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Posts posted by stuckincincy

  1. Oh no, I made a spelling error. Could you at least recommend the type of gun I should use to "off" myself? Never mind, I will ask someone else. I did say I wouldn't trouble you anymore.


    I'm sorry that you think I slighted you, but you are going over the edge here. Is this your normal reaction to internet ba-de-ba repartie? - I hope not. :blink:

  2. He could be the odd man out in Cincinnati. I know he doesn't have the greatest background, and he's been in some trouble. But this guy could be a great possession receiver for this team. He's a great athlete, he's tall, and he's experienced. We're not exactly loaded at the WR position, and he could be had for cheap.




    Hard to think he makes CIN's cuts. From what I've read he didn't impress in workouts. IIRC, had difficulty executing basic patterns. They signed him on a simple, cheap "look-see" basis.


    He might work out better elsewhere - who knows? FWIW, it seems he has his head screwed on straight.

  3. Thanks for the advice guys! You assume correctly, Cincy.


    I was looking at some different Taurus models before. I'll check out the Ruger too.


    and yes, I have some experience with guns but would definitely get some more if I was going to keep a gun in the house.



    Here is one manufacturer of handgun cartridges of interest, for the home defense user:




    There are also shotgun rounds of low recoil available. Remember - the lowest-powered center-fire shotgun out there - a .410 - is far more capable of stopping an assailant than any handgun. Nobody moves after receiving a shotgun blast.

  4. Thanks for the offer, but I don't need any offers. How many damn times I gotta tell you folks, just because I live in SF doesn't mean I'm gay.


    So you say - after issuing a peremptory decree classifying the beloved WNY staples - dark chocolate-coated sponge candy, loganberry syrup, and Parkside Candies sodas, as gay items.

  5. Thanks! :blink:


    I thought you had a brand name that was supposed to be better? Grumpy old bastards are usually the people to ask about his stuff. My bad.


    Grumpy young bastards think that if they snap their fingers, all must dance attendance. Your bad.

  6. do not have any currently, but am in the market for a simple 9


    Buy a revolver. .357 Mag, which also chambers .38 Special. You can use proper bullets, some of which cause problems with a semi-auto. Safer, and much more reliable. I'm assuming you want a piece that you hope you never have to use - don't buy one of the cheap semis - false economy.


    If you are bent on a 9MM, IIRC Ruger or Taurus sells a revolver so chambered.


    I recommend purchasing a used revolver from a local gun shop.


    And get some training.

  7. Ti-Cats Stadium project


    Right now the Hamilton Tiger Cats play in a dump called Ivor-Wynne Stadium. It's in a residential part of Hamilton and looks a lot like the old All-High Stadium in Buffalo. There is a push to get a new stadium for the Ti-Cats, and there is debate currently as to where it should go.


    But I have a hunch that this stadium project could become the new home of the Bills. Think about it. If Rogers tries to buy the Bills and needs a new, larger facility, why spend money on a 30,000-seat CFL facility when you can build a 70,000-seat NFL one? One that is half way between Buffalo and Toronto. One that will allow tailgating.


    Not saying this is going to happen. Just saying this is coming up at a curious time for the Bills.




    I'm an old T-Cat fan, and I like CFL ball. I miss being able to see broadcasts.

  8. other than you, who really cares what TO made last year? so what if they overpaid him a couple million anyways. its ralphs money. its not like you're writing the check. and for the bills, he was worth the money they paid just in the excitment he brought back for the fans.


    I was among those that felt he would be a clubhouse problem of some sort. I was wrong.


    One could make a case for overpaying him, but he is a "name" player, and that probably insured a healthy road attendance - of which BUF got their cut AFAIK.

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