twice in a row - both at home - once in the playoffs. if it were that easy, im guessing they wouldve done it at some point.


    Stay tuned. The refs let the darling Revis get away with figurative murder. I'm sure they thought the refs wouldn't let Revis get away with it in the 2nd game - but they did.

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