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Posts posted by Nuncha

  1. The last 6 quarters of play have been as GROSS as this J E T S fan picking his nose for millions to see on live TV. 




    However, we still beat a bad Packers team and were a few plays away from a W against the Jets.  This is the point of the season where the best teams will rise to the top.  Will the Bills learn from their mistakes of the past 6 quarters and be one of them?  You have to believe!

  2. 17 minutes ago, Cray51 said:

    Milano and Poyer out mattered more than anything else in this game.  They took advantage of Jaquan all day, and Bernard couldn’t make some of the reads Milano would be able to when attacking downhill.

    Too many missed tackles.  The 4th quarter Jet drive that led to a field goal and started at the 4 yard line, they blew up one of the running plays and had the RB for a loss, he broke away and gained NINE yards.  Same thing was happening last week.

    • Agree 1
  3. 5 hours ago, QLBillsFan said:

    Did you watch the play? He’s trying to hit GD in the middle of the field and he was covered. His decision to dirt the ball was correct, he just didn’t execute. He’s human. Immediately post game he said I made a mistake and will learn from it. He takes ownership and will move on a bit humbled. I think he’s his own toughest critic. I expect he’s going to bounce back with a strong game vs the Jets.

    No. I didn't watch the play.  I blindly comment on things I didn't see.  The guy is covered so why throw it toward him in play?  Sideline the ball where the chance of an interception is zero.

  4. 2 hours ago, Patrick Duffy said:


    Well the 2nd where Josh was trying to throw in the dirt was just a plan out damn good play by the defender. While Josh has said he made couple stupid plays, that INT in particular he was throwing away to the ground and thought it was going to be a safe incompletion. Dude made n amazing play for sure.


    Josh learned to no longer dirt incompletions from now on and sling it out of bounds instead.

    Why not fire it out of bounds?  Josh certainly has the talent to do that.  Throwing it into the ground in play - can result in disaster obviously...

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  5. I believe our secondary is so well coached, and the backups so ready to play, they could plug any NFL player in there and not drop off too much.   Two rookies started at corner and backups at both safety spots and those guys all held their own for the most part. 

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